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File metadata and controls

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When submitting a workflow

If you get an error which (often) starts with

ERROR matflow.persistence: batch update exception!

and ends with something like

File "hpcflow/sdk/", line 1150, in read_known_submissions_file
File "hpcflow/sdk/", line 1122, in _parse_known_submissions_line
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 8, got 6)

This is sometimes (usually?) caused by updating matflow and leftover submissions info causes the newer matflow version to get confused. The fix? matflow manage clear-known-subs.

When installing and running MatFlow

If you attempt to install an older version of MatFlow (e.g. for analysis of a workflow created using an older version of MatFlow), you might run into something like this:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 import matflow as mf
      3 import numpy as np
      4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

File ~\projects\matflow-new\Lib\site-packages\matflow\
     12 __dir__ = sdk_app.get_app_module_dir()
     14 # set app-level config options:
---> 15 config_options = ConfigOptions(
     16     directory_env_var="MATFLOW_CONFIG_DIR",
     17     default_directory="~/.matflow-new",
     18     sentry_DSN="https://[email protected]/6293231",
     19     sentry_traces_sample_rate=1.0,
     20     sentry_env="main" if "a" in __version__ else "develop",
     21     default_known_configs_dir="github://hpcflow:matflow-configs@main",
     22 )
     24 # load built in template components:
     25 template_components = sdk_app.App.load_builtin_template_component_data(
     26     ""
     27 )

TypeError: ConfigOptions.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sentry_DSN'

The problem is the version of hpcflow-new2 is not constrained to be whatever it was at the time of a given MatFlow release. The example above was using matflow-new version 0.3.0a110 and hpcflow-new2 version 0.2.0a178 , but if we look at the dependencies of that version of MatFlow, we can see it requires hpcflow version 0.2.0a147. The way the dependency is specified should probably be updated. So, to get the correct version of hpcflow (for the case above), you can do: pip install hpcflow-new2==0.2.0a147