This documentation is intended to be a complete reflection of the current state of the exposed metrics of kube-state-metrics.
Any contribution to improving this documentation or adding sample usages will be appreciated.
Stages about metrics are grouped into three categories:
Stage | Description |
EXPERIMENTAL | Metrics which normally correspond to the Kubernetes API object alpha status or spec fields and can be changed at any time. |
STABLE | Metrics which should have very few backwards-incompatible changes outside of major version updates. |
DEPRECATED | Metrics which will be removed once the deprecation timeline is met. |
As of v2.3.0, kube-state-metrics supports additional opt-in metrics via the CLI flag -metric-opt-in-list
. See the metric documentation to identify which metrics need to be specified.
Per group of metrics there is one file for each metrics. See each file for specific documentation about the exposed metrics:
- CertificateSigningRequest Metrics
- ConfigMap Metrics
- CronJob Metrics
- DaemonSet Metrics
- Deployment Metrics
- Endpoint Metrics
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Metrics
- Ingress Metrics
- Job Metrics
- Lease Metrics
- LimitRange Metrics
- MutatingWebhookConfiguration Metrics
- Namespace Metrics
- NetworkPolicy Metrics
- Node Metrics
- PersistentVolume Metrics
- PersistentVolumeClaim Metrics
- Pod Disruption Budget Metrics
- Pod Metrics
- ReplicaSet Metrics
- ReplicationController Metrics
- ResourceQuota Metrics
- Secret Metrics
- Service Metrics
- StatefulSet Metrics
- StorageClass Metrics
- ValidatingWebhookConfiguration Metrics
- VerticalPodAutoscaler Metrics
- VolumeAttachment Metrics
When an additional, not provided by default label is needed, a Prometheus matching operator can be used to extend single metrics output.
This example adds label_release
to the set of default labels of the kube_pod_status_ready
and allows you select or group the metrics by Helm release label:
kube_pod_status_ready * on (namespace, pod) group_left(label_release) kube_pod_labels
Another useful example would be to query the memory usage of pods by its phase
, such as Running
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory"}) by (namespace, pod, node)
* on (namespace, pod) group_left() (sum(kube_pod_status_phase{phase="Running"}) by (pod, namespace) == 1)
See Custom Resource State Metrics for experimental support for custom resources.
Additionally, options for kube-state-metrics
can be passed when executing as a CLI, or in a kubernetes / openshift environment. More information can be found here: CLI Arguments