Our API enables developers to programatically acquire and retire carbon credits with convenient billing and invoicing options.
- Create an account or login with your existing Carbonmark account on our Developer Dashboard.
- Once logged in, visit the Keys page to generate an API key.
- You can create
Test API
key's for free in a Sandbox environment. These can be used to test the API endpoints and for development access. - When you are ready to access paid
Production API
key's, contact our Solutions team to be white-listed and complete onboarding.
{% content-ref url="versioning-and-release-process/" %} versioning-and-release-process {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="retire-carbon/" %} retire-carbon {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="retire-carbon/postman-quickstart-guide.md" %} postman-quickstart-guide.md {% endcontent-ref %}
You can use the Carbonmark REST API to view assets, prices, supply, and other variables.
{% content-ref url="explore-carbon-projects/" %} explore-carbon-projects {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="explore-index-products/" %} explore-index-products {% endcontent-ref %}