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221 lines (196 loc) · 6.11 KB

File metadata and controls

221 lines (196 loc) · 6.11 KB

ERD for the project:

%% Lookup Tables
    languages {
        INT languageId PK
        STRING languageName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    counties {
        INT countyId PK
        STRING countyName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    cities {
        INT cityId PK
        STRING cityName
        INT countyId FK
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    schoolDistricts {
        INT districtId PK
        STRING districtName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    requestStatuses {
        INT requestStatusId PK
        STRING requestStatusName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    sessionStatuses {
        INT sessionStatusId PK
        STRING sessionStatusName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    presentationCategories {
        INT categoryId PK
        STRING categoryName
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

%% Main Tables
    schools {
        INT sId PK
        STRING sName
        STRING sStreetAddress
        INT sDistrictId FK
        INT sCityId FK
        BOOLEAN sGSS
        BOOLEAN sTitle1
        INT sLanguageId FK
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    requests {
        INT rId PK
        INT rsId FK
        STRING rContactName
        STRING rContactEmail
        STRING rContactPhone
        ENUM phone_type(rContactPType)
        STRING rContactBestTimes
        INT rStatusId FK
        STRING rCommunication
        STRING rNotes
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    presentations {
        INT pId PK
        STRING pName
        INT pCategoryId FK
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    funding {
        INT fId PK
        STRING fName
        STRING fCode
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    users {
        INT userId PK
        STRING userName
        STRING userEmail
        STRING userPhone
        BOOLEAN isActive
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

    trainingSessions {
        INT4 tsid PK
        INT4 tsrid FK
        INT4 tssid FK
        INT4 tspid FK
        INT4 tsfid FK
        TEXT tsSName
        TEXT tsContactName
        TEXT tsContactEmail
        TEXT tsContactPhone
        CONTACTPHONRTYPR tsContactPType
        TEXT tsContactBestTimes
        TEXT tsGrades
        REQUESTSTATUS tsStatus
        TEXT tsNotes
        INT4 tsClassrooms
        INT4 tsStudents
        INT4 tsAdults
        DATE tsdate
        TEXT tsEducators
        TEXT tsTeachers
        TIME tsStartTime
        TIME tsEndTime
        TIMESTAMP tsScheduledDatetime
        INT4 tsDuration
        INT4 userid FK
        TIMESTAMP created_at
        TIMESTAMP updated_at

%% Relationships
    cities ||--o{ counties : has
    schools ||--o{ cities : located_in
    schools ||--o{ schoolDistricts : belongs_to
    schools ||--o{ languages : offers
    requests ||--o{ schools : pertains_to
    requests ||--o{ requestStatuses : has
    presentations ||--o{ presentationCategories : belongs_to
    trainingSessions ||--o{ requests : involves
    trainingSessions ||--o{ presentations : includes
    trainingSessions ||--o{ funding : funded_by
    trainingSessions ||--o{ users : conducted_by
    trainingSessions ||--o{ sessionStatuses : has

Order of Insertion

  1. Lookup Tables (no foreign key dependencies):

    • languages
    • counties
    • schoolDistricts
    • phoneTypes
    • requestStatuses
    • sessionStatuses
    • presentationCategories
    • funding
    • users
  2. Main Tables (insert in order of foreign key dependencies):

    • cities (depends on counties)
    • schools (depends on cities, schoolDistricts, languages)
    • requests (depends on schools)
    • presentations (depends on presentationCategories)
    • trainingSessions (depends on requests, presentations, funding, users)

Order of Deletion

When deleting records, start from the dependent tables and move up to the parent tables:

  1. Delete from Main Tables (start with the most dependent):

    • trainingSessions (depends on requests, presentations, funding, users)
    • requests (depends on schools)
    • schools (depends on cities, schoolDistricts, languages)
    • cities (depends on counties)
  2. Delete from Lookup Tables (no dependencies):

    • languages
    • counties
    • schoolDistricts
    • phoneTypes
    • requestStatuses
    • sessionStatuses
    • presentationCategories
    • funding
    • users


  • Make sure to reset the sequences for the tables that have auto-incrementing primary keys once the actual data is populated.
  • Have global styles for the add, edit, view so that the forms look consistent & code is less repetitive.
  • Implement the sorting and filtering for the tables.
  • Implement the search functionality for the tables.
  • Implement the pagination for the tables.
  • Implement multi checkbox selection.
  • Implement the session and cookie management.
  • Have a nice looking Dashboard.
  • Get feedback from the users and make necessary changes.
  • Fix the active/inactive boolean checkboxes/dropdowns in user route.
  • Make sure the cities are not duplicate.
  • Make sure the school is checked against the school name, and stret addressdistrict~~ city for duplicate entry.
  • Add grades information field (string) in the requests as well.
  • Make the grades information field type to be a string in the presentation table.
  • Ask the Ecocycle if there would be a case when more than one users are assigned to a training sessions.
  • For school add/edit form, have the user select the districts first and then populate the schools/counties based on those selected droop down.
  • We only need one enum for phone type to specify whether it is mobile (text message capable) or landline
  • Add registrar to every request.
  • THe UI elements should be in the order specified in the Requirements