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Kilian Brachtendorf edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 11 revisions


Please refer to the example section for an in depth tutorial.

Example Concept
Minimize Rastrigin Part 1 Introduction. Solving numerical problems. Creating a fitness function.
Minimize Rastrigin Part-2 Configure the algorithm. Crossover function
Minimize Rosenbrock Sub populations, migration and multi threading
Charting-,-Visualization-and-result-listener Using result listeners to access data during computation, display charts showing the ga's output. Save results to file for later usage
Custom-categorical-problems Implementing custom non numerical problems


  • Fitness function: the main objective of the genetic algorithm is to minimize a given function, otherwise known as objective function. The fitness value of an individual indicates how good of a solution the given answer represents
  • Individual: a solution to the given problem. An individual holds a unique set of variables which can be applied to the fitness function to compute a value
  • Population: A collection of (solution) individuals
  • Generation: Due to the itterative nature of genetic algorithms a population advances thoruhout time. A population at a given time is called a generation.
  • Search Space: all possible variable combinations
  • Diversity: How similar individuals in a population are. As the generation count progresses the populations are bound (and expected) to diverge to a solution. Keeping a healthy share of distinct individuals in the population prevents the algorithm to get stuck in local minima. A diverse population features individuals with many different traits.
  • Exploration: the act of identifying unique unseen variable combinations in the search space
  • Exploition: the act of utilizing known good variable combinations and thus pruning the search space