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# RSS-Restoration
Restore KSP-RSS to J2000 Eclieptic = 0 to make Solar System not "tilted". For non-Principia users, Tilt'Em MUST be installed.
+For 2-body version of RSS-Restoration, there is a multi-laps mean value for osculating orbital elements.
+I used 8 laps and around 2922 pts for each Solar planet.
+Warrenty for TiltEm: TiltEm's surface effect can only be achieved when the planet has invertRotAltitudeThreshold in kopernicus cfg.
+Thus, I need to manually add inverRotAltitudeThreshold to most bodies, starting from Jupiter for basis test.
+Adding TiltZ may cause camera to turn when you are passing inverRotAltitudeThreshold (but sometimes not?) Experimental.
+Current state: mean orbital elements for main 9 bodies (Mercury to Pluto) has been done. - 2021/10/31
+A thing: I may ban vesta from basic RSS since there are another 2 500km-size rocks (Pallas & Hygiea) in asteroid belt.
+Ceres is okay since Ceres is much larger (900km, and able to reach hydrostatic equilibrium, well-defined as dwarf planet.
+And Ceres fit in much better than Vesta if you look perpendicular to solar system plane, right in the good place between Mars and Jupiter.
+Minor edits: Edited orbit map planets color (for example, lighten Mercury, Earth, Venus orbit)