For example,
Simply import it into WORKSPACE:
name = "com_google_absl",
remote = "",
tag = "20190808",
Some popular libraries don't support bazel natively, but may be resolved by other developers.
Try boost as an example:
name = "com_github_nelhage_rules_boost",
commit = "9f9fb8b2f0213989247c9d5c0e814a8451d18d7f",
remote = "",
shallow_since = "1570056263 -0700",
load("@com_github_nelhage_rules_boost//:boost/boost.bzl", "boost_deps")
Now you can refer to it in BUILD files with @boost//:system
, etc.
It's pretty common to do so. But it needs very solid knowledge with bazel.
name = "civetweb",
url = "",
sha256 = "de7d5e7a2d9551d325898c71e41d437d5f7b51e754b242af897f7be96e713a42",
build_file = "third_party/civetweb.BUILD",
strip_prefix = "civetweb-1.11",
It's NOT recommended, as it breaks the rule of a self-contained bazel WORKSPACE. However, some libraries are very complicated to build with bazel, while the operating system, such as Ubuntu, provides easy installation.
For example,
Please do raise a discussion before doing so. Then we can add it to the docker image:
sudo apt install libopencv-dev libpoco-dev
Then add it as a third_party library in third_party/BUILD.
name = "PocoFoundation",
linkopts = ["-lPocoFoundation"],
Note that in such case, you should include the headers like
#include <Poco/SharedLibrary.h>
instead of #include "Poco/SharedLibrary.h"
as they are in the system path.
For a detailed description on adding a dependency with Bazel, refer to the following: