Leina is much more experience with Z80 Assembly and is able to make better notes than I can.
Password Error will appear when:
- when the last byte is not the right checksum value
- when the bits in the 8d9c struct are set in the bits in the d7a8 struct
- after the 8d9c struct check, if any values in the d7a8 struct are >= 2b
- if the 5 bits that make d6ae are all 0 (as the levels are 1-indexed)
- if d6ae becomes >= $15
You can also do a vram watchpoint instead of searching ram. Doing either leads you to _LABEL_4965_
$d000 - number of letters inputted
$d7a8+ - the inputted string
This bit adds 1 to $d000 inputted
ld a, ($D000)
inc a
cp $10
jr z, _LABEL_499F_
ld ($D000), a
Once all 16 characters are inputted, the password is checked at _LABEL_499F_
, and you'll see a bunch of places where it could jump to _LABEL_4A11_
to print a failure message
- in-place changes characters between $e0+ to $a0+, so all characters are in the $91-$bb range
- in-place subtracts $91 from them so they're in the $00-$2a range
ld hl, _RAM_D7A8_
ld b, $10
ld a, (hl)
cp $E0
jr c, _LABEL_49AB_
sub $40
sub $91
ld (hl), a
inc hl
djnz _LABEL_49A4_
- adds the 1st 14 characters values together
ld hl, _RAM_D7A8_
ld b, $0E
xor a
add a, (hl)
inc hl
djnz _LABEL_49B7_
- gets that value mod $2b, that value must be equal to the last of the 16 characters
sub $2B
jr nc, _LABEL_49BB_
add a, $2B
ld b, a
ld a, ($D7B7)
cp b
jr nz, _LABEL_4A11_
- gets the 2nd last character value, gets its lower 3 bits, then doubles the value (so it's $00-$0e)
- for the 1st 14 characters, it subtracts the above value, looping from $00 to $2b if it's < 0
ld a, ($D7B6)
and $07
add a, a
ld e, a
ld b, $0E
ld hl, _RAM_D7A8_
ld a, (hl)
sub e
jr nc, _LABEL_49DA_
add a, $2B
ld (hl), a
inc hl
djnz _LABEL_49D4_
- For the 1st 15 characters, it makes sure those $00-$2a values don't have certain bits set (by masking against
$C8 $C8 $C8 $C8 $E0 $E0 $E0 $D8 $E0 $D8 $E0 $E0 $E0 $F0 $E0
in $8d9c)
ld de, _RAM_D7A8_
ld hl, $8D9C
ld b, $0F
ld a, (de)
and (hl)
jr nz, _LABEL_4A11_
inc de
inc hl
djnz _LABEL_49E6_
- Finally, it makes sure the 2nd last character's lower 4 bits, combined with the 4th last character's bit 4, are non-0, and lower than $15
ld a, ($D7B6)
and $0F
ld l, a
ld a, ($D7B4)
and $10
or l
jr z, _LABEL_4A11_
cp $15
jr nc, _LABEL_4A11_
call _LABEL_4AC9_
You can try to follow along what's in _LABEL_4AC9_
, especially if you have known ram locations that the password might set, but I'm assuming the bits clear in $8d9c are the relevant flags used to load user data
so after all the transformations, given the masks, the relevant bits in the 15 characters are $37 $37 $37 $37 $1f $1f $1f $27 $1f $27 $1f $1f $1f $0f $1f
Here's the specifics, but of course, 4AC9 does a few more things, which I'll paste after
where ix = $d277
$d7a8 - $37
bit 5 - if set, sets $d6c1 to 1
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+14 to 1
bit 2 - if set, sets ix+17 to 1
bits 0-1 - +1, then *$80
, that word is stored in $d6bc
$d7a9 - $37
bit 5 - if set, sets $d6be and ix+33 to 1
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+31 to 1
bits 0-2 - if non-0, gets the value*5
into $d263, and sets ix+13 to 1
$d7aa - $37
bit 5 - if set, sets $d7a5 to 1
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+20 to 1
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+9
$d7ab - $37
bit 5 - if set, sets $d6bf to 1
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+27 to 1
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+10
$d7ac - $1f
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+18 to 1
bit 3 - if set, sets ix+15 to 1
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+11
$d7ad - $1f
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+16 to 1
bit 3 - if set, sets ix+19 to 1 and $d7a4 to $10
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+12
$d7ae - $1f
bit 4 - if set, sets ix+25 to 1
bit 3 - if set, sets ix+24 to 1
bits 0-2 - the value*32
is stored in $d45c. If non-0, sets ix+4 to 1
$d7af - $27
bit 5 - see $d7b0
bits 0-2 - the value*32
is stored in $d45b. If non-0, sets ix+5 to 1
$d7b0 - $1f
bits 3-4 - combined with $d7af's bit 5, then /8 and stored in ix+29
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+32
$d7b1 - $27
bit 5 - see $d7b2
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+23
$d7b2 - $1f
bits 3-4 - combined with $d7b1's bit 5, then /8 and stored in ix+28
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+26
$d7b3 - $1f
bits 3-4 - see $d7b6
bits 0-2 - stored in ix+22
$d7b4 - $1f
bit 4 - see $d7b6
bits 0-3 - should be stored in $d71c, but $d7b5 overrides it
$d7b5 - $0f
bits 0-3 - stored in $d71c
$d7b6 - $1f
bit 4 - *2 and combined with $d7b3's bits 3-4, then /8 and stored in ix+30
bits 0-3 - combined with $d7b4's bit 4, and stored in $d6ae
Other code run
; At the start of 4AC9
ld bc, $A201
call $0047 (WRTVDP)
call _LABEL_853_
ld a, $01
ld ($D471), a
ld hl, $1800
ld bc, $0300
ld a, $80
call $0056 (FILVRM)
ld hl, _RAM_D43A_
ld de, _RAM_D43A_ + 1
ld (hl), $F0
ld bc, $001F
ld hl, $0000
ld ($D000), hl
ld ($D002), hl
; Before the write to $d71c from $d7b4/$d7b5
ld a, $0E
ld ($A000), a
ld ($E002), a
ld a, ($D6AE)
dec a
ld l, a
ld h, $00
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
ld de, _DATA_1C169_
add hl, de
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
ex de, hl
ld b, (hl)
inc hl
ld de, $0006
ld a, ($D6AE)
cp (hl)
jr z, _LABEL_4CA5_
add hl, de
djnz _LABEL_4C9C_
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
ld ($D6AF), a
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
ld de, $0000
ld bc, $0000
ld a, (hl)
cp $0A
jr nc, _LABEL_4CBD_
ld c, $00
ld e, a
cp $34
jr c, _LABEL_4CC8_
ld c, $2A
sub $2A
ld e, a
sub $0A
and $FE
ld c, a
ld e, $0A
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp $09
jr nc, _LABEL_4CDA_
ld b, $00
ld d, a
cp $35
jr c, _LABEL_4CE5_
ld b, $2C
sub $2C
ld d, a
sub $06
and $FE
ld b, a
ld d, $09
ld ($D4B7), bc
ld ($D4B9), de
ld bc, $0000
ld ($D473), bc
ld ($D474), bc
; After the writes to $d71c
call _LABEL_11F_
ld hl, _DATA_1A1D9_
ld a, ($D6AE)
cp $0C
jr c, _LABEL_4D1F_
ld de, $ABF1
ld a, $01
call _LABEL_B11_
call _LABEL_916_
xor a
ld ($D71F), a
call _LABEL_E1D_
call _LABEL_3464_
ld a, $BE
ld ($D2A3), a
ld a, $01
ld ($D27A), a
ld ($D278), a
ld a, $03
ld ($D275), a
ld a, $01
ld ($D462), a
ld hl, ($D6BC)
ld ($D271), hl
ld a, $FF
ld ($D45A), a
call _LABEL_B2D_
call _LABEL_4183_
ld a, $03
ld ($E002), a
ld ($A000), a
ld hl, $AF10
ld de, $3800
ld bc, $0060
call $005C (LDIRVM)
ld hl, $2D70
ld bc, $00A0
ld a, $F0
call $0056 (FILVRM)
call _LABEL_3077_
call _LABEL_310B_
call _LABEL_50E5_
ld bc, $E201
call $0047 (WRTVDP)
ld a, $13
ld ($D6AC), a