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TDLR: isless for 2-Tuples of Integers is significantly faster if implemented by packing both values into a longer Integer.
While experimenting with ways to improve the performance of sortperm, I noticed that sorting tuples of UInt64 is much slower than sorting UInt128s. But tuples of UInt64s can be packed into a single UInt128:
Sorting 10^7 tuples using by=pack is almost twice as fast on my machine compared to the default.
This can also be seen in the assembly code of the default isless and a modified version with packed integers. Not only is the packed version shorter, it is also branchless:
# %bb.0: # %top pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp,-16movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp; │┌ @ d:\Julia_dev\sorting\tuplecompare\widen3.jl:17 within `pack`; ││┌ @ d:\Julia_dev\sorting\tuplecompare\widen3.jl:5 within `shiftwiden` ; │││┌ @ d:\Julia_dev\sorting\tuplecompare\widen3.jl:5 within `macro expansion`; ││││┌ @ operators.jl:882 within `widen`; │││││┌ @ number.jl:7 within `convert`; ││││││┌ @ boot.jl:790 within `UInt128`; │││││││┌ @ boot.jl:775 within `toUInt128`movq (%rcx), %rax; ││└└└└└└; ││┌ @ int.jl:1040 within `|`; │││┌ @ int.jl:525 within `rem`; ││││┌ @ number.jl:7 within `convert`; │││││┌ @ boot.jl:790 within `UInt128`; ││││││┌ @ boot.jl:775 within `toUInt128`movq8(%rcx), %rcx; │└└└└└└; │ @ d:\Julia_dev\sorting\tuplecompare\widen3.jl:21 within `isless` @ operators.jl:421; │┌ @ int.jl:487 within `<` cmpq 8(%rdx), %rcx sbbq (%rdx), %raxsetb %al; │└; │ @ d:\Julia_dev\sorting\tuplecompare\widen3.jl:21 within `isless` popq %rbp retq.Lfunc_end0: .size julia_isless_1694, .Lfunc_end0-julia_isless_1694 .cfi_endproc; └ # -- End function
So I generalized this for all Integers up to 64 bit, and using
this benchmarking script
using BenchmarkTools
using NamedArrays
n =10^7;
randomTuples!(v::AbstractArray{Tuple{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} =map!(_->(rand(T1),rand(T2)),v,v)
packabletypes = [UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16,UInt32,Int32,UInt64,Int64]
N =length(packabletypes)
# benchmark base
times1 =zeros(N,N)
for (i,T1) inenumerate(packabletypes), (j,T2) inenumerate(packabletypes)
v =zip(rand(T1,n),rand(T2,n)) |> collect;
times1[i,j] =@belapsedsort!($v) setup=(randomTuples!($v)) evals=1end# add isless definitionsimport Base.isless
# widen a until both a and b fit, then shift a into the higher bits@generatedfunctionshiftwiden(a,b)
sizea =sizeof(a)
ex =:awhile sizea <sizeof(b)
ex = :(widen($ex))
sizea *=2end
:(widen($ex) << (8*$sizea))
endmaybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Unsigned= x
maybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Signed=reinterpret(unsigned(T), x ⊻typemin(T))
pack(t::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =shiftwiden(t...) |maybe_flipsignbit(t[2])
isless(a::Tuple{T1, T2}, b::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =isless(pack(a), pack(b))
# benchmark modified
times2 =zeros(N,N)
for (i,T1) inenumerate(packabletypes), (j,T2) inenumerate(packabletypes)
v =zip(rand(T1,n),rand(T2,n)) |> collect;
times2[i,j] =@belapsedsort!($v) setup=(randomTuples!($v)) evals=1end
speedup =NamedArray(round.(times1./times2,sigdigits=3))
setnames!(speedup, string.(packabletypes), 1)
setnames!(speedup, string.(packabletypes), 2)
I get the following speedups for sorting 10^7 tuples, depending on the element types:
This optimization seems not to be useful for longer tuples, because the values are reversed in memory.
Here is a script to test the correctness.
using Test
packabletypes = [UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16,UInt32,Int32,UInt64,Int64]
sizea =sizeof(a)
ex =:awhile sizea <sizeof(b)
ex = :(widen($ex))
sizea *=2end
:(widen($ex) << (8*$sizea))
endmaybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Unsigned= x
maybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Signed=reinterpret(unsigned(T), x ⊻typemin(T))
pack(t::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =shiftwiden(t...) |maybe_flipsignbit(t[2])
newisless(a::Tuple{T1, T2}, b::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =isless(pack(a), pack(b))
getTestvals(T::Type{TT}) where {TT<:Unsigned} = [zero(T), one(T), typemax(T) ⊻one(T), typemax(T)]
getTestvals(T::Type{TT}) where {TT<:Signed} = [typemin(T), typemin(T)+1, -one(T), zero(T), one(T), typemax(T)-1, typemax(T)]
for T1 in packabletypes, T2 in packabletypes
vals1 =getTestvals(T1)
vals2 =getTestvals(T2)
for val_1_1 in vals1, val_2_1 in vals1
for val_1_2 in vals2, val_2_2 in vals2
@testisless((val_1_1,val_1_2),(val_2_1,val_2_2)) ==newisless((val_1_1,val_1_2),(val_2_1,val_2_2))
Is it worth it to inlude this optimization in base Julia?
Code amenable to SIMD vectorization benefits even more:
using BenchmarkTools
using NamedArrays
n =10^3;
randomTuples!(v::AbstractArray{Tuple{T1,T2}}) where {T1,T2} =map!(_->(rand(T1),rand(T2)),v,v)
packabletypes = [UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16,UInt32,Int32,UInt64,Int64]
N =length(packabletypes)
b =0for i ineachindex(v)
for j ineachindex(v)
b +=f(v[i],v[j])
end# benchmark base
times1 =zeros(N,N)
for (i,T1) inenumerate(packabletypes), (j,T2) inenumerate(packabletypes)
v =zip(rand(T1,n),rand(T2,n)) |> collect;
b =zeros(Int,n)
times1[i,j] =@belapsedbenchmarkfun!($v,isless) setup=(randomTuples!($v)) evals=1end# add isless definitions# widen a until both a and b fit, then shift a into the higher bits@generatedfunctionshiftwiden(a,b)
sizea =sizeof(a)
ex =:awhile sizea <sizeof(b)
ex = :(widen($ex))
sizea *=2end
:(widen($ex) << (8*$sizea))
endmaybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Unsigned= x
maybe_flipsignbit(x::T) where T<:Signed=reinterpret(unsigned(T), x ⊻typemin(T))
pack(t::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =shiftwiden(t...) |maybe_flipsignbit(t[2])
newisless(a::Tuple{T1, T2}, b::Tuple{T1, T2}) where {T1<:Union{packabletypes...}, T2<:Union{packabletypes...}} =isless(pack(a), pack(b))
# benchmark modified
times2 =zeros(N,N)
for (i,T1) inenumerate(packabletypes), (j,T2) inenumerate(packabletypes)
v =zip(rand(T1,n),rand(T2,n)) |> collect;
b =zeros(Int,n)
times2[i,j] =@belapsedbenchmarkfun!($v,newisless) setup=(randomTuples!($v)) evals=1end
speedup =NamedArray(round.(times1./times2,sigdigits=3))
setnames!(speedup, string.(packabletypes), 1)
setnames!(speedup, string.(packabletypes), 2)
for 2-Tuples of Integers is significantly faster if implemented by packing both values into a longer Integer.While experimenting with ways to improve the performance of
, I noticed that sorting tuples of UInt64 is much slower than sorting UInt128s. But tuples of UInt64s can be packed into a single UInt128:Sorting 10^7 tuples using by=pack is almost twice as fast on my machine compared to the default.
This can also be seen in the assembly code of the default isless and a modified version with packed integers. Not only is the packed version shorter, it is also branchless:
Assembly for default `isless`
Assembly for packed `isless`
So I generalized this for all Integers up to 64 bit, and using
this benchmarking script
I get the following speedups for sorting 10^7 tuples, depending on the element types:
(on this system)
Using a sorting function with branchless comparisons, the speedup is even bigger:
This optimization seems not to be useful for longer tuples, because the values are reversed in memory.
Here is a script to test the correctness.
Is it worth it to inlude this optimization in base Julia?
Code amenable to SIMD vectorization benefits even more:
Extra benchmark of the regular sort! on different hardware
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