that is identified by id #documenter.
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+ /* Based on the Tomorrow Night Eighties theme: */
+ /* @author: ericwbailey */
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+ .content kbd.navbar .navbar-brand .navbar-link:focus,
+ .navbar-brand .navbar-link:hover,
+ .content kbd.navbar .navbar-brand .navbar-link:hover,
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+ background-color: #292929;
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+ .content kbd.navbar .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover,
+ .navbar-start,
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+ .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover,
+ .content kbd.navbar .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover,
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+ .content kbd.navbar .navbar-end .navbar-link:focus,
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+ .docstring > section > .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus,
+ .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover,
+ .docstring > section > .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover,
+ .navbar-start,
+ .docstring > section > .navbar-start,
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+ .docstring > section > .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:focus,
+ .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover,
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+ .docstring > section > .navbar-end .navbar-link:hover,
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+ .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus,
+ .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover,
+ .navbar-start,
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+ .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover,
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+ .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus,
+ .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover,
+ .navbar-start,
+ .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:focus,
+ .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover,
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+ .navbar-end .navbar-link:hover,
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+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } }
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index 00000000..d4666841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.5.4/assets/themeswap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Small function to quickly swap out themes. Gets put into the tag..
+function set_theme_from_local_storage() {
+ // Browser does not support Web Storage, bail early.
+ if(typeof(window.localStorage) === "undefined") return;
+ // Get the user-picked theme from localStorage. May be `null`, which means the default
+ // theme.
+ var theme = window.localStorage.getItem("documenter-theme");
+ // Initialize a few variables for the loop:
+ //
+ // - active: will contain the index of the theme that should be active. Note that there
+ // is no guarantee that localStorage contains sane values. If `active` stays `null`
+ // we either could not find the theme or it is the default (primary) theme anyway.
+ // Either way, we then need to stick to the primary theme.
+ //
+ // - disabled: style sheets that should be disabled (i.e. all the theme style sheets
+ // that are not the currently active theme)
+ var active = null; var disabled = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
+ var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
+ // The tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
+ // which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
+ var themename = ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name");
+ // attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
+ if(themename === null) continue;
+ // To distinguish the default (primary) theme, it needs to have the data-theme-primary
+ // attribute set.
+ var isprimary = (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary") !== null);
+ // If we find a matching theme (and it's not the default), we'll set active to non-null
+ if(!isprimary && themename === theme) active = i;
+ // Store the style sheets of inactive themes so that we could disable them
+ if(themename !== theme) disabled.push(ss);
+ }
+ if(active !== null) {
+ // If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to
+ document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = "theme--" + theme;
+ // and (2) disable all the other theme stylesheets
+ disabled.forEach(function(ss){
+ ss.disabled = true;
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/v0.5.4/differentiation/index.html b/v0.5.4/differentiation/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c73ec7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.5.4/differentiation/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Differentiation · MultivariatePolynomials Given a polynomial, say $p(x, y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1$ , we can differentiate it by a variable, say $x$ and get $\partial p(x, y) / \partial x = 6xy + 1$ . We can also differentiate it by both of its variable and get the vector $[6xy+1, 3x^2+1]$ .
differentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::AbstractVariable, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)
Differentiate deg
times the polynomial p
by the variable v
differentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)
Differentiate deg
times the polynomial p
by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs
and return an array of dimension deg
. It is recommended to pass deg
as a Val
instance when the degree is known at compile time, e.g. differentiate(p, v, Val{2}())
instead of differentiate(p, x, 2)
, as this will help the compiler infer the return type.
differentiate(p::AbstractArray{<:AbstractPolynomialLike, N}, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1) where N
Differentiate the polynomials in p
by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs
and return an array of dimension N+deg
. If p
is an AbstractVector
this returns the Jacobian of p
where the i-th row containts the partial derivaties of p[i]
p = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1
+differentiate(p, x) # should return 6xy + 1
+differentiate(p, x, Val{1}()) # equivalent to the above
+differentiate(p, (x, y)) # should return [6xy+1, 3x^2+1]
+differentiate( [x^2+y, z^2+4x], [x, y, z]) # should return [2x 1 0; 4 0 2z]
source Given a polynomial, say p(x, y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1
, we can antidifferentiate it by a variable, say x
and get $\int_0^x p(X, y)\mathrm{d}X = x^3y + 1/2x^2 + 2xy + x$ . We can also antidifferentiate it by both of its variable and get the vector [x^3y + 1/2x^2 + 2xy + x, 3/2x^2y^2 + xy + y^2 + y]
antidifferentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::AbstractVariable, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)
Antidifferentiate deg
times the polynomial p
by the variable v
. The free constant involved by the antidifferentiation is set to 0.
antidifferentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)
Antidifferentiate deg
times the polynomial p
by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs
and return an array of dimension deg
. It is recommended to pass deg
as a Val
instance when the degree is known at compile time, e.g. antidifferentiate(p, v, Val{2}())
instead of antidifferentiate(p, x, 2)
, as this will help the compiler infer the return type.
p = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1
+antidifferentiate(p, x) # should return 3x^3* + 1/2*x + 2xy + x
+antidifferentiate(p, x, Val{1}()) # equivalent to the above
+antidifferentiate(p, (x, y)) # should return [3x^3* + 1/2*x + 2xy + x, 3/2x^2*y^2 + xy + y^2 + y]
documenter-light documenter-dark
This document was generated with Documenter.jl on Monday 8 January 2024 . Using Julia version 1.10.0.
diff --git a/v0.5.4/division/index.html b/v0.5.4/division/index.html
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+Division · MultivariatePolynomials The gcd
and lcm
functions of Base
have been implemented for monomials, you have for example gcd(x^2*y^7*z^3, x^4*y^5*z^2)
returning x^2*y^5*z^2
and lcm(x^2*y^7*z^3, x^4*y^5*z^2)
returning x^4*y^7*z^3
Given two polynomials, $p$ and $d$ , there are unique $r$ and $q$ such that $p = q d + r$ and the leading term of $d$ does not divide the leading term of $r$ . You can obtain $q$ using the div
function and $r$ using the rem
function. The divrem
function returns $(q, r)$ .
Given a polynomial $p$ and divisors $d_1, \ldots, d_n$ , one can find $r$ and $q_1, \ldots, q_n$ such that $p = q_1 d_1 + \cdots + q_n d_n + r$ and none of the leading terms of $q_1, \ldots, q_n$ divide the leading term of $r$ . You can obtain the vector $[q_1, \ldots, q_n]$ using div(p, d)
where $d = [d_1, \ldots, d_n]$ and $r$ using the rem
function with the same arguments. The divrem
function returns $(q, r)$ .
divides(t1::AbstractTermLike, t2::AbstractTermLike)
Returns whether the monomial of t1 divides the monomial of t2.
Calling divides(2x^2y, 3xy)
should return false because x^2y
does not divide xy
since x
has a degree 2 in x^2y
which is greater than the degree of x
on xy
. However, calling divides(3xy, 2x^2y)
should return true.
source div_multiple(a, b, ma::MA.MutableTrait)
Return the division of a
by b
assuming that a
is a multiple of b
. If a
is not a multiple of b
then this function may return anything.
source pseudo_rem(f::_APL, g::_APL, algo)
Return the pseudo remainder of f
modulo g
as defined in [Knu14, Algorithm R, p. 425].
[Knu14] Knuth, D.E., 2014. Art of computer programming, volume 2: Seminumerical algorithms. Addison-Wesley Professional. Third edition.
source rem_or_pseudo_rem(f::_APL, g::_APL, algo)
If the coefficient type is a field, return rem
, otherwise, return pseudo_rem
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+Introduction · MultivariatePolynomials MultivariatePolynomials.jl is an implementation independent library for manipulating multivariate polynomials. It defines abstract types and an API for multivariate monomials, terms, polynomials and gives default implementation for common operations on them using the API.
On the one hand, This packages allows you to implement algorithms on multivariate polynomials that will be independant on the representation of the polynomial that will be chosen by the user. On the other hand, it allows the user to easily switch between different representations of polynomials to see which one is faster for the algorithm that he is using.
Supported operations are : basic arithmetic, rational polynomials, evaluation/substitution, differentiation and division.
The following packages provide representations of multivariate polynomials that implement the interface:
The following packages extend the interface and/or implement algorithms using the interface:
SemialgebraicSets : Sets defined by inequalities and equalities between polynomials and algorithms for solving polynomial systems of equations.HomotopyContinuation : Solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.MultivariateBases : Standardized API for multivariate polynomial bases.MultivariateMoments : Moments of multivariate measures and their scalar product with polynomials.PolyJuMP : A JuMP extension for Polynomial Optimization.SumOfSquares : Certifying the nonnegativity of polynomials, minimizing/maximizing polynomials and optimization over sum of squares polynomials using Sum of Squares Programming.
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This document was generated with Documenter.jl on Monday 8 January 2024 . Using Julia version 1.10.0.
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+Search · MultivariatePolynomials
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This document was generated with Documenter.jl on Monday 8 January 2024 . Using Julia version 1.10.0.
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+var documenterSearchIndex = {"docs":
+[{"location":"differentiation/#Differentiation-1","page":"Differentiation","title":"Differentiation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"differentiation/#","page":"Differentiation","title":"Differentiation","text":"Given a polynomial, say p(x y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1, we can differentiate it by a variable, say x and get partial p(x y) partial x = 6xy + 1. We can also differentiate it by both of its variable and get the vector 6xy+1 3x^2+1.","category":"page"},{"location":"differentiation/#","page":"Differentiation","title":"Differentiation","text":"differentiate","category":"page"},{"location":"differentiation/#MultivariatePolynomials.differentiate","page":"Differentiation","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.differentiate","text":"differentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::AbstractVariable, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)\n\nDifferentiate deg times the polynomial p by the variable v.\n\ndifferentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)\n\nDifferentiate deg times the polynomial p by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs and return an array of dimension deg. It is recommended to pass deg as a Val instance when the degree is known at compile time, e.g. differentiate(p, v, Val{2}()) instead of differentiate(p, x, 2), as this will help the compiler infer the return type.\n\ndifferentiate(p::AbstractArray{<:AbstractPolynomialLike, N}, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1) where N\n\nDifferentiate the polynomials in p by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs and return an array of dimension N+deg. If p is an AbstractVector this returns the Jacobian of p where the i-th row containts the partial derivaties of p[i].\n\nExamples\n\np = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1\ndifferentiate(p, x) # should return 6xy + 1\ndifferentiate(p, x, Val{1}()) # equivalent to the above\ndifferentiate(p, (x, y)) # should return [6xy+1, 3x^2+1]\ndifferentiate( [x^2+y, z^2+4x], [x, y, z]) # should return [2x 1 0; 4 0 2z]\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"differentiation/#Antidifferentiation-1","page":"Differentiation","title":"Antidifferentiation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"differentiation/#","page":"Differentiation","title":"Differentiation","text":"Given a polynomial, say p(x, y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1, we can antidifferentiate it by a variable, say x and get int_0^x p(X y)mathrmdX = x^3y + 12x^2 + 2xy + x. We can also antidifferentiate it by both of its variable and get the vector [x^3y + 1/2x^2 + 2xy + x, 3/2x^2y^2 + xy + y^2 + y].","category":"page"},{"location":"differentiation/#","page":"Differentiation","title":"Differentiation","text":"antidifferentiate","category":"page"},{"location":"differentiation/#MultivariatePolynomials.antidifferentiate","page":"Differentiation","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.antidifferentiate","text":"antidifferentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::AbstractVariable, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)\n\nAntidifferentiate deg times the polynomial p by the variable v. The free constant involved by the antidifferentiation is set to 0.\n\nantidifferentiate(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, vs, deg::Union{Int, Val}=1)\n\nAntidifferentiate deg times the polynomial p by the variables of the vector or tuple of variable vs and return an array of dimension deg. It is recommended to pass deg as a Val instance when the degree is known at compile time, e.g. antidifferentiate(p, v, Val{2}()) instead of antidifferentiate(p, x, 2), as this will help the compiler infer the return type.\n\nExamples\n\np = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1\nantidifferentiate(p, x) # should return 3x^3* + 1/2*x + 2xy + x\nantidifferentiate(p, x, Val{1}()) # equivalent to the above\nantidifferentiate(p, (x, y)) # should return [3x^3* + 1/2*x + 2xy + x, 3/2x^2*y^2 + xy + y^2 + y]\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"substitution/#Subtitution-1","page":"Substitution","title":"Subtitution","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"substitution/#","page":"Substitution","title":"Substitution","text":"Given a polynomial, say p(x y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1, one can evaluate it at a given point, e.g. p(2 1) = 12 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 17 or substitute one or more variable by a value or polynomial, e.g. p(x xy^2 + 1) = 3x^2(xy^2+1) + x + 2(xy^2+1) + 1 = 3x^3y^2 + 2xy^2 + 3x^2 + x + 3. We distinguish the two operation as follows","category":"page"},{"location":"substitution/#","page":"Substitution","title":"Substitution","text":"We call an evaluation an operation where every variable should be replace by a new value or polynomial, the syntax is p(x => 2, y => 1).\nWe call a subsitution an operation where some (or all variables) are subtituted into a new value or polynomial, the syntax is subs(p, y => x*y^2 + 1).","category":"page"},{"location":"substitution/#","page":"Substitution","title":"Substitution","text":"The distinction is important for type stability for some implementations (it is important for DynamicPolynomials but not for TypedPolynomials). Indeed consider a polynomial with Int coefficients for which we ask to replace some variables with Int values. If all the variables are replaced with Ints, the return type should be Int. However, if some variables only are replaced by Int then the return type should be a polynomial with Int coefficients.","category":"page"},{"location":"substitution/#","page":"Substitution","title":"Substitution","text":"subs","category":"page"},{"location":"substitution/#MultivariatePolynomials.subs","page":"Substitution","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.subs","text":"subs(p, s::AbstractSubstitution...)\n\nApply the substitutions s to p. Use p(s...) if we are sure that all the variables are substited in s.\n\nThe allowed substutions are:\n\nv => p where v is a variable and p a polynomial, e.g. x => 1 or x => x^2*y + x + y.\nV => P where V is a tuple or vector of variables and P a tuple or vector of polynomials, e.g. (x, y) => (y, x) or (y, x) => (2, 1).\n\nThe order of the variables is lexicographic with the name with TypedPolynomials and by order of creation with DynamicPolynomials. Since there is no guarantee on the order of the variables, substitution directly with a tuple or a vector is not allowed. You can use p(variables(p) => (1, 2)) instead if you are sure of the order of the variables (e.g. the name order matches the creation order).\n\nExamples\n\np = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1\np(x => 2, y => 1) # Return type is Int\nsubs(p, x => 2, y => 1) # Return type is Int in TypedPolynomials but is a polynomial of Int coefficients in DynamicPolynomials\nsubs(p, y => x*y^2 + 1)\np(y => 2) # Do not do that, this works fine with TypedPolynomials but it will not return a correct result with DynamicPolynomials since it thinks that the return type is `Int`.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"division/#Division-1","page":"Division","title":"Division","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"division/#","page":"Division","title":"Division","text":"The gcd and lcm functions of Base have been implemented for monomials, you have for example gcd(x^2*y^7*z^3, x^4*y^5*z^2) returning x^2*y^5*z^2 and lcm(x^2*y^7*z^3, x^4*y^5*z^2) returning x^4*y^7*z^3.","category":"page"},{"location":"division/#","page":"Division","title":"Division","text":"Given two polynomials, p and d, there are unique r and q such that p = q d + r and the leading term of d does not divide the leading term of r. You can obtain q using the div function and r using the rem function. The divrem function returns (q r).","category":"page"},{"location":"division/#","page":"Division","title":"Division","text":"Given a polynomial p and divisors d_1 ldots d_n, one can find r and q_1 ldots q_n such that p = q_1 d_1 + cdots + q_n d_n + r and none of the leading terms of q_1 ldots q_n divide the leading term of r. You can obtain the vector q_1 ldots q_n using div(p, d) where d = d_1 ldots d_n and r using the rem function with the same arguments. The divrem function returns (q r).","category":"page"},{"location":"division/#","page":"Division","title":"Division","text":"divides\ndiv_multiple\npseudo_rem\nrem_or_pseudo_rem","category":"page"},{"location":"division/#MultivariatePolynomials.divides","page":"Division","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.divides","text":"divides(t1::AbstractTermLike, t2::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns whether the monomial of t1 divides the monomial of t2.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling divides(2x^2y, 3xy) should return false because x^2y does not divide xy since x has a degree 2 in x^2y which is greater than the degree of x on xy. However, calling divides(3xy, 2x^2y) should return true.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"division/#MultivariatePolynomials.div_multiple","page":"Division","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.div_multiple","text":"div_multiple(a, b, ma::MA.MutableTrait)\n\nReturn the division of a by b assuming that a is a multiple of b. If a is not a multiple of b then this function may return anything.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"division/#MultivariatePolynomials.pseudo_rem","page":"Division","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.pseudo_rem","text":"pseudo_rem(f::_APL, g::_APL, algo)\n\nReturn the pseudo remainder of f modulo g as defined in [Knu14, Algorithm R, p. 425].\n\n[Knu14] Knuth, D.E., 2014. Art of computer programming, volume 2: Seminumerical algorithms. Addison-Wesley Professional. Third edition.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"division/#MultivariatePolynomials.rem_or_pseudo_rem","page":"Division","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.rem_or_pseudo_rem","text":"rem_or_pseudo_rem(f::_APL, g::_APL, algo)\n\nIf the coefficient type is a field, return rem, otherwise, return pseudo_rem.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#MultivariatePolynomials-1","page":"Introduction","title":"MultivariatePolynomials","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"MultivariatePolynomials.jl is an implementation independent library for manipulating multivariate polynomials. It defines abstract types and an API for multivariate monomials, terms, polynomials and gives default implementation for common operations on them using the API.","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"On the one hand, This packages allows you to implement algorithms on multivariate polynomials that will be independant on the representation of the polynomial that will be chosen by the user. On the other hand, it allows the user to easily switch between different representations of polynomials to see which one is faster for the algorithm that he is using.","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"Supported operations are : basic arithmetic, rational polynomials, evaluation/substitution, differentiation and division.","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"The following packages provide representations of multivariate polynomials that implement the interface:","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"TypedPolynomials : Commutative polynomials of arbitrary coefficient types\nDynamicPolynomials : Commutative and non-commutative polynomials of arbitrary coefficient types","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"The following packages extend the interface and/or implement algorithms using the interface:","category":"page"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"SemialgebraicSets : Sets defined by inequalities and equalities between polynomials and algorithms for solving polynomial systems of equations.\nHomotopyContinuation : Solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.\nMultivariateBases : Standardized API for multivariate polynomial bases.\nMultivariateMoments : Moments of multivariate measures and their scalar product with polynomials.\nPolyJuMP : A JuMP extension for Polynomial Optimization.\nSumOfSquares : Certifying the nonnegativity of polynomials, minimizing/maximizing polynomials and optimization over sum of squares polynomials using Sum of Squares Programming.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Contents-1","page":"Introduction","title":"Contents","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"#","page":"Introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"Pages = [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"]\nDepth = 3","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"CurrentModule = MultivariatePolynomials","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#Types-1","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#Variables-1","page":"Types","title":"Variables","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"AbstractVariable\nvariable\nname\nname_base_indices\nvariable_union_type\nsimilar_variable\n@similar_variable\nconj(::AbstractVariable)\nreal(::AbstractVariable)\nimag(::AbstractVariable)\nisreal(::AbstractVariable)\nisrealpart\nisimagpart\nisconj\nordinary_variable","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractVariable","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractVariable","text":"AbstractVariable <: AbstractMonomialLike\n\nAbstract type for a variable.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.variable","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.variable","text":"variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nConverts p to a variable. Throws InexactError if it is not possible.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling variable(x^2 + x - x^2) should return the variable x and calling variable(1.0y) should return the variable y however calling variable(2x) or variable(x + y) should throw InexactError.\n\nNote\n\nThis operation is not type stable for the TypedPolynomials implementation if nvariables(p) > 1 but is type stable for DynamicPolynomials.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/","page":"Types","title":"","text":"name(v::AbstractVariable)::AbstractString\n\nReturns the name of a variable.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.name_base_indices","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.name_base_indices","text":"name_base_indices(v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the name of the variable (as a String or Symbol) and its indices as a Vector{Int} or tuple of Ints.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.variable_union_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.variable_union_type","text":"variable_union_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn the supertype for variables of p. If p is a variable, it should not be the type of p but the supertype of all variables that could be created.\n\nExamples\n\nFor TypedPolynomials, a variable of name x has type Variable{:x} so variable_union_type should return Variable. For DynamicPolynomials, all variables have the same type Variable{C} where C is true for commutative variables and false for non-commutative ones so variable_union_type should return Variable{C}.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.similar_variable","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.similar_variable","text":"similar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, variable::Type{Val{V}})\n\nCreates a new variable V based upon the the given source polynomial.\n\nsimilar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::Symbol)\n\nCreates a new variable based upon the given source polynomial and the given symbol v. Note that this can lead to type instabilities.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling similar_variable(typedpoly, Val{:x}) on a polynomial created with TypedPolynomials results in TypedPolynomials.Variable{:x}.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.@similar_variable","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.@similar_variable","text":"@similar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, variable)\n\nCalls similar_variable(p, Val{variable}) and binds the result to a variable with the same name.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling @similar_variable typedpoly x on a polynomial created with TypedPolynomials binds TypedPolynomials.Variable{:x} to the variable x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"macro"},{"location":"types/#Base.conj-Tuple{AbstractVariable}","page":"Types","title":"Base.conj","text":"conj(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn the complex conjugate of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return the variable unchanged.\n\nSee also isreal, isconj.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.real-Tuple{AbstractVariable}","page":"Types","title":"Base.real","text":"real(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn the real part of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return the variable unchanged.\n\nSee also imag.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.imag-Tuple{AbstractVariable}","page":"Types","title":"Base.imag","text":"imag(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn the imaginary part of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return zero.\n\nSee also isreal, isimagpart, real.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.isreal-Tuple{AbstractVariable}","page":"Types","title":"Base.isreal","text":"isreal(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn whether a given variable was declared as a real-valued or complex-valued variable (also their conjugates are complex, but their real and imaginary parts are not). By default, all variables are real-valued.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.isrealpart","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.isrealpart","text":"isrealpart(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn whether the given variable is the real part of a complex-valued variable.\n\nSee also isreal, isimagpart, isconj.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.isimagpart","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.isimagpart","text":"isimagpart(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn whether the given variable is the imaginary part of a complex-valued variable.\n\nSee also isreal, isrealpart, isconj.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.isconj","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.isconj","text":"isconj(x::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn whether the given variable is obtained by conjugating a user-defined complex-valued variable.\n\nSee also isreal, isrealpart, isimagpart.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.ordinary_variable","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.ordinary_variable","text":"ordinary_variable(x::Union{AbstractVariable, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVariable}})\n\nGiven some (complex-valued) variable that was transformed by conjugation, taking its real part, or taking its imaginary part, return the original variable as it was defined by the user.\n\nSee also conj, real, imag.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Monomials-1","page":"Types","title":"Monomials","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"AbstractMonomialLike\nAbstractMonomial\nmonomial_type\nvariables\neffective_variables\nnvariables\nexponents\ndegree\nisconstant\npowers\nconstant_monomial\nmap_exponents\nmultiplication_preserves_monomial_order","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomialLike","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomialLike","text":"AbstractMonomialLike\n\nAbstract type for a value that can act like a monomial. For instance, an AbstractVariable is an AbstractMonomialLike since it can act as a monomial of one variable with degree 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomial","text":"AbstractMonomial <: AbstractMonomialLike\n\nAbstract type for a monomial, i.e. a product of variables elevated to a nonnegative integer power.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_type","text":"monomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn the type of the monomials of p.\n\nterm_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike\n\nReturns the type of the monomials of a polynomial of type PT.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.variables","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.variables","text":"variables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the tuple of the variables of p in decreasing order. It could contain variables of zero degree, see the example section.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling variables(x^2*y) should return (x, y) and calling variables(x) should return (x,). Note that the variables of m does not necessarily have nonzero degree. For instance, variables([x^2*y, y*z][1]) is usually (x, y, z) since the two monomials have been promoted to a common type.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.effective_variables","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.effective_variables","text":"effective_variables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn a vector of eltype variable_union_type(p) (see variable_union_type), containing all the variables that has nonzero degree in at least one term. That is, return all the variables v such that maxdegree(p, v) is not zero. The returned vector is sorted in decreasing order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.nvariables","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.nvariables","text":"nvariables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the number of variables in p, i.e. length(variables(p)). It could be more than the number of variables with nonzero degree (see the Examples section of variables).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling nvariables(x^2*y) should return at least 2 and calling nvariables(x) should return at least 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.exponents","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.exponents","text":"exponents(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns the exponent of the variables in the monomial of the term t.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling exponents(x^2*y) should return (2, 1).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/","page":"Types","title":"","text":"degree(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns the total degree of the monomial of the term t, i.e. sum(exponents(t)).\n\ndegree(t::AbstractTermLike, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the exponent of the variable v in the monomial of the term t.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling degree(x^2*y) should return 3 which is 2 + 1. Calling degree(x^2*y, x) should return 2 and calling degree(x^2*y, y) should return 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.isconstant","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.isconstant","text":"isconstant(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns whether the monomial of t is constant.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.powers","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.powers","text":"powers(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns an iterator over the powers of the monomial of t.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling powers(3x^4*y) should return((x, 4), (y, 1))`.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.constant_monomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.constant_monomial","text":"constant_monomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns a constant monomial of the monomial type of p with the same variables as p.\n\nconstant_monomial(::Type{PT}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}\n\nReturns a constant monomial of the monomial type of a polynomial of type PT.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.map_exponents","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.map_exponents","text":"map_exponents(f, m1::AbstractMonomialLike, m2::AbstractMonomialLike)\n\nIf m_1 = prod x^alpha_i and m_2 = prod x^beta_i then it returns the monomial m = prod x^f(alpha_i beta_i).\n\nExamples\n\nThe multiplication m1 * m2 is equivalent to map_exponents(+, m1, m2), the unsafe division div_multiple(m1, m2) is equivalent to map_exponents(-, m1, m2), gcd(m1, m2) is equivalent to map_exponents(min, m1, m2), lcm(m1, m2) is equivalent to map_exponents(max, m1, m2).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.multiplication_preserves_monomial_order","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.multiplication_preserves_monomial_order","text":"multiplication_preserves_monomial_order(P::Type{<:AbstractPolynomialLike})\n\nReturns a Bool indicating whether the order is preserved in the multiplication of monomials of type monomial_type(P). That is, if a < b then a * c < b * c for any monomial c. This returns true by default. This is used by Polynomial so a monomial type for which the multiplication does not preserve the monomial order can still be used with Polynomial if it implements a method for this function that returns false.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Ordering-1","page":"Types","title":"Ordering","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"AbstractMonomialOrdering\nordering\ncompare\nLexOrder\nInverseLexOrder\nGraded\nReverse","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomialOrdering","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractMonomialOrdering","text":"abstract type AbstractMonomialOrdering end\n\nAbstract type for monomial ordering as defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.1, p. 55]\n\n[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.ordering","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.ordering","text":"ordering(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the AbstractMonomialOrdering used for the monomials of p.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/","page":"Types","title":"","text":"compare(a, b, order::Type{<:AbstractMonomialOrdering})\n\nReturns a negative number if a < b, a positive number if a > b and zero if a == b. The comparison is done according to order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.LexOrder","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.LexOrder","text":"struct LexOrder <: AbstractMonomialOrdering end\n\nLexicographic (Lex for short) Order often abbreviated as lex order as defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.3, p. 56]\n\nThe Graded version is often abbreviated as grlex order and is defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.5, p. 58]\n\n[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.InverseLexOrder","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.InverseLexOrder","text":"struct InverseLexOrder <: AbstractMonomialOrdering end\n\nInverse Lex Order defined in [CLO13, Exercise 2.2.6, p. 61] where it is abbreviated as invlex. It corresponds to LexOrder but with the variables in reverse order.\n\nThe Graded version can be abbreviated as grinvlex order. It is defined in [BDD13, Definition 2.1] where it is called Graded xel order.\n\n[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. [BDD13] Batselier, K., Dreesen, P., & De Moor, B. The geometry of multivariate polynomial division and elimination. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34(1), 102-125, 2013.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.Graded","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.Graded","text":"struct Graded{O<:AbstractMonomialOrdering} <: AbstractMonomialOrdering\n same_degree_ordering::O\nend\n\nMonomial ordering defined by:\n\ndegree(a) == degree(b) then the ordering is determined by same_degree_ordering,\notherwise, it is the ordering between the integers degree(a) and degree(b).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.Reverse","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.Reverse","text":"struct Reverse{O<:AbstractMonomialOrdering} <: AbstractMonomialOrdering\n reverse_order::O\nend\n\nMonomial ordering defined by compare(a, b, ::Type{Reverse{O}}) where {O} = compare(b, a, O).\n\nReverse Lex Order defined in [CLO13, Exercise 2.2.9, p. 61] where it is abbreviated as rinvlex. can be obtained as Reverse(InverseLexOrder()).\n\nThe Graded Reverse Lex Order often abbreviated as grevlex order defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.6, p. 58] can be obtained as Graded(Reverse(InverseLexOrder())).\n\n[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#Terms-1","page":"Types","title":"Terms","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"AbstractTermLike\nAbstractTerm\nTerm\nterm\nterm_type\ncoefficient\ncoefficient_type\nmonomial\nconstant_term\nzero_term\ndegree_complex\nhalfdegree","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractTermLike","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractTermLike","text":"AbstractTermLike{T}\n\nAbstract type for a value that can act like a term. For instance, an AbstractMonomial is an AbstractTermLike{Int} since it can act as a term with coefficient 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractTerm","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractTerm","text":"AbstractTerm{T} <: AbstractTermLike{T}\n\nAbstract type for a term of coefficient type T, i.e. the product between a value of type T and a monomial.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.Term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.Term","text":"struct Term{CoeffType,M<:AbstractMonomial} <: AbstractTerm{CoeffType}\n coefficient::CoeffType\n monomial::M\nend\n\nA representation of the multiplication between a coefficient and a monomial.\n\nnote: Note\nThe coefficient does not need to be a Number. It can be for instance a multivariate polynomial. When computing a multivariate gcd, it is actually reformulated as a univariate gcd in one of the variable with coefficients being multivariate polynomials in the other variables. To create such a term, use term instead of *. For instance, if p is a polynomial and m is a monomial, p * m will multiply each term of p with m but term(p, m) will create a term with p as coefficient and m as monomial.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.term","text":"term(coef, mono::AbstractMonomialLike)\n\nReturns a term with coefficient coef and monomial mono. There are two key difference between this and coef * mono:\n\nterm(coef, mono) does not copy coef and mono so modifying this term with MutableArithmetics may modifying the input of this function. To avoid this, call term(MA.copy_if_mutable(coef), MA.copy_if_mutable(mono)) where MA = MutableArithmetics.\nSuppose that coef = (x + 1) and mono = x^2, coef * mono gives the polynomial with integer coefficients x^3 + x^2 which term(x + 1, x^2) gives a term with polynomial coefficient x + 1.\nterm(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nConverts the polynomial p to a term. When applied on a polynomial, it throws an InexactError if it has more than one term. When applied to a term, it is the identity and does not copy it. When applied to a monomial, it create a term of type AbstractTerm{Int}.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.term_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.term_type","text":"term_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the type of the terms of p.\n\nterm_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike\n\nReturns the type of the terms of a polynomial of type PT.\n\nterm_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T\n\nReturns the type of the terms of p but with coefficient type T.\n\nterm_type(::Type{PT}, ::Type{T}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike, T}\n\nReturns the type of the terms of a polynomial of type PT but with coefficient type T.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient","text":"coefficient(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns the coefficient of the term t.\n\ncoefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, m::AbstractMonomialLike)\n\nReturns the coefficient of the monomial m in p.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling coefficient on 4x^2y should return 4. Calling coefficient(2x + 4y^2 + 3, y^2) should return 4. Calling coefficient(2x + 4y^2 + 3, x^2) should return 0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient_type","text":"coefficient_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the coefficient type of p.\n\ncoefficient_type(::Type{PT}) where PT\n\nReturns the coefficient type of a polynomial of type PT.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling coefficient_type on (45)x^2y should return Rational{Int}, calling coefficient_type on 10x^2y + 20x should return Float64 and calling coefficient_type on xy should return Int.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monomial","text":"monomial(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturns the monomial of the term t.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling monomial on 4x^2y should return x^2y.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.constant_term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.constant_term","text":"constant_term(α, p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nCreates a constant term with coefficient α and the same variables as p.\n\nconstant_term(α, ::Type{PT} where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}\n\nCreates a constant term of the term type of a polynomial of type PT.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.zero_term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.zero_term","text":"zero_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike{T}) where T\n\nEquivalent to constant_term(zero(T), p).\n\nzero_term(α, ::Type{PT} where {T, PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike{T}}\n\nEquivalent to constant_term(zero(T), PT).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.degree_complex","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.degree_complex","text":"degree_complex(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturn the total complex degree of the monomial of the term t, i.e., the maximum of the total degree of the declared variables in t and the total degree of the conjugate variables in t. To be well-defined, the monomial must not contain real parts or imaginary parts of variables.\n\ndegree_complex(t::AbstractTermLike, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the exponent of the variable v or its conjugate in the monomial of the term t, whatever is larger.\n\nSee also isconj.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.halfdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.halfdegree","text":"halfdegree(t::AbstractTermLike)\n\nReturn the equivalent of ceil(degree(t)/2)for real-valued terms ordegree_complex(t)` for terms with only complex variables; however, respect any mixing between complex and real-valued variables.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Polynomials-1","page":"Types","title":"Polynomials","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"AbstractPolynomialLike\nAbstractPolynomial\nPolynomial\npolynomial\npolynomial_type\nterms\nnterms\ncoefficients\ncoefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, m::AbstractMonomialLike, vars)\nmonomials\nmindegree\nmaxdegree\nextdegree\nleading_term\nleading_coefficient\nleading_monomial\nremove_leading_term\nremove_monomials\nfilter_terms\nOfDegree\nmonic\nmap_coefficients\nmap_coefficients!\nmap_coefficients_to!\nconj(::_APL)\nreal(::_APL)\nimag(::_APL)\nisreal(::_APL)\nmindegree_complex\nminhalfdegree\nmaxdegree_complex\nmaxhalfdegree\nextdegree_complex\nexthalfdegree","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractPolynomialLike","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractPolynomialLike","text":"AbstractPolynomialLike{T}\n\nAbstract type for a value that can act like a polynomial. For instance, an AbstractTerm{T} is an AbstractPolynomialLike{T} since it can act as a polynomial of only one term.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractPolynomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.AbstractPolynomial","text":"AbstractPolynomial{T} <: AbstractPolynomialLike{T}\n\nAbstract type for a polynomial of coefficient type T, i.e. a sum of AbstractTerm{T}s.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.Polynomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.Polynomial","text":"struct Polynomial{CoeffType,T<:AbstractTerm{CoeffType},V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractPolynomial{CoeffType}\n terms::V\nend\n\nRepresentation of a multivariate polynomial as a vector of nonzero terms sorted in ascending monomial order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.polynomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.polynomial","text":"polynomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nConverts p to a value with polynomial type.\n\npolynomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T\n\nConverts p to a value with polynomial type with coefficient type T.\n\npolynomial(a::AbstractVector, mv::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomialLike})\n\nCreates a polynomial equal to dot(a, mv).\n\npolynomial(terms::AbstractVector{<:AbstractTerm}, s::ListState=MessyState())\n\nCreates a polynomial equal to sum(terms) where terms are guaranteed to be in state s.\n\npolynomial(f::Function, mv::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomialLike})\n\nCreates a polynomial equal to sum(f(i) * mv[i] for i in 1:length(mv)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling polynomial([2, 4, 1], [x, x^2*y, x*y]) should return 4x^2y + xy + 2x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.polynomial_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.polynomial_type","text":"polynomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the type that p would have if it was converted into a polynomial.\n\npolynomial_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike\n\nReturns the same as polynomial_type(::PT).\n\npolynomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T\n\nReturns the type that p would have if it was converted into a polynomial of coefficient type T.\n\npolynomial_type(::Type{PT}, ::Type{T}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike, T}\n\nReturns the same as polynomial_type(::PT, ::Type{T}).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.terms","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.terms","text":"terms(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns an iterator over the nonzero terms of the polynomial p sorted in the decreasing monomial order.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling terms on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return an iterator of 4x^2y xy 2x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.nterms","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.nterms","text":"nterms(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the number of nonzero terms in p, i.e. length(terms(p)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling nterms on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return 3.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.coefficients","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.coefficients","text":"coefficients(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns an iterator over the coefficients of p of the nonzero terms of the polynomial sorted in the decreasing monomial order.\n\ncoefficients(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, X::AbstractVector)\n\nReturns an iterator over the coefficients of the monomials of X in p where X is a monomial vector not necessarily sorted but with no duplicate entry.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling coefficients on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return an iterator of 4 1 2. Calling coefficients(4x^2*y + x*y + 2x + 3, [x, 1, x*y, y]) should return an iterator of 2 3 1 0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient-Tuple{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractMonomialLike, Any}","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.coefficient","text":"coefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, m::AbstractMonomialLike, vars)::AbstractPolynomialLike\n\nReturns the coefficient of the monomial m of the polynomial p considered as a polynomial in variables vars.\n\nExample\n\nCalling coefficient((a+b)x^2+2x+y*x^2, x^2, [x,y]) should return a+b. Calling coefficient((a+b)x^2+2x+y*x^2, x^2, [x]) should return a+b+y.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monomials","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monomials","text":"monomials(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns an iterator over the monomials of p of the nonzero terms of the polynomial sorted in the decreasing order.\n\nmonomials(vars::Tuple, degs::AbstractVector{Int}, filter::Function = m -> true)\n\nBuilds the vector of all the monomial_vector m with variables vars such that the degree degree(m) is in degs and filter(m) is true.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling monomials on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return an iterator of x^2y xy x.\n\nCalling monomials((x, y), [1, 3], m -> degree(m, y) != 1) should return [x^3, x*y^2, y^3, x] where x^2*y and y have been excluded by the filter.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.mindegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.mindegree","text":"mindegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}})\n\nReturns the minimal total degree of the monomials of p, i.e. minimum(degree, terms(p)).\n\nmindegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the minimal degree of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e. minimum(degree.(terms(p), v)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling mindegree on on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return 1, mindegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x) should return 1 and mindegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y) should return 0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.maxdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.maxdegree","text":"maxdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturns the maximal total degree of the monomials of p, i.e. maximum(degree, terms(p)).\n\nmaxdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the maximal degree of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e. maximum(degree.(terms(p), v)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling maxdegree on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return 3, maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x) should return 2 and maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y) should return 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.extdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.extdegree","text":"extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}})\n\nReturns the extremal total degrees of the monomials of p, i.e. (mindegree(p), maxdegree(p)).\n\nextdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the extremal degrees of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e. (mindegree(p, v), maxdegree(p, v)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling extdegree on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return (1, 3), extdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x) should return (1, 2) and maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y) should return (0, 1).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.leading_term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.leading_term","text":"leading_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the leading term, i.e. last(terms(p)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling leading_term on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return 4x^2y.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.leading_coefficient","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.leading_coefficient","text":"leading_coefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the coefficient of the leading term of p, i.e. coefficient(leading_term(p)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling leading_coefficient on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return 4 and calling it on 0 should return 0.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.leading_monomial","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.leading_monomial","text":"leading_monomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns the monomial of the leading term of p, i.e. monomial(leading_term(p)) or last(monomials(p)).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling leading_monomial on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return x^2y.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.remove_leading_term","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.remove_leading_term","text":"remove_leading_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns a polynomial with the leading term removed in the polynomial p.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling remove_leading_term on 4x^2y + xy + 2x should return xy + 2x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.remove_monomials","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.remove_monomials","text":"Returns a polynomial with the terms having their monomial in the monomial vector mv removed in the polynomial p.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling remove_monomials(4x^2*y + x*y + 2x, [x*y]) should return 4x^2*y + 2x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.filter_terms","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.filter_terms","text":"function filter_terms(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nFilter the polynomial p by only keep the terms t such that f(p) is true.\n\nSee also OfDegree.\n\nExamples\n\njulia> p = 1 - 2x + x * y - 3y^2 + x^2 * y\n1 - 2x - 3y² + xy + x²y\n\njulia> filter_terms(OfDegree(2), p)\n-3y² + xy\n\njulia> filter_terms(!OfDegree(2), p)\n1 - 2x + x²y\n\njulia> filter_terms(!OfDegree(0:2), p)\nx²y\n\njulia> filter_terms(iseven ∘ coefficient, p)\n-2x\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.OfDegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.OfDegree","text":"struct OfDegree{D} <: Function\n degree::D\nend\n\nA function d::OfDegree is such that d(t) returns degree(t) == Note that !d creates the negation. See also filter_terms.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monic","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monic","text":"monic(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns p / leading_coefficient(p) where the leading coefficient of the returned polynomials is made sure to be exactly one to avoid rounding error.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients","text":"map_coefficients(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)\n\nReturns a polynomial with the same monomials as p but each coefficient α is replaced by f(α). The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never return zero for a nonzero input, nonzero can be set to true to get a small speedup.\n\nSee also map_coefficients! and map_coefficients_to!.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling map_coefficients(α -> mod(3α, 6), 2x*y + 3x + 1) should return 3x + 3.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients!","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients!","text":"map_coefficients!(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)\n\nMutate p by replacing each coefficient α by f(α). The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never return zero for a nonzero input, nonzero can be set to true to get a small speedup. The function returns p, which is identically equal to the second argument.\n\nSee also map_coefficients and map_coefficients_to!.\n\nExamples\n\nLet p = 2x*y + 3x + 1, after map_coefficients!(α -> mod(3α, 6), p), p is equal to 3x + 3.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients_to!","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.map_coefficients_to!","text":"map_coefficients_to!(output::AbstractPolynomialLike, f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)\n\nMutate output by replacing each coefficient α of p by f(α). The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never returns zero for a nonzero input, nonzero can be set to true to get a small speedup. The function returns output, which is identically equal to the first argument.\n\nSee also map_coefficients! and map_coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Base.conj-Tuple{AbstractPolynomialLike}","page":"Types","title":"Base.conj","text":"conj(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn the complex conjugate of x by applying conjugation to all coefficients and variables.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.real-Tuple{AbstractPolynomialLike}","page":"Types","title":"Base.real","text":"real(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn the real part of x by applying real to all coefficients and variables; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts.\n\nSee also imag.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.imag-Tuple{AbstractPolynomialLike}","page":"Types","title":"Base.imag","text":"imag(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturn the imaginary part of x by applying imag to all coefficients and variables; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts.\n\nSee also real.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.isreal-Tuple{AbstractPolynomialLike}","page":"Types","title":"Base.isreal","text":"isreal(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns true if and only if no single variable in p was declared as a complex variable (in the sense that isreal applied on them would be true) and no coefficient is complex-valued.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.mindegree_complex","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.mindegree_complex","text":"mindegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturn the minimal total complex degree of the monomials of p, i.e., minimum(degree_complex, terms(p)).\n\nmindegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn the minimal complex degree of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e., minimum(degree_complex.(terms(p), v)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.minhalfdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.minhalfdegree","text":"minhalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturn the minmal half degree of the monomials of p, i.e., minimum(halfdegree, terms(p))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.maxdegree_complex","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.maxdegree_complex","text":"maxdegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturn the maximal total complex degree of the monomials of p, i.e., maximum(degree_complex, terms(p)).\n\nmaxdegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturn the maximal complex degree of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e., maximum(degree_complex.(terms(p), v)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.maxhalfdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.maxhalfdegree","text":"maxhalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturn the maximal half degree of the monomials of p, i.e., maximum(halfdegree, terms(p))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.extdegree_complex","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.extdegree_complex","text":"extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturns the extremal total complex degrees of the monomials of p, i.e., (mindegree_complex(p), maxdegree_complex(p)).\n\nextdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)\n\nReturns the extremal complex degrees of the monomials of p in the variable v, i.e., (mindegree_complex(p, v), maxdegree_complex(p, v)).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.exthalfdegree","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.exthalfdegree","text":"exthalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})\n\nReturn the extremal half degree of the monomials of p, i.e., (minhalfdegree(p), maxhalfdegree(p))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Rational-Polynomial-Function-1","page":"Types","title":"Rational Polynomial Function","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"A rational polynomial function can be constructed with the / operator. Common operations such as +, -, *, - have been implemented between rational functions. The numerator and denominator polynomials can be retrieved by the numerator and denominator functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#Monomial-Vectors-1","page":"Types","title":"Monomial Vectors","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"types/#","page":"Types","title":"Types","text":"monomial_vector\nmonomial_vector_type\nempty_monomial_vector\nsort_monomial_vector\nmerge_monomial_vectors\nconj(::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\nreal(::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\nimag(::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\nisreal(::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})","category":"page"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_vector","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_vector","text":"monomial_vector(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}\n\nReturns the vector of monomials X in increasing order and without any duplicates.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling monomial_vector on xy x xy x^2y x should return x^2y xy x.\n\n\n\n\n\nmonomial_vector(a, X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}\n\nReturns b, Y where Y is the vector of monomials of X in increasing order and without any duplicates and b is the vector of corresponding coefficients in a, where coefficients of duplicate entries are summed together.\n\nExamples\n\nCalling monomial_vector on 2 1 4 3 -1 xy x xy x^2y x should return 3 6 0 x^2y xy x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_vector_type","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.monomial_vector_type","text":"monomial_vector_type(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}\n\nReturns the return type of monomial_vector.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.empty_monomial_vector","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.empty_monomial_vector","text":"empty_monomial_vector(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)\n\nReturns an empty collection of the type of monomials(p).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.sort_monomial_vector","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.sort_monomial_vector","text":"sort_monomial_vector(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}\n\nReturns σ, the orders in which one must take the monomials in X to make them sorted and without any duplicate and the sorted vector of monomials, i.e. it returns (σ, X[σ]).\n\nExamples\n\nCalling sort_monomial_vector on xy x xy x^2y x should return (4 1 2 x^2y xy x).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#MultivariatePolynomials.merge_monomial_vectors","page":"Types","title":"MultivariatePolynomials.merge_monomial_vectors","text":"merge_monomial_vectors{MT<:AbstractMonomialLike, MVT<:AbstractVector{MT}}(X::AbstractVector{MVT}}\n\nReturns the vector of monomials in the entries of X in increasing order and without any duplicates, i.e. monomial_vector(vcat(X...))\n\nExamples\n\nCalling merge_monomial_vectors on xy x xy x^2y x should return x^2y xy x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"types/#Base.conj-Tuple{AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial}}","page":"Types","title":"Base.conj","text":"conj(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\n\nReturn the complex conjugate of x by applying conjugation to monomials.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.real-Tuple{AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial}}","page":"Types","title":"Base.real","text":"real(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\n\nReturn the real part of x by applying real to all monomials; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts. Note that the result will no longer be a monomial vector.\n\nSee also imag.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.imag-Tuple{AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial}}","page":"Types","title":"Base.imag","text":"imag(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\n\nReturn the imaginary part of x by applying imag to all monomials; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts. Note that the result will no longer be a monomial vector.\n\nSee also real.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"},{"location":"types/#Base.isreal-Tuple{AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial}}","page":"Types","title":"Base.isreal","text":"isreal(p::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})\n\nReturns true if and only if every single monomial in p would is real-valued.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"method"}]
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+Substitution · MultivariatePolynomials Given a polynomial, say $p(x, y) = 3x^2y + x + 2y + 1$ , one can evaluate it at a given point, e.g. $p(2, 1) = 12 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 17$ or substitute one or more variable by a value or polynomial, e.g. $p(x, xy^2 + 1) = 3x^2(xy^2+1) + x + 2(xy^2+1) + 1 = 3x^3y^2 + 2xy^2 + 3x^2 + x + 3$ . We distinguish the two operation as follows
We call an evaluation an operation where every variable should be replace by a new value or polynomial, the syntax is p(x => 2, y => 1)
. We call a subsitution an operation where some (or all variables) are subtituted into a new value or polynomial, the syntax is subs(p, y => x*y^2 + 1)
. The distinction is important for type stability for some implementations (it is important for DynamicPolynomials but not for TypedPolynomials ). Indeed consider a polynomial with Int
coefficients for which we ask to replace some variables with Int
values. If all the variables are replaced with Int
s, the return type should be Int
. However, if some variables only are replaced by Int
then the return type should be a polynomial with Int
subs(p, s::AbstractSubstitution...)
Apply the substitutions s
to p
. Use p(s...)
if we are sure that all the variables are substited in s
The allowed substutions are:
v => p
where v
is a variable and p
a polynomial, e.g. x => 1
or x => x^2*y + x + y
.V => P
where V
is a tuple or vector of variables and P
a tuple or vector of polynomials, e.g. (x, y) => (y, x)
or (y, x) => (2, 1)
.The order of the variables is lexicographic with the name with TypedPolynomials and by order of creation with DynamicPolynomials. Since there is no guarantee on the order of the variables, substitution directly with a tuple or a vector is not allowed. You can use p(variables(p) => (1, 2))
instead if you are sure of the order of the variables (e.g. the name order matches the creation order).
p = 3x^2*y + x + 2y + 1
+p(x => 2, y => 1) # Return type is Int
+subs(p, x => 2, y => 1) # Return type is Int in TypedPolynomials but is a polynomial of Int coefficients in DynamicPolynomials
+subs(p, y => x*y^2 + 1)
+p(y => 2) # Do not do that, this works fine with TypedPolynomials but it will not return a correct result with DynamicPolynomials since it thinks that the return type is `Int`.
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+Types · MultivariatePolynomials AbstractVariable <: AbstractMonomialLike
Abstract type for a variable.
source variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Converts p
to a variable. Throws InexactError
if it is not possible.
Calling variable(x^2 + x - x^2)
should return the variable x
and calling variable(1.0y)
should return the variable y
however calling variable(2x)
or variable(x + y)
should throw InexactError
This operation is not type stable for the TypedPolynomials implementation if nvariables(p) > 1
but is type stable for DynamicPolynomials.
source name(v::AbstractVariable)::AbstractString
Returns the name of a variable.
source name_base_indices(v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the name of the variable (as a String
or Symbol
) and its indices as a Vector{Int}
or tuple of Int
source variable_union_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return the supertype for variables of p
. If p
is a variable, it should not be the type of p
but the supertype of all variables that could be created.
For TypedPolynomials
, a variable of name x
has type Variable{:x}
so variable_union_type
should return Variable
. For DynamicPolynomials
, all variables have the same type Variable{C}
where C
is true
for commutative variables and false
for non-commutative ones so variable_union_type
should return Variable{C}
source similar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, variable::Type{Val{V}})
Creates a new variable V
based upon the the given source polynomial.
similar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, v::Symbol)
Creates a new variable based upon the given source polynomial and the given symbol v
. Note that this can lead to type instabilities.
Calling similar_variable(typedpoly, Val{:x})
on a polynomial created with TypedPolynomials
results in TypedPolynomials.Variable{:x}
source @similar_variable(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, variable)
Calls similar_variable(p, Val{variable})
and binds the result to a variable with the same name.
Calling @similar_variable typedpoly x
on a polynomial created with TypedPolynomials
binds TypedPolynomials.Variable{:x}
to the variable x
source conj(x::AbstractVariable)
Return the complex conjugate of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return the variable unchanged.
See also isreal
, isconj
source real(x::AbstractVariable)
Return the real part of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return the variable unchanged.
See also imag
source imag(x::AbstractVariable)
Return the imaginary part of a given variable if it was declared as a complex variable; else return zero.
See also isreal
, isimagpart
, real
source isreal(x::AbstractVariable)
Return whether a given variable was declared as a real-valued or complex-valued variable (also their conjugates are complex, but their real and imaginary parts are not). By default, all variables are real-valued.
source isrealpart(x::AbstractVariable)
Return whether the given variable is the real part of a complex-valued variable.
See also isreal
, isimagpart
, isconj
source isimagpart(x::AbstractVariable)
Return whether the given variable is the imaginary part of a complex-valued variable.
See also isreal
, isrealpart
, isconj
source isconj(x::AbstractVariable)
Return whether the given variable is obtained by conjugating a user-defined complex-valued variable.
See also isreal
, isrealpart
, isimagpart
source ordinary_variable(x::Union{AbstractVariable, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVariable}})
Given some (complex-valued) variable that was transformed by conjugation, taking its real part, or taking its imaginary part, return the original variable as it was defined by the user.
See also conj
, real
, imag
source AbstractMonomialLike
Abstract type for a value that can act like a monomial. For instance, an AbstractVariable
is an AbstractMonomialLike
since it can act as a monomial of one variable with degree 1
source AbstractMonomial <: AbstractMonomialLike
Abstract type for a monomial, i.e. a product of variables elevated to a nonnegative integer power.
source monomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return the type of the monomials of p
term_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike
Returns the type of the monomials of a polynomial of type PT
source variables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the tuple of the variables of p
in decreasing order. It could contain variables of zero degree, see the example section.
Calling variables(x^2*y)
should return (x, y)
and calling variables(x)
should return (x,)
. Note that the variables of m
does not necessarily have nonzero degree. For instance, variables([x^2*y, y*z][1])
is usually (x, y, z)
since the two monomials have been promoted to a common type.
source effective_variables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return a vector of eltype
(see variable_union_type
), containing all the variables that has nonzero degree in at least one term. That is, return all the variables v
such that maxdegree(p, v)
is not zero. The returned vector is sorted in decreasing order.
source nvariables(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the number of variables in p
, i.e. length(variables(p))
. It could be more than the number of variables with nonzero degree (see the Examples section of variables
Calling nvariables(x^2*y)
should return at least 2 and calling nvariables(x)
should return at least 1.
source exponents(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns the exponent of the variables in the monomial of the term t
Calling exponents(x^2*y)
should return (2, 1)
source degree(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns the total degree of the monomial of the term t
, i.e. sum(exponents(t))
degree(t::AbstractTermLike, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the exponent of the variable v
in the monomial of the term t
Calling degree(x^2*y)
should return 3 which is $2 + 1$ . Calling degree(x^2*y, x)
should return 2 and calling degree(x^2*y, y)
should return 1.
source isconstant(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns whether the monomial of t
is constant.
source powers(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns an iterator over the powers of the monomial of t
Calling powers(3x^4*y) should return
((x, 4), (y, 1))`.
source constant_monomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns a constant monomial of the monomial type of p
with the same variables as p
constant_monomial(::Type{PT}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}
Returns a constant monomial of the monomial type of a polynomial of type PT
source map_exponents(f, m1::AbstractMonomialLike, m2::AbstractMonomialLike)
If $m_1 = \prod x^{\alpha_i}$ and $m_2 = \prod x^{\beta_i}$ then it returns the monomial $m = \prod x^{f(\alpha_i, \beta_i)}$ .
The multiplication m1 * m2
is equivalent to map_exponents(+, m1, m2)
, the unsafe division div_multiple(m1, m2)
is equivalent to map_exponents(-, m1, m2)
, gcd(m1, m2)
is equivalent to map_exponents(min, m1, m2)
, lcm(m1, m2)
is equivalent to map_exponents(max, m1, m2)
source multiplication_preserves_monomial_order(P::Type{<:AbstractPolynomialLike})
Returns a Bool
indicating whether the order is preserved in the multiplication of monomials of type monomial_type(P)
. That is, if a < b
then a * c < b * c
for any monomial c
. This returns true
by default. This is used by Polynomial
so a monomial type for which the multiplication does not preserve the monomial order can still be used with Polynomial
if it implements a method for this function that returns false
source abstract type AbstractMonomialOrdering end
Abstract type for monomial ordering as defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.1, p. 55]
[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra . Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 .
source compare(a, b, order::Type{<:AbstractMonomialOrdering})
Returns a negative number if a < b
, a positive number if a > b
and zero if a == b
. The comparison is done according to order
source struct LexOrder <: AbstractMonomialOrdering end
Lexicographic (Lex for short) Order often abbreviated as lex order as defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.3, p. 56]
The Graded
version is often abbreviated as grlex order and is defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.5, p. 58]
[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra . Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 .
source struct InverseLexOrder <: AbstractMonomialOrdering end
Inverse Lex Order defined in [CLO13, Exercise 2.2.6, p. 61] where it is abbreviated as invlex . It corresponds to LexOrder
but with the variables in reverse order.
The Graded
version can be abbreviated as grinvlex order. It is defined in [BDD13, Definition 2.1] where it is called Graded xel order .
[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra . Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 . [BDD13] Batselier, K., Dreesen, P., & De Moor, B. The geometry of multivariate polynomial division and elimination . SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34(1), 102-125, 2013 .
source struct Graded{O<:AbstractMonomialOrdering} <: AbstractMonomialOrdering
+ same_degree_ordering::O
Monomial ordering defined by:
degree(a) == degree(b)
then the ordering is determined by same_degree_ordering
,otherwise, it is the ordering between the integers degree(a)
and degree(b)
. source struct Reverse{O<:AbstractMonomialOrdering} <: AbstractMonomialOrdering
+ reverse_order::O
Monomial ordering defined by compare(a, b, ::Type{Reverse{O}}) where {O} = compare(b, a, O)
Reverse Lex Order defined in [CLO13, Exercise 2.2.9, p. 61] where it is abbreviated as rinvlex . can be obtained as Reverse(InverseLexOrder())
The Graded Reverse Lex Order often abbreviated as grevlex order defined in [CLO13, Definition 2.2.6, p. 58] can be obtained as Graded(Reverse(InverseLexOrder()))
[CLO13] Cox, D., Little, J., & OShea, D. Ideals, varieties, and algorithms: an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra . Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 .
source AbstractTermLike{T}
Abstract type for a value that can act like a term. For instance, an AbstractMonomial
is an AbstractTermLike{Int}
since it can act as a term with coefficient 1
source AbstractTerm{T} <: AbstractTermLike{T}
Abstract type for a term of coefficient type T
, i.e. the product between a value of type T
and a monomial.
source struct Term{CoeffType,M<:AbstractMonomial} <: AbstractTerm{CoeffType}
+ coefficient::CoeffType
+ monomial::M
A representation of the multiplication between a coefficient
and a monomial
The coefficient
does not need to be a Number
. It can be for instance a multivariate polynomial. When computing a multivariate gcd
, it is actually reformulated as a univariate gcd
in one of the variable with coefficients being multivariate polynomials in the other variables. To create such a term, use term
instead of *
. For instance, if p
is a polynomial and m
is a monomial, p * m
will multiply each term of p
with m
but term(p, m)
will create a term with p
as coefficient and m
as monomial.
source term(coef, mono::AbstractMonomialLike)
Returns a term with coefficient coef
and monomial mono
. There are two key difference between this and coef * mono
term(coef, mono)
does not copy coef
and mono
so modifying this term with MutableArithmetics may modifying the input of this function. To avoid this, call term(MA.copy_if_mutable(coef), MA.copy_if_mutable(mono))
where MA = MutableArithmetics
Suppose that coef = (x + 1)
and mono = x^2
, coef * mono
gives the polynomial with integer coefficients x^3 + x^2
which term(x + 1, x^2)
gives a term with polynomial coefficient x + 1
Converts the polynomial p
to a term. When applied on a polynomial, it throws an InexactError
if it has more than one term. When applied to a term, it is the identity and does not copy it. When applied to a monomial, it create a term of type AbstractTerm{Int}
source term_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the type of the terms of p
term_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike
Returns the type of the terms of a polynomial of type PT
term_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T
Returns the type of the terms of p
but with coefficient type T
term_type(::Type{PT}, ::Type{T}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike, T}
Returns the type of the terms of a polynomial of type PT
but with coefficient type T
source coefficient(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns the coefficient of the term t
coefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, m::AbstractMonomialLike)
Returns the coefficient of the monomial m
in p
Calling coefficient
on $4x^2y$ should return $4$ . Calling coefficient(2x + 4y^2 + 3, y^2)
should return $4$ . Calling coefficient(2x + 4y^2 + 3, x^2)
should return $0$ .
source coefficient_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the coefficient type of p
coefficient_type(::Type{PT}) where PT
Returns the coefficient type of a polynomial of type PT
Calling coefficient_type
on $(4//5)x^2y$ should return Rational{Int}
, calling coefficient_type
on $1.0x^2y + 2.0x$ should return Float64
and calling coefficient_type
on $xy$ should return Int
source monomial(t::AbstractTermLike)
Returns the monomial of the term t
Calling monomial
on $4x^2y$ should return $x^2y$ .
source constant_term(α, p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Creates a constant term with coefficient α and the same variables as p.
constant_term(α, ::Type{PT} where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike}
Creates a constant term of the term type of a polynomial of type PT
source zero_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike{T}) where T
Equivalent to constant_term(zero(T), p)
zero_term(α, ::Type{PT} where {T, PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike{T}}
Equivalent to constant_term(zero(T), PT)
source degree_complex(t::AbstractTermLike)
Return the total complex degree of the monomial of the term t
, i.e., the maximum of the total degree of the declared variables in t
and the total degree of the conjugate variables in t
. To be well-defined, the monomial must not contain real parts or imaginary parts of variables.
degree_complex(t::AbstractTermLike, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the exponent of the variable v
or its conjugate in the monomial of the term t
, whatever is larger.
See also isconj
source halfdegree(t::AbstractTermLike)
Return the equivalent of ceil(degree(t)/2)
for real-valued terms or
degree_complex(t)` for terms with only complex variables; however, respect any mixing between complex and real-valued variables.
source AbstractPolynomialLike{T}
Abstract type for a value that can act like a polynomial. For instance, an AbstractTerm{T}
is an AbstractPolynomialLike{T}
since it can act as a polynomial of only one term.
source AbstractPolynomial{T} <: AbstractPolynomialLike{T}
Abstract type for a polynomial of coefficient type T
, i.e. a sum of AbstractTerm{T}
source struct Polynomial{CoeffType,T<:AbstractTerm{CoeffType},V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractPolynomial{CoeffType}
+ terms::V
Representation of a multivariate polynomial as a vector of nonzero terms sorted in ascending monomial order.
source polynomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Converts p
to a value with polynomial type.
polynomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T
Converts p
to a value with polynomial type with coefficient type T
polynomial(a::AbstractVector, mv::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomialLike})
Creates a polynomial equal to dot(a, mv)
polynomial(terms::AbstractVector{<:AbstractTerm}, s::ListState=MessyState())
Creates a polynomial equal to sum(terms)
where terms
are guaranteed to be in state s
polynomial(f::Function, mv::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomialLike})
Creates a polynomial equal to sum(f(i) * mv[i] for i in 1:length(mv))
Calling polynomial([2, 4, 1], [x, x^2*y, x*y])
should return $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ .
source polynomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the type that p
would have if it was converted into a polynomial.
polynomial_type(::Type{PT}) where PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike
Returns the same as polynomial_type(::PT)
polynomial_type(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, ::Type{T}) where T
Returns the type that p
would have if it was converted into a polynomial of coefficient type T
polynomial_type(::Type{PT}, ::Type{T}) where {PT<:AbstractPolynomialLike, T}
Returns the same as polynomial_type(::PT, ::Type{T})
source terms(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns an iterator over the nonzero terms of the polynomial p
sorted in the decreasing monomial order.
Calling terms
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return an iterator of $[4x^2y, xy, 2x]$ .
source nterms(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the number of nonzero terms in p
, i.e. length(terms(p))
Calling nterms
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return 3.
source coefficients(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns an iterator over the coefficients of p
of the nonzero terms of the polynomial sorted in the decreasing monomial order.
coefficients(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, X::AbstractVector)
Returns an iterator over the coefficients of the monomials of X
in p
where X
is a monomial vector not necessarily sorted but with no duplicate entry.
Calling coefficients
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return an iterator of $[4, 1, 2]$ . Calling coefficients(4x^2*y + x*y + 2x + 3, [x, 1, x*y, y])
should return an iterator of $[2, 3, 1, 0]$ .
source coefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike, m::AbstractMonomialLike, vars)::AbstractPolynomialLike
Returns the coefficient of the monomial m
of the polynomial p
considered as a polynomial in variables vars
Calling coefficient((a+b)x^2+2x+y*x^2, x^2, [x,y])
should return a+b
. Calling coefficient((a+b)x^2+2x+y*x^2, x^2, [x])
should return a+b+y
source monomials(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns an iterator over the monomials of p
of the nonzero terms of the polynomial sorted in the decreasing order.
monomials(vars::Tuple, degs::AbstractVector{Int}, filter::Function = m -> true)
Builds the vector of all the monomial_vector m
with variables vars
such that the degree degree(m)
is in degs
and filter(m)
is true
Calling monomials
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return an iterator of $[x^2y, xy, x]$ .
Calling monomials((x, y), [1, 3], m -> degree(m, y) != 1)
should return [x^3, x*y^2, y^3, x]
where x^2*y
and y
have been excluded by the filter.
source mindegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}})
Returns the minimal total degree of the monomials of p
, i.e. minimum(degree, terms(p))
mindegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the minimal degree of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e. minimum(degree.(terms(p), v))
Calling mindegree
on on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return 1, mindegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x)
should return 1 and mindegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y)
should return 0.
source maxdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Returns the maximal total degree of the monomials of p
, i.e. maximum(degree, terms(p))
maxdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the maximal degree of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e. maximum(degree.(terms(p), v))
Calling maxdegree
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return 3, maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x)
should return 2 and maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y)
should return 1.
source extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}})
Returns the extremal total degrees of the monomials of p
, i.e. (mindegree(p), maxdegree(p))
extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractPolynomialLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the extremal degrees of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e. (mindegree(p, v), maxdegree(p, v))
Calling extdegree
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return (1, 3)
, extdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, x)
should return (1, 2)
and maxdegree(4x^2y + xy + 2x, y)
should return (0, 1)
source leading_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the leading term, i.e. last(terms(p))
Calling leading_term
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return $4x^2y$ .
source leading_coefficient(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the coefficient of the leading term of p
, i.e. coefficient(leading_term(p))
Calling leading_coefficient
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return $4$ and calling it on $0$ should return $0$ .
source leading_monomial(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns the monomial of the leading term of p
, i.e. monomial(leading_term(p))
or last(monomials(p))
Calling leading_monomial
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return $x^2y$ .
source remove_leading_term(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns a polynomial with the leading term removed in the polynomial p
Calling remove_leading_term
on $4x^2y + xy + 2x$ should return $xy + 2x$ .
source Returns a polynomial with the terms having their monomial in the monomial vector mv
removed in the polynomial p
Calling remove_monomials(4x^2*y + x*y + 2x, [x*y])
should return $4x^2*y + 2x$ .
source function filter_terms(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Filter the polynomial p
by only keep the terms t
such that f(p)
is true
See also OfDegree
julia> p = 1 - 2x + x * y - 3y^2 + x^2 * y
+1 - 2x - 3y² + xy + x²y
+julia> filter_terms(OfDegree(2), p)
+-3y² + xy
+julia> filter_terms(!OfDegree(2), p)
+1 - 2x + x²y
+julia> filter_terms(!OfDegree(0:2), p)
+julia> filter_terms(iseven ∘ coefficient, p)
source struct OfDegree{D} <: Function
+ degree::D
A function d::OfDegree
is such that d(t)
returns degree(t) ==
. Note that !d
creates the negation. See also filter_terms
source monic(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns p / leading_coefficient(p)
where the leading coefficient of the returned polynomials is made sure to be exactly one to avoid rounding error.
source map_coefficients(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)
Returns a polynomial with the same monomials as p
but each coefficient α
is replaced by f(α)
. The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never return zero for a nonzero input, nonzero
can be set to true
to get a small speedup.
See also map_coefficients!
and map_coefficients_to!
Calling map_coefficients(α -> mod(3α, 6), 2x*y + 3x + 1)
should return 3x + 3
source map_coefficients!(f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)
Mutate p
by replacing each coefficient α
by f(α)
. The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never return zero for a nonzero input, nonzero
can be set to true
to get a small speedup. The function returns p
, which is identically equal to the second argument.
See also map_coefficients
and map_coefficients_to!
Let p = 2x*y + 3x + 1
, after map_coefficients!(α -> mod(3α, 6), p)
, p
is equal to 3x + 3
source map_coefficients_to!(output::AbstractPolynomialLike, f::Function, p::AbstractPolynomialLike, nonzero = false)
Mutate output
by replacing each coefficient α
of p
by f(α)
. The function may return zero in which case the term is dropped. If the function is known to never returns zero for a nonzero input, nonzero
can be set to true
to get a small speedup. The function returns output
, which is identically equal to the first argument.
See also map_coefficients!
and map_coefficients
source conj(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return the complex conjugate of x
by applying conjugation to all coefficients and variables.
source real(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return the real part of x
by applying real
to all coefficients and variables; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts.
See also imag
source imag(x::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Return the imaginary part of x
by applying imag
to all coefficients and variables; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts.
See also real
source isreal(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns true
if and only if no single variable in p
was declared as a complex variable (in the sense that isreal
applied on them would be true
) and no coefficient is complex-valued.
source mindegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Return the minimal total complex degree of the monomials of p
, i.e., minimum(degree_complex, terms(p))
mindegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Return the minimal complex degree of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e., minimum(degree_complex.(terms(p), v))
source minhalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Return the minmal half degree of the monomials of p
, i.e., minimum(halfdegree, terms(p))
source maxdegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Return the maximal total complex degree of the monomials of p
, i.e., maximum(degree_complex, terms(p))
maxdegree_complex(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Return the maximal complex degree of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e., maximum(degree_complex.(terms(p), v))
source maxhalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Return the maximal half degree of the monomials of p
, i.e., maximum(halfdegree, terms(p))
source extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Returns the extremal total complex degrees of the monomials of p
, i.e., (mindegree_complex(p), maxdegree_complex(p))
extdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}}, v::AbstractVariable)
Returns the extremal complex degrees of the monomials of p
in the variable v
, i.e., (mindegree_complex(p, v), maxdegree_complex(p, v))
source exthalfdegree(p::Union{AbstractPolynomialLike, AbstractVector{<:AbstractTermLike}})
Return the extremal half degree of the monomials of p
, i.e., (minhalfdegree(p), maxhalfdegree(p))
source A rational polynomial function can be constructed with the /
operator. Common operations such as +
, -
, *
, -
have been implemented between rational functions. The numerator and denominator polynomials can be retrieved by the numerator
and denominator
monomial_vector(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}
Returns the vector of monomials X
in increasing order and without any duplicates.
Calling monomial_vector
on $[xy, x, xy, x^2y, x]$ should return $[x^2y, xy, x]$ .
source monomial_vector(a, X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}
Returns b, Y
where Y
is the vector of monomials of X
in increasing order and without any duplicates and b
is the vector of corresponding coefficients in a
, where coefficients of duplicate entries are summed together.
Calling monomial_vector
on $[2, 1, 4, 3, -1], [xy, x, xy, x^2y, x]$ should return $[3, 6, 0], [x^2y, xy, x]$ .
source monomial_vector_type(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}
Returns the return type of monomial_vector
source empty_monomial_vector(p::AbstractPolynomialLike)
Returns an empty collection of the type of monomials(p)
source sort_monomial_vector(X::AbstractVector{MT}) where {MT<:AbstractMonomialLike}
Returns σ
, the orders in which one must take the monomials in X
to make them sorted and without any duplicate and the sorted vector of monomials, i.e. it returns (σ, X[σ])
Calling sort_monomial_vector
on $[xy, x, xy, x^2y, x]$ should return $([4, 1, 2], [x^2y, xy, x])$ .
source merge_monomial_vectors{MT<:AbstractMonomialLike, MVT<:AbstractVector{MT}}(X::AbstractVector{MVT}}
Returns the vector of monomials in the entries of X
in increasing order and without any duplicates, i.e. monomial_vector(vcat(X...))
Calling merge_monomial_vectors
on $[[xy, x, xy], [x^2y, x]]$ should return $[x^2y, xy, x]$ .
source conj(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})
Return the complex conjugate of x
by applying conjugation to monomials.
source real(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})
Return the real part of x
by applying real
to all monomials; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts. Note that the result will no longer be a monomial vector.
See also imag
source imag(x::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})
Return the imaginary part of x
by applying imag
to all monomials; for this purpose, every complex-valued variable is decomposed into its real- and imaginary parts. Note that the result will no longer be a monomial vector.
See also real
source isreal(p::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMonomial})
Returns true
if and only if every single monomial in p
would is real-valued.
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