- General Concepts
- Creating Arrays and Accessing Elements
- Views
- Flattenable and Dense Arrays
- Copying
- Arithmetic and Mathematics
- Statistics and Special Methods
- Logarithmic Storage
- Efficiency and SIMD
- Examples
See README for instructions on how to install viktor
The section Examples contains instructive code examples with explanations and can be used as a tutorial.
See Benchmarks for informational benchmarking data.
is a Kotlin + JNI library that revolves around a n-dimensional array concept
similar to that of NumPy’s ndarray.
This array is described by the class F64Array
. We call 1-dimensional arrays vectors
and 2-dimensional ones matrices. Regardless of the number of dimensions, an F64Array
always stores its data in an ordinary DoubleArray
for Java speakers).
The elements are laid out in row-major order (also called C-order). For example,
for a 3-dimensional array a
with the shape of 2x3x2, the elements will be laid out
in the following order:
a[0, 0, 0] === data[0]
a[0, 0, 1] === data[1]
a[0, 1, 0] === data[2]
a[0, 1, 1] === data[3]
a[0, 2, 0] === data[4]
a[0, 2, 1] === data[5]
a[1, 0, 0] === data[6]
a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
a[1, 1, 0] === data[8]
a[1, 1, 1] === data[9]
a[1, 2, 0] === data[10]
a[1, 2, 1] === data[11]
It’s easy to see that the element a[i, j, k]
corresponds to the element
data[6 * i + 2 * j + 1 * k]
. The values 6
, 2
, 1
are called strides,
since they are the distances separating the elements with neighboring indices.
Two distinct F64Array
s may be supported by the same underlying DoubleArray
They can point to intersecting or non-intersecting portions of the underlying array.
For example, by calling a viewer getter method b = a.V[1]
we can obtain
a view of the second 3x2 matrix slice of a
b[0, 0] === a[1, 0, 0] === data[6]
b[0, 1] === a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
b[1, 0] === a[1, 1, 0] === data[8]
b[1, 1] === a[1, 1, 1] === data[9]
b[2, 0] === a[1, 2, 0] === data[10]
b[2, 1] === a[1, 2, 1] === data[11]
For all intents and purposes, b
is an F64Array
in its own right.
It doesn't keep any reference to a
. The element b[i, j]
corresponds to the element
data[6 + 2 * i + j]
. Value 6
is called offset. Any in-place operation on b
be actually performed on the appropriate region of data
and thus visible through a
The elements can be accessed through standard get/set methods:
println(a[1, 1, 1])
a[0, 2, 1] = 42.0
The only currently supported element type is Double
in Java).
There is a number of ways to create an F64Array:
val a = F64Array(2, 3, 2) // zero-filled 2x3x2 array
val b = F64Array.full(2, 3, 2, init = 3.14) // 2x3x2 array filled with 3.14
val c = F64Array(8, 8) { i, j -> if (i == j) 1.0 else 0.0 } // create an 8x8 unit matrix; this method is available for vectors, matrices and 3D arrays
val d = F64Array.of(3.14, 2.78, 1.41) // creates a vector
val a: DoubleArray = ...
val b = a.asF64Array() // a wrapper method: creates a vector that uses [a] as data storage; only works for vectors
val c: Array<Array<DoubleArray>> = ...
val d = c.toF64Array() // a copying method: allocates a [DoubleArray] for storage and copies the values from [g] to recreate its structure: g[i][j][k] == h[i, j, k]; only works for matrices and above
val a: F64Array = ...
val b: DoubleArray = a.data // retrieves the underlying storage [DoubleArray]; may or may not represent all of [b]’s elements
val c: DoubleArray = a.toDoubleArray() // a copying method; converts the vector into a [DoubleArray]: a[i] == c[i]; only works for vectors
val d: Array<*> = a.toGenericArray() // a copying method; converts the array to a corresponding Kotlin/Java structure ([Array<DoubleArray>] for matrices, [Array<Array<DoubleArray>>] for 3D arrays etc.); only works for matrices and above
val e: Any = a.toArray() // returns either a [DoubleArray] or an [Array<*>], depending on the number of dimensions of [a]
A view of an F64Array
is another F64Array
which uses the same DoubleArray
for storage. For example, a matrix column is a view of the matrix.
Each F64Array
has a special property V
, called viewer. It enables a more idiomatic way
to obtain views. In this case, you can use a special _I
object to signify
"skip this axis", see the examples below.
val a = F64Array(2, 3, 2) // 2x3x2 array
val b = a.view(1) // view the second 3x2 matrix slice of [a]: b[i, j] === a[1, i, j]
val b1 = a.V[1] // another way of doing the same
val c = a.view(0, 1) // view a 2x2 matrix such that c[i, j] === a[i, 0, j]
val c1 = a.V[_I, 0] // another way of doing the same; [_I] indicates that the first axis should be skipped
val d = a.view(1, 2) // view a 2x3 matrix such that d[i, i] === a[i, j, 1]
val e = a.along(1) // a sequence of 2x2 views: a.view(0, 1), a.view(1, 1), a.view(2, 1)
The viewer also has setter methods:
a.V[1] = d // copies the contents of [d] into the second 3x2 matrix slice of [a]
a.V[_I, 0] = 42.0 // replaces the corresponding elements of [a] with the value 42.0
a.V[_I] = 3.14 // replaces all elements of [a] with the value 3.14
More sophisticated views can be generated by slicing:
val f = a.slice(from = 0, to = 2, axis = 1) // f[i, j, k] === a[i, j, k], but [f] has a shape 2x2x2
val g = a.slice(from = 1, to = 3, axis = 1) // g[i, j, k] === a[i, j + 1, k], and [g] has a shape 2x2x2
val h = a.slice(from = 0, step = 2) // h[i, 0, k] === a[i, 0, k], h[i, 1, k] === a[i, 2, k]
Let's explore some views from the previous section in detail:
val a = F64Array(2, 3, 2) // 2x3x2 array
val b = a.view(1) // view the second 3x2 matrix slice of [a]: b[i, j] === a[1, i, j]
val c = a.view(0, 1) // view a 2x2 matrix such that c[i, j] === a[i, 0, j]
val d = a.view(1, 2) // view a 2x3 matrix such that d[i, i] === a[i, j, 1]
These three views have different properties.
b[0, 0] === a[1, 0, 0] === data[6]
b[0, 1] === a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
b[1, 0] === a[1, 1, 0] === data[8]
b[1, 1] === a[1, 1, 1] === data[9]
b[2, 0] === a[1, 2, 0] === data[10]
b[2, 1] === a[1, 2, 1] === data[11]
owns a contiguous region of data
. It is thus called dense.
d[0, 0] === a[0, 0, 1] === data[1]
d[0, 1] === a[0, 1, 1] === data[3]
d[0, 2] === a[0, 2, 1] === data[5]
d[1, 0] === a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
d[1, 1] === a[1, 1, 1] === data[9]
d[1, 2] === a[1, 2, 1] === data[11]
doesn't own a contiguous region of data
, but its entries are equidistant.
This means there is a 6-element vector that owns the exact same elements as d
This vector can be obtained by calling flatten()
val e = d.flatten()
e[0] === d[0, 0] === a[0, 0, 1] === data[1]
e[1] === d[0, 1] === a[0, 1, 1] === data[3]
e[2] === d[0, 2] === a[0, 2, 1] === data[5]
e[3] === d[1, 0] === a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
e[4] === d[1, 1] === a[1, 1, 1] === data[9]
e[5] === d[1, 2] === a[1, 2, 1] === data[11]
and d
are thus both flattenable arrays. It can be confirmed by looking
at the property isFlattenable
c[0, 0] === a[0, 0, 0] === data[0]
c[0, 1] === a[0, 0, 1] === data[1]
c[1, 0] === a[1, 0, 0] === data[6]
c[1, 1] === a[1, 0, 1] === data[7]
doesn't own a contiguous region of data
, and its entries are not equidistant.
It is thus not flattenable. c.isFlattenable
will return false
, and c.flatten()
will fail with an exception.
Flattenable arrays (especially dense ones) generally allow a more efficient traversal, since all their elements can be accessed in a single loop.
Flattenable arrays can be easily reshaped, provided that their number of elements stays the same. The reshaped array is a view of the original; it can access the same elements.
val a = F64Array(2, 3, 2)
val b = a.reshape(12) // the same as a.flatten()
val c = a.reshape(2, 6) // essentially flattens the 3x2 matrix slices into 6-element vectors
val d = a.reshape(3, 4) // no elegant interpretation, just the same elements in the same order
If desired, you may create a copy of an array that is completely separate from the original. The changes to the copy won't propagate to the original (and vice versa), because the underlying storage arrays will be different.
val a = F64Array.full(2, 3, 2, init = 2.78)
val b = a.copy()
b.fill(3.14) // doesn't affect [a]
You can also copy the array contents to another array of the same shape:
a.V[_I] = b // has the exact same effect
The copy will always be dense (see Flattenable and Dense Arrays), even if the original was not.
If two arrays have the same exact shape, you can use ordinary arithmetic operators on them:
val a = F64Array.full(2, 3, 2, init = 2.78)
val b = F64Array.full(2, 3, 2, init = 3.14)
val c = a + b // elementwise addition
val d = a / b // elementwise division
These operators are copying; they will return a new 2x3x2 array with sums or ratios respectively.
a -= b // in-place elementwise subtraction
b *= b // in-place elementwise multiplication
These operators are in-place; they will modify the elements of the left part.
You can also use the verbose methods, for example:
val c = a.div(b)
You can also do the same operations with scalar values, i.e. Double
val e = a * 42.0
val f = 1.0 / b // yes, this works! we have an extension method Double.div(F64Array)!
For more sophisticated examples, you have (equally elementwise) mathematical methods at your disposal:
val g = a.exp() // elementwise natural exponent, copying
g.logInPlace() // elementwise natural logarithm, in-place
The operations exp
, expm1
, log
, log1p
are available as both copying
and in-place methods.
For vectors, we have a scalar multiplication method dot()
val v1 = F64Array(1000)
val v2 = F64Array(1000)
val v1v2: Double = v1.dot(v2)
You can calculate some statistical values:
val a = F64Array(2, 3, 2)
val s: Double = a.sum() // what it says
val m: Double = a.mean() // arithmetic mean
val sd: Double = a.sd() // standard deviation
val aMax = a.max() // maximum value
For a vector, there is an in-place method for calculating cumulative sums:
val a = F64Array(1000)
a.cumSum() // after this, each element a[n] is equal to the sum a[0] + … + a[n] of the original values of [a]
Also for a vector, you can get the index of the maximum / minimum element
using argMax()
/ argMin()
respectively, as well as an arbitrary quantile:
val median = a.quantile(0.5) // note that this is a destructive method, which will shuffle the array
You can rescale an array so that its entries sum to one with an in-place method rescale()
val a = F64Array.of(3.14, 2.78)
a.rescale() // equivalent to a /= a.sum() but more efficient and precise
In statistics and machine learning, it’s frequently useful to store the logarithms of values
instead of the values themselves (e.g. when dealing with distribution density).
The logarithms make multiplication and division easy (just add or subtract the logarithms),
but hinder the summation. To this end, we have a special infix method logAddExp
val logA = F64Array(2, 3, 2, init = ln(3.14))
val logB = F64Array(2, 3, 2, init = ln(2.78))
val logC = logA logAddExp logB
Like the name suggests, logAddExp
is equivalent to writing
(logA.exp() + logB.exp()).log()
but generally more precise and efficient
and less memory-consuming. There's also an in-place variant, logA.logAddExpAssign(logB)
You can also sum the entire logarithmically stored array:
val logSum: Double = logA.logSumExp()
This is again equivalent to (but better than) ln(logA.exp().sum())
There is also a version of rescale()
for logarithmically stored arrays:
logA.logRescale() // equivalent to a -= a.logSumExp(), but more efficient and precise
You might want to keep the number of copying events to a minimum, especially when working with very large arrays. Copying requires allocation and (later) disposal of large amounts of memory.
There is one general tip for less copying: use in-place operations whenever possible. For example, while
val b = (a + 1.0) / 2.0
is equivalent to
val b = a + 1.0
b /= 2.0
the latter approach avoids one copy allocation and disposal by reusing an array. The effect is even more pronounced with a longer operation chain.
Flattenable arrays can be traversed in a single loop, so they naturally enjoy faster computations. Try to avoid large non-flattenable arrays. Moreover, dense arrays benefit from native SIMD optimizations and faster copying, so these are the natural choice for efficient calculations. See Flattenable and Dense Arrays for more details.
stands for "single instruction, multiple data". It’s a broad family
of CPU instruction set extensions, including MMX
and others.
These extensions allow using extended CPU registers containing multiple data units.
For example, AVX
defines 256-bit registers that can operate on
four 64-bit floating-point numbers with one instruction.
supports SIMD extensions by providing a set of binary JNI libraries
built specifically for several target platforms and extension sets.
We build and include the following libraries for amd64
(also called x86_64
instruction set extensions:
amd64 (x86_64) | SSE2 | AVX |
Windows | + | + |
Linux | + | + |
macOS | + | + |
These libraries are only compatible with 64-bit JVM. In all other cases,
doesn't use JNI, opting for Kotlin/Java operations instead.
Suppose you want a 1000-element vector f
such that f[i] == i!
, i.e.
a vector of factorials. Is there an efficient way to do this with viktor
? Of course!
val f = F64Array(1000) { it.toDouble() } // fill vector f with values so that f[i] == i
f[0] = 1.0 // gotta deal with that edge case
f.logInPlace() // replace all values with their natural logarithms; f[i] == log(i) for i > 0
f.cumSum() // replace all values with cumulative sums; f[i] == sum_{k=1}^i log(k) for i > 0
f.expInPlace() // replace all values with their exponents; f[i] == exp(sum_{k=1}^i log(k)) == prod_{k=1}^i k == i!
Bingo! You have a vector of factorials. Sadly, most of these are equal to positive infinity due to floating-point overflow. You might consider skipping the last exponentiation and keeping the logarithms of the factorials, which are much less prone to overflow. See Logarithmic Storage for more details.
Suppose you have a vector o
of i.i.d. random observations, and you want to calculate
the vector of probability density d
under the standard normal distribution N(0, 1)
Since the density formula is p(x) = sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-x^2/2)
, we can do the following:
val d = sqrt(2 * PI) * (- o * o / 2.0).exp()
This produces the desired results, but is not very efficient: each of the *
, /
, -
and *
creates a copy, only the last of which is retained as d
That’s four copies too many. Let’s consider a better approach:
val d = o * o // d == o^2
d /= -2.0 // d == -o^2 / 2
d.expInPlace() // d == exp(-o^2 / 2)
d *= sqrt(2 * PI) // d == sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-o^2 / 2)
Voila! No extra copies created. However, if some observations have large absolute values,
the exponent might underflow, leaving us with a zero density. It’s thus better to store
and operate on log densities! Since log p(x) = 1/2 log (2 * pi) - x^2 / 2
, we can write:
val logD = o * o
logD /= -2.0
logD += 0.5 * ln(2 * PI)
What is the total log likelihood of o
under the standard normal distribution N(0, 1)
Why, it’s logD.sum()
, naturally. (Since likelihood is a product of densities,
log likelihood is a sum of log densities.)
We now suspect our observation vector o
actually came from a uniform mixture
of two normal distributions, N(0, 1)
and N(3, 1)
. What is the total likelihood now?
What is the most probable sequence of components?
Let's create a matrix logP
to hold the probabilities of observations
belonging to components: logP[i, j] = log(P(o_j, c_j = i))
, where c_j
is the mixture
component responsible for the j
th observation (either 0
or 1
). Using conditional
P(o_j, c_j = i) = P(o_j | c_j = i) * P(c_j = i)
Let's also try to use array-wide operations as much as possible.
val oColumn = o.reshape(1, o.size) // create a 1x1000 matrix view of [o]
val logP = F64Array.concatenate(oColumn, oColumn) // concatenate into a 2x1000 array; logP[i, j] == o_j
logP.V[1] -= 3.0 // logP[i, j] == o_j - μ_i
logP *= logP // logP[i, j] == (o_j - μ_i) ^ 2
logP /= -2.0 // logP[i, j] == - (o_j - μ_i) ^ 2 / 2
logP += 0.5 * ln(2 * PI) + ln(0.5) // logP[i, j] == - (o_j - μ_i) ^ 2 / 2 + 1/2 log(2 * pi) + log(1/2) == log(P(o_j | c_j = i) * P(c_j = i))
Now we can answer our questions. The likelihood of an observation is
P(o_j) = Σ_i P(o_j, c_j = i)
thus we can easily obtain a vector of log-likelihoods by log-summing the columns of logP
val logL = logP.V[0] logAddExp logP.V[1]
The total log-likelihood is equal to logL.sum()
, like in the previous example.
To obtain the most probable sequence of mixture components, we just need to pick the one with the greatest probability for each observation:
val components = logP.along(1).map { it.argMax() } // a sequence of 0s and 1s
This generates a sequence of matrix rows (along(1)
) and picks the maximum element
index for each row.