2017-Frontend Performance Check-list For Production: In this article I will share with you my chick-list that I use to optimize my web pages after development. So feel free to leave a comment if you think I miss something.
- 2017-The State of the Web: A guide to impactful performance improvements.
- 2017-Tracking CPU with Long Tasks API: the old bottleneck for web performance used to be the network. But the new bottleneck for web performance is the CPU, and particularly the main thread.
- 2018-Front-End Performance Checklist: The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others
美团境外业务性能优化实践: 本文根据第 16 期美团点评技术线上沙龙 OnLine 演讲内容整理而成。
2018-蚂蚁金服如何把前端性能监控做到极致?: 将分享如何通过 Performance 相关的 API 准确的采集用户性能数据,并如何通过大数据计算加工最终产出用户性能分析产品,以及如何通过性能数据纵向衡量产品性能、发现性能瓶颈。
- SiteSpeed: itespeed.io is a set of Open Source tools that helps make your web pages faster.
stacks-cli #Project#: Check website stack from the terminal.
Leveraging the Performance Metrics that Most Affect User Experience: But as you try to answer the question: how fast is my app?, you'll realize that fast is a vague term. What exactly do we mean when we say fast? In what context? And fast for whom?
2015- 使用 HMTL5 API 监控前端性能: 用户计时 API 可以在网页应用中测量两个预定义标记之间的性能。开发者仅仅需要分别定义测量的开始和结束标记。
2018-使用 RAIL 模型评估性能: RAIL 是一种以用户为中心的性能模型。每个网络应用均具有与其生命周期有关的四个不同方面,且这些方面以不同的方式影响着性能。
Locust: Define user behaviour with Python code, and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.
wrk: wrk is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load when run on a single multi-core CPU.
Apache JMeter: The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.
- Using the Chrome devtools new code coverage feature: This is an exciting feature that is useful both when working with JavaScript and CSS, so I thought I’d do a quick demo and explore how it can be helpful.