Awesome CS Collections is collections of collection, including Programming Language, Software Engineering, Web, Server Side Application, Frontend, etc. Every link in this collection may containing massive domains.
Awesome CS Collections is subject to Awesome Links, which is also part of Awesome Coder. You may also like Awesome-DataSet-Collections, Awesome Tools, etc.
Awesome CS Collections 是对于资源集锦的集锦,希望能够帮您快速找到合适的学习指引。
Content Aggregation Portal: HackerNews, Reddit, Google+, 推酷, TechMeme, V2EX, DZone, Voat
Online Books: Gitbook, SafariBooksOnline
Blogs: Medium, 开发者头条, 掘金, CSDN, freeCodeCamp Guide
Q & A Community: StackOverflow, SegmentFault
OpenSource Community: Github, OSChina,
Newsletter: MyBridge, InfoQ 架构师, CSDN 程序员杂志, 码农周刊, 高可用架构系列, ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
Online Course: Pluralsight, Coursera, edX, Udacity, MIT 公开课, MOOC 学院, 慕课网
Online Judging: LeetCode, Project Euler, CodingGame, Kaggle, Topcoder, 牛客网, HackerRank, JS Fight
Giants: MSDN, Google Developers, 云栖社区, IBM DeveloperWorks, Facebook AI Research , Facebook, Airbnb
Learn Anything #Project#: Learn Anything is an Open Source Website built by community to Learn Anything with Interactive Maps.
Computer Science: Open Source Society University: The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials.
2018-Awesome Cheatsheets: Useful cheatsheets with everything you should know in one single-file. 🚀
2016-成为专业程序员路上用到的各种优秀资料、神器及框架: 成为一名专业程序员的道路上,需要坚持练习、学习与积累,技术方面既要有一定的广度,更要有自己的深度。
List of Free Learning Resources: This list was originally a clone of stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
Awesome Podcasts: Collection of awesome podcasts. Awesome list of Important Podcasts for software engineers.
Build your own (insert technology here): What I cannot create, I do not understand.
devdocs: 这里集合了大量的在线的文档,同时 DevDocs 还支持离线浏览,主要是依靠 IndexDB 将数据存放在浏览器的本地缓存中。
English-level-up-tips-for-Chinese: 在这份指南里,我会尽可能地综合我主观的看法与一定的科学依据,为大家提供一份详尽的英语进阶指南,真心希望本指南能给你带来一点小小的帮助。
InterviewMap #Project#: uild the best interview map. The current content includes JS, network, browser related, performance optimization, security, framework, Git, data structure, algorithm, etc.
InterviewNotes: 计算机基础知识整理,持续更新中~
2018-Interviews #Collection#: Everything you need to know to get the job.
2018-Interview_Notes-Chinese #Collection#: 2018/2019/校招/春招/秋招/自然语言处理(NLP)/深度学习(Deep Learning)/机器学习(Machine Learning)/C/C++/Python/面试笔记
Exercism: Exercism gives you hundreds of practice problems in over 30 programming languages, and a place where you can get feedback on your solutions.
Freely available programming books: List of Free Learning Resources
Hackr: Find the Best Programming Courses & Tutorials
The Coding Train: Subjects covered range from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript (with p5.js) and Java (with Processing) to generative algorithms like physics simulation, computer vision, and data visualization.
- Coding Interview University: A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Front End Interview Handbook: Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
Frontend Case Studies: A curated list of technical talks and articles about real-world enterprise frontend development
How JavaScript works #Series#: the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components.
2018-Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018: Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a devops.
2016-Back-End Developer Interview Questions: A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
2018-Awesome Scalability, Availability, and Stability Back-end Design Patterns: A curated list of selected readings to illustrate Scalability, Availability, and Stability Design Patterns in Back-end Development.
Awesome design patterns: A general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.
The Twelve-Factor App: To raise awareness of some systemic problems we’ve seen in modern application development, to provide a shared vocabulary for discussing those problems, and to offer a set of broad conceptual solutions to those problems with accompanying terminology.
The System Design Primer: Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
awesome-shell: A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev.
Cloud Native Landscape #Project#: Static Cloud Native Landscapes and Interactive Landscape that filters and sorts hundreds of cloud native projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding or market cap, first and last commits, contributor counts, headquarters location, and recent tweets.
- Project Euler: Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve.
- 2017-awesome-indie: Resources to help independent developers make money.