This file aggregates curated popular links for learning Golang. More reference about ITCS can turn to AwesomeList: Guide to Galaxy, which collects valuable, popular and up-to-date links for CS, including Programming Language, Software Engineering, Server Side Application, Infrastructure, InfoSecurity, Industrial Application, DataScienceAI, Frontend Technology(iOS, Android, RN, Electron), etc.
2017-The beauty of Go: So if you’re an engineer or a startup trying to decide what language you want to explore or try out, do give Go a serious thought.
2017-The Zoo of Go Functions: An overview about: anonymous, higher-order, closures, concurrent, deferred, and other kinds of Golang funcs.
2018-Golang 工程经验: 转战 Golang 一年有余,经历了两个线上项目的洗礼,总结出一些工程经验,一个是总结出一些实战经验,一个是用来发现自我不足之处。
2018-Go: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Go does have some nice features, hence the "The Good" part in this post, but overall I find it cumbersome and painful to use when we go beyond API or network server.
- 2018-Go 语言发展史及史上最全 Go 语言知识图谱!: 今天和大家一起聊聊 Go 的发展历史,同时发布我们 Gopher China 整理的 Go 知识图谱。
- 2018-Proposal: Go 2 transition: A proposal for how to make incompatible changes from Go 1 to Go 2 while breaking as little as possible.
2018-Uber-Code Migration in Production: Rewriting the Sharding Layer of Uber’s Schemaless Datastore.
2018-PHP to Go: How we boosted API performance by 8X: In this article we share why we made the move, how it’s radically improved performance, and some lessons learned along the way.
Gopher China Conference #Collection#: Gopher China Conference Presentations.
- Go Cheat Sheet: An overview of Go syntax and features.
2015-An Introduction to Programming in Go #Book#: A short, concise introduction to computer programming using the language Go. Designed by Google, Go is a general purpose programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library, making it an ideal language to learn as your first programming language.
2015-The Go Programming Language #Project#: This book is meant to help you start using Go effec tive ly rig ht away and to use it well, taking full advantage of Go’s langu age features and stand ard librar ies to write clear, idiomatic, and efficient programs. 中文译本地址。
2016-Learning Go Programming #Book#: An insightful guide to learning the Go programming language
2016-Go Web 编程 #Book#: Go web 编程是因为我喜欢 Web 编程,所以写了这本书,希望大家喜欢。English Version is Build web application with Golang.
2016-深入解析 Go #Book#: 因为自己对 Go 底层的东西比较感兴趣,所以抽空在写一本开源的书籍《深入解析 Go》。写这本书不表示我能力很强,而是我愿意分享,和大家一起分享对 Go 语言的内部实现的一些研究。
2017-Go 语言高级编程 #Book#: 本书针对 Go 语言有一定经验,想深入了解 Go 语言各种高级用法的开发人员。
2018-Essential Go #Book#: a free Go programming book, a continuation of Stack Overflow Documentation.
2018-go-internals #Book#: go-internals is a work-in-progress book about the internals of the Go (1.10+) programming language.
2018-Go Assembly by Example: Go Assembly by Example is a hands-on introduction to Go's Assembly language using annotated example programs.
2018-Go 语言高级编程 #Project#: 开源图书,涵盖 CGO、Go 汇编语言、RPC 实现、Protobuf 插件实现、Web 框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题。
- 2018-Go语言四十二章经 #Book#: 这本书适合Go语言新手来细细阅读,对于有一定经验的开发人员,也可以根据自己的情况,选择一些章节来看。最后,希望更多的人了解和使用Go语言,也希望阅读本书的朋友们多多交流。
2018-A Gopher's Reading List: A curated selection of blog posts on Go.
Awesome Go #Project#: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.
2016-Go by Example #Series#: Go by Example is a hands-on introduction to Go using annotated example programs. Check out the first example or browse the full list below.
2017-A tour of Go #Project#: The tour is divided into a list of modules and interactive, These example programs demonstrate different aspects of Go. The programs in the tour are meant to be starting points for your own experimentation.
- 2014-Go Start:A getting started guide for Go newcomers
- 2017-Go Tooling in Action: A workshop covering all the tools gophers use in their day to day life.
2018-Learn go with tests: Explore the Go language by writing tests.
2018-How to Build a Search Service with Go and Elasticsearch: This article shows how to build a simple search service in Go using Elasticsearch.
2018-How to start a Go project in 2018: Getting started with a Go project in 2018 is frankly a little more painful then getting anything else started IMHO.