This repo is the client for a websocket practice app. Symphony is a discord-like insant messaging service.
API src can be found here : Api Src Repo Live: Site here
clone: $ git clone
Make sure you enter the project directory $ cd symphonyClientPages/
install dependencies $ npm i
If you were to run at the moment you would notice the API and PATH vars are not set. Create a .env file. $ touch .env
Copy and paste the following enviroment variables to the .env file and save.
VITE_BASE_URL = /symphonyClientPages
Finally, run the project: $ npx vite
The project is most likely available on http://localhost:5173/symphonyClientPages.
This project was built to continue practicing the MERN stack, and to dive off the deep end learning about websockets, tailwind, and Typescript.
Fully Implemented Feautures:
- Room searching and joining
- Leaving rooms, rooms are deleted if all users leave
- Creating new rooms
- Searching by name and/or topic
- Instant messaging with
- Messages saved to MongoDB Atlas
- Room avatars and profile avatars
- User profile
- User settings
- Dark-mode/light-mode
- JWT Authentication
- Infinite Scroll (provided there is are more messages to see)
- Fully Responsive
Technologies used for this project:
- React
- Express
- TailwindCSS
- Typescript
- React Query (Tanstack)
- Mongoose (Mongo DB ORM)
- Passport.js
- Multer & Sharp
- AWS S3