A project regarding the practice and study of API REST using Spring (not complet yet, miss tests)
- Java
- Spring Boot
- OpenSwagger
- H2
- Save a Todo
- Get all Todos
- Get a specific Todo
- Uptade a specific Todo
- Delete a specific Todo
- Filter Todos
- Delete All Todo's - Not done yet
Java - 1.8.x
Maven - 3.x.x
MySQL - 5.x.x
1. Clone the application
git clone https://github.com/Itor-Carlos/todo-list-spring-java.git
2. Create MySQL database
create database todo_database
3. You can choose the profile that will be used
To choose the profile, acess
If you choose test profile, acess
and change the parameterspring.profiles.active
If you chose dev profile, acess
and change the parameterspring.profiles.active
. After the previous step, acesssrc/main/resources/application-dev.properties
and changespring.datasource.username
as per your mysql installation
4. Build and run the app using maven
mvn spring-boot:run
The application will be start running at http://localhost:8080
You can acess the api-docs from this application. To do this, go to http://localhost:8080/todo-api/swagger-ui/index.html after start application
- Unit Tests and Integration Tests
- Docker
- I wll change the Repository Interfaces. Maybe i should do a more specific to do not duplicate code