Daily C02 Total C02 Daily Money Total Money Daily AP Total AP
all c02 emmisions are /day
- Meat/Vegetarian The global average of water required to produce 1kg of beef is 15,400 litres 1 serving Beef = 3.65kg c02
Vegetarian 1 serving Pea = 0.01 kg/c02
Car/Bus/Bike Car - 6.6 kg/c02 Bus - 4.14 kg/c02 bike/walk - 0
Glad wrap/Reusable tupperware Glad wrap decomposes extremely slow and fihs are at risk of eating it and absorbing harmful chemicals. Wax paper or reusable tupperware is a great alernative
Dryer/Line dry Drying your clothes on a line takes advantage of the reunable energy of the sun and produces no C02! dryer - 0.85 kg/c02 line dryer - 0
Reduce water usage The recommeneded water usage is 50 litres per person. New Zealanders use an average of 227 litres a day! locked - 1.22 kg/c02 unlocked - 0.27 kg /c02
Solar panels Solar power is a clean energy, this means that it does not produce any carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Electric car c02 = 2.6 kg/c02
Energy efficient ...
Recycling bin Currently, 79% of recyclable waste is still being put into landfills and 91% of plastic is not recycled
Organics bin Composting your organics conserves space in landfills and saves waterby heling soil o retain moisture.
Buy coffee coffee = 0.2kg/c02
Frivolous purchase
Vege garden
Reusable shopping bag
- plant tree On average, an acre of forest rmeoves 2,500kg of C02 a year -0.06 kg/ c02