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File metadata and controls

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For Homie: Understanding the Settings of dig2

About the folder structure - MyHome, and others .

  1. This document can be viewed under the dig2 client, but also at the location: /opt/iotplay/<3cld>_dig2/projects/Prod/Docs where <3cld> defaults to myh for my home, but can be replaced by 3 letters which identifies the client, for cases where more than one client is hosted on the same host.

  2. In this document where the pre-letters myh to a folder is used, this rule applies.

  3. HomeBridge comes preinstalled with dig2 in this version. (We maybe latero n make it a seperately installable product, for those not on Apple). homeBridge requirs a seperately installed broker running on Docker, accessable by the host this is running on.

Setting up the dig2 settings files

Folders Locations

  • /opt/iotplay/homedig2/projects/Prod : The folder where dig2 Node-RED flows will install, instance Production.
  • /opt/iotplay/homedig2/iotp.conf : The settings for the house .

The File names

  • Settings files for Homie. To assist with configuring your Home in the homie standard.

    • homieClientSetup.yml: For setting up your IoT devices - in cases where self-discovery standards are not complied to by the device, and even if it does, you can create etra meaning per the homie standard in this file.
    • homieTransforms.yml: Transforms mqtt messages from non-homie appliances to the homie standard.
  • Settings files for homeBridge.

The Settings Files

1. Setting up your dig2 twin with <homieClientSetup.yml>

A yaml file, with which to create all the attributes in the dig2 digital twin about your devices. Each line is transferred into an MQTT message, and sent into the dig2Homie engine, to build the digital twin. This is a once-off event, or as you want to make changes.

Actioning the changes you made to this file, is done from the *Setup screen, *


# -------- Additional home Details ----------------------------------   

  # Device Names <$name>---------------------------------------------    
    homie/ESP62/$name:                  Sprinkler System & Outside Air

  # Devices Mac Addresses <$mac>-------------------------------------
    homie/ESP62/$mac:                   "18:fe:34:cf:54:26"

  # Devices IP Addressses <$localip>---------------------------------

  # Device Implementations <$implementation>-------------------------
    homie/ESP62/$implementation:         ESP_Easy

  # Node Names <$name>-----------------------------------------------
    homie/ESP62/Air/$name:               Kitchen Quad Air

  # Attribute Properties: Unit <$unit>------------------------------- 
    homie/ESP62/Air/Temperature/$unit:   "°C"
    homie/ESP62/Air/Humidity/$unit:      "%"
    homie/ESP62/Leg1/Relay/$unit:        "on/off"

  # Attribute Properties: settable? <$settable>----------------------
    homie/ESP71/Light/Switch/$settable:  true

  # Attribute Properties: Names of Thing Property <$name>------------
    homie/ESP62/Leg1/Relay/$name:        Sprinkler Leg-1

  # How to talk back to Devices with MQTT <$mqttToDevice> -----------
    homie/ESP71/Light/Switch/$mqttToDevice:    espeasy/ESP71/gpio/12

2. homieTransforms.yml

A yaml file, which transforms incoming MQTT messages from devices, and transforms them to make them homie standard compliant.


transformToHomieTopic: # fromDevice
# instructions: If payload_from must go as-is to payload_to, do not map, else map in equal length array.
# example:
#      payload_from: [true,false]
#      payload_to  : [ready,lost]

    - shellies/shelly1-058DDF/online:
        payload_from: [true,false]
        payload_to  : [ready,lost]
        mqtt_to     : homie/shelly1-058DDF/$state

    - "Paradox/Zone/TV-Room_PIR":
        payload_from: [CLOSED,OPEN]
        payload_to  : [false,true]
        mqtt_to     : "homie/Paradox/Zone/TV-Room_PIR"

transformHomeBridgeToDevice: #after converted by function with same name...

    - homie/ESP62/Leg1/Relay/set: 
        payload_from: [1,0]
        payload_to  : ["event,L1","event,allsprinkleroff"]
        mqtt_to     : espeasy/ESP62/cmd

    - homie/shelly1-24D051/relay/Light/set: 
        payload_from: [true,false]
        payload_to  : ["on","off"]
        mqtt_to     : shellies/shelly1-24D051/relay/0/command
 CoAPSetup:                   #___ to trigger CoAP services for information, like shelly_EM
    # To interact with a CoAP or http service, rather than with mqtt. All received infos to be converted to homie format.
    # expression: How often to fire the event. Use adapted 'cron'
    # Supported expressions are: 
    #   -  "*/2 * * * *" - every 2 min
    #   -  "0/10 * * * * *" = every 10 seconds

    - CoAPout/shellyem-B9F209/emeter/0:
        endpoint:  http://shellyem-B9F209.iot.lan/emeter/0      # The CoaP endpoint
        formatRec: json                                # what format is endpoint supplying info
        expression: "0/10 * * * * *"                             
        #limit: 1                                      # How many times to fire the event.
        #jsonInEx:  {"power":7.52,"reactive":-24.11,"voltage":245.85,"is_valid":true,"total":549042.9,"total_returned":8920.5} #example info in.

#----- Known do not use ----------
    - home/OpenMQTTGateway/version:
        mqtt_to     : homie/ziotp/knowndoNotUse

# jsonInEx means: Example incoming json
    - home/OpenMQTTGateway/SYStoMQTT:
        jsonInEx    : {"uptime":7472,"freeMem":42560,"rssi":-42,"SSID":"TheStorm","modules":"SRFB"}
        mqtt_to     : [
        json_in     : [

# ----- TODO -----------
    -  home/OpenMQTTGateway/version: (must go to /$fw/version)

# ==================================================
# not working, one msg should be able to go to 2 msg's, thus rather take msg's to ESP rules.
#    - espeasy/ESP62/Leg1/Relay:
#        payload_from: ["0","1"]
#        payload_to  : [{"name":"ESP62.Leg1.Relay","characteristic":"InUse","value":0},{"name":"ESP62.Leg1.Relay","characteristic":"InUse","value":1}]
#        mqtt_to     : homebridge/to/set

# ========= from HomeBridge to Device ==============

Initiating, Changing your dig2Twin

After you made changes to your setup files, the steps to get the dig2Twin to accept them. Changes are made from the Setup screen.

Setup Screen

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