This document contains best practices when using RxSwift, RxCocoa, and other Rx libraries in iOS projects.
Rx is like Ruby. It’s very easy to make use of it but it’s also very easy to use it poorly. Failing to understand its complexities can easily lead to misuse which appears benign in the short term but can lead to many problems in the long term. For novices, the best place to start is with creating simple Rx-enabled ViewModels and binding them to views.
The following are more advanced constructs that should not be adopted lightly.
- Creating custom observables (Observable.create)
- Combining observables (combineLatest, merge, concat, flatMap*)
- Common operators for modeling an observable (startWith, filter, map, scan)
- Hot vs cold observables
- Connectable observables & related operators (publish + connect, replay*, shareReplay*)
- RxSwift specific “traits” (Single, Completable, Maybe, Driver) and special types (Subjects)
- Bridging imperative and rx code (using Subjects & Variables or bridging delegates)
- Threading (observeOn vs subscribeOn)
- Error handling (catch, retry, subscription)
When possible, a ViewModel's observable sequences should be setup in a declarative fashion within the ViewModel's init
method or in lazily declared properties. This allows you to specify your exposed observables as non-optional immutable let
private let user = Variable<User?>(nil)
let username: Driver<String>
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
init(identifier: String) {
APIClient.user(withIdentifier: identifier).catchErrorJustReturn(nil).bind(to: user).disposed(by: disposeBag)
username = user.asDriver().map({ $0?.username ?? "" })
The majority of a ViewModel's exposed observable sequences will be observed by objects in the UI layer (aka, view-binding). CocoaTouch requires that UI updates be performed on the main thread. Additionally, RxCocoa requires that UI bindings never emit errors and will trigger runtime exceptions if errors occur. When Views are going to bind to these sequences they need assurances that these rules are followed. For these reasons, you should use the correct observable type for the given situation:
- Use a
when data is read-only from the View's perspectiveDriver
is specifically for observations in the UI LayerDriver
is roughly equivalent toObservable
- Use a
when bi-directional binding is required to allow the observing View to append to the observable sequence based on user input- Note:
does not imply that it will emit on the main thread so the view will have to observe carefully (see Observing bellow)
- Note:
- Use an ordinary swift property when the value never changes and can avoid the overhead of wrapping it in Rx.
- Exposing sequences of type
for view-binding should generally be avoided on ViewModels- They have no implication that it will emit only on the main thread
- They have no implication that they will not error out
You should prefer .bind(to: ...)
or .drive(...)
over .subscribe(...)
as these are more declarative and less prone to user error.
Do this
// Driving from a Driver disposeBag)
// Driving from a Variable
viewModel.titleVariable.asDriver().drive(titleLabel.rx.text).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Safely driving from an Observable
viewModel.titleObservable.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: "").drive(to: titleLabel.rx.text).disposed(by: disposeBag)
Not this
// Subscribing
viewModel.titleObservable.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] title in self?.titleLabel.text }).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Dangerously binding
viewModel.titleObservable.bind(to: titleLabel.rx.text).disposed(by: disposeBag)
A ViewModel's observables should be bound to a ViewController's outlets from viewWillAppear
or in a dependent method. This allows time for the ViewModel to be injected into the ViewController (if necessary) and for the outlets initial value to be set prior to the View being displayed on screen. Additionally, it allows for the disposal and rebinding when the view controller leaves and returns to the screen.
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
viewModel.title.bind(to: self.rx.title).disposed(by: disposeBag)
When a ViewModel's observables apply to outlets on custom (Table|Collection)ViewCells in a ViewController, the observables should be bound in a configure(with viewModel: ...)
method in the custom cell class. This allows cell to limit the exposure of its outlet properties.
// In the ViewController
viewModel.profileSummary.bind(to: profileCollectionView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: ProfileCollectionViewCell.reusableIdentifier, cellType: ProfileCollectionViewCell.self)) { (_, element, cell) in
cell.configure(with: element)
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// In the Cell
func configure(with viewModel: ProfileViewModel) {
viewModel.username.bind(to: usernameLabel.rx.image).disposed(by: cellReuseBag)
viewModel.title.bind(to: titleLabel.rx.image).disposed(by: cellReuseBag)
viewModel.image.bind(to: imageView.rx.image).disposed(by: cellReuseBag)
Each ViewController should be given a var
DisposeBag for use with outlet bindings and other subscriptions. This bag should be replaced within viewWillDisappear
, or in a dependent method, and balances against the bindings performed in viewWillAppear
. This allows the ViewController to disable UI updates while it is not on screen.
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
disposeBag = DisposeBag()
Similarly, each custom (Table|Collection)ViewCell should be giving a var
DisposeBag that is replaced in prepareForReuse
. This allows cells to disable old bindings and free up resources as the cells are dequeued and reused.
override func prepareForReuse() {
cellReuseBag = DisposeBag()
Asynchronous tests with Nimble and RxBlocking
Frequently when testing an observable sequence, you only care that when a certain condition is reached, the sequence will emit a specific value. You can combine Nimble's asynchronous testing with RxBlocking's subscriptions to make simple boilerplate free tests.
Do this
doSetup(username: "john_doe")
Instead of this
var username = ""
let usernameExpectation = expectation(description: "username")
sut.username.subscribe(onNext: {
username = $0
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
doSetup(username: "john_doe")
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1.0) { [weak self] error in
XCTAssertEqual(username, "john_doe")
We are still actively exploring these topics and cannot recommend any approaches at this time.
- Networking
- Data Persistence
- Bluetooth
- Processing User Input
- RxSwift -
- RxCocoa -
- Getting started with RxSwift and RxCocoa -
- RxSwift (eBook) -
- RxMarbles -
- Introduction to Rx -
- ReactiveX -
- RxSwift docs -
- Reactive Extensions -