Releases: Intelehealth/intelehealth-fhw-mobileapp
Intelehealth Android Client Release 1.5.4-1
Bug fix for db upgrade crash
Release manager: Neha Verma
Developers: Prajwal Waingankar
Code review: Neha Verma
Testing: Prajwal Waingankar
Release date: 14 August 2019
Intelehealth Android Client Release 1.5.4
Added privacy notice for patients and other privacy safeguards.
#711 | Health workers need a way to access and read out the privacy notice to patients at time of patient registration
Release manager: Neha Verma
Developers: Prajwal Waingankar
Code review: Neha Verma
Testing: Prajwal Waingankar, Vibha Bhirud
Release date: 09 August 2019
Intelehealth Android Client Release 1.5.1-2
Bug Fixes:
- The language support for Cebuano in #617 does not work on Kitkat versions.
- The range of Celsius temp was still showing, that of Fahrenheit for the issue fixed in #597
- The vitals submitted from the app weren't getting posted on the openMRS back end, in the doctor's portal.
Release manager: Raunaq Pradhan
Developers: Sanjay Kranthi
Code review: Neha Goel
Testing: Raunaq Pradhan
Release date: 20-02-2019
Intelehealth Release 1.5.3
This version focused on the following:
- Fixing the various crashes recorded in firebase
- #607 | Mindmap server IP hardcoded in Android
Release manager: Raunaq Pradhan
Developers: Sanjay Kranthi
Code review: Amal Afroz Alam
Testing: Raunaq Pradhan
Release date: 13-04-2019
Intelehealth Release 1.5.2-3
Intelehealth Release 1.5.2-2
Features included:
#453 | Multiple visits are posted by the app on openMRS
#549 | Health workers need a way to flag complicated issues when they need help. (Updated)
#625 | Job.dispatch.service.Java.line 127
#663 | Visit.Summary.Activity.Line396
#665 | Visit.Summary.Activity.Line396
#656 | Node.Java.line 299
Release manager: Raunaq Pradhan
Developers: Sanjay Kranthi
Code review: Amal Afroz Alam
Testing: Raunaq Pradhan
Release date: 17-03-2019
Intelehealth Release 1.5.2
#650 | Respiratory rate does not appear to have been added to printed description
#651 | Respiratory rate string on the Visit Summary screen Vitals card is just "Respiratory" it should be "Respiratory Rate"
#652 | Temperature string on the Vitals card on Visit Summary screen shows Temperature (F) inspite of the temperature being entered in Celcius The unit should be shown depending on the unit used to enter temperature
#653 | Create units for all vitals in print out
#618 | Language support is not working properly in Android 7 and 8
#619 | Upgrade app to support Android 7
#620 | Upgrade app to support Android 8
#549 | Health workers need a way to "flag" complicated cases where they need help
Release manager: Raunaq Pradhan
Developers: Sanjay Kranthi
Code review: Amal Afroz Alam
Testing: Raunaq Pradhan
Release date: 11-03-2019
Intelehealth Release 1.5.1
#617 | When user changes language to Cebuano, all app strings should be displayed in Cebuano
#614 | Respiratory range: 10-80 to be added on vitals screen
#612 | Restore from backup restores the first backup and not the most recent backup
#598 | Phone number shoul be able to add 11 digits for Phillipines
#597 | Temp in vitals should be entered in celsius and displayed the same without conversion
Release manager: Neha Goel
Developers: Sanjay Kranthi
Code review: Neha Goel
Testing: Raunaq Pradhan
Release date: 20-02-2019
Intelehealth Release 1.3.4 October
Merge pull request #645 from Intelehealth/mahiti-1.5.1-2 Mahiti 1.5.1 2
Intelehealth Release 1.4 December 2018
Feature in This release | Description |
#415 | Modular" way to implement implementation specific changes for patient registration screen" |
#514 | Improve the format of prescription to make it more patient-friendly |
#459 | Change follow up date format |
#564 | Users need a way to know what complaints the patient came with on a visit date |
#555 | Replace the hand washing text prompt with a visual prompt |
#558 | NumberPicker & DurationPicker in Node object max value needs to be increased |
#522 | After edit patient, age box become blank. |
#561 | Add pop-up attribute for health messages to emphasize |
#566 | Screen optimization for 7-inch Tablet screen sizes |
#567 | Check compatibility for KitKat |
#521 | App sometimes shows text in English even though the language setting is Odiya |
#586 | Prescription download bug fixes |
Bugs removed from this release: | |
#549 | Health workers need a way to "flag" complicated cases where they need help |
#565 | Add check to skip activity if no Past Medical History, Family History or Physical Exam files exist |
Release manager: Neha Goel
Developers: Meera Potdar, Dexter Barretto, Ambuj Pandey
Code review: Amal Afroz Alam
Testing: Ambuj Pandey
Release date: 15/12/2018