Please see the default value in values.yaml
Parameter | Description | Default |
primehub.scheme |
The url scheme for primehub | http |
primehub.domain |
The url domain for primehub. Cannot be a ip address. | required |
primehub.port |
The url port for primehub | no port in url |
primehub.keycloak.scheme |
The url scheme for keycloak | http |
primehub.keycloak.domain |
The url domain for keycloak. Cannot be a ip address. | required |
primehub.keycloak.port |
The url port for keycloak | no port in url |
primehub.keycloak.username |
The master username for keycloak master realm | keycloak |
primehub.keycloak.password |
The master password for keycloak master realm | required |
primehub.keycloak.maxFreeSockets |
Maximum number of sockets (per host) to leave open in a free state | 10 |
primehub.keycloak.maxSockets |
Maximum number of sockets to allow per host | 80 |
primehub.keycloak.realm |
The keycloak realm for primehub | primehub |
primehub.keycloak.clientId |
The keycloak client id for primehub | admin-ui |
primehub.keycloak.rolePrefix |
The prefix of roles for the resource-group binding | "" |
primehub.keycloak.svcUrl |
The Keycloak service url |
primehub.sharedVolumeStorageClass |
The storage class for shared volume. If the value is empty string "" , it means to use groupvolume to provision shared volume |
"" |
ingress.annotations |
Annotations for ingress | {} |
ingress.hosts |
a list of ingress hosts | [] |
ingress.tls |
a list of ingress tls items | [] |
console.locale |
The language of console | en |
console.portalConfig |
The configuration of portal | Please see values.yaml |
console.readOnlyOnInstanceTypeAndImage |
Whether we only allow read operations and group-assignment on instanceType/image form | false |
console.replicas |
The number of primehub console replicas | 1 |
console.image.repository |
The primehub console image repository | infuseai/canner-admin-server |
console.image.tag |
The primehub console image tag | Please see values.yaml |
console.image.pullPolicy |
The primehub console image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
console.image.credentials.* |
The credential for primehub console image | null |
console.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
console.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
console.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
console.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
graphql.sharedGraphqlSecret |
Secret key to request read-only graphql with. Client should put this shared key in header Authorization: Bearer <SHARED_GRAPHQL_SECRET_KEY> |
required |
graphql.playgroundEnabled |
Enable the graphql playground | false |
graphql.apolloTracing |
Enable appolo tracing | false |
graphql.defaultUserVolumeCapacity |
Default user volume capacity | 20G |
graphql.replicas |
The number of graphql server replicas | 1 |
graphql.image.repository |
The graphql server image repository | infuseai/canner-graphql-server |
graphql.image.tag |
The graphql server image tag | Please see values.yaml |
graphql.image.pullPolicy |
The graphql server image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
graphql.image.credentials.* |
The credential for graphql server image | null |
graphql.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
graphql.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
graphql.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
graphql.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
watcher.replicas |
The number of watcher replicas | 1 |
watcher.image.credentials.* |
The credential for watcher image | null |
watcher.image.repository |
The watcher image repository | infuseai/canner-watcher |
watcher.image.tag |
The watcher image tag | Please see values.yaml |
watcher.image.pullPolicy |
The watcher image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
watcher.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
watcher.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
watcher.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
watcher.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
admission.image.repository |
The admission webhook image repository | infuseai/primehub-admission |
admission.image.tag |
The admission webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
admission.image.pullPolicy |
The admission webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
admission.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
bootstrap.enabled |
If bootstrap job is enabled. | true |
bootstrap.username |
The name of admin user | phadmin |
bootstrap.password |
The password of admin user | random generated | |
The group of the init user | phusers |
bootstrap.image.repository |
The bootstrap image repository | infuseai/primehub-bootstrap |
bootstrap.image.tag |
The bootstrap image tag | Please see values.yaml |
bootstrap.image.pullPolicy |
The bootstrap image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
bootstrap.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
controller.replicaCount |
The number of primehub controller replicas | 1 |
controller.image.repository |
The primehub controller image repository | infuseai/primehub-controller-ee |
controller.image.tag |
The primehub controller image tag | Please see values.yaml |
controller.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
controller.proxy.image.repository |
The kube-rbac-proxy image repository | |
controller.proxy.image.tag |
The kube-rbac-proxy image tag | Please see values.yaml |
controller.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
controller.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
controller.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
groupvolume.enabled |
If enabl the groupvolume controller | true |
groupvolume.storageClass |
The storage class of the NFS underlying pvc | Required if enabled |
groupvolume.replicas |
The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
groupvolume.image.repository |
The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
groupvolume.image.tag |
The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.image.pullPolicy |
The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
groupvolume.nfs.image.repository |
The NFS image repository | |
groupvolume.nfs.image.tag |
The NFS image tag | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.nfs.image.pullPolicy |
The NFS image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
groupvolume.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
groupvolume.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
groupvolume.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
gitsync.enabled |
If enable the gitsync controller | true |
gitsync.replicas |
The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
gitsync.image.repository |
The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
gitsync.image.tag |
The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.image.pullPolicy |
The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
gitsync.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
gitsync.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
gitsync.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
gitsync.daemonset.delayInit |
Enable random init delay for gitsync container. It prevent from pulling data at the same time. | false |
gitsync.daemonset.image.repository |
The gitsync image repository | |
gitsync.daemonset.image.tag |
The gitsync image tag | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.daemonset.image.pullPolicy |
The gitsync image tag pull policy | IfNotPresent |
jupyterhub.* |
The configuration of zero-to-jupyterhub chart | Please see values.yaml |
jupyterhub.primehub.keycloakClientId |
jupyterhub |
jupyterhub.primehub.scopeRequired |
The keycloak scope is required to use jupyterhub | "" |
jupyterhub.primehub.startnotebook |
A map to inject the start notebook scripts. The key is the filename, the value is the script content | {} |
jupyterhub.primehub.startNotebookConfigMap |
The configmap name for start notebook scripts | start-notebook-d |
jupyterhub.primehub.kernelGateway |
If kerenel gateway enabled | false |
jupyterhub.primehub.authRefreshAge |
The authentication refresh rate. | -1 |
jupyterhub.primehub.node-affinity-preferred |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.node-affinity-required |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-affinity-preferred |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-affinity-required |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-anti-affinity-preferred |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-anti-affinity-required |
The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
datasetUpload.enabled |
If volume upload server enabled | true |
datasetUpload.interface.tusd.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.repository |
The volume upload frontend image repository | infuseai/dataset-upload-web-front-end |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.tag |
The volume upload frontend image tag | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.pullPolicy |
The volume upload frontend image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.replicas |
The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.repository |
The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.tag |
The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.pullPolicy |
The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
customImage.enabled |
If image builder enabled | false |
customImage.registryEndpoint |
The endpoint of the registry server. docker login <server> |
required if enabled |
customImage.registryUsername |
The username of the registry server. | required if enabled |
customImage.registryPassword |
The password of the registry server. | required if enabled |
customImage.pushRepoPrefix |
The repository prefix for all built images. The built image will be <prefix>/my-image-name:<hash> |
required if enabled |
jobSubmission.enabled |
Enable the job submission | false |
jobSubmission.workingDirSize |
The size of ephemeral storage for working directory. The format of unit is defined in kubernetes document | 5Gi |
jobSubmission.defaultActiveDeadlineSeconds |
Default timeout (seconds) for a running job | 86400 |
jobSubmission.defaultTTLSecondsAfterFinished |
Default TTL (seconds) to delete the pod for a finished job | 604800 |
jobSubmission.nodeSelector |
The default node selector for the underlying pod | {} |
jobSubmission.affinity |
The default affinity setting for the underlying pod | {} |
jobSubmission.tolerations |
The default tolerations setting for the underlying pod | [] |
jobSubmission.artifact.enabled |
If the job artifact feature is enabled | true |
jobSubmission.artifact.limitSizeMb |
The total size of artifacts a job can upload | 100 |
jobSubmission.artifact.limitFiles |
The total files a job can upload | 1000 |
jobSubmission.artifact.retentionSeconds |
How long would the artifacts preserve | 604800 |
adminNotebook.enabled |
false |
adminNotebook.replicaCount |
The number of admin notebook replicas | 1 |
adminNotebook.image.repository |
The admin noteoobk image repository | infuseai/primehub-admin-notebook |
adminNotebook.image.tag |
The admin noteoobk image tag | Please see values.yaml |
adminNotebook.image.pullPolicy |
The admin noteoobk image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
adminNotebook.resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
adminNotebook.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
adminNotebook.affinity |
Pod affinitiy | [] |
adminNotebook.tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | {} |
keycloakGateway.image.repository |
The keycloak gateway image repository | infuseai/primehub-admin-notebook |
keycloakGateway.image.tag |
The keycloak gateway image tag | Please see values.yaml |
modelDeployment.enabled |
Enable the model deployment | false |
store.enabled |
If the PrimeHub store is enabled. If enabled, the MinIO and csi-rclone would be installed as well. | false |
store.accessKey |
The access key for the PrimeHub store | AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE |
store.secretKey |
The secret key for the PrimeHub store | wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY |
store.bucket |
The bucket name the PrimeHub store use | primehub |
store.logPersistence.enabled |
If the log persistence feature is enabled. If enabled, the fluentd would be installed as well. | true if the PrimeHub store is enabled. |
store.phfs.enabled |
If the PHFS feature is enabled. | true if the PrimeHub store is enabled. |
minio.ingress.enabled |
Enable the MinIO UI at /minio |
false |
minio.ingress.maxBodySize |
The max body size for uploading | 8192m |
minio.persistence.enabled |
If MinIO PVC for MinIO standalone mode is enabled | true if no gateway is enabled. |
minio.persistence.storageClass |
The storage class of PVC | null |
minio.persistence.accessMode |
The access mode of PVC | ReadWriteOnce |
minio.persistence.size |
The PVC size | 10Gi |
minio.s3gateway.enabled |
Use MinIO as a S3 gateway | false |
minio.s3gateway.replicas |
Number of s3 gateway instances to run in parallel | 1 |
minio.s3gateway.accessKey |
Access key of S3 compatible service | "" |
minio.s3gateway.secretKey |
Secret key of S3 compatible service | "" |
minio.gcsgateway.enabled |
Use MinIO as a Google Cloud Storage gateway | false |
minio.gcsgateway.replicas |
Number of gcs gateway instances to run in parallel | 1 |
minio.gcsgateway.projectId |
Google cloud project id | "" |
minio.gcsgateway.gcsKeyJson |
credential json file of service account key | "" |
fluentd.flushAtShutdown |
Flush when flunetd is shutdown. Please see flush_interval setting in flunetd buffer document |
false |
fluentd.flushInterval |
The flush interval. Please see flush_interval in flunetd buffer document |
3600s |
fluentd.chunkLimitSize |
The max size of each chunks. Please see chunk_limit_size setting in flunetd buffer document |
"256m" |
fluentd.storeAs |
The log format stored in the store. We supports txt or gzip . Please see store_as setting in flunetd s3 plugin document |
txt |
rclone.kubeletPath |
The csi kubelet registration path. Please see node-driver-registrar document |
/var/lib/kubelet |
# use /var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet with microk8s | ||
kubeletPath: |
To run a script for each notebook startup, you can configure in this way. Note that this script is run under root
startnotebook: |
echo "hello"
echo "world"
If the registry password contains multiple lines, for example, the json keyfile from GCR (Google Container Registry). You can configure in this way.
registryUsername: _json_key
registryPassword: |-
Please note the |-
string, it's required for multiple line string in yaml format.