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executable file
297 lines (200 loc) · 9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
297 lines (200 loc) · 9 KB


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Code for the following papers:

The authors provide this code in the hope it will be useful for understanding the proposed method, as well as for reproducibility of the results.

For more information and more open-source software please visit the Personal Robotic Lab's website:


This code was tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 distros.


sudo apt install cmake cmake-curses-gui
git clone
cd eigen
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

This repo was originally developed using Eigen 3.3.7. Currently, there are some compilation issues between Eigen 3.4.0 and the AutoDiff module. So, you should compile this repo with at most Eigen 3.3.9.

git clone
cd gsl
sudo make install
sudo apt install libomp-dev


git clone
cd EventEMin
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. <cmake arguments>

The cmake arguments can be set as follows:

                            Build batch mode.
                            (default: OFF)
                            Build incremental mode.
                            (default: OFF)
                            Use fast exponentiation.
                            (default: ON)
                            Uses the OpenMP library for parallelization.
                            (default: ON)

Lastly, ensure all environment path variables are well set, and compile everything:



A ROS package for real-time incremental estimation can be found on the following repository:


We provide samples in the dataset folder, corresponding to some results obtained in the paper. Most of the examples provided work with these samples, so you are not required to download any dataset.


The source files are located in the test directory and the binary files will be located in the bin directory. We provide estimation examples per model, and the dispersion measure to be used can be chosen on the corresponding source file. Please note that the exact entropy-based measures have quadratic complexity with the number of events and the respective examples are expected to take longer (especially if you do not use OpenMP).

Batch Mode

For each example, two images should be seen, corresponding to the original events and the transformed events, according to the estimated parameters, accumulated on the image plane. The status of the optimisation procedure should be displayed in the following format:

iteration, restart iteration: score, gradient magnitude

In the end, the estimated parameters are also displayed.

2D Translation Estimation

To run the example, on a terminal type:


Rotation Estimation

To run the example, on a terminal type:


Motion Estimation in Planar Scenes

To run the example, on a terminal type:


6-DOF in 3D

To run the example, on a terminal type:


Incremental Mode

For each example, two images should be seen, corresponding to the original events and the transformed events, according to the estimated parameters, accumulated on the image plane. The timestamp and corresponding estimates should be displayed in the following format:

ts: timestamp, v: motion parameter estimates

In the end, the estimated parameters are also displayed.

2D Translation Estimation

To run the example, on a terminal type:


Rotation Estimation

To run the example, on a terminal type:


6-DOF in 3D

To run the example, on a terminal type:


Test Sequences

To run the sequences test, you need to download at least one sequence of the dataset provided in

Batch Mode


To run the test, on a terminal type:

./example_test_sequence <path-to-events-dir> <batch-size> <path-to-estimates-saving-dir> <estimates-file-name>

The executable arguments are as follows:

  • path-to-events-dir: Path to the events' directory, following the format proposed in, e.g. /poster_rotation. The events' directory must contain two files, namely, events.txt (list of events) and calib.txt (camera parameters). Please check the folders under dataset for examples.
  • batch-size: Number of events of each batch, e.g. 20000.
  • path-to-estimates-saving-dir: Path to where the estimates are to be stored, e.g. /poster_rotation/estimates.
  • estimates-file-name: File name of the estimates, e.g. approx_tsallis_2.

For example, if you downloaded the poster_rotation sequence and stored it under foo directory, by running

./example_test_sequence /foo/poster_rotation 20000 /foo/poster_rotation/estimates approx_tsallis_2

a file containig the estimates using the Approx. Tsallis measure should be created under the /foo/poster_rotation/estimates directory (/estimates directory should be created before running the command).


To run the test, on a terminal type:

./example_test_sequence_3d <path-to-events-dir> <batch-size> <minimum-depth> <maximum-depth> <path-to-estimates-saving-dir> <estimates-file-name>

The additional executable arguments are as follows:

  • minimum-depth: Minimum depth of the depth-augmented events.
  • maximum-depth: Maximum depth of the depth-augmented events.

The rest of the arguments are the same as previously. The events should already be undistorted and augmented with depth. See indoor_flying1 for an example.

Incremental Mode


To run the test, on a terminal type:

./example_incremental_test_sequence <path-to-events-dir> <number-events> <path-to-estimates-saving-dir> <estimates-file-name>

The executable arguments are as follows:

  • path-to-events-dir: Path to the events' directory, following the format proposed in, e.g. /poster_rotation. The events' directory must contain two files, namely, events.txt (list of events) and calib.txt (camera parameters). Please check the folders under dataset for examples.
  • number-events: Number of the most recent events to maintain, e.g. 10000.
  • path-to-estimates-saving-dir: Path to where the estimates are to be stored, e.g. /poster_rotation/estimates.
  • estimates-file-name: File name of the estimates, e.g. incremental_potential.

For example, if you downloaded the poster_rotation sequence and stored it under foo directory, by running

./example_incremental_test_sequence /foo/poster_rotation 10000 /foo/poster_rotation/estimates incremental_potential

a file containig the estimates using the Incremental Potential measure should be created under the /foo/poster_rotation/estimates directory (/estimates directory should be created before running the command).


To run the test, on a terminal type:

./example_incremental_test_sequence_3d <path-to-events-dir> <number-events> <minimum-depth> <depth-scale> <path-to-estimates-saving-dir> <estimates-file-name>

The additional executable arguments are as follows:

  • minimum-depth: Minimum depth of the depth-augmented events.
  • depth-scale: Depth scaling factor.

The rest of the arguments are the same as previously. The events should already be undistorted and augmented with depth. See indoor_flying1 for an example.

Compute Errors

To compute the errors for rotational motion estimation, run the MATLAB script sequence_error.m.


The EventEMin code is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Commercial usage is not permitted.