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333 lines (222 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

333 lines (222 loc) · 10.1 KB

Why Not SwiftUI!

A collection of Swift, SwiftUI and iOS goodies.

Feel free to request features or suggestions for improvements.

Developer Developer Tuist badge

What we have hare!

Jailbroken checker

Check for device is jail-broken status.


Example for showing local notifications.

Accessibility Example

Example of common accessibility modifiers.

Bottom Nav vs Side Bar

A simple example to demonstrate separate views for iPhone and iPad. Users will see the bottom nav on iPhone and Sidebar on iPad.

Component: SuperProgress

Component: SuperToast

A cool "Android Toast" like implementation for SwiftUI.

Component: ImageViewCapturer: Media Capture & Select Example

Example for capturing image, recording video and selecting media from library.

Component: LabelToggle

A custom Toggle like component with inside label support.

MetricKit crash report example

On going...

Component: NativeAlert

SwiftUI modifier for UIAlertController. This is created to be able to change the Alert button colors.

Component: RingChart

Component: CustomTextFieldView with validation example

Typography: Custom Font

Add fonts to the project, add the fonts name to the plist file. Finally, use fontStyle(size:weight:) to set fonts.

Date Format Playground

Total 3 playground related to date formatting. Inspired by


A ready to use wrapper for SwiftUI-Shimmer.


  • Example to create preview with mock Models and ViewModels (ObservableObject). (See Media Capture & Select Example)
  • Macro example (see packages/URLMacro directory)
  • This project is using Tuist. Current Tuist implementation has following examples:
    • Quick module add using Module model
    • Custom Schema
    • Custom xcconfig
    • Custom Build Config
    • Custom InfoPlist
  • NavController: A ready to use navigation wrapper on top of NavigationStack.

Project Setup

Project Setup

This project is using Tuist. To run the project we need some initial setup.

Step 1: Install mise

We need mise to install Tuist and for maintaining project based Tuist versioning.

Install mise CLI:

# Install CLI
$ curl | sh

# Check mise version
$ ~/.local/bin/mise --version
mise xxxx.x.x

# Add mise to Zsh configuration file (`.zshrc`) for auto activate mise
$ echo 'eval "$(~/.local/bin/mise activate zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Finally, restart your shell session to use mise.

Step 2: Install Tuist

Install Tuist using the following command:

mise install tuist

Step 3: Clone repository and change directory to the repository

git clone [email protected]:ImaginativeShohag/Why-Not-SwiftUI.git
cd Why-Not-SwiftUI

Step 4: Fetch dependencies

We need to fetch the app dependencies. So use the following command to install the dependencies from Package.resolved file using Tuist.

tuist install

Step 3: Generate the project

Finally, generate and open the project using the following command:

tuist generate

This will generate the project file and open the project in Xcode.


  • As we are using Tuist to manage our Xcode project, use the following command to open the Tuist manifest files in Xcode for editing:
tuist edit
  • We have to run the tuist install every time we change any dependency of our project.

  • To upgrade dependency versions, use tuist install --update command.

  • Always use tuist generate to open the project.

  • After changing branch we also need to run the tuist generate command to generate project files.

  • Please don't use Xcode Source Control. (Issue)

Please see the Tuist documentation for details.

Project Map

Project Map

Directory Structure

  • Root: Root directory
    • ConfigurationFiles: Configuration files
    • CoreData: Core Data models
    • Entitlements: Entitlements
    • Targets: Targets/Modules
      • ModuleX: An example target/module
        • Resources: Resource of ModuleX
        • Sources: Source codes of ModuleX
          • Models: All models for ModuleX
            • Note: Keep models screen/sheet name wise.
          • UI: All the UI files for ModuleX. It also contains ViewModels.
            • Components: Common UI components that are shared in multiple screens
            • Screens: All screens, sheets etc.
              • XYZ: UI files for screen/sheet XYZ
                • Components: Common UI components for screen/sheet XYZ
                  • ABCView.swift: Example component file
                • XYZScreen.swift: Example screen/sheet UI file
                • XYZViewModel.swift: Example view model file
          • ViewModels: Common ViewModels for ModuleX.
        • Tests: Unit test target
          • Resources: Resource of Tests
          • XYZTests.swift: Example unit test file
        • UITests: UI test target
          • Resources: Resource of UITests
          • XYZUITests.swift: Example UI test file
      • ModuleY
      • ModuleZ
      • ...
    • Tuist: Tuist configuration files

Tuist Cheat Sheet

Access Bundle

Note: Let's assume our target name is Core.

/// Get current targets `Bundle` instance.
let bundle = Bundle.module

/// Get a specific targets `Bundle` instance.
let bundle = CoreResources.bundle
// Equivalent old way:
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "org.imaginativeworld.Why-Not-SwiftUI.Core")

Access Assets

Note: Let's assume our target name is Core.

// Old way
let color: Color = Color("example-color")

// New way
let color: Color = CoreAsset.exampleColor.swiftUIColor

// Old way
let image: UIImage = UIImage("example-image")! // The asset must be in the current target :(

// New way
let image: UIImage = CoreAsset.exampleImage.image // Access from any target :)



String (String+.swift)

  • md5()
  • fileName()
  • fileExtension()
  • isValidEmail()
  • isBlank()

Array (Array+.swift)

  • commaSeparatedString(emptyValue:) -> String : Combine string array separated by a comma.

UIImage (UIImage+.swift)

  • fileSize() -> Int : The file size in KB.

URL (URL+.swift)

  • fileSize() -> Int : The file size in KB.


Pre-built Swift macros:

  • #warning("message")
  • #line
  • #function
  • #file
  • #column
  • #id ... #endif
  • #filePath
  • #colorLiteral(red: 0.292, green: 0.081, blue: 0.6, alpha: 255)


Copyright 2021 Md. Mahmudul Hasan Shohag

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.