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Expansion Panel Specification

Plamena Miteva edited this page Aug 28, 2018 · 19 revisions


The IgxExpansionPanelComponent provides a way to display information in a toggleable way -

  • compact summary view containing title and description and
  • expanded detail view containing additional content in addition to the summary header.


Provide Ignite UI for Angular igx-expansion-panel component that supports the following features:

  • Collapsible body
  • Header Icon Templates
  • Disable user interaction
  • Animations configuration

Provide a base component that can later be used for implementation of igx-accordion

User Stories


Story 1: As a developer, I want a component that is able to expand its content upon user interaction or collapse it if already expanded to return to the default state i.e. collapsed. I expect that I am able to change this default state to expanded if I need to.

Story 2: As a developer, I want to be able to template the expanded and collapsed content areas.

Story 3: As a developer, I want to be able to show, hide the expand/collapse icon.

Story 4: As a developer, I want to be able to determine the position of the expand/collapse icon.

Story 5: As a developer, I want to be able to select an icon glyph for the expand/collapse icon.

Story 6: As a developer, I expect that the component can be used as an element of a collection i.e. composition of an accordion as a list of instances of this component is easily doable.

End user

Story 1: As an end user, I want to be able to expand an area in order to reveal more detailed content.

Story 2: As an end user, I want to be able to collapse an area with detailed content to reduce the amount of scrolling I need to perform in order to reach further content.

Story 3: As an end user, I expect that the expansion and collapsing happens smoothly (with a nice animation).

Story 4: As an end user, I want to expand/collapse a content area using my keyboard e.g. by pressing space or enter.

Story 5: As an end user, I expect that defined components, such as the igx-Navbar, can utilize the expansion/collapsing mechanics internally to offer smart behavior upon user interaction such as scrolling the view EXAMPLE.

Test Scenarios


  • The component gets expanded/collapsed on
    • header clicking
    • expand/collapse icon clicking
    • using the keyboard (enter/space key pressing)
    • using the API toggle() method
    • using the API expand()/collapse() methods
    • setting component's collapsed property
  • onCollapsed and onExpanded events are fired on collapsing/expanding the panel
  • onInteraction event gets fired on user interaction with the panel header
  • The component is not collapsible when disabled
  • User can choose if the expand/collapse icon will be displayed
  • User can choose the position of the expand/collapse icon (left/right)
  • Expansion panel applies all appropriate classes on initialization, on panel expanding and collapsing.
  • User can choose the animations that will be played when expand/collapse is triggered
  • The expandable area displays properly all of the input elements (E.g. text, images, another components)

Acceptance criteria

  • Expanding
  • Collapsing
  • Template Header expand/collapse image
  • Animations configuration


The IgxExpansionPanelComponent allows full configuration of the content shown in the control.



Name Type Description Default
id string The unique id of the control igx-expansion-panel-0
cssClass string If the control applies a css class. Set to `` to omit igx-expansion-panel
Name Type Description Default
collapsed boolean Should the contents of the control be hidden true
disabled boolean Should the control respond to user interraction false
headerButtons* boolean Should the expand/collapse icon be displayed true
animationSettings { openAnimation: AnimationMetadata, closeAnimation: AnimationMetadata } What animations should be played when expand/collapse is triggered { openAnimation: slideIn, closeAnimation: slideOut }
ariaLabelledBy string Aria Support. Id of control that labels component ""
Name Emits Description
onCollapsed {} Emitted when collapse() finishes
onExpanded {} Emitted when expanded() finishes
Name Signature Description
collapse () => void Collapses the control
expand () => void Expands the control
toggle () => void Toggles the control


Name Selector Description
IgxExpansionPanelBody* igx-expansion-panel-body Marks the content of the component
IgxExpansionPanelHeader* igx-expansion-panel-header Marks the header of the component


Name Type Description Default
id string The unique id of the control igx-expansion-panel-0
panel IgxCollapsibleComponent The control the header belongs to N/A
Name Type Description Default
ariaLabelledBy string Aria Support. Id of control that labels component
Name Emits Description
onInterraction { event: Event } Emitted on user interraction with the component header


Name Selector Description
IgxExpansionPanelTitle igx-expansion-panel-title Marks the title of the component header
IgxExpansionPanelDescription igx-expansion-panel-description Marks the description of the component header

End User Experience

  • The igx-expansion-panel provides a short title and description in the header when in collapsed state.
  • When expanded, the igx-expansion-panel body provides more details to the user.
  • The igx-expansion-panel is responsive.

Developer Experience

User Interface

ARIA support


  • role defaults to region
  • aria-labelledby attribute contains the element IDs of labels. The attribute establishes relationships between objects and their labels. Defaults to the expansion panel's header id


  • role defaults to button
  • aria-expanded attributes indicates whether the collapsible content below is in the expanded or in the collapsed state.
  • aria-disabled attribute indicates that the collapsible-header is perceivable but disabled, so it is not collapsible.
  • aria-controls attribute indicates what element's functionality is governed by this element. Defaults to expansion panel's id.

Known Issues and Limitations

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