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Expansion Panel Specification

Viktor Slavov edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 19 revisions


The IgxExpansionPanelComponent provides a way to display information in a toggleable way -

  • compact summary view containing title and description and
  • expanded detail view containing additional content in addition to the summary header.


Provide Ignite UI for Angular igx-expansion-panel component that supports the following features:

  • Collapsible body
  • Header Icon Templates
  • Disable user interaction
  • Animations configuration

Provide a base component that can later be used for implementation of igx-accordion


User Stories


Story 1: As a developer, I want a component that is able to expand its content upon user interaction or collapse it if already expanded to return to the default state i.e. collapsed. I expect that I am able to change this default state to expanded if I need to.

Story 2: As a developer, I want to be able to template the expanded and collapsed content areas.

Story 3: As a developer, I want to be able to show, hide the expand/collapse icon.

Story 4: As a developer, I want to be able to determine the position of the expand/collapse icon.

Story 5: As a developer, I want to be able to select an icon glyph for the expand/collapse icon.

Story 6: As a developer, I expect that the component can be used as an element of a collection i.e. composition of an accordion as a list of instances of this component is easily doable.

End user

Story 1: As an end user, I want to be able to expand an area in order to reveal more detailed content.

Story 2: As an end user, I want to be able to collapse an area with detailed content to reduce the amount of scrolling I need to perform in order to reach further content.

Story 3: As an end user, I expect that the expansion and collapsing happens smoothly (with a nice animation).

Story 4: As an end user, I want to expand/collapse a content area using my keyboard e.g. by pressing space or enter.

Story 5: As an end user, I expect that defined components, such as the igx-Navbar, can utilize the expansion/collapsing mechanics internally to offer smart behavior upon user interaction such as scrolling the view EXAMPLE.

Test Scenarios


  • The component gets expanded/collapsed on
    • header clicking
    • expand/collapse icon clicking
    • using the keyboard (enter/space key pressing)
    • using the API toggle() method
    • using the API expand()/collapse() methods
    • setting component's collapsed property
  • onCollapsed and onExpanded events are fired on collapsing/expanding the panel
  • onInteraction event gets fired on user interaction with the panel header
  • The component is not collapsible when disabled
  • User can choose if the expand/collapse icon will be displayed
  • User can choose the position of the expand/collapse icon (left/right)
  • Expansion panel applies all appropriate classes on initialization, on panel expanding and collapsing.
  • User can choose the animations that will be played when expand/collapse is triggered
  • The expandable area displays properly all of the input elements (E.g. text, images, another components)

Acceptance criteria

  • Expanding
  • Collapsing
  • Template Header expand/collapse image
  • Animations configuration


The IgxExpansionPanelComponent allows full configuration of the content shown in the control.



Name Type Description Default
id string The unique id of the control igx-expansion-panel-0
cssClass string If the control applies a css class. Set to `` to omit igx-expansion-panel
Name Type Description Default
collapsed boolean Should the contents of the control be hidden true
animationSettings { openAnimation: AnimationMetadata, closeAnimation: AnimationMetadata } What animations should be played when expand/collapse is triggered { openAnimation: slideIn, closeAnimation: slideOut }
ariaLabelledBy string Aria Support. Id of control that labels component ""
Name Emits Description
onCollapsed {event?: Event} Emitted when collapse() finishes
onExpanded {event?: Event} Emitted when expanded() finishes
Name Signature Description
collapse () => void Collapses the control
expand () => void Expands the control
toggle () => void Toggles the control


Name Selector Description
IgxExpansionPanelBody igx-expansion-panel-body Marks the content of the component
IgxExpansionPanelHeader igx-expansion-panel-header Marks the header of the component


Name Type Description Default
id string The unique id of the control igx-expansion-panel-0
panel IgxExpansionPanelComponent The control the header belongs to null
title IgxExpansionPanelTitleDirective The title element of the header null
Name Type Description Default
ariaLabelledBy string Aria Support. Id of control that labels component
disabled boolean Should the control respond to user interraction false
iconPosition enum ICON_POSITION Where should the icon be displayed ('left', 'right' or 'none') left
Name Emits Description
onInterraction { event: Event } Emitted on user interraction with the component header


Name Selector Description
IgxExpansionPanelTitle igx-expansion-panel-title Marks the title of the component header
IgxExpansionPanelDescription igx-expansion-panel-description Marks the description of the component header
IgxExpansionPanelIcon igx-expansion-panel-icon Marks the template that should be used as the icon in the collapsible header

End User Experience

  • The igx-expansion-panel provides a short title and description in the header when in collapsed state.
  • When expanded, the igx-expansion-panel body provides more details to the user.
  • The igx-expansion-panel is responsive.

Developer Experience

User Interface

ARIA support


  • role defaults to region.
  • aria-labelledby attribute contains the element IDs of labels. If the title text is visible on screen, defaults to the expansion panel's title id. If title is not specified, aria-label takes precedence for readers.
  • aria-label attribute to be used by readers if title text(respectively aria-labelledby) are not present.

IgxExpansionPanelHeader @Host:

  • role defaults to heading.
  • aria-level attribute defaults to level 3.

IgxExpansionPanelHeader @Content:

  • role defaults to button.
  • aria-expanded attributes indicates whether the collapsible content below is in the expanded or in the collapsed state.
  • aria-disabled attribute indicates that the collapsible-header is perceivable but disabled, so it is not collapsible.
  • aria-controls attribute indicates what element's functionality is governed by this element. Defaults to expansion panel's id.

Known Issues and Limitations

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