Whenever you find a bug in the Kunstmaan Bundles CMS, we kindly ask you to report it. It helps us make a better content management system.
!! If you think you've found a security issue, please use this special procedure instead.
Report your bug to in the issue tracker at Github and follow some basic guidelines:
- Use the title field to clearly describe the issue;
- Describe the steps needed to reproduce the bug with short code examples (providing a unit test or demo that illustrates the bug is best);
- Give as much detail as possible about your environment (OS, PHP version, Symfony version, CMS version, enabled extensions, ...);
If you think that you have found a security issue in the KunstmaanBundlesCMS, don't use the issue tracker and don't publish it publicly. Instead, all security issues must be sent to bundles [at] kunstmaan.be. We will contact you as soon as possible to get it resolved.