diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 0000b6b..935a760 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -38,9 +38,3 @@ jobs:
pip install pytest
pip install pytest-cov
pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=xml
- - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
- if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
- uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
- with:
- file: ./coverage.xml
- fail_ci_if_error: true
diff --git a/docs/source/getting-started/quickstarter.rst b/docs/source/getting-started/quickstarter.rst
index aa355f9..f2d6368 100644
--- a/docs/source/getting-started/quickstarter.rst
+++ b/docs/source/getting-started/quickstarter.rst
@@ -54,3 +54,10 @@ The table below lists the
- This notebook looks at how changes in storage in reservoirs in the Upper Colorado subbasin lead to changes to user shortages
- This notebook debuts the stationary Hidden Markov Model to generate alternative streamflow scenarios across the basins.
- This notebook demonstrates how to create a global Latin hypercube sample to consider multiple uncertainties in a basin.
+.. include:: ../notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.rst
+.. include:: ../notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.rst
+.. include:: ../notebooks/N3_Reservoir_File_Modification.rst
+.. include:: ../notebooks/N4_Streamflow_File_Modification.rst
+.. include:: ../notebooks/N5_Batch_Modification.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.rst b/docs/source/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a7fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+``statemodify`` Quickstarter Notebook #1: Getting Started and Using the DDM and DDR Modification Functions in the San Juan River Basin
+In this series of five notebooks, we demonstrate the functionality of
+``statemodify`` using three of the five subbasins on the West Slope
+basin in the state of Colorado: Gunnison, San Juan/Dolores, and the
+Upper Colorado Basin. There are two classes of adjustments offered in
+``statemodify`` that can be used to create alternative future states of
+the world for the region:
+1. Application of multipliers or additives to the original dataset which
+ are sampled from specified bounds using a Latin hypercube sample
+2. Complete swap of input data with data generated from an external
+ method
+Option 1 is applicable to ``.ddm`` (monthly demand), ``.ddr`` (water
+rights), ``.eva`` (reservoir evaporation), ``.res`` (reservoir storage).
+Option 2 is applicable to ``.xbm`` (monthly streamflow) and ``.iwr``
+(irrigation demand). In ``statemodify`` we provide a Hidden Markov Model
+(HMM)-based approach to generate synthetic flows across the basins and
+tie in irrigation demand to be negatively correlated to increased
+In this first notebook, we will demonstrate now to use the demand
+(``modify_ddm()``)and water rights (``modify_ddr()``) modification
+functions in the San Juan River Basin. Demands are projected to increase
+with the growth of cities and agriculture and water rights will likely
+change as discussions on changes to the Colorado Compact and
+re-allocation of water across the Colorado River Basin to promote
+sustainable development continue.
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: When each StateMod file is mentioned, clicking on the name will
+ link the user to the StateMod documentation with more information on
+ that file.
+Step 1: Run a Historical Simulation in StateMod for the San Juan Basin
+Before we start on an exploratory modeling journey, you may be first
+interested in understanding water shortages that the basin has
+historically experienced. In the container, we have downloaded and
+compiled StateMod, ``statemodify``, and the San Juan dataset from the
+Colorado’s Decision Support System (CDSS) website. We can run a baseline
+simulation below which takes approximately 4 minutes. In this baseline
+simulation, we run StateMod over the length of the historical period
+(105 years) under the assumption that we are starting from current
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import argparse
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import pickle
+ from string import Template
+ import subprocess
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ import numpy as np
+ import pandas as pd
+ import statemodify as stm
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the
+ historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length
+ of the simulation, navigate to the ``.ctl`` file and adjust the
+ ``iystr`` and ``iyend`` variables. For this notebook, these files are
+ located in:
+ ``data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod Notebook/sj2015.ctl``
+ and
+ ``data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015.ctl``
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # statemod directory
+ statemod_dir = "/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_gunnison_sjd"
+ # root directory of statemod data for the target basin
+ root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, "src", "main", "fortran")
+ # home directory of notebook instance
+ home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+ # path to the statemod executable
+ statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, "statemod-17.0.3-gfortran-lin-64bit-o3")
+ # data directory and root name for the target basin
+ data_dir = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "sj2015_StateMod_modified",
+ "sj2015_StateMod_modified",
+ "StateMod"
+ )
+ # directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin
+ basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "sj2015B")
+ # scenarios output directory
+ scenarios_dir_ddm = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios_ddm")
+ scenarios_dir_ddr = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios_ddr")
+ # parquet files output directory
+ parquet_dir_ddm = os.path.join(data_dir, "parquet_ddm")
+ parquet_dir_ddr = os.path.join(data_dir, "parquet_ddr")
+ # path to ddm and ddr template file
+ ddm_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "sj2015B_template_ddm.rsp"
+ )
+ ddr_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "sj2015B_template_ddr.rsp"
+ )
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # run statemod
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, basin_path, "-simulate"])
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.rsp
+ Closing startup log file: statem.log
+ Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.log
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 17.0.3
+ Last revision date: 2021/09/12
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.log
+ Stop 0
+Once StateMod has run successfully, we can now extract user shortages
+from the
+```.xdd`` `__
+output file using the ``statemodify`` output modification function
+``convert_xdd()``. We denote a list of user IDs
+(‘2900501’,‘2900519’,‘2900555’) who we want to extract shortages for and
+then these shortages are saved in a compressed Parquet file format that
+can then be read in as a Pandas dataframe in Python. We can also remove
+the larger output files once the requested shortages have been extracted
+and saved.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ #Extract shortages using statemodify convert_xdd() function
+ # create a directory to store the historical shortages
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_shortages")
+ # create a directory to store the new files in if it does not exist
+ output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_shortages")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(
+ # path to a directory where output .parquet files should be written
+ output_path=output_dir,
+ # whether to abort if .parquet files already exist at the output_path
+ allow_overwrite=True,
+ # path, glob, or a list of paths/globs to the .xdd files you want to convert
+ xdd_files=os.path.join(data_dir, "*.xdd"),
+ # if the output .parquet files should only contain a subset of structure ids, list them here; None for all
+ id_subset=['2900501','2900519','2900555'],
+ # how many .xdd files to convert in parallel; optimally you will want 2-4 CPUs per parallel process
+ parallel_jobs=4,
+ # convert to natural data types
+ preserve_string_dtype=False
+ )
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 29.32it/s]
+.. code:: ipython3
+ data=pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(output_dir,'sj2015B.parquet'),engine='pyarrow')
+ data
+.. raw:: html
4095 rows × 36 columns
+Upon inspecting the Parquet file above, we see the contents of the
+``.xdd`` file, including the shortages experienced by the structures
+that we specified for the length of the historical period.
+We can then take these shortages and plot them for our list of users.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ for name, group in data.groupby('structure_id'):
+ ax.scatter(
+ group['year'], group['shortage_total'], label=name)
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Shortage (AF)")
+ plt.legend()
+.. parsed-literal::
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_15_1.png
+You can look up the names and rights of the users listed above in the
+``sj2015.ddr`` file (found at
+Here, a higher Admin # denotes lower seniority. You’ll see that the
+users chosen here have junior to medium seniority of water rights with
+varying amounts of water decreed to them. The figure above shows that
+all users have experienced shortages. User 2900501 has experienced the
+most frequent shortages respectively, likely due in part to their less
+senior water right. Generally, we see a higher magnitude of shortages
+for all users during the 2002 drought.
+Step 2a: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Demand Function Example
+Now that we’ve run StateMod in baseline mode, the next step shows how we
+can run it in an exploratory analysis mode. To do this, we need to
+create some plausible futures and adjust the input files of StateMod to
+reflect these changes. In this step, we’ll demonstrate Option 1 for
+statemodify adjustments using the
+```.ddm`` `__
+file as an example, which involves multiplying the current demand time
+series for these users by a value in between 0.5 to 1.5. Here we specify
+the IDs of the users and the bounds from which we want to sample
+multipliers for the demand. We create 2 alternative states of the world
+(SOW) using a Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) procedure and store them in
+the ``input_files`` directory.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # a dictionary to describe what users you want to modify and the bounds for the LHS
+ setup_dict = {
+ "ids": ["2900501", "2900519","2900555"],
+ "bounds": [0.5, 1.5]
+ }
+ output_directory = output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ scenario = "1"
+ # the number of samples you wish to generate
+ n_samples = 2
+ # seed value for reproducibility if so desired
+ seed_value = 1
+ # number of rows to skip in file after comment
+ skip_rows = 1
+ # name of field to query
+ query_field = "id"
+ # number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used
+ n_jobs = -1
+ # basin to process
+ basin_name = "San_Juan"
+ # generate a batch of files using generated LHS
+ stm.modify_ddm(
+ modify_dict=setup_dict,
+ query_field=query_field,
+ output_dir=output_directory,
+ scenario=scenario,
+ basin_name=basin_name,
+ sampling_method="LHS",
+ n_samples=n_samples,
+ skip_rows=skip_rows,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ seed_value=seed_value,
+ template_file=None,
+ factor_method="multiply",
+ data_specification_file=None,
+ min_bound_value=-0.5,
+ max_bound_value=1.5,
+ save_sample=True
+ )
+It’s helpful to set ``save_sample=True`` to see the values of the
+multipliers that we are creating. We see below that in our 1st SOW, we
+are reducing demand for our users by 30% and then in our 2nd SOW, we are
+increasing demand for our users by 36%.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ sample_array = np.load(output_directory+'/ddm_2-samples_scenario-1.npy')
+ sample_array
+.. parsed-literal::
+ array([[0.708511 ],
+ [1.36016225]])
+Step 2b: Read in the New Input Files and Run StateMod : Demand Function Example
+Now that we have created the input files, the next step is to run
+StateMod with the new input files. The file that StateMod uses to
+configure a simulation is called a
+```.rsp`` `__
+file. For this dataset, the configuration file is ``sj2015B.rsp``. This
+file contains the paths of all of the supporting files that StateMod
+needs to run. We create a template .rsp file
+(``sj2015B_template_ddm.rsp``) and swap in the path to the two new
+alternative ``.ddm`` files that are created. Then we run StateMod for
+the two scenarios and store the shortages in Parquet file format. Each
+scenario will take approximately 4 minutes.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 2, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(ddm_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"DDM": f"../../input_files/sj2015B_{scenario}.ddm"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir_ddm, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"sj2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"sj2015B_{scenario}")
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+ #Save output to parquet files
+ print('creating parquet for ' + scenario)
+ output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir_ddm+"/scenario/"+ scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(
+ output_path=output_directory,
+ allow_overwrite=False,
+ xdd_files=scenarios_dir_ddm + "/"+ scenario + "/sj2015B_"+scenario+".xdd",
+ id_subset=['2900501','2900519','2900555'],
+ parallel_jobs=4,
+ preserve_string_dtype=False
+ )
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.rsp
+ Closing startup log file: statem.log
+ Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 17.0.3
+ Last revision date: 2021/09/12
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log
+ Stop 0
+ creating parquet for S0_1
+Step 2c: Visualize Shortages in New SOWs- Demand Function Example
+Now that we have run our simulations, we can visualize the difference in
+shortages experienced by the stakeholders in our two SOWs. Let’s focus
+on the user: 2900501, a junior user who experienced the most frequent
+shortages historically across the stakeholders we looked at. Let’s look
+back at the LHS sample and see that SOW 1 is where we have a decreased
+demand (0.7 multiplier) and SOW 2 is where we have an increased demand
+(1.4 multiplier).
+.. code:: ipython3
+ output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ sample_array = np.load(output_directory+'/ddm_2-samples_scenario-1.npy')
+ sample_array
+.. parsed-literal::
+ array([[0.708511 ],
+ [1.36016225]])
+Now we can define shortages in the alternative states of the world with
+respect to the shortages received in the baseline case.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # Read in raw parquet files
+ baseline=pd.read_parquet(data_dir+'/historic_shortages/sj2015B.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ SOW_1=pd.read_parquet(parquet_dir_ddm+'/scenario/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ SOW_2=pd.read_parquet(parquet_dir_ddm+'/scenario/S1_1/sj2015B_S1_1.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ # Subtract shortages with respect to the baseline
+ subset_df=pd.concat([baseline['year'],baseline['shortage_total'],SOW_1['shortage_total'],SOW_2['shortage_total']],axis=1)
+ subset_df = subset_df.set_axis(['Year', 'Baseline', 'SOW_1','SOW_2'], axis=1)
+ subset_df['SOW_1_diff'] = subset_df['SOW_1']-subset_df['Baseline']
+ subset_df['SOW_2_diff'] = subset_df['SOW_2']-subset_df['Baseline']
+ # Plot shortages
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ ax.scatter(subset_df['Year'], subset_df['SOW_1_diff'],label='Decreased Demand')
+ ax.scatter(subset_df['Year'], subset_df['SOW_2_diff'],label='Increased Demand')
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Shortage (AF)")
+ plt.title("Change in Shortages from the Baseline")
+ plt.legend()
+.. parsed-literal::
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_29_1.png
+As expected, we see that an increase in demand typically causes an
+increase in shortage magnitude and frequency whereas the reduction in
+demand leads to the opposite. This finishes our simple example to
+demonstrate how adjustments to demand might change the shortages
+experienced by a user.
+Step 3a: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Water Rights Function Example
+Following from Step 2, we can run the same analysis for the function
+that manipulates the ``sj2015.ddr`` file, which corresponds to users
+water rights. In this function, we can specify the IDs of the users and
+can can utilize a variety of options for how we want to change the
+```.ddr`` `__
+file. We can either sample from some bounds that apply multipliers to
+the decree, hard code in values for the decree, or adjust the rank of
+the user. In this simple example, we take a very junior user, ID:
+2900501, and make them have the highest water right by changing their
+rank to 1.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # a dictionary to describe what you want to modify and the bounds for the LHS
+ setup_dict = {
+ # ids can either be 'struct' or 'id' values
+ "ids": ["2900501"],
+ # turn id on or off completely or for a given period
+ # if 0 = off, 1 = on, YYYY = on for years >= YYYY, -YYYY = off for years > YYYY; see file header
+ "on_off": [1],
+ # apply rank of administrative order where 0 is lowest (senior) and n is highest (junior); None is no change
+ "admin": [1],
+ }
+ output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ scenario = "1"
+ # the number of samples you wish to generate
+ n_samples = 1
+ # seed value for reproducibility if so desired
+ seed_value = 1
+ # number of rows to skip in file after comment
+ skip_rows = 0
+ # name of field to query
+ query_field = "struct"
+ # number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used
+ n_jobs = -1
+ # basin to process
+ basin_name = "San_Juan"
+ # generate a batch of files using generated LHS
+ stm.modify_ddr(
+ modify_dict=setup_dict,
+ query_field=query_field,
+ output_dir=output_directory,
+ scenario=scenario,
+ basin_name=basin_name,
+ sampling_method="LHS",
+ n_samples=n_samples,
+ skip_rows=skip_rows,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ seed_value=seed_value,
+ template_file=None,
+ factor_method="multiply",
+ data_specification_file=None,
+ min_bound_value=-0.5,
+ max_bound_value=1.5,
+ save_sample=True
+ )
+In the ``input_files`` directory, you can open the ``sj2015B_S0_1.ddr``
+file and see that the Admin # of our selected user has now become
+1.0000. Now we rerun our code to do the StateMod simulation, this time
+using the .\ ``ddr`` template file.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 1, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(ddr_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"DDR": f"../../input_files/sj2015B_{scenario}.ddr"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir_ddr, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"sj2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"sj2015B_{scenario}")
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+ #Save output to parquet files
+ print('creating parquet for ' + scenario)
+ output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir_ddr+"/scenario/"+ scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(
+ output_path=output_directory,
+ allow_overwrite=False,
+ xdd_files=scenarios_dir_ddr + "/"+ scenario + "/sj2015B_"+scenario+".xdd",
+ id_subset=['2900501'],
+ parallel_jobs=2,
+ preserve_string_dtype=False
+ )
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.rsp
+ Closing startup log file: statem.log
+ Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 17.0.3
+ Last revision date: 2021/09/12
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log
+ Stop 0
+ creating parquet for S0_1
+As before, let’s go ahead and plot the shortages for our User 2900501
+with respect to the baseline shortages.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # Read in raw parquet files
+ baseline=pd.read_parquet(data_dir+'/historic_shortages/sj2015B.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ SOW_1=pd.read_parquet(parquet_dir_ddr+ '/scenario/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ # Subtract shortages with respect to the baseline
+ subset_df=pd.concat([baseline['year'],baseline['shortage_total'],SOW_1['shortage_total']],axis=1)
+ subset_df = subset_df.set_axis(['Year', 'Baseline', 'SOW_1'], axis=1)
+ subset_df['diff']=subset_df['SOW_1']-subset_df['Baseline']
+ # Plot shortages
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ ax.scatter(subset_df['Year'], subset_df['diff'])
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Shortage (AF)")
+ plt.title("Change in Shortages from the Baseline")
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Change in Shortages from the Baseline')
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_37_1.png
+We generally see the behavior we expect to see which is that with more
+senior water rights, the user sees a decrease in shortage magnitude.
+Now, continue on to Quickstarter Notebook #2 to learn how to use the
+reservoir evaporation modification fuction.
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply
+ ``statemodify`` functions to your own model, take a look at the
+ source code found in the repository here:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. modify_ddm()
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 2. modify_ddr()
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.rst b/docs/source/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f347df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+``statemodify`` Quickstarter Notebook #2 : Using the EVA Modification Function in the Gunnison River Basin
+This notebook demonstrates the reservoir evaporation modification
+function using the Gunnison River Basin as an example. Reservoir
+evaporation is a pressing concern in the CRB. Lake Powell loses 0.86
+million acre/ft per year to evaporation, which is over 6% of the flow
+into the Colorado River and nearly the allocation to the state of Utah.
+With warming temperatures driving aridification in the region,
+evaporation will play an increasingly important role in shortages to
+Step 1: Run a Historical Simulation in StateMod for the Gunnison Subbasin
+To explore the importance of evaporation, we first we run baseline
+simulation as we did in the first notebook, but this time, using the
+dataset for the Gunnison.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import argparse
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import pickle
+ from string import Template
+ import subprocess
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ import numpy as np
+ import pandas as pd
+ import statemodify as stm
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the
+ historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length
+ of the simulation, navigate to the ``.ctl`` file and adjust the
+ ``iystr`` and ``iyend`` variables. For this notebook, this file is
+ located in:
+ ``data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015.ctl``
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # statemod directory
+ statemod_dir = "/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_gunnison_sjd"
+ # root directory of statemod data for the target basin
+ root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, "src", "main", "fortran")
+ # home directory of notebook instance
+ home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+ # path to the statemod executable
+ statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, "statemod-17.0.3-gfortran-lin-64bit-o3")
+ # data directory and root name for the target basin
+ data_dir = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "gm2015_StateMod_modified",
+ "gm2015_StateMod_modified",
+ "StateMod"
+ )
+ # directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin
+ basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "gm2015B")
+ # scenarios output directory
+ scenarios_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios")
+ # path to eva template file
+ eva_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "gm2015B_template_eva.rsp"
+ )
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # run statemod
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, basin_path, "-simulate"])
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.rsp
+ Closing startup log file: statem.log
+ Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.log
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 17.0.3
+ Last revision date: 2021/09/12
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.log
+ Stop 0
+In this notebook, rather than acquiring user shortages which are found
+in the ``.xdd`` output file, we can track reservoir storage which is
+found in the
+```.xre`` `__
+output file. Thus, in ``statemodify``, we create a method that will
+allow us to extract output from the ``gm2015B.xre`` file and save it as
+a ``.csv`` file. Here we extract the shortages for Blue Mesa, one of the
+most important upstream reservoirs in the Gunnison that is responsible
+for supplying emergency water to Lake Powell.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # create a directory to store the historical reservoir levels at Blue Mesa
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_reservoir_levels")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ # path the the xre file
+ xre_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "gm2015B.xre")
+ # structure ID for reservoir of interest
+ structure_ID = '6203532'
+ # name of the reservoir
+ structure_name = 'Blue_Mesa'
+ # extract the target info into a Pandas data frame
+ df = stm.extract_xre_data(structure_name=structure_name,
+ structure_id=structure_ID,
+ input_file=xre_file,
+ basin_name=None,
+ output_directory=output_dir,
+ write_csv=True,
+ write_parquet=None
+ )
+We can then create an annual average from our extracted monthly
+reservoir storage.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ output_xre_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "Blue_Mesa_xre_data.csv")
+ # read output data into a data frame
+ df = pd.read_csv(
+ output_xre_file,
+ usecols=['Year','Init. Storage'],
+ index_col=False)
+ # calculate the annual average
+ df = df.groupby('Year').mean().reset_index()
+ df
+.. raw:: html
Init. Storage
106 rows × 2 columns
+Finally, we can plot this annual average over time. We see swings in the
+storage that correspond well with the earliest part of the streamflow
+record that was relatively wet along with dry periods (large dips around
+the 1930s dustbowl and 1950s drought and the severe early 2002 drought).
+.. code:: ipython3
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ plt.plot(df['Year'], df['Init. Storage'])
+ plt.title("Blue Mesa Storage")
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Reservoir Storage (AF)")
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Text(0, 0.5, 'Reservoir Storage (AF)')
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_13_1.png
+Step 2: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Evaporation Function Example
+Now that we’ve run StateMod in baseline mode for the Gunnison, the next
+step is to run it in exploratory analysis mode. To do this, we need to
+create some plausible futures and adjust the input files for StateMod.
+In this step, we’ll demonstrate Option 1 for ``statemodify`` adjustments
+using the ``gm2015.eva`` file as an example. Here we apply additives
+rather than multipliers. As done in Hadjimichael et al. (2020), we
+sample (using LHS) the change of evaporation between -15.24 and 30.46
+cm/month (-0.5 to + 1 ft). The
+```.eva`` `__
+file stores information for select larger reservoirs across all West
+Slope basins. We choose the ID that corresponds to Blue Mesa (10011). We
+create 2 alternative states of the world and store them in the
+``input_files`` directory.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # a dictionary to describe what you want to modify and the bounds for the Latin hypercube sample.
+ setup_dict = {
+ "ids": ['10011'],
+ "bounds": [-0.5, 1.0]
+ }
+ # create a directory to store the new files in if it does not exist
+ output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ # scenario name
+ scenario = "1"
+ # the number of samples you wish to generate
+ n_samples = 2
+ # seed value for reproducibility if so desired
+ seed_value = 1
+ # number of rows to skip in file after comment
+ skip_rows = 1
+ # name of field to query
+ query_field = "id"
+ # number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used
+ n_jobs = -1
+ # basin to process
+ basin_name = "Gunnison"
+ # generate a batch of files using generated LHS
+ stm.modify_eva(modify_dict=setup_dict,
+ query_field=query_field,
+ output_dir=output_directory,
+ scenario=scenario,
+ basin_name=basin_name,
+ sampling_method="LHS",
+ n_samples=n_samples,
+ skip_rows=skip_rows,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ seed_value=seed_value,
+ template_file=None,
+ factor_method="add",
+ data_specification_file=None,
+ min_bound_value=-0.5,
+ max_bound_value=1.0,
+ save_sample=True)
+If we print our two samples below, we see that we’ve created a state of
+the world that has reduced evaporation (subtracting 0.18 ft) and one
+with increased evaporation (adding 0.79 ft). These samples will be
+termed SOW 1 and SOW 2 respectively.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # path to the numpy file containing the samples
+ eva_samples_file = os.path.join(output_directory, "eva_2-samples_scenario-1.npy")
+ # load samples
+ sample_array = np.load(eva_samples_file)
+ sample_array
+.. parsed-literal::
+ array([[-0.1872335 ],
+ [ 0.79024337]])
+Step 3: Read in the New Input Files and Run StateMod : Evaporation Example
+Now that we have created the input files, the next step is to run
+StateMod with the new input files. We create a template ``.rsp`` file
+(``gm2015B_template_eva.rsp``) and swap in the path to the alternative
+``.eva`` files that are created. Then we run StateMod for the two
+scenarios and extract the reservoir levels for Blue Mesa.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 2, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(eva_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"EVA": f"../../input_files/gm2015B_{scenario}.eva"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"gm2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"gm2015B_{scenario}")
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios/S0_1/gm2015B_S0_1.rsp
+ Closing startup log file: statem.log
+ Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios/S0_1/gm2015B_S0_1.log
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 17.0.3
+ Last revision date: 2021/09/12
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios/S1_1/gm2015B_S1_1.log
+ Stop 0
+Step 4: Visualize Reservoir Levels in New SOWs
+Using ``extract_xre_data()``, we can then extract the reservoir levels
+at Blue Mesa in the two new SOWs.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # SOW 1
+ output_dir= os.path.join(scenarios_dir, "S0_1")
+ # path the the xre file
+ xre_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "gm2015B_S0_1.xre")
+ # structure ID for reservoir of interest
+ structure_ID = '6203532'
+ # name of the reservoir
+ structure_name = 'Blue_Mesa'
+ # extract the target info into a Pandas data frame
+ df = stm.extract_xre_data(structure_name=structure_name,
+ structure_id=structure_ID,
+ input_file=xre_file,
+ basin_name=None,
+ output_directory=output_dir,
+ write_csv=True,
+ write_parquet=None
+ )
+ # SOW 2
+ output_dir= os.path.join(scenarios_dir, "S1_1")
+ # path the the xre file
+ xre_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "gm2015B_S1_1.xre")
+ # extract the target info into a Pandas data frame
+ df = stm.extract_xre_data(structure_name=structure_name,
+ structure_id=structure_ID,
+ input_file=xre_file,
+ basin_name=None,
+ output_directory=output_dir,
+ write_csv=True,
+ write_parquet=None
+ )
+Finally, we can plot reservoir storage through time in our baseline
+world and alternative states of the world.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # historic reservoir directory
+ historic_res_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_reservoir_levels")
+ blue_mesa_file = os.path.join(historic_res_dir, "Blue_Mesa_xre_data.csv")
+ # Import baseline dataframe
+ baseline = pd.read_csv(blue_mesa_file, index_col=False, usecols=['Year','Init. Storage'])
+ baseline = baseline.groupby('Year').mean().reset_index()
+ # Import SOW1
+ s0_1_file = os.path.join(scenarios_dir, "S0_1", "Blue_Mesa_xre_data.csv")
+ SOW1 = pd.read_csv(s0_1_file, index_col=False, usecols=['Year','Init. Storage'])
+ SOW1 = SOW1.groupby('Year').mean().reset_index()
+ # Import SOW2
+ s1_1_file = os.path.join(scenarios_dir, "S1_1", "Blue_Mesa_xre_data.csv")
+ SOW2 = pd.read_csv(s1_1_file, index_col=False, usecols=['Year','Init. Storage'])
+ SOW2 = SOW2.groupby('Year').mean().reset_index()
+ # Plot reservoir levels
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ plt.plot(baseline['Year'], baseline['Init. Storage'],label='Baseline')
+ plt.plot(SOW1['Year'], SOW1['Init. Storage'],label='Reduced Evaporation')
+ plt.plot(SOW2['Year'], SOW2['Init. Storage'],label='Increased Evaporation')
+ plt.title("Blue Mesa Storage")
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Reservoir Storage (AF)")
+ plt.legend()
+.. parsed-literal::
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_26_1.png
+We see that in SOW 1 (which corresponds to reduced evaporation), the
+Blue Mesa storage is slightly higher than baseline. However, in SOW 2,
+which corresponds to increased evaporation, we see that the reservoir
+storage has reduced considerably.
+We now encourage the user to explore how the changes in reservoir
+storage impacts user shortages in Quickstarter Notebook #3.
+Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., Wilson, E., Reed, P., Basdekas, L., Yates,
+D., & Garrison, M. (2020). Defining robustness, vulnerabilities, and
+consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholder interests in
+institutionally complex river basins. Earth’s Future, 8(7),
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply
+ ``statemodify`` functions to your own model, take a look at the
+ source code found in the repository here:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. modify_eva()
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/N3_Reservoir_File_Modification.rst b/docs/source/notebooks/N3_Reservoir_File_Modification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61f26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/notebooks/N3_Reservoir_File_Modification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+``statemodify`` Quickstarter Notebook #3 : Using the RES Modification Function in the Upper Colorado River Basin
+This notebook demonstrates the reservoir storage modification function
+in the Upper Colorado River Basin. In this notebook, we seek to
+understand how changes to reservoir storage can impact user shortages.
+First we run a baseline simulation, which runs the StateMod simulation
+assuming that the current infrastructure has existed through the whole
+simulation period. We next extract shortages for a municipality. Recall
+that the list of users and their water rights can be found in the
+``.ddr`` file (located: ``data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ddr``)
+Step 1: Run a Historical Simulation in StateMod for the Uppper Colorado Subbasin
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import argparse
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import pickle
+ from string import Template
+ import subprocess
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ import numpy as np
+ import pandas as pd
+ import statemodify as stm
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the
+ historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length
+ of the simulation, navigate to the ``.ctl`` file and adjust the
+ ``iystr`` and ``iyend`` variables. For this notebook, this file is
+ located in: ``data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``
+As before, we set the directories and associated paths and also run
+StateMod in a baseline simulation.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # statemod directory
+ statemod_dir = "/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_upper_co"
+ # root directory of statemod data for the target basin
+ root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, "src", "main", "fortran")
+ # home directory of notebook instance
+ home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+ # path to the statemod executable
+ statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, "statemod")
+ # data directory and root name for the target basin
+ data_dir = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015_StateMod",
+ "StateMod"
+ )
+ # directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin
+ basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cm2015B")
+ # scenarios output directory
+ scenarios_dir_res = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios_res")
+ # parquet files output directory
+ parquet_dir_res = os.path.join(data_dir, "parquet_res")
+ # path to res template file
+ res_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015B_template_res.rsp"
+ )
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE In order to expedite simulations for the Upper Colorado dataset,
+ make sure to turn off “Reoperation” mode. You can do so by opening
+ ``/home/jovyan/data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``, navigating
+ to the ``ireopx`` entry and changing the value from “0” to “10”.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # Change directories first
+ os.chdir(data_dir) #This is needed specific to the Upper Colorado model as the path name is too long for the model to accept
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, "cm2015B", "-simulate"])
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Parse; Command line argument:
+ cm2015B -simulate
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 15.00.01
+ Last revision date: 2015/10/28
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Opening log file cm2015B.log
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in file: cm2015B.log
+ Stop 0
+We isolate the shortages for one municipal user: the Town of Brekenridge
+at the base of the Rocky Mountains’ Tenmile Range (ID: 3601008). If we
+look up this user in the ``cm2015B.ddr`` file, we see that the user has
+median water rights (47483.00000) and a smaller decree of 2.90 cfs.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ #Extract shortages using statemodify convert_xdd() function
+ # create a directory to store the historic shortages
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_shortages")
+ # create a directory to store the new files in if it does not exist
+ output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "historic_shortages")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(
+ # path to a directory where output .parquet files should be written
+ output_path=output_dir,
+ # whether to abort if .parquet files already exist at the output_path
+ allow_overwrite=True,
+ # path, glob, or a list of paths/globs to the .xdd files you want to convert
+ xdd_files=os.path.join(data_dir, "*.xdd"),
+ # if the output .parquet files should only contain a subset of structure ids, list them here; None for all
+ id_subset=['3601008'],
+ # how many .xdd files to convert in parallel; optimally you will want 2-4 CPUs per parallel process
+ parallel_jobs=2,
+ # convert to natural data types
+ preserve_string_dtype=False
+ )
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 17.73it/s]
+Next we plot the shortages for Breckenridge.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ data=pd.read_parquet(output_dir +'/cm2015B.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ for name, group in data.groupby('structure_id'):
+ ax.scatter(
+ group['year'], group['shortage_total'], label=name)
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Shortage (AF)")
+ plt.title("Baseline Shortages for Breckenridge")
+ plt.legend()
+.. parsed-literal::
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_12_1.png
+We see that Breckenridge has experienced a variety of shortages
+throughout the baseline simulation period.
+Step 2: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Reservoir Function Example
+If we look at the ``cm2015B.res`` file (learn more about the
+```.res`` `__\ file),
+we see that Breckenridge has an account in the Clinton Gulch Reservoir,
+but a quick look in the
+```.opr`` `__
+file also indicates that Breckenridge can receive water from the Dillon
+reservoir. Let’s investigate what happens to these shortages when
+storage at these two basins decreases using the ``modify_res()``
+function. As done in Hadjimichael et al. (2020), we sample losses using
+a Latin hypercube sampling of up to 20% of the capacity of the
+reservoirs (informed by Graf et al. (2010)) which may be due to erosion
+and sedimentation of reservoirs in the UCRB, resulting in reduced
+storage. The accounts associated with the reservoirs are also reduced
+equally in order to accommodate the new storage level. For this example,
+we want to change the reservoir storage for a specific set of reservoirs
+by specifying the reservoir IDs for the ``target_structure_id_list``.
+However, by setting ``target_structure_id_list=None`` we can decrease
+storage at all reservoirs in the basin.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ output_directory = output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ scenario = "1"
+ # basin name to process
+ basin_name = "Upper_Colorado"
+ # seed value for reproducibility if so desired
+ seed_value = 1
+ # number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used
+ n_jobs = 2
+ # number of samples to generate
+ n_samples = 1
+ stm.modify_res(output_dir=output_directory,
+ scenario=scenario,
+ basin_name=basin_name,
+ target_structure_id_list=['3603575','3604512'],
+ seed_value=seed_value,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ n_samples=n_samples,
+ save_sample=True)
+Since we are sampling only reductions in storage, we can investigate
+behavior with a single sample. We can then load the saved sample to see
+the percent reduction in reservoir storage volume that has been applied
+to the different reservoirs. The sample indicates that we are reducing
+the reservoir storage volume to 86% of the original storage.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import numpy as np
+ sample_array = np.load(output_directory+'/res_1-samples_scenario-1.npy')
+ sample_array
+.. parsed-literal::
+ array([0.86911215])
+Step 3: Read in the New Input Files and Run StateMod : Reservoir Example
+Now that we have created the input files, the next step is to run
+StateMod with the new input files. We create a template ``.rsp`` file
+(``cm2015B_template_res.rsp``) and swap in the path to the alternative
+``.res`` files that are created. Then we run StateMod for the two
+scenarios and extract the shortages for Breckenridge.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 2, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(res_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"RES": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.res"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir_res, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"cm2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = f"cm2015B_{scenario}"
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+ #Save output to parquet files
+ print('creating parquet for ' + scenario)
+ output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir_res+"/scenario/"+ scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(
+ output_path=output_directory,
+ allow_overwrite=True,
+ xdd_files=scenarios_dir_res + "/"+ scenario + "/cm2015B_"+scenario+".xdd",
+ id_subset=['3601008'],
+ parallel_jobs=2,
+ preserve_string_dtype=False
+ )
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Parse; Command line argument:
+ cm2015B_S0_1 -simulate
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 15.00.01
+ Last revision date: 2015/10/28
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Opening log file cm2015B_S0_1.log
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in file: cm2015B_S0_1.log
+ Stop 0
+ creating parquet for S0_1
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 586.29it/s]
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S1_1
+ Parse; Command line argument:
+ cm2015B_S1_1 -simulate
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 15.00.01
+ Last revision date: 2015/10/28
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Opening log file cm2015B_S1_1.log
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Datinp; Control File (*.ctl)
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Datinp; River Network File (*.rin)
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Datinp; Reservoir Station File (*.res)
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ GetFile; Stopped in GetFile, see the log file (*.log)
+ Stop 1
+ creating parquet for S1_1
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 589.42it/s]
+Here, we extract the shortages from the Parquet files for the baseline
+and alternative states of the world and plot the resulting shortages.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ baseline=pd.read_parquet(data_dir+'/'+'historic_shortages/cm2015B.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ SOW_1=pd.read_parquet(parquet_dir_res+'/scenario/S0_1/cm2015B_S0_1.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+.. code:: ipython3
+ baseline["shortage_total"]
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 283920 0.
+ 283921 0.
+ 283922 0.
+ 283923 220.
+ 283924 201.
+ ...
+ 285280 0.
+ 285281 0.
+ 285282 0.
+ 285283 0.
+ 285284 0.
+ Name: shortage_total, Length: 1365, dtype: object
+.. code:: ipython3
+ baseline=pd.read_parquet(data_dir+'/'+'historic_shortages/cm2015B.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ SOW_1=pd.read_parquet(parquet_dir_res+'/scenario/S0_1/cm2015B_S0_1.parquet',engine='pyarrow')
+ #Subtract shortages with respect to the baseline
+ subset_df=pd.concat([baseline['year'],baseline['shortage_total'],SOW_1['shortage_total']],axis=1)
+ subset_df = subset_df.set_axis(['Year', 'Baseline', 'SOW_1'], axis=1)
+ subset_df['SOW_1_diff']=subset_df['SOW_1']-subset_df['Baseline']
+ #Plot shortages
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ ax.scatter(subset_df['Year'], subset_df['SOW_1_diff'])
+ plt.xlabel("Year")
+ plt.ylabel("Shortage (AF)")
+ plt.title("Change in Breckenridge Shortages from the Baseline")
+ plt.legend()
+.. parsed-literal::
+ No artists with labels found to put in legend. Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
+.. parsed-literal::
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_25_2.png
+When we plot the shortages to Breckenridge under the alternative SOW
+where reservoir storage is reduced across the two reservoirs, we can see
+that there are now instances in which Breckenridge experiences larger
+shortages than in the baseline case. Given that the town utilizes both
+direct diversions and reservoir storage for water supply, this result
+suggests that they have less of a bank of water to pull from in the two
+reservoirs which increases shortages. However, there are even some cases
+where the town experiences surpluses and many cases where the shortages
+do not change, demonstrating that there is inherent complexity in the
+mapping of reservoir level to shortages, especially when the user has
+multiple reservoir accounts.
+Now continue on to Quickstarter Notebook #4 to learn about running
+StateMod with new streamflow scenarios across the West Slope basins.
+Notebook References
+Graf, W. L., Wohl, E., Sinha, T., & Sabo, J. L. (2010). Sedimentation
+and sustainability of western American reservoirs. Water Resources
+Research, 46, W12535. https://doi.org/10.1029/2009WR008836
+Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., Wilson, E., Reed, P., Basdekas, L., Yates,
+D., & Garrison, M. (2020). Defining robustness, vulnerabilities, and
+consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholder interests in
+institutionally complex river basins. Earth’s Future, 8(7),
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply
+ ``statemodify`` functions to your own model, take a look at the
+ source code found in the repository here:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. modify_res()
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/N4_Streamflow_File_Modification.rst b/docs/source/notebooks/N4_Streamflow_File_Modification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6ce84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/notebooks/N4_Streamflow_File_Modification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+``statemodify`` Quickstarter Notebook #4: Using External Methods to Generate Synthetic Streamflow Traces
+In this notebook, we will demonstrate Option 2 that is provided by
+``statemodify``, which is the ability to create future states of the
+world through external methods rather than manipulating the baseline
+time series as we do in Option 1. Here we offer a method to generate
+alternative streamflow time series for the five West Slope basins using
+the ``modify_xbm_iwr()`` function.
+The Colorado River Basin (CRB) is experiencing a shift to a more arid
+climate which will likely be characterized by droughts that are longer
+and more severe than what has been experienced historically. The
+historic streamflow record is now not a sufficient representation of
+future hydroclimate. Thus, we need methods of creating plausible future
+streamflow scenarios for the region that can plausibly expand this
+historic record.
+In this notebook, we demonstrate how to use the multi-site Hidden Markov
+model (HMM)-based synthetic streamflow generator in ``statemodify`` to
+create ensembles of plausible future regional streamflow traces for our
+five West Slope basins. The HMM is fit to log annual historical
+streamflow across the outlet gauges of five key basins on the West Slope
+of the state of Colorado that drain into the Colorado River. The model
+can then be used to generate streamflow scenarios that envelope the
+historical record and expand the representation of natural variability
+in the hydroclimate while still preserving the inter-site correlations
+across the outlet gauges and at sites within each of the five basins.
+The HMM-based model is particularly useful for generating sequences of
+streamflow that exhibit long persistence, including decadal to
+multidecadal hydrological drought conditions that are scarcely
+represented within the historical records.
+By fitting the HMM on the historical time series of the basins, we
+create synthetic traces that are stationary and thus give an indication
+of the extent of natural variability that characterizes the region. The
+HMM can be extended to create non-stationary traces, as shown in
+Hadjimichael et al. (2020), but that version of the model is not
+currently included in ``statemodify``.
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the
+ historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length
+ of the simulation, navigate to the ``.ctl`` file and adjust the
+ ``iystr`` and ``iyend`` variables. For this notebook, this file is
+ located in: ``data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``
+Step 1: Fit Multi-Site HMM
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import argparse
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import pickle
+ from string import Template
+ import subprocess
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ import numpy as np
+ import pandas as pd
+ import statemodify as stm
+First we define directories and associated paths.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # statemod directory
+ statemod_dir = "/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_upper_co"
+ # root directory of statemod data for the target basin
+ root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, "src", "main", "fortran")
+ # home directory of notebook instance
+ home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+ # path to the statemod executable
+ statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, "statemod")
+ # data directory and root name for the target basin
+ data_dir = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015_StateMod",
+ "StateMod"
+ )
+ # directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin
+ basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cm2015B")
+ # scenarios output directory
+ scenarios_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios")
+ # path to iwr/xbm file
+ xbm_iwr_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015B_template_xbm_iwr.rsp"
+ )
+We create a function ``hmm_multisite_fit()`` that houses the Python code
+to fit the multi-site HMM to annual flow at the outlet gauges of the
+five basins. In this function, you can specify the output directory to
+store the HMM parameters.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ #Make directory to store HMM parameters
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "HMM_parameters")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ n_basins = 5
+ # choice to save parameters to NumPy array files
+ save_parameters = True
+ fit_array_dict = stm.hmm_multisite_fit(n_basins=n_basins,
+ save_parameters=save_parameters,
+ output_directory=output_dir)
+ # unpack output dictionary
+ unconditional_dry = fit_array_dict["unconditional_dry"]
+ unconditional_wet = fit_array_dict["unconditional_wet"]
+ logAnnualQ_h = fit_array_dict["logAnnualQ_h"]
+ transition_matrix = fit_array_dict["transition_matrix"]
+ covariance_matrix_wet = fit_array_dict["covariance_matrix_wet"]
+ covariance_matrix_dry = fit_array_dict["covariance_matrix_dry"]
+ wet_state_means = fit_array_dict["wet_state_means"]
+ dry_state_means = fit_array_dict["dry_state_means"]
+Step 2: Sample from multi-site HMM
+We then use the ``hmm_multisite_sample()`` function to sample from the
+HMM 100 times to develop 100 alternative, 105-year traces of streamflow
+at the outlet gauge of each basin and we save each trace in a .csv file
+in the ``HMM_Runs`` folder.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ #Create a folder to store the runs
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "HMM_Runs")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ # using the outputs of the fit function above; this function write output sample files to the output directory
+ stm.hmm_multisite_sample(logAnnualQ_h,
+ transition_matrix,
+ unconditional_dry,
+ dry_state_means,
+ wet_state_means,
+ covariance_matrix_dry,
+ covariance_matrix_wet,
+ n_basins=n_basins,
+ output_directory=output_dir)
+Then one can plot flow duration curves (FDCs) of the annual
+synthetically generated flow at each basin compared to the the
+historical record. We see that the HMM is enveloping the historical
+record and also expanding it around it, particularly around the tails of
+the distribution, which will lead to more instances of extreme flood and
+drought events.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ stm.plot_flow_duration_curves(flow_realizations_directory=output_dir,
+ save_figure=True,output_directory=output_dir,
+ figure_name= 'FDC',
+ dpi= 300)
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_15_0.png
+Step 3: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Streamflow Example
+In order for the HMM to be used in conjunction with StateMod, we utilize
+a statistical disaggregation technique to disaggregate the synthetically
+generated outlet gauge flow to the upstream nodes and also from an
+annual to monthly time scale. The synthetic log-space annual flows are
+converted to real space and temporally downscaled to monthly flows using
+a modification of the proportional scaling method used by Nowak et
+al. (2010). First, a historical year is probabilistically selected based
+on its “nearness” to the synthetic flow at the last node in terms of
+annual total. The shifted monthly flows at the last node are then
+downscaled to all other nodes using the same ratios of monthly flows at
+the upstream nodes to the last node as in the historically selected
+year.Though not demonstrated in this notebook, the irrigation demands
+(in the
+```.iwr`` `__
+file) are also inherently tied to the generation of the streamflow, as
+irrigation demands will increase in dry years. Thus, a regression is fit
+across historical irrigation anomalies and historical annual flow
+anomalies and the appropriate irrigation anomaly is determined from this
+regression for every synthetically generated flow anomaly. More
+information on this method can be found in Hadjimichael et al., 2020.
+All of this functionality is embedded in the ``modify_xbm_iwr()``
+.. code:: ipython3
+ #Make directory to store input files
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ flow_realizations_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, "HMM_Runs")
+ scenario = "1"
+ # basin name to process
+ basin_name = "Upper_Colorado"
+ # seed value for reproducibility if so desired
+ seed_value = 123
+ # number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used
+ n_jobs = 2
+ # number of samples to generate (how many new xbm and iwr files); produces an IWR multiplier
+ n_samples = 1
+ # generate a batch of files using generated LHS
+ stm.modify_xbm_iwr(output_dir=output_dir,
+ flow_realizations_directory=flow_realizations_directory,
+ scenario=scenario,
+ basin_name=basin_name,
+ seed_value=seed_value,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ n_samples=n_samples,
+ save_sample=True,
+ randomly_select_flow_sample=True)
+Step 4: Read in the New Input Files and Run StateMod : Streamflow Example
+Now that we have created the new files, the next step is to run them
+through StateMod. We create a template ``.rsp`` file
+(``cm2015B_template_xbm_iwr.rsp``) and swap in the path to the
+```.xbm`` `__
+and ``.iwr`` files that are created. Then we run StateMod for the single
+scenario and one can then go on and extract shortages or reservoir
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE In order to expedite simulations for the Upper Colorado dataset,
+ make sure to turn off “Reoperation” mode. You can do so by opening
+ ``/home/jovyan/data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``, navigating
+ to the ``ireopx`` entry and changing the value from “0” to “10”.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 1, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(xbm_iwr_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"XBM": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.xbm","IWR": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.iwr"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"cm2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = f"cm2015B_{scenario}"
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Parse; Command line argument:
+ cm2015B_S0_1 -simulate
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 15.00.01
+ Last revision date: 2015/10/28
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Opening log file cm2015B_S0_1.log
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Execut; Successful Termination
+ Statem; See detailed messages in file: cm2015B_S0_1.log
+ Stop 0
+It’s easiest to see the value of generating multiple streamflow
+scenarios if we run 100-1000 scenarios through StateMod. However, this
+container does not have the resources to support exploratory modeling at
+this scale. So we run these simulations externally and below, we read in
+the ``.xre`` files with the ``read_xre()`` helper function and show the
+distribution of the reservoir levels that are observed across Lake
+Granby in the Upper Colorado under the 100 simulated scenarios versus
+the historical 105-year period.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # Example with Granby Lake
+ zip_file_path = os.path.join(home_dir, 'data', 'Granby_Dataset.zip')
+ final_directory = os.path.join(home_dir, 'data/')
+ !unzip $zip_file_path -d $final_directory
+ granby_hmm, granby_hist, granby_hist_mean, granby_hist_1p = stm.read_xre(os.path.join(home_dir,"data/Upper_Colorado/"), 'Granby')
+ # Plot quantiles
+ stm.plot_res_quantiles(granby_hmm, granby_hist_mean, 'Lake Granby')
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_24_0.png
+Here, we plot the monthly reservoir storage quantiles across each month
+of the year. The shading corresponds to the larger 100-member sample
+from the HMM and the dotted black line corresponds to the monthly
+average storage across the historical 105-year record. Importantly, the
+HMM is expanding the distribution of reservoir storages, particularly
+creating both larger and smaller storages, meaning that we are capturing
+reservoir levels under a broader range of wetter and drier conditions
+that could have implications for shortages for users.
+We can also plot the range of monthly storages from the HMM and
+historical period as box plots for an alternative comparison using the
+``plot_reservoir_boxes()`` helper function.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # using the output of the above `read_xre` function as inputs
+ stm.plot_reservoir_boxes(granby_hmm, granby_hist, 'Lake Granby')
+.. image:: ../notebooks/output_27_0.png
+Here, the blue box plots correspond to the HMM-generated reservoir
+storages and the orange box plots correspond to the historical monthly
+dataset. The black circles represent outliers. As illustrated in the
+quantile plot above as well, for all months, the HMM is creating a wider
+distribution of reservoir storages, and tends to be able to encompass
+even historical outliers. Remember that the HMM has only been fit on the
+historical dataset. Thus, the HMM can provide an estimate of the expanse
+of reservoir storages that can be expected just within the range of
+natural variability, which is quite large! Particularly, the HMM is
+creating many more instances of drier scenarios and lower reservoir
+levels which can be very useful for informing drought vulnerability
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: If you are curious to learn more about HMM-based synthetic
+ streamflow generation, including model fitting, validation, and
+ applications, please refer to the following resources:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. Fitting Hidden Markov Models: Background and Methods
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 2. Fitting Hidden Markov Models: Sample Scripts
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 3. A Hidden-Markov Modeling Approach to Creating Synthetic Streamflow Scenarios Tutorial
+Notebook Specific References
+Nowak, K., Prairie, J., Rajagopalan, B., & Lall, U. (2010). A
+nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual
+to daily streamflow. Water resources research, 46(8).
+Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J., Wilson, E., Reed, P., Basdekas, L., Yates,
+D., & Garrison, M. (2020). Defining robustness, vulnerabilities, and
+consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholder interests in
+institutionally complex river basins. Earth’s Future, 8(7),
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply
+ ``statemodify`` functions to your own model, take a look at the
+ source code found in the repository here:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. modify_xbm_iwr()
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/N5_Batch_Modification.rst b/docs/source/notebooks/N5_Batch_Modification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46465e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/notebooks/N5_Batch_Modification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+``statemodify`` Quickstarter Notebook #5 : Sampling Multiple Uncertainties
+In the prior notebooks, we sampled just one type of uncertainty at a
+time to demonstrate how a single adjustment in the selected input file
+leads to a verifiable change in output so that we can demonstrate that
+``statemodify`` is working as expected. It is much harder to make sense
+of the relative importance of uncertain drivers unless we conduct a
+formal sensitivity analysis, which lies outside of the bounds of this
+tutorial. However, it is very likely that many of these uncertainties
+will be present and of interest in any given future for the region.
+Thus, this notebook is used to demonstrate how to do a Latin hypercube
+sample simultaneously across multiple uncertainties in a given basin
+using the ``modify_batch()`` function.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import argparse
+ import logging
+ import os
+ import pickle
+ from string import Template
+ import subprocess
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ import numpy as np
+ import pandas as pd
+ import statemodify as stm
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the
+ historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length
+ of the simulation, navigate to the ``.ctl`` file and adjust the
+ ``iystr`` and ``iyend`` variables. For this notebook, this file is
+ located in: ``data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # statemod directory
+ statemod_dir = "/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_upper_co"
+ # root directory of statemod data for the target basin
+ root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, "src", "main", "fortran")
+ # home directory of notebook instance
+ home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+ # path to the statemod executable
+ statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, "statemod")
+ # data directory and root name for the target basin
+ data_dir = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015_StateMod",
+ "StateMod"
+ )
+ # directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin
+ basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cm2015B")
+ # scenarios output directory
+ scenarios_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "scenarios")
+ #parquet output directory
+ parquet_dir=os.path.join(data_dir, "parquet")
+ # path to template file
+ multi_template_file = os.path.join(
+ home_dir,
+ "data",
+ "cm2015B_template_multi.rsp"
+ )
+Step 1: Creating a Sample Across Multiple Uncertainties
+In this example, we create a global Latin hypercube sample across 3
+example uncertainties that we are interested in for the Upper Colorado:
+evaporation at reservoirs, modification of water rights, and demands.
+The form of the ``modify_batch()`` function is similiar to those
+presented in the last notebooks; however, now, a problem dictionary
+stores the names of the respective ``statemodify`` functions
+(``modify_eva``, ``modify_ddr``, ``modify_ddm``) that will now be
+applied simultaneously. The Latin hypercube sample is conducted with
+respect to the ``bounds`` listed and the resulting multipliers or
+additives are applied to the target IDs listed.
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE: If you are interested in creating an alternative ``.ddr`` file
+ that does not sample decrees, only adjusts the water rights, then you
+ will need to write ``None`` in the “bounds” parameter as we do below.
+ If you include bounds, then decrees as well as water rights will be
+ adjusted simultaneously.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import statemodify as stm
+ # variables that apply to multiple functions
+ output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "input_files")
+ basin_name = "Upper_Colorado"
+ scenario = "1"
+ seed_value = 77
+ # problem dictionary
+ problem_dict = {
+ "n_samples": 1,
+ 'num_vars': 3,
+ 'names': ['modify_eva', 'modify_ddr', 'modify_ddm'],
+ 'bounds': [
+ [-0.5, 1.0],
+ None,
+ [0.5, 1.0]
+ ],
+ # additional settings for each function
+ "modify_eva": {
+ "seed_value": seed_value,
+ "output_dir": output_dir,
+ "scenario": scenario,
+ "basin_name": basin_name,
+ "query_field": "id",
+ "ids": ["10008", "10009"]
+ },
+ "modify_ddr": {
+ "seed_value": seed_value,
+ "output_dir": output_dir,
+ "scenario": scenario,
+ "basin_name": basin_name,
+ "query_field": "id",
+ "ids": ["3600507.01", "3600507.02"],
+ "admin": [1, None],
+ "on_off": [1, 1]
+ },
+ "modify_ddm": {
+ "seed_value": seed_value,
+ "output_dir": output_dir,
+ "scenario": scenario,
+ "basin_name": basin_name,
+ "query_field": "id",
+ "ids": ["3600507", "3600603"]
+ }
+ }
+ # run in batch
+ fn_parameter_dict = stm.modify_batch(problem_dict=problem_dict)
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running modify_eva
+ Running modify_ddr
+ Running modify_ddm
+Step 2: Running a Simulation
+Now that we have developed the samples, we need to adjust our template
+file to take in the additional uncertainties and then we can run our
+simulation! Note that in contrast to the other notebooks, we are
+changing the “EVA”, “DDM”, and “DDR” entries in the ``.rsp`` file at the
+same time, running the simulation, and then extracting the shortages for
+a specific user (ID: 3601008).
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-info
+ NOTE In order to expedite simulations for the Upper Colorado dataset,
+ make sure to turn off “Reoperation” mode. You can do so by opening
+ ``/home/jovyan/data/cm2015_StateMod/StateMod/cm2015.ctl``, navigating
+ to the ``ireopx`` entry and changing the value from “0” to “10”.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ # set realization and sample
+ realization = 1
+ sample = np.arange(0, 1, 1)
+ # read RSP template
+ with open(multi_template_file) as template_obj:
+ # read in file
+ template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())
+ for i in sample:
+ # create scenario name
+ scenario = f"S{i}_{realization}"
+ # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file
+ d = {"EVA": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.eva","DDM": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.ddm","DDR": f"../../input_files/cm2015B_{scenario}.ddr"}
+ # update the template
+ new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)
+ # construct simulated scenario directory
+ simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir, scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):
+ os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ # target rsp file
+ rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f"cm2015B_{scenario}.rsp")
+ # write updated rsp file
+ with open(rsp_file, "w") as f1:
+ f1.write(new_rsp)
+ # construct simulated basin path
+ simulated_basin_path = f"cm2015B_{scenario}"
+ # run StateMod
+ print(f"Running: {scenario}")
+ os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)
+ subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, "-simulate"])
+ #Save output to parquet files
+ print('creating parquet for ' + scenario)
+ output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir+ "/scenario/"+ scenario)
+ if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+ os.makedirs(output_directory)
+ stm.xdd.convert_xdd(output_path=output_directory,allow_overwrite=False,xdd_files=scenarios_dir + "/"+ scenario + "/cm2015B_"+scenario+".xdd",id_subset=['3601008'],parallel_jobs=2)
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Running: S0_1
+ Parse; Command line argument:
+ cm2015B_S0_1 -simulate
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ StateMod
+ State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model
+ Version: 15.00.01
+ Last revision date: 2015/10/28
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+ Opening log file cm2015B_S0_1.log
+ Subroutine Execut
+ Subroutine Datinp
+ ...
+At the end of the simulation, the output is the file,
+``cm2015B_S0_1.parquet``, which now contains the shortages for the
+target ID for the length of the simulation. The user can then proceed to
+do similiar analyses on water shortages that have been demonstrated in
+the prior notebooks.
+.. container:: alert alert-block alert-warning
+ Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply
+ ``statemodify`` functions to your own model, take a look at the
+ source code found in the repository here:
+ .. container::
+ ::
+ 1. modify_batch()
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_12_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_12_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..950cb47
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_12_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_13_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_13_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca787c7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_13_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_0.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce2be02
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_0.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec56b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_15_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_24_0.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_24_0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c2510
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_24_0.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_25_2.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_25_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e0448
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_25_2.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_26_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_26_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c89a299
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_26_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_27_0.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_27_0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7516c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_27_0.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_29_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_29_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc96b0
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_29_1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/notebooks/output_37_1.png b/docs/source/notebooks/output_37_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a8e53f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/notebooks/output_37_1.png differ
diff --git a/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.ipynb b/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc40e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/N1_Demand_WaterRights_File_Modification.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,5675 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "c18b0576-41b9-44a3-9fa2-dc3a40ae6e17",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## `statemodify` Quickstarter Notebook #1: Getting Started and Using the DDM and DDR Modification Functions in the San Juan River Basin"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6bee4894-26ba-4cfa-98a1-94413479cce5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "In this series of five notebooks, we demonstrate the functionality of `statemodify` using three of the five subbasins on the West Slope basin in the state of Colorado: Gunnison, San Juan/Dolores, and the Upper Colorado Basin. There are two classes of adjustments offered in `statemodify` that can be used to create alternative future states of the world for the region: \n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. Application of multipliers or additives to the original dataset which are sampled from specified bounds using a Latin hypercube sample \n",
+ "\n",
+ "2. Complete swap of input data with data generated from an external method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Option 1 is applicable to `.ddm` (monthly demand), `.ddr` (water rights), `.eva` (reservoir evaporation), `.res` (reservoir storage).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Option 2 is applicable to `.xbm` (monthly streamflow) and `.iwr` (irrigation demand). In `statemodify` we provide a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based approach to generate synthetic flows across the basins and tie in irrigation demand to be negatively correlated to increased streamflow. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "d2b2f8b1-1a76-4526-a023-fca493180876",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "In this first notebook, we will demonstrate now to use the demand (`modify_ddm()`)and water rights (`modify_ddr()`) modification functions in the San Juan River Basin. Demands are projected to increase with the growth of cities and agriculture and water rights will likely change as discussions on changes to the Colorado Compact and re-allocation of water across the Colorado River Basin to promote sustainable development continue. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "59a51930",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "Tip: When each StateMod file is mentioned, clicking on the name will link the user to the StateMod documentation with more information on that file. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "c4724769-1cd7-4582-8089-72eb9370e19b",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 1: Run a Historical Simulation in StateMod for the San Juan Basin"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "d4795b0f-0e8d-4186-8c4f-618b58868780",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "Before we start on an exploratory modeling journey, you may be first interested in understanding water shortages that the basin has historically experienced. In the container, we have downloaded and compiled StateMod, `statemodify`, and the San Juan dataset from the Colorado's Decision Support System (CDSS) website. We can run a baseline simulation below which takes approximately 4 minutes. In this baseline simulation, we run StateMod over the length of the historical period (105 years) under the assumption that we are starting from current conditions. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "e4b22249-5a13-47a5-81ab-88718b856cad",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import argparse\n",
+ "import logging\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "import pickle\n",
+ "import subprocess\n",
+ "from string import Template\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import statemodify as stm"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6ab8229a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length of the simulation, navigate to the `.ctl` file and adjust the `iystr` and `iyend` variables. For this notebook, these files are located in: `data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod\n",
+ "Notebook/sj2015.ctl` and `data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015.ctl` \n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "77d95e75-6737-44f9-98b7-e8936fe854b3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# statemod directory\n",
+ "statemod_dir = \"/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_gunnison_sjd\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# root directory of statemod data for the target basin\n",
+ "root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, \"src\", \"main\", \"fortran\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# home directory of notebook instance\n",
+ "home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# path to the statemod executable\n",
+ "statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, \"statemod-17.0.3-gfortran-lin-64bit-o3\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# data directory and root name for the target basin\n",
+ "data_dir = os.path.join(\n",
+ " home_dir, \"data\", \"sj2015_StateMod_modified\", \"sj2015_StateMod_modified\", \"StateMod\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin\n",
+ "basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"sj2015B\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# scenarios output directory\n",
+ "scenarios_dir_ddm = os.path.join(data_dir, \"scenarios_ddm\")\n",
+ "scenarios_dir_ddr = os.path.join(data_dir, \"scenarios_ddr\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# parquet files output directory\n",
+ "parquet_dir_ddm = os.path.join(data_dir, \"parquet_ddm\")\n",
+ "parquet_dir_ddr = os.path.join(data_dir, \"parquet_ddr\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# path to ddm and ddr template file\n",
+ "ddm_template_file = os.path.join(home_dir, \"data\", \"sj2015B_template_ddm.rsp\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "ddr_template_file = os.path.join(home_dir, \"data\", \"sj2015B_template_ddr.rsp\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "4568a7bb-7e35-4c54-9e95-f24f44d7384c",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true,
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.rsp \n",
+ " Closing startup log file: statem.log\n",
+ " Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.log \n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ "\n",
+ " StateMod \n",
+ " State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Version: 17.0.3 \n",
+ " Last revision date: 2021/09/12\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ " Subroutine Datinp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Control File (*.ctl) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Network File (*.rin)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Reservoir Station File (*.res)\n",
+ " Subroutine GetRes\n",
+ "\n",
+ " GetRes; Reservoir Station File (*.res) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Diversion Station File (*.dds)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Station File (*.ris)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Instream Flow Station File (*.ifs) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Well Station File (*.wes) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Plan Station File (*.pln) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Gage File (*.rig) \n",
+ " Subroutine Riginp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Instream Flow Right File (*.ifr) 20 1 98\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Reservoir Right File (*.rer) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Oprinp; Operational Right File (*.opr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Mdainp; Instream flow Demand file - Annual (*.ifa) \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ "\n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month SEP \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; On Year 1966 Month JUN Day 1\n",
+ " The maximum number of reoperations 221\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Writing reports\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutRes \n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 1 of 33; or 3. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 26 of 33; or 79. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutDivW \n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 1 of 558; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 26 of 558; or 5. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 51 of 558; or 9. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 76 of 558; or 14. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 101 of 558; or 18. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 126 of 558; or 23. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 151 of 558; or 27. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 176 of 558; or 32. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 201 of 558; or 36. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 226 of 558; or 41. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 251 of 558; or 45. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 276 of 558; or 49. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 301 of 558; or 54. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 326 of 558; or 58. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 351 of 558; or 63. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 376 of 558; or 67. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 401 of 558; or 72. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 426 of 558; or 76. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 451 of 558; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 476 of 558; or 85. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 501 of 558; or 90. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 526 of 558; or 94. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 551 of 558; or 99. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 558 of 558; or 100. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutOpr \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutXss \n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 0 of 342; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 25 of 342; or 8. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 50 of 342; or 15. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 75 of 342; or 22. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 100 of 342; or 30. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 125 of 342; or 37. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 150 of 342; or 44. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 175 of 342; or 51. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 200 of 342; or 59. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 225 of 342; or 66. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 250 of 342; or 73. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 275 of 342; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 300 of 342; or 88. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 325 of 342; or 95. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine Outifr\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutPln \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutWW \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Run output files are:\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Diversion output: *.xdd\n",
+ " Reservoir output: *.xre\n",
+ " Operating Rule Info: *.xop\n",
+ " Instream Reach Info: *.xir\n",
+ " Structure Summary: *.xss\n",
+ " Call (Control) Summary: *.xca\n",
+ " Plan Output: *.xpl\n",
+ " WWSP Output: *.xww\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Termination\n",
+ " Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015B.log \n",
+ " Stop 0\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# run statemod\n",
+ "subprocess.call([statemod_exe, basin_path, \"-simulate\"])"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "8e2d4be2-4249-439b-943e-95dd3f061d25",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Once StateMod has run successfully, we can now extract user shortages from the [`.xdd`](https://opencdss.state.co.us/statemod/latest/doc-user/OutputDescription/521/) output file using the `statemodify` output modification function `convert_xdd()`. We denote a list of user IDs ('2900501','2900519','2900555') who we want to extract shortages for and then these shortages are saved in a compressed Parquet file format that can then be read in as a Pandas dataframe in Python. We can also remove the larger output files once the requested shortages have been extracted and saved. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "097557cc-273b-4218-aa66-7341f408a616",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 29.32it/s]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Extract shortages using statemodify convert_xdd() function\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# create a directory to store the historical shortages\n",
+ "output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, \"historic_shortages\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# create a directory to store the new files in if it does not exist\n",
+ "output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, \"historic_shortages\")\n",
+ "if not os.path.exists(output_directory):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(output_directory)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "stm.xdd.convert_xdd(\n",
+ " # path to a directory where output .parquet files should be written\n",
+ " output_path=output_dir,\n",
+ " # whether to abort if .parquet files already exist at the output_path\n",
+ " allow_overwrite=True,\n",
+ " # path, glob, or a list of paths/globs to the .xdd files you want to convert\n",
+ " xdd_files=os.path.join(data_dir, \"*.xdd\"),\n",
+ " # if the output .parquet files should only contain a subset of structure ids, list them here; None for all\n",
+ " id_subset=[\"2900501\", \"2900519\", \"2900555\"],\n",
+ " # how many .xdd files to convert in parallel; optimally you will want 2-4 CPUs per parallel process\n",
+ " parallel_jobs=4,\n",
+ " # convert to natural data types\n",
+ " preserve_string_dtype=False,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "01247aaa-c0c1-4f92-bfd5-d5d50873b2be",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "for name, group in data.groupby(\"structure_id\"):\n",
+ " ax.scatter(group[\"year\"], group[\"shortage_total\"], label=name)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "plt.xlabel(\"Year\")\n",
+ "plt.ylabel(\"Shortage (AF)\")\n",
+ "plt.legend()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "cc7f34c3-58df-4b42-b8c8-9373422754ed",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "You can look up the names and rights of the users listed above in the `sj2015.ddr` file (found at `data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/sj2015.ddr`). Here, a higher Admin # denotes lower seniority. You'll see that the users chosen here have junior to medium seniority of water rights with varying amounts of water decreed to them. The figure above shows that all users have experienced shortages. User 2900501 has experienced the most frequent shortages respectively, likely due in part to their less senior water right. Generally, we see a higher magnitude of shortages for all users during the 2002 drought. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "c0f8b81a-2b34-4528-a96a-d56bdcff216b",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 2a: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Demand Function Example"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "90bbd71e-680e-469a-989a-351150cad8b3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "Now that we've run StateMod in baseline mode, the next step shows how we can run it in an exploratory analysis mode. To do this, we need to create some plausible futures and adjust the input files of StateMod to reflect these changes. In this step, we'll demonstrate Option 1 for statemodify adjustments using the [`.ddm`](https://opencdss.state.co.us/statemod/latest/doc-user/InputDescription/417/) file as an example, which involves multiplying the current demand time series for these users by a value in between 0.5 to 1.5. Here we specify the IDs of the users and the bounds from which we want to sample multipliers for the demand. We create 2 alternative states of the world (SOW) using a Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) procedure and store them in the `input_files` directory. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "id": "e1c425b3-f416-4447-ac95-e8efb00ad5cc",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# a dictionary to describe what users you want to modify and the bounds for the LHS\n",
+ "setup_dict = {\"ids\": [\"2900501\", \"2900519\", \"2900555\"], \"bounds\": [0.5, 1.5]}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "output_directory = output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, \"input_files\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "scenario = \"1\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# the number of samples you wish to generate\n",
+ "n_samples = 2\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# seed value for reproducibility if so desired\n",
+ "seed_value = 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# number of rows to skip in file after comment\n",
+ "skip_rows = 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# name of field to query\n",
+ "query_field = \"id\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used\n",
+ "n_jobs = -1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# basin to process\n",
+ "basin_name = \"San_Juan\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# generate a batch of files using generated LHS\n",
+ "stm.modify_ddm(\n",
+ " modify_dict=setup_dict,\n",
+ " query_field=query_field,\n",
+ " output_dir=output_directory,\n",
+ " scenario=scenario,\n",
+ " basin_name=basin_name,\n",
+ " sampling_method=\"LHS\",\n",
+ " n_samples=n_samples,\n",
+ " skip_rows=skip_rows,\n",
+ " n_jobs=n_jobs,\n",
+ " seed_value=seed_value,\n",
+ " template_file=None,\n",
+ " factor_method=\"multiply\",\n",
+ " data_specification_file=None,\n",
+ " min_bound_value=-0.5,\n",
+ " max_bound_value=1.5,\n",
+ " save_sample=True,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "1506e5d5-91d9-44cf-81ff-ae1ad0b42d38",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "It's helpful to set `save_sample=True` to see the values of the multipliers that we are creating. We see below that in our 1st SOW, we are reducing demand for our users by 30% and then in our 2nd SOW, we are increasing demand for our users by 36%. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "id": "fb711821-eba6-444b-baf9-4ab5f88d9587",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([[0.708511 ],\n",
+ " [1.36016225]])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "sample_array = np.load(output_directory + \"/ddm_2-samples_scenario-1.npy\")\n",
+ "sample_array"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "a09698f0-fd17-437a-8682-6a0cf640a2f9",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 2b: Read in the New Input Files and Run StateMod : Demand Function Example"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "8f4a996c-d698-4178-b4cb-86616b471df8",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "Now that we have created the input files, the next step is to run StateMod with the new input files. The file that StateMod uses to configure a simulation is called a [`.rsp`](https://opencdss.state.co.us/statemod/latest/doc-user/InputDescription/41/) file. For this dataset, the configuration file is `sj2015B.rsp`. This file contains the paths of all of the supporting files that StateMod needs to run. We create a template .rsp file (`sj2015B_template_ddm.rsp`) and swap in the path to the two new alternative `.ddm` files that are created. Then we run StateMod for the two scenarios and store the shortages in Parquet file format. Each scenario will take approximately 4 minutes."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "id": "4e303b1d-ac7f-4123-b76d-e1c11d407478",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true,
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Running: S0_1\n",
+ " Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.rsp \n",
+ " Closing startup log file: statem.log\n",
+ " Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log \n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ "\n",
+ " StateMod \n",
+ " State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Version: 17.0.3 \n",
+ " Last revision date: 2021/09/12\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ " Subroutine Datinp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Control File (*.ctl) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Network File (*.rin)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Reservoir Station File (*.res)\n",
+ " Subroutine GetRes\n",
+ "\n",
+ " GetRes; Reservoir Station File (*.res) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Diversion Station File (*.dds)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Station File (*.ris)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Instream Flow Station File (*.ifs) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Well Station File (*.wes) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Plan Station File (*.pln) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Gage File (*.rig) \n",
+ " Subroutine Riginp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Instream Flow Right File (*.ifr) 20 1 98\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Reservoir Right File (*.rer) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Oprinp; Operational Right File (*.opr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Mdainp; Instream flow Demand file - Annual (*.ifa) \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ "\n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month SEP \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; On Year 1966 Month JUN Day 1\n",
+ " The maximum number of reoperations 221\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Writing reports\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutRes \n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 1 of 33; or 3. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 26 of 33; or 79. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutDivW \n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 1 of 558; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 26 of 558; or 5. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 51 of 558; or 9. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 76 of 558; or 14. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 101 of 558; or 18. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 126 of 558; or 23. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 151 of 558; or 27. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 176 of 558; or 32. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 201 of 558; or 36. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 226 of 558; or 41. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 251 of 558; or 45. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 276 of 558; or 49. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 301 of 558; or 54. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 326 of 558; or 58. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 351 of 558; or 63. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 376 of 558; or 67. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 401 of 558; or 72. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 426 of 558; or 76. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 451 of 558; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 476 of 558; or 85. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 501 of 558; or 90. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 526 of 558; or 94. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 551 of 558; or 99. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 558 of 558; or 100. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutOpr \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutXss \n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 0 of 342; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 25 of 342; or 8. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 50 of 342; or 15. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 75 of 342; or 22. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 100 of 342; or 30. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 125 of 342; or 37. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 150 of 342; or 44. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 175 of 342; or 51. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 200 of 342; or 59. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 225 of 342; or 66. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 250 of 342; or 73. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 275 of 342; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 300 of 342; or 88. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 325 of 342; or 95. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine Outifr\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutPln \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutWW \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Run output files are:\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Diversion output: *.xdd\n",
+ " Reservoir output: *.xre\n",
+ " Operating Rule Info: *.xop\n",
+ " Instream Reach Info: *.xir\n",
+ " Structure Summary: *.xss\n",
+ " Call (Control) Summary: *.xca\n",
+ " Plan Output: *.xpl\n",
+ " WWSP Output: *.xww\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Termination\n",
+ " Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddm/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log \n",
+ " Stop 0\n",
+ "creating parquet for S0_1\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ename": "OSError",
+ "evalue": "parquet files already exist in /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/parquet_ddm/scenario/S0_1 but allow_overwrite is False",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
+ "\u001b[0;31mOSError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
+ "Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[9], line 51\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 48\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m os\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mpath\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mexists(output_directory):\n\u001b[1;32m 49\u001b[0m os\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmakedirs(output_directory)\n\u001b[0;32m---> 51\u001b[0m \u001b[43mstm\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mxdd\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mconvert_xdd\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43moutput_directory\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;28;43;01mFalse\u001b[39;49;00m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mscenarios_dir_ddm\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m/\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mscenario\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m/sj2015B_\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mscenario\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m.xdd\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m[\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m2900501\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m2900519\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m2900555\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m]\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m4\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n",
+ "File \u001b[0;32m/usr/src/statemodify/statemodify/statemodify/xdd.py:244\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mconvert_xdd\u001b[0;34m(output_path, allow_overwrite, xdd_files, id_subset, parallel_jobs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 192\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mdef\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;21mconvert_xdd\u001b[39m(\n\u001b[1;32m 193\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;241m*\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 194\u001b[0m output_path: Union[\u001b[38;5;28mstr\u001b[39m, Path] \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m./output\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[0;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 198\u001b[0m parallel_jobs: \u001b[38;5;28mint\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m4\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 199\u001b[0m ):\n\u001b[1;32m 200\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;250m \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124;03m\"\"\"Convert StateMod output .xdd files to compressed, columnar .parquet files which easily interoperate\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 201\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m with pandas dataframes.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 202\u001b[0m \n\u001b[0;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 241\u001b[0m \n\u001b[1;32m 242\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m \"\"\"\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 244\u001b[0m \u001b[43mXddConverter\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 245\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 246\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 247\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 248\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 249\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 250\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mconvert()\n",
+ "File \u001b[0;32m/usr/src/statemodify/statemodify/statemodify/xdd.py:73\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mXddConverter.__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, output_path, allow_overwrite, xdd_files, id_subset, parallel_jobs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 71\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m allow_overwrite:\n\u001b[1;32m 72\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mlen\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mlist\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mglob(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m*.parquet\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m))) \u001b[38;5;241m>\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m0\u001b[39m:\n\u001b[0;32m---> 73\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mIOError\u001b[39;00m(\u001b[38;5;124mf\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mparquet files already exist in \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;132;01m{\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;132;01m}\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;124m but allow_overwrite is False\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m 74\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01melse\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m 75\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfor\u001b[39;00m f \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mglob(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m*.parquet\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m):\n",
+ "\u001b[0;31mOSError\u001b[0m: parquet files already exist in /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/parquet_ddm/scenario/S0_1 but allow_overwrite is False"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# set realization and sample\n",
+ "realization = 1\n",
+ "sample = np.arange(0, 2, 1)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# read RSP template\n",
+ "with open(ddm_template_file) as template_obj:\n",
+ " # read in file\n",
+ " template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for i in sample:\n",
+ " # create scenario name\n",
+ " scenario = f\"S{i}_{realization}\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file\n",
+ " d = {\"DDM\": f\"../../input_files/sj2015B_{scenario}.ddm\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # update the template\n",
+ " new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # construct simulated scenario directory\n",
+ " simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir_ddm, scenario)\n",
+ " if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # target rsp file\n",
+ " rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f\"sj2015B_{scenario}.rsp\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # write updated rsp file\n",
+ " with open(rsp_file, \"w\") as f1:\n",
+ " f1.write(new_rsp)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # construct simulated basin path\n",
+ " simulated_basin_path = os.path.join(\n",
+ " simulated_scenario_dir, f\"sj2015B_{scenario}\"\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # run StateMod\n",
+ " print(f\"Running: {scenario}\")\n",
+ " os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, \"-simulate\"])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Save output to parquet files\n",
+ " print(\"creating parquet for \" + scenario)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir_ddm + \"/scenario/\" + scenario)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if not os.path.exists(output_directory):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(output_directory)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " stm.xdd.convert_xdd(\n",
+ " output_path=output_directory,\n",
+ " allow_overwrite=False,\n",
+ " xdd_files=scenarios_dir_ddm\n",
+ " + \"/\"\n",
+ " + scenario\n",
+ " + \"/sj2015B_\"\n",
+ " + scenario\n",
+ " + \".xdd\",\n",
+ " id_subset=[\"2900501\", \"2900519\", \"2900555\"],\n",
+ " parallel_jobs=4,\n",
+ " preserve_string_dtype=False,\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "ed6823ea-c1db-4307-b3b5-e52816b710f2",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 2c: Visualize Shortages in New SOWs- Demand Function Example"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "efe2605e-83c0-448e-83aa-a610182a6687",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "Now that we have run our simulations, we can visualize the difference in shortages experienced by the stakeholders in our two SOWs. Let's focus on the user: 2900501, a junior user who experienced the most frequent shortages historically across the stakeholders we looked at. Let's look back at the LHS sample and see that SOW 1 is where we have a decreased demand (0.7 multiplier) and SOW 2 is where we have an increased demand (1.4 multiplier)."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "id": "14c8d406-b4eb-4d7a-8b65-7f01047ba688",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([[0.708511 ],\n",
+ " [1.36016225]])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, \"input_files\")\n",
+ "sample_array = np.load(output_directory + \"/ddm_2-samples_scenario-1.npy\")\n",
+ "sample_array"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "3cd5ac06-6810-4298-8afc-5ce3f4e1c5fa",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Now we can define shortages in the alternative states of the world with respect to the shortages received in the baseline case."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "id": "bb7de22c-bce2-4b5a-8766-729b5e24cd34",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": 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",
+ "text/plain": [
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Read in raw parquet files\n",
+ "baseline = pd.read_parquet(\n",
+ " data_dir + \"/historic_shortages/sj2015B.parquet\", engine=\"pyarrow\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "SOW_1 = pd.read_parquet(\n",
+ " parquet_dir_ddm + \"/scenario/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.parquet\", engine=\"pyarrow\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "SOW_2 = pd.read_parquet(\n",
+ " parquet_dir_ddm + \"/scenario/S1_1/sj2015B_S1_1.parquet\", engine=\"pyarrow\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Subtract shortages with respect to the baseline\n",
+ "subset_df = pd.concat(\n",
+ " [\n",
+ " baseline[\"year\"],\n",
+ " baseline[\"shortage_total\"],\n",
+ " SOW_1[\"shortage_total\"],\n",
+ " SOW_2[\"shortage_total\"],\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " axis=1,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "subset_df = subset_df.set_axis([\"Year\", \"Baseline\", \"SOW_1\", \"SOW_2\"], axis=1)\n",
+ "subset_df[\"SOW_1_diff\"] = subset_df[\"SOW_1\"] - subset_df[\"Baseline\"]\n",
+ "subset_df[\"SOW_2_diff\"] = subset_df[\"SOW_2\"] - subset_df[\"Baseline\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Plot shortages\n",
+ "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "ax.scatter(subset_df[\"Year\"], subset_df[\"SOW_1_diff\"], label=\"Decreased Demand\")\n",
+ "ax.scatter(subset_df[\"Year\"], subset_df[\"SOW_2_diff\"], label=\"Increased Demand\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "plt.xlabel(\"Year\")\n",
+ "plt.ylabel(\"Shortage (AF)\")\n",
+ "plt.title(\"Change in Shortages from the Baseline\")\n",
+ "plt.legend()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "f1c23cf3-88b0-49e0-8225-5222ad5f480b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "As expected, we see that an increase in demand typically causes an increase in shortage magnitude and frequency whereas the reduction in demand leads to the opposite. This finishes our simple example to demonstrate how adjustments to demand might change the shortages experienced by a user. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "e4e20fe5-f977-49db-980d-179cd7e4f278",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 3a: Modify StateMod Input Files for Exploratory Analyses- Water Rights Function Example"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "561a26d5-280d-4fb2-b121-e204f27a7d75",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Following from Step 2, we can run the same analysis for the function that manipulates the `sj2015.ddr` file, which corresponds to users water rights. In this function, we can specify the IDs of the users and can can utilize a variety of options for how we want to change the [`.ddr`](https://opencdss.state.co.us/statemod/latest/doc-user/InputDescription/46/) file. We can either sample from some bounds that apply multipliers to the decree, hard code in values for the decree, or adjust the rank of the user. In this simple example, we take a very junior user, ID: 2900501, and make them have the highest water right by changing their rank to 1. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "id": "3a05136d-2234-45b3-ad26-211664fef29a",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# a dictionary to describe what you want to modify and the bounds for the LHS\n",
+ "setup_dict = {\n",
+ " # ids can either be 'struct' or 'id' values\n",
+ " \"ids\": [\"2900501\"],\n",
+ " # turn id on or off completely or for a given period\n",
+ " # if 0 = off, 1 = on, YYYY = on for years >= YYYY, -YYYY = off for years > YYYY; see file header\n",
+ " \"on_off\": [1],\n",
+ " # apply rank of administrative order where 0 is lowest (senior) and n is highest (junior); None is no change\n",
+ " \"admin\": [1],\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "output_directory = os.path.join(data_dir, \"input_files\")\n",
+ "scenario = \"1\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# the number of samples you wish to generate\n",
+ "n_samples = 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# seed value for reproducibility if so desired\n",
+ "seed_value = 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# number of rows to skip in file after comment\n",
+ "skip_rows = 0\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# name of field to query\n",
+ "query_field = \"struct\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# number of jobs to launch in parallel; -1 is all but 1 processor used\n",
+ "n_jobs = -1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# basin to process\n",
+ "basin_name = \"San_Juan\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# generate a batch of files using generated LHS\n",
+ "stm.modify_ddr(\n",
+ " modify_dict=setup_dict,\n",
+ " query_field=query_field,\n",
+ " output_dir=output_directory,\n",
+ " scenario=scenario,\n",
+ " basin_name=basin_name,\n",
+ " sampling_method=\"LHS\",\n",
+ " n_samples=n_samples,\n",
+ " skip_rows=skip_rows,\n",
+ " n_jobs=n_jobs,\n",
+ " seed_value=seed_value,\n",
+ " template_file=None,\n",
+ " factor_method=\"multiply\",\n",
+ " data_specification_file=None,\n",
+ " min_bound_value=-0.5,\n",
+ " max_bound_value=1.5,\n",
+ " save_sample=True,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "f3b10d2a-30e0-424e-b330-4f7cbb01b38b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "In the `input_files` directory, you can open the `sj2015B_S0_1.ddr` file and see that the Admin # of our selected user has now become 1.0000. Now we rerun our code to do the StateMod simulation, this time using the .`ddr` template file. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "0cb6d099-8aa4-4d52-b5ee-94ab8a254d4a",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true,
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Running: S0_1\n",
+ " Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.rsp \n",
+ " Closing startup log file: statem.log\n",
+ " Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log \n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ "\n",
+ " StateMod \n",
+ " State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Version: 17.0.3 \n",
+ " Last revision date: 2021/09/12\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ " Subroutine Datinp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Control File (*.ctl) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Network File (*.rin)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Reservoir Station File (*.res)\n",
+ " Subroutine GetRes\n",
+ "\n",
+ " GetRes; Reservoir Station File (*.res) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Diversion Station File (*.dds)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Station File (*.ris)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Instream Flow Station File (*.ifs) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Well Station File (*.wes) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Plan Station File (*.pln) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Gage File (*.rig) \n",
+ " Subroutine Riginp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Instream Flow Right File (*.ifr) 20 1 98\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Reservoir Right File (*.rer) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Oprinp; Operational Right File (*.opr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Mdainp; Instream flow Demand file - Annual (*.ifa) \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ "\n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month SEP \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; On Year 1966 Month JUN Day 1\n",
+ " The maximum number of reoperations 221\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Writing reports\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutRes \n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 1 of 33; or 3. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 26 of 33; or 79. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutDivW \n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 1 of 558; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 26 of 558; or 5. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 51 of 558; or 9. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 76 of 558; or 14. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 101 of 558; or 18. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 126 of 558; or 23. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 151 of 558; or 27. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 176 of 558; or 32. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 201 of 558; or 36. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 226 of 558; or 41. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 251 of 558; or 45. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 276 of 558; or 49. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 301 of 558; or 54. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 326 of 558; or 58. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 351 of 558; or 63. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 376 of 558; or 67. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 401 of 558; or 72. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 426 of 558; or 76. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 451 of 558; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 476 of 558; or 85. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 501 of 558; or 90. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 526 of 558; or 94. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 551 of 558; or 99. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 558 of 558; or 100. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutOpr \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutXss \n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 0 of 342; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 25 of 342; or 8. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 50 of 342; or 15. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 75 of 342; or 22. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 100 of 342; or 30. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 125 of 342; or 37. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 150 of 342; or 44. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 175 of 342; or 51. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 200 of 342; or 59. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 225 of 342; or 66. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 250 of 342; or 73. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 275 of 342; or 81. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 300 of 342; or 88. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 325 of 342; or 95. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine Outifr\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutPln \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutWW \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Run output files are:\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Diversion output: *.xdd\n",
+ " Reservoir output: *.xre\n",
+ " Operating Rule Info: *.xop\n",
+ " Instream Reach Info: *.xir\n",
+ " Structure Summary: *.xss\n",
+ " Call (Control) Summary: *.xca\n",
+ " Plan Output: *.xpl\n",
+ " WWSP Output: *.xww\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Termination\n",
+ " Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/scenarios_ddr/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.log \n",
+ " Stop 0\n",
+ "creating parquet for S0_1\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ename": "OSError",
+ "evalue": "parquet files already exist in /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/parquet_ddr/scenario/S0_1 but allow_overwrite is False",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
+ "\u001b[0;31mOSError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
+ "Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[13], line 51\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 48\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m os\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mpath\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mexists(output_directory):\n\u001b[1;32m 49\u001b[0m os\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmakedirs(output_directory)\n\u001b[0;32m---> 51\u001b[0m \u001b[43mstm\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mxdd\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mconvert_xdd\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43moutput_directory\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;28;43;01mFalse\u001b[39;49;00m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mscenarios_dir_ddr\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m/\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mscenario\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m/sj2015B_\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mscenario\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m+\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m.xdd\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m[\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m2900501\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m'\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m]\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m2\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n",
+ "File \u001b[0;32m/usr/src/statemodify/statemodify/statemodify/xdd.py:244\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mconvert_xdd\u001b[0;34m(output_path, allow_overwrite, xdd_files, id_subset, parallel_jobs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 192\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mdef\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;21mconvert_xdd\u001b[39m(\n\u001b[1;32m 193\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;241m*\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 194\u001b[0m output_path: Union[\u001b[38;5;28mstr\u001b[39m, Path] \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m./output\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[0;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 198\u001b[0m parallel_jobs: \u001b[38;5;28mint\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m4\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 199\u001b[0m ):\n\u001b[1;32m 200\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;250m \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124;03m\"\"\"Convert StateMod output .xdd files to compressed, columnar .parquet files which easily interoperate\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 201\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m with pandas dataframes.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 202\u001b[0m \n\u001b[0;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 241\u001b[0m \n\u001b[1;32m 242\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m \"\"\"\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 244\u001b[0m \u001b[43mXddConverter\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 245\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43moutput_path\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 246\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mallow_overwrite\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 247\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mxdd_files\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 248\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mid_subset\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 249\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mparallel_jobs\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\n\u001b[1;32m 250\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mconvert()\n",
+ "File \u001b[0;32m/usr/src/statemodify/statemodify/statemodify/xdd.py:73\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mXddConverter.__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, output_path, allow_overwrite, xdd_files, id_subset, parallel_jobs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 71\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m allow_overwrite:\n\u001b[1;32m 72\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mlen\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mlist\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mglob(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m*.parquet\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m))) \u001b[38;5;241m>\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m0\u001b[39m:\n\u001b[0;32m---> 73\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mIOError\u001b[39;00m(\u001b[38;5;124mf\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mparquet files already exist in \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;132;01m{\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;132;01m}\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;124m but allow_overwrite is False\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m 74\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01melse\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m 75\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfor\u001b[39;00m f \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moutput_path\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mglob(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m*.parquet\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m):\n",
+ "\u001b[0;31mOSError\u001b[0m: parquet files already exist in /home/jovyan/data/sj2015_StateMod_modified/sj2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/parquet_ddr/scenario/S0_1 but allow_overwrite is False"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# set realization and sample\n",
+ "realization = 1\n",
+ "sample = np.arange(0, 1, 1)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# read RSP template\n",
+ "with open(ddr_template_file) as template_obj:\n",
+ " # read in file\n",
+ " template_rsp = Template(template_obj.read())\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for i in sample:\n",
+ " # create scenario name\n",
+ " scenario = f\"S{i}_{realization}\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # dictionary holding search keys and replacement values to update the template file\n",
+ " d = {\"DDR\": f\"../../input_files/sj2015B_{scenario}.ddr\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # update the template\n",
+ " new_rsp = template_rsp.safe_substitute(d)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # construct simulated scenario directory\n",
+ " simulated_scenario_dir = os.path.join(scenarios_dir_ddr, scenario)\n",
+ " if not os.path.exists(simulated_scenario_dir):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(simulated_scenario_dir)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # target rsp file\n",
+ " rsp_file = os.path.join(simulated_scenario_dir, f\"sj2015B_{scenario}.rsp\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # write updated rsp file\n",
+ " with open(rsp_file, \"w\") as f1:\n",
+ " f1.write(new_rsp)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # construct simulated basin path\n",
+ " simulated_basin_path = os.path.join(\n",
+ " simulated_scenario_dir, f\"sj2015B_{scenario}\"\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # run StateMod\n",
+ " print(f\"Running: {scenario}\")\n",
+ " os.chdir(simulated_scenario_dir)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " subprocess.call([statemod_exe, simulated_basin_path, \"-simulate\"])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Save output to parquet files\n",
+ " print(\"creating parquet for \" + scenario)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " output_directory = os.path.join(parquet_dir_ddr + \"/scenario/\" + scenario)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if not os.path.exists(output_directory):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(output_directory)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " stm.xdd.convert_xdd(\n",
+ " output_path=output_directory,\n",
+ " allow_overwrite=False,\n",
+ " xdd_files=scenarios_dir_ddr\n",
+ " + \"/\"\n",
+ " + scenario\n",
+ " + \"/sj2015B_\"\n",
+ " + scenario\n",
+ " + \".xdd\",\n",
+ " id_subset=[\"2900501\"],\n",
+ " parallel_jobs=2,\n",
+ " preserve_string_dtype=False,\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "26aeb572-a614-4778-b692-bd788e3f8423",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "As before, let's go ahead and plot the shortages for our User 2900501 with respect to the baseline shortages."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "id": "c00fc3c1-cfda-465f-9220-8cc884cb05fd",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Change in Shortages from the Baseline')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": "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+ "text/plain": [
+ "
+ ]
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Read in raw parquet files\n",
+ "baseline = pd.read_parquet(\n",
+ " data_dir + \"/historic_shortages/sj2015B.parquet\", engine=\"pyarrow\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "SOW_1 = pd.read_parquet(\n",
+ " parquet_dir_ddr + \"/scenario/S0_1/sj2015B_S0_1.parquet\", engine=\"pyarrow\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Subtract shortages with respect to the baseline\n",
+ "subset_df = pd.concat(\n",
+ " [baseline[\"year\"], baseline[\"shortage_total\"], SOW_1[\"shortage_total\"]], axis=1\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "subset_df = subset_df.set_axis([\"Year\", \"Baseline\", \"SOW_1\"], axis=1)\n",
+ "subset_df[\"diff\"] = subset_df[\"SOW_1\"] - subset_df[\"Baseline\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Plot shortages\n",
+ "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "ax.scatter(subset_df[\"Year\"], subset_df[\"diff\"])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "plt.xlabel(\"Year\")\n",
+ "plt.ylabel(\"Shortage (AF)\")\n",
+ "plt.title(\"Change in Shortages from the Baseline\")"
+ ]
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+ "We generally see the behavior we expect to see which is that with more senior water rights, the user sees a decrease in shortage magnitude. "
+ ]
+ },
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "dd68d814-eda4-415c-9c38-2e383ff1eaaf",
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+ "source": [
+ "Now, continue on to Quickstarter Notebook #2 to learn how to use the reservoir evaporation modification fuction."
+ ]
+ },
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "a90af3f9",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "Tip: If you are interested in understanding how to apply `statemodify` functions to your own model, take a look at the source code found in the repository here: \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "aa8a0c57",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
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+ "lenName": 16,
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+ },
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+ "delete_cmd_prefix": "del ",
+ "library": "var_list.py",
+ "varRefreshCmd": "print(var_dic_list())"
+ },
+ "r": {
+ "delete_cmd_postfix": ") ",
+ "delete_cmd_prefix": "rm(",
+ "library": "var_list.r",
+ "varRefreshCmd": "cat(var_dic_list()) "
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diff --git a/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.ipynb b/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a951ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/N2_Evaporation_File_Modification.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,5080 @@
+ "cells": [
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "d10681ed-8a86-45e0-8189-1ab1013b280b",
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+ "source": [
+ "## `statemodify` Quickstarter Notebook #2 : Using the EVA Modification Function in the Gunnison River Basin"
+ ]
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+ "id": "388af975-6caf-420c-8121-aa78513ae7ee",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "This notebook demonstrates the reservoir evaporation modification function using the Gunnison River Basin as an example. Reservoir evaporation is a pressing concern in the CRB. Lake Powell loses 0.86 million acre/ft per year to evaporation, which is over 6% of the flow into the Colorado River and nearly the allocation to the state of Utah. With warming temperatures driving aridification in the region, evaporation will play an increasingly important role in shortages to users."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "ac5b5ab5-f9ed-4732-aea2-693f155414d9",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Step 1: Run a Historical Simulation in StateMod for the Gunnison Subbasin"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "f2790314-db26-4277-bd62-d2b96df5227a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "To explore the importance of evaporation, we first we run baseline simulation as we did in the first notebook, but this time, using the dataset for the Gunnison."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "13aa645c-aeb0-4fba-b3ae-39e3b4c331ad",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import argparse\n",
+ "import logging\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "import pickle\n",
+ "import subprocess\n",
+ "from string import Template\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import statemodify as stm"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "b3faed86",
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2024-03-21T16:35:02.103151Z",
+ "start_time": "2024-03-21T16:35:02.089141Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "NOTE: Each simulation in this notebook is run for the length of the historical period (from 1909-2013). If you want to reduce the length of the simulation, navigate to the `.ctl` file and adjust the `iystr` and `iyend` variables. For this notebook, this file is located in: `data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015.ctl` \n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "4f42b539",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# statemod directory\n",
+ "statemod_dir = \"/usr/src/statemodify/statemod_gunnison_sjd\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# root directory of statemod data for the target basin\n",
+ "root_dir = os.path.join(statemod_dir, \"src\", \"main\", \"fortran\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# home directory of notebook instance\n",
+ "home_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# path to the statemod executable\n",
+ "statemod_exe = os.path.join(root_dir, \"statemod-17.0.3-gfortran-lin-64bit-o3\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# data directory and root name for the target basin\n",
+ "data_dir = os.path.join(\n",
+ " home_dir, \"data\", \"gm2015_StateMod_modified\", \"gm2015_StateMod_modified\", \"StateMod\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# directory to the target basin input files with root name for the basin\n",
+ "basin_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"gm2015B\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# scenarios output directory\n",
+ "scenarios_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, \"scenarios\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# path to eva template file\n",
+ "eva_template_file = os.path.join(home_dir, \"data\", \"gm2015B_template_eva.rsp\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "e4d8fefd-298f-4474-a17f-c66e4e7f3ebd",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true,
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ " Startup log file for messages to this point: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.rsp \n",
+ " Closing startup log file: statem.log\n",
+ " Opening dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.log \n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ "\n",
+ " StateMod \n",
+ " State of Colorado - Water Supply Planning Model \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Version: 17.0.3 \n",
+ " Last revision date: 2021/09/12\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ " Subroutine Datinp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Control File (*.ctl) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Network File (*.rin)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Reservoir Station File (*.res)\n",
+ " Subroutine GetRes\n",
+ "\n",
+ " GetRes; Reservoir Station File (*.res) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Diversion Station File (*.dds)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Station File (*.ris)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Instream Flow Station File (*.ifs) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Well Station File (*.wes) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; Plan Station File (*.pln) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Datinp; River Gage File (*.rig) \n",
+ " Subroutine Riginp\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Instream Flow Right File (*.ifr) 20 1 98\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Reservoir Right File (*.rer) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Riginp; Direct Diversion Right File (*.ddr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Oprinp; Operational Right File (*.opr) \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Mdainp; Instream flow Demand file - Annual (*.ifa) \n",
+ " Subroutine Execut\n",
+ "\n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1908 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1909 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1910 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1911 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1912 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1913 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1914 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1915 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1916 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1917 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1918 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1919 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1920 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1921 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1922 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1923 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1924 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1925 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1926 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1927 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1928 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1929 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1930 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1931 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1932 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1933 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1934 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1935 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1936 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1937 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1938 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1939 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1940 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1941 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1942 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1943 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1944 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1945 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1946 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1947 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1948 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1949 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1950 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1951 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1952 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1953 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1954 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1955 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1956 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1957 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1958 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1959 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1960 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1961 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1962 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1963 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1964 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1965 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1966 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1967 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1968 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1969 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1970 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1971 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1972 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1973 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1974 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1975 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1976 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1977 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1978 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1979 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1980 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1981 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1982 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1983 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1984 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1985 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1986 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1987 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1988 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1989 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1990 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1991 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1992 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1993 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1994 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1995 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1996 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1997 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1998 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 1999 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2000 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2001 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2002 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2003 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2004 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2005 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2006 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2007 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2008 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2009 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2010 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2011 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month SEP \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month OCT \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month NOV \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2012 Month DEC \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JAN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month FEB \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month APR \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month MAY \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUN \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month JUL \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month AUG \n",
+ "+ Execut; Year 2013 Month SEP \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; On Year 1973 Month JUN Day 1\n",
+ " The maximum number of reoperations 169\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Writing reports\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutRes \n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 1 of 41; or 2. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Reservoir Summary 26 of 41; or 63. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutDivW \n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 1 of 725; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 26 of 725; or 4. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 51 of 725; or 7. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 76 of 725; or 10. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 101 of 725; or 14. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 126 of 725; or 17. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 151 of 725; or 21. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 176 of 725; or 24. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 201 of 725; or 28. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 226 of 725; or 31. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 251 of 725; or 35. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 276 of 725; or 38. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 301 of 725; or 42. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 326 of 725; or 45. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 351 of 725; or 48. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 376 of 725; or 52. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 401 of 725; or 55. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 426 of 725; or 59. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 451 of 725; or 62. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 476 of 725; or 66. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 501 of 725; or 69. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 526 of 725; or 73. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 551 of 725; or 76. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 576 of 725; or 79. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 601 of 725; or 83. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 626 of 725; or 86. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 651 of 725; or 90. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 676 of 725; or 93. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 701 of 725; or 97. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Diversion & Stream Summary 725 of 725; or 100. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutOpr \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutXss \n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 0 of 544; or 0. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 25 of 544; or 5. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 50 of 544; or 9. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 75 of 544; or 14. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 100 of 544; or 19. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 125 of 544; or 23. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 150 of 544; or 28. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 175 of 544; or 32. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 200 of 544; or 37. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 225 of 544; or 42. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 250 of 544; or 46. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 275 of 544; or 51. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 300 of 544; or 55. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 325 of 544; or 60. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 350 of 544; or 65. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 375 of 544; or 69. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 400 of 544; or 74. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 425 of 544; or 78. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 450 of 544; or 83. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 475 of 544; or 88. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 500 of 544; or 92. % Complete\n",
+ "+ Printing Structure Summary (*.xss) 525 of 544; or 97. % Complete\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine Outifr\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutPln \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Subroutine OutWW \n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Run output files are:\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Diversion output: *.xdd\n",
+ " Reservoir output: *.xre\n",
+ " Operating Rule Info: *.xop\n",
+ " Instream Reach Info: *.xir\n",
+ " Structure Summary: *.xss\n",
+ " Call (Control) Summary: *.xca\n",
+ " Plan Output: *.xpl\n",
+ " WWSP Output: *.xww\n",
+ "\n",
+ "________________________________________________________________________\n",
+ " Execut; Successful Termination\n",
+ " Statem; See detailed messages in dataset log file: /home/jovyan/data/gm2015_StateMod_modified/gm2015_StateMod_modified/StateMod/gm2015B.log \n",
+ " Stop 0\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# run statemod\n",
+ "subprocess.call([statemod_exe, basin_path, \"-simulate\"])"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6618531f-332f-4ba8-90e8-59b990e9b179",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "In this notebook, rather than acquiring user shortages which are found in the `.xdd` output file, we can track reservoir storage which is found in the [`.xre`](https://opencdss.state.co.us/statemod/latest/doc-user/OutputDescription/522/) output file. Thus, in `statemodify`, we create a method that will allow us to extract output from the `gm2015B.xre` file and save it as a `.csv` file. Here we extract the shortages for Blue Mesa, one of the most important upstream reservoirs in the Gunnison that is responsible for supplying emergency water to Lake Powell."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "f381ae11-0f42-499d-be43-271ce7033402",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# create a directory to store the historical reservoir levels at Blue Mesa\n",
+ "output_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, \"historic_reservoir_levels\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "if not os.path.exists(output_dir):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(output_dir)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# path the the xre file\n",
+ "xre_file = os.path.join(data_dir, \"gm2015B.xre\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# structure ID for reservoir of interest\n",
+ "structure_ID = \"6203532\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# name of the reservoir\n",
+ "structure_name = \"Blue_Mesa\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# extract the target info into a Pandas data frame\n",
+ "df = stm.extract_xre_data(\n",
+ " structure_name=structure_name,\n",
+ " structure_id=structure_ID,\n",
+ " input_file=xre_file,\n",
+ " basin_name=None,\n",
+ " output_directory=output_dir,\n",
+ " write_csv=True,\n",
+ " write_parquet=None,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "a4071686-ff5c-468a-9708-31fb8c554a3f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "We can then create an annual average from our extracted monthly reservoir storage."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "4fb009c5-1fb6-4796-a216-2bff0db94ce6",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
Init. Storage
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
106 rows × 2 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Year Init. Storage\n",
+ "0 1908 441516.500000\n",
+ "1 1909 409705.807692\n",
+ "2 1910 378741.903846\n",
+ "3 1911 374242.865385\n",
+ "4 1912 402187.230769\n",
+ ".. ... ...\n",
+ "101 2009 384270.711538\n",
+ "102 2010 380057.192308\n",
+ "103 2011 346074.019231\n",
+ "104 2012 290796.692308\n",
+ "105 2013 202086.125000\n",
+ "\n",
+ "[106 rows x 2 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "output_xre_file = os.path.join(output_dir, \"Blue_Mesa_xre_data.csv\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# read output data into a data frame\n",
+ "df = pd.read_csv(output_xre_file, usecols=[\"Year\", \"Init. Storage\"], index_col=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# calculate the annual average\n",
+ "df = df.groupby(\"Year\").mean().reset_index()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "3755fe87-c7e6-4742-a091-a8e2474c7d94",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Finally, we can plot this annual average over time. We see swings in the storage that correspond well with the earliest part of the streamflow record that was relatively wet along with dry periods (large dips around the 1930s dustbowl and 1950s drought and the severe early 2002 drought). "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "ef081dea-e9b4-48b7-a87b-306622cd9799",
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Text(0, 0.5, 'Reservoir Storage (AF)')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": 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