- Used UID key in vocabularies.proposing_groups_for_user_vocabulary. [sgeulette]
- Fix translation of overlay title [mpeeters]
- Avoid an error if the user can not access to meetings [mpeeters]
- Upgrade config for REST api [mpeeters]
- Fixed all unit tests. [aduchene]
- Add a new helper method _rest_getDecidedMeetingDate to get the actual decided meeting date. [aduchene]
- Migrate to REST api [mpeeters]
- Cache the 'possible_meetingdates_vocabulary' vocabulary forever (until instance restarts). [sdelcourt] [mdhyne]
- By default make sure inline_validation.js is disabled to avoid too much calls to WS api. [gbastien]
- Added missing docx.png. [gbastien]
- Add a default inTheNameOf param for method _soap_getMeetingsAcceptingItems. [sdelcourt]
- Make sure to always find selected annexes to send with unrestricted catalog search. [sdelcourt]
- Use WSCLIENTLayer that inherits from PMLayer for WS4PMCLIENT so the amqp config is defined. [gbastien]
- Set correctly context in renderTALExpression [sgeulette]
- Do not rely on unittest2 anymore. [gbastien]
- Fixed tests regarding Meeting moved from AT to DX. [gbastien]
- Set allowed_annexes_types default value to an empty list. [sdelcourt]
- Fixed tests as imio.pm.ws availableData to create an item now includes 'associatedGroups', 'groupsInCharge', 'optionalAdvisers' and 'toDiscuss'. [gbastien]
- Replaced Plonemeeting by iA.delib in french translations. [sgeulette]
- Hide annexes field when there is no annex. [sgeulette]
- Can choose in settings to send multiple times an element [sgeulette]
- Fixed tests now that the create() testing helper method does not accept 'meetingConfig' paramter anymore. [gbastien]
- Display preferred meeting date in the item infos viewlet. [sdelcourt]
- Rename IPreferredMeetings interface. [sdelcourt]
- Add preferred meeting selection in the send form. [sdelcourt]
- Add translation for annex selection field. [sdelcourt]
- Add annex selection in the send form. [sdelcourt]
- Adapted regarding changes in imio.pm.ws for Products.PloneMeeting 4.0. [gbastien]
- Try to make a correct release. [sdelcourt]
- Add zope events WillbeSendToPMEvent and SentToPMEvent. [sdelcourt]
- Display extraAttrs correctly in the preview form
- Adapted code to work with Products.PloneMeeting 4.0
- Adapted code to work with Products.PloneMeeting 3.3
- Use with Products.PloneMeeting 3.2
- Initial release