diff --git a/audit.py b/audit.py
index 231f2f7..093960d 100644
--- a/audit.py
+++ b/audit.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""Audit GitHub organizations."""
+import abc
import configparser
import json
from enum import Enum
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@
from yattag import SimpleDoc, Doc, indent
+LARGE_NUMBER = 1_000_000_000_000
+def reverse_numeric_sort_order(number: int):
+ return LARGE_NUMBER - number
CONFIG_FILE = ".audit.cfg"
# supported:
# [github.com]
@@ -47,8 +54,176 @@ def unknown(what: str) -> None:
output_option = typer.Option(None, "--output", "-o")
-g = Github(config["github.com"]["token"])
-app = typer.Typer()
+class ReportBase(abc.ABC):
+ def __init__(self, started: datetime, output):
+ self.started = started
+ self.output = output
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def begin_report(self, title: str):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def end_report(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def empty_line(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def begin_table(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def table_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def end_table(self):
+ pass
+class TextReportBase(ReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.console = Console(file=output)
+ self.table = None
+ def begin_report(self, title: str):
+ self.console.print(title)
+ def end_report(self):
+ self.console.print(format_generated_timestamp(self.started))
+ def empty_line(self):
+ self.console.print()
+ def begin_table(self):
+ if self.table is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError("already building a table")
+ self.table = Table(box=box.SQUARE)
+ self._table_header()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _table_header(self, headers):
+ if self.table is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("not building a table")
+ for header, kwargs in headers:
+ self.table.add_column(header, **kwargs)
+ def table_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._table_row(*args, **kwargs)
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _table_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.table is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("not building a table")
+ self.table.add_row(*args)
+ def end_table(self):
+ if self.table is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("not building a table")
+ self.console.print()
+ self.console.print(self.table)
+ self.console.print()
+ self.table = None
+class HtmlReportBase(ReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.doc, self.tag, self.text = Doc().tagtext()
+ def begin_report(self, title: str):
+ self.doc.asis("")
+ with self.tag("head"):
+ self.doc.asis('')
+ with self.tag("title"):
+ self.text(title)
+ with self.tag("style"):
+ self.text("\nbody {font-size: 100%; }")
+ self.text("\ndiv.footer {font-size: 50%; padding-top: 24px; }")
+ self.text("\ntable {border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }")
+ self.text("\nth {vertical-align: bottom; }")
+ self.text("\ntd {vertical-align: top; }")
+ self.text("\n.centered {text-align: center; }")
+ self.text("\n.column-group-header {border-bottom: 1px solid black; }")
+ self.text("\n.first-row {border-top: 1px solid black; }")
+ self.text("\n.right {text-align: right; }")
+ self.doc.asis("
+ with self.tag("h1"):
+ self.text(title)
+ self._prologue()
+ self._begin_main()
+ def end_report(self):
+ self._end_main()
+ self._epilogue()
+ with self.doc.tag("div", klass="footer"):
+ self.doc.text(format_generated_timestamp(self.started))
+ self.doc.asis("")
+ self.doc.asis("")
+ print(indent(self.doc.getvalue()), file=self.output)
+ def _prologue(self):
+ pass
+ def _epilogue(self):
+ pass
+ def _command_options(self, options):
+ with self.tag("h2"):
+ self.text("Options")
+ with self.tag("table"):
+ for name, value in options.items():
+ with self.tag("tr"):
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(name)
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(value)
+ # main part of the report
+ def _begin_main(self):
+ with self.tag("h2"):
+ self.text("Report")
+ def _end_main(self):
+ pass
+ # report content
+ def empty_line(self):
+ self.doc.stag("br")
+ # table creation
+ def begin_table(self):
+ self.doc.asis("")
+ self._table_header()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _table_header(self, *header_lines):
+ for headers in header_lines:
+ with self.tag("tr"):
+ for header, kwargs in headers:
+ with self.tag("th", **kwargs):
+ self.text(header)
+ def table_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ with self.tag("tr"):
+ self._table_row(*args, **kwargs)
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _table_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def end_table(self):
+ self.doc.asis("
# Github API wrappers
@@ -114,31 +289,6 @@ def format_member(member: dict) -> str:
# HTML utilities
-def create_html_head(doc: SimpleDoc, title: str) -> None:
- """
- Standard HTML head segment
- - sets text encoding for compatibility with Python
- - sets document title
- - defines styles for content
- :param doc: yattag document
- :param title: document title
- """
- with doc.tag("head"):
- doc.asis('')
- with doc.tag("title"):
- doc.text(title)
- with doc.tag("style"):
- doc.text("\nbody {font-size: 100%; }")
- doc.text("\ndiv.footer {font-size: 50%; padding-top: 24px; }")
- doc.text("\ntable {border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }")
- doc.text("\nth {vertical-align: bottom; }")
- doc.text("\ntd {vertical-align: top; }")
- doc.text("\n.centered {text-align: center; }")
- doc.text("\n.column-group-header {border-bottom: 1px solid black; }")
- doc.text("\n.first-row {border-top: 1px solid black; }")
- doc.text("\n.right {text-align: right; }")
def create_html_email_href(email: str) -> str:
HTML version of an email address
@@ -157,16 +307,6 @@ def create_html_url_href(url: str) -> str:
return f'{url}' if url else ""
-def create_html_footer(doc: SimpleDoc, started: datetime) -> None:
- """
- Standard HTML footer for the body segment
- :param doc: yattag document
- :param started: when report creation started
- """
- with doc.tag("div", klass="footer"):
- doc.text(format_generated_timestamp(started))
# output creation
def output_json(json_data: list, output: Optional[typer.FileTextWrite]) -> None:
@@ -178,20 +318,104 @@ def output_json(json_data: list, output: Optional[typer.FileTextWrite]) -> None:
typer.echo(json.dumps(json_data, indent=" "), file=output)
-def output_text_elements(title: str, table: Table, started: datetime, output: Optional[typer.FileTextWrite]) -> None:
- """
- Output the text elements
- :param title: title above the table
- :param table: data to report
- :param started: when creating this report started
- :param output: output file to write to (default: stdout)
- """
- console = Console(file=output)
- console.print(title)
- console.print()
- console.print(table)
- console.print()
- console.print(format_generated_timestamp(started))
+g = Github(config["github.com"]["token"])
+app = typer.Typer()
+class RepoTextReport(TextReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.include_archived_repositories = include_archived_repositories
+ self.include_forked_repositories = include_forked_repositories
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers = [
+ ("Name", {}),
+ ("Archived", dict(justify="center")) if self.include_archived_repositories else None,
+ ("Fork", dict(justify="center")) if self.include_forked_repositories else None,
+ ("Pushed at", {}),
+ ("Pull request title", {}),
+ ("Created at", {}),
+ ]
+ headers = [header for header in headers if header is not None]
+ super()._table_header(headers)
+ def _table_row(
+ self,
+ repo_name=None, archived=None, fork=None, pushed_at=None, title=None, created_at=None,
+ rowspan=0, first=False
+ ):
+ row = []
+ row.append(repo_name)
+ if self.include_archived_repositories:
+ row.append(format_bool(archived) if archived is not None else None)
+ if self.include_forked_repositories:
+ row.append(format_bool(fork) if fork is not None else None)
+ row.append(format_friendly_timestamp(pushed_at, self.started) if pushed_at is not None else None)
+ if title and created_at:
+ row.extend([title, format_friendly_timestamp(created_at, self.started)])
+ super()._table_row(*row)
+class RepoHtmlReport(HtmlReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.include_archived_repositories = include_archived_repositories
+ self.include_forked_repositories = include_forked_repositories
+ def _epilogue(self):
+ options = {
+ "Archived repositories": "included" if self.include_archived_repositories else "not included",
+ "Forked repositories": "included" if self.include_forked_repositories else "not included",
+ }
+ self._command_options(options)
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers_1 = [
+ ("Name", dict(rowspan=2)),
+ ("Archived", dict(rowspan=2)) if self.include_archived_repositories else None,
+ ("Fork", dict(rowspan=2)) if self.include_forked_repositories else None,
+ ("Pushed at", dict(rowspan=2)),
+ ("Pull request", dict(colspan=2, klass="column-group-header")),
+ ]
+ headers_1 = [header for header in headers_1 if header is not None]
+ headers_2 = [
+ ("Title", {}),
+ ("Created at", {}),
+ ]
+ super()._table_header(headers_1, headers_2)
+ def _table_row(
+ self,
+ repo_name=None, archived=None, fork=None, pushed_at=None, title=None, created_at=None,
+ rowspan=0, first=False
+ ):
+ klass_first_row = {"klass": "first-row"} if first else {}
+ klass_first_row_centered = {"klass": "first-row centered"} if first else {}
+ if repo_name is not None:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row, rowspan=rowspan):
+ self.text(repo_name)
+ if archived is not None and self.include_archived_repositories:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row_centered, rowspan=rowspan):
+ self.doc.asis(format_bool(archived))
+ if fork is not None and self.include_forked_repositories:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row_centered, rowspan=rowspan):
+ self.doc.asis(format_bool(fork))
+ if pushed_at is not None:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row, rowspan=rowspan):
+ self.text(format_friendly_timestamp(pushed_at, self.started))
+ if title and created_at:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.text(title)
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.text(format_friendly_timestamp(created_at, self.started))
+ else:
+ self.doc.stag("td", **klass_first_row, colspan=2)
@@ -226,94 +450,108 @@ def repos(
if output_format == OutputFormat.json:
output_json(repositories, output)
+ return
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.html:
- doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()
- with tag("html"):
- with tag("head"):
- create_html_head(doc, title)
- with tag("body"):
- with tag("h1"):
- text(title)
- with tag("table"):
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th", rowspan=2):
- text("Name")
- if include_archived_repositories:
- with tag("th", rowspan=2):
- text("Archived")
- if include_forked_repositories:
- with tag("th", rowspan=2):
- text("Fork")
- with tag("th", rowspan=2):
- text("Pushed at")
- with tag("th", colspan=2, klass="column-group-header"):
- text("Pull request")
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th"):
- text("Title")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Created at")
- for repo in sorted(repositories, key=lambda x: x['name'].lower()):
- open_pull_requests = repo["open_pull_requests"]
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("td", klass="first-row", rowspan=len(open_pull_requests)):
- text(repo["name"])
- if include_archived_repositories:
- with tag("td", klass="first-row centered", rowspan=len(open_pull_requests)):
- doc.asis(format_bool(repo["archived"]))
- if include_forked_repositories:
- with tag("td", klass="first-row centered", rowspan=len(open_pull_requests)):
- doc.asis(format_bool(repo["fork"]))
- with tag("td", klass="first-row", rowspan=len(open_pull_requests)):
- text(format_friendly_timestamp(repo["pushed_at"], started))
- if open_pull_requests:
- first_pr = open_pull_requests[0]
- with tag("td", klass="first-row"):
- text(first_pr["title"])
- with tag("td", klass="first-row"):
- text(format_friendly_timestamp(first_pr["created_at"], started))
- else:
- doc.stag("td", klass="first-row", colspan=2)
- for pr in open_pull_requests[1:]:
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("td"):
- text(pr["title"])
- with tag("td"):
- text(format_friendly_timestamp(pr["created_at"], started))
- create_html_footer(doc, started)
- print(indent(doc.getvalue()), file=output)
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.text:
- table = Table("Name", box=box.SQUARE)
- empty_columns = [None, None] # Name, Pushed at
- if include_archived_repositories:
- table.add_column("Archived", justify="center")
- empty_columns.append(None)
- if include_forked_repositories:
- table.add_column("Fork", justify="center")
- empty_columns.append(None)
- table.add_column("Pushed at")
- table.add_column("Pull request title")
- table.add_column("Created at")
- for repo in sorted(repositories, key=lambda x: x['name'].lower()):
- repo_row = [repo["name"]]
- if include_archived_repositories:
- repo_row.append(format_bool(repo["archived"]))
- if include_forked_repositories:
- repo_row.append(format_bool(repo["fork"]))
- repo_row.append(f'{format_friendly_timestamp(repo["pushed_at"], started)}')
- if repo["open_pull_requests"]:
- first_pr = repo["open_pull_requests"][0]
- repo_row.extend([first_pr["title"], f'{format_friendly_timestamp(first_pr["created_at"], started)}'])
- table.add_row(*repo_row)
- for pr in repo["open_pull_requests"][1:]:
- pr_row = empty_columns + [pr["title"], f'{format_friendly_timestamp(pr["created_at"], started)}']
- table.add_row(*pr_row)
- output_text_elements(title, table, started, output)
- else:
+ report_class = {
+ OutputFormat.html: RepoHtmlReport,
+ OutputFormat.text: RepoTextReport,
+ }.get(output_format)
+ if report_class is None:
+ return
+ report = report_class(started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories)
+ report.begin_report(title)
+ report.begin_table()
+ for repo in sorted(repositories, key=lambda repo: repo['name'].lower()):
+ open_pull_requests = repo["open_pull_requests"]
+ columns = [
+ repo["name"],
+ repo["archived"],
+ repo["fork"],
+ repo["pushed_at"],
+ open_pull_requests[0]["title"] if open_pull_requests else "",
+ open_pull_requests[0]["created_at"] if open_pull_requests else "",
+ ]
+ report.table_row(*columns, rowspan=len(open_pull_requests), first=True)
+ for pr in open_pull_requests[1:]:
+ report.table_row(title=pr["title"], created_at=pr["created_at"])
+ report.end_table()
+ report.end_report()
+class RepoContributionsTextReport(TextReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.include_archived_repositories = include_archived_repositories
+ self.include_forked_repositories = include_forked_repositories
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers = [
+ ("Name", {}),
+ ("Contributor", {}),
+ ("Nr. of contributions", dict(justify="right")),
+ ]
+ super()._table_header(headers)
+ def _table_row(self, repo_name=None, contributor=None, rowspan=0, first=False):
+ row = []
+ row.append(repo_name)
+ if contributor is not None:
+ row.append(format_member(contributor))
+ row.append(format_int(contributor.get("contributions")))
+ else:
+ row.extend((None, None))
+ super()._table_row(*row)
+class RepoContributionsHtmlReport(HtmlReportBase):
+ def __init__(self, started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories):
+ super().__init__(started, output)
+ self.include_archived_repositories = include_archived_repositories
+ self.include_forked_repositories = include_forked_repositories
+ def _epilogue(self):
+ options = {
+ "Archived repositories": "included" if self.include_archived_repositories else "not included",
+ "Forked repositories": "included" if self.include_forked_repositories else "not included",
+ }
+ self._command_options(options)
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers_1 = [
+ ("Name", dict(rowspan=2)),
+ ("Contributor", dict(colspan=5, klass="column-group-header")),
+ ]
+ headers_2 = [
+ ("Name", {}),
+ ("Login", {}),
+ ("Email", {}),
+ ("Profile", {}),
+ ("#contributions", {}),
+ ]
+ super()._table_header(headers_1, headers_2)
+ def _table_row(self, repo_name=None, contributor=None, rowspan=0, first=False):
+ klass_first_row = {"klass": "first-row"} if first else {}
+ klass_first_row_right = {"klass": "first-row right"} if first else {"klass": "right"}
+ if repo_name is not None:
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row, rowspan=rowspan):
+ self.text(repo_name)
+ if contributor is None:
+ contributor = {}
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.text(contributor.get("name") or "")
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.text(contributor.get("login") or "")
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.doc.asis(create_html_email_href(contributor.get("email")) or "")
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row):
+ self.doc.asis(create_html_url_href(contributor.get("url")) or "")
+ with self.tag("td", **klass_first_row_right):
+ self.text(format_int(contributor.get("contributions")))
@@ -340,7 +578,10 @@ def repo_contributions(
for contributor in sorted(
- key=lambda contributor: (1_000_000_000 - contributor.contributions, contributor.login.lower())
+ key=lambda contributor: (
+ reverse_numeric_sort_order(contributor.contributions),
+ contributor.login.lower(),
+ )
@@ -352,78 +593,83 @@ def repo_contributions(
if output_format == OutputFormat.json:
output_json(repositories, output)
+ return
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.html:
- doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()
- with tag('html'):
- create_html_head(doc, title)
- with tag("body"):
- with tag("h1"):
- text(title)
- with tag("table"):
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th", rowspan=2):
- text("Name")
- with tag("th", colspan=5, klass="column-group-header"):
- text("Contributor")
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th"):
- text("Name")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Login")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Email")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Profile")
- with tag("th"):
- text("#contributions")
- def contributor_row_cells(contributor, klass):
- td_optional_klass_arg = dict(klass=klass) if klass else {}
- name = contributor.get("name") or ""
- login = contributor.get("login") or ""
- email = contributor.get("email") or ""
- url = contributor.get("url") or ""
- with tag("td", **td_optional_klass_arg):
- text(name)
- with tag("td", **td_optional_klass_arg):
- text(login)
- with tag("td", **td_optional_klass_arg):
- doc.asis(create_html_email_href(email))
- with tag("td", **td_optional_klass_arg):
- doc.asis(create_html_url_href(url))
- with tag("td", klass=f"{klass} right" if klass else "right"):
- text(format_int(contributor.get("contributions")))
- for repo in repositories:
- contributors = repo['contributors']
- if len(contributors) == 0:
- contributors = [{}]
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("td", klass="first-row", rowspan=len(contributors)):
- text(repo["name"])
- contributor_row_cells(contributors[0], "first-row")
- for contributor in contributors[1:]:
- with tag("tr"):
- contributor_row_cells(contributor, None)
- create_html_footer(doc, started)
- print(indent(doc.getvalue()), file=output)
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.text:
- table = Table(
- "Name", "Contributor", Column("Nr. of contributions", justify="right"), box=box.SQUARE
- )
- for repo in sorted(repositories, key=lambda x: x['name'].lower()):
- contributors = sorted(repo['contributors'], key=lambda x: (1_000_000_000 - x['contributions'], x['login'].lower()))
- first_contributor = contributors[0] if contributors else dict()
- first_row = [repo["name"], format_member(first_contributor), format_int(first_contributor.get("contributions"))]
- table.add_row(*first_row)
- for contributor in contributors[1:]:
- table.add_row(None, format_member(contributor), format_int(contributor["contributions"]))
- output_text_elements(title, table, started, output)
- else:
+ report_class = {
+ OutputFormat.html: RepoContributionsHtmlReport,
+ OutputFormat.text: RepoContributionsTextReport,
+ }.get(output_format)
+ if report_class is None:
+ return
+ report = report_class(started, output, include_archived_repositories, include_forked_repositories)
+ report.begin_report(title)
+ report.begin_table()
+ for repo in sorted(repositories, key=lambda repo: repo['name'].lower()):
+ contributors = list(sorted(
+ repo['contributors'],
+ key=lambda contributor: (
+ reverse_numeric_sort_order(contributor['contributions']),
+ contributor['login'].lower()
+ )
+ ))
+ if len(contributors) == 0:
+ contributors = [{}]
+ report.table_row(repo_name=repo["name"], contributor=contributors[0], first=True, rowspan=len(contributors))
+ for contributor in contributors[1:]:
+ report.table_row(contributor=contributor)
+ report.end_table()
+ report.end_report()
+class MembersTextReport(TextReportBase):
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers = [
+ ("Member", {}),
+ ("Membership state", {}),
+ ("Membership role", {}),
+ ]
+ super()._table_header(headers)
+ def _table_row(self, member):
+ super()._table_row(format_member(member), member['membership_state'], member['membership_role'])
+class MembersHtmlReport(HtmlReportBase):
+ def _table_header(self):
+ headers_1 = [
+ ("Member", dict(colspan=4, klass="column-group-header")),
+ ("Membership", dict(colspan=2, klass="column-group-header")),
+ ]
+ headers_2 = [
+ ("Name", {}),
+ ("Login", {}),
+ ("Email", {}),
+ ("Profile", {}),
+ ("", {}),
+ ("state", {}),
+ ("role", {}),
+ ]
+ super()._table_header(headers_1, headers_2)
+ def _table_row(self, member):
+ email = member.get("email")
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(member.get("name") or "")
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(member.get("login") or "")
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.doc.asis(create_html_email_href(email) if email else "")
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.doc.asis(create_html_url_href(member.get("url") or ""))
+ self.doc.stag("td")
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(member['membership_state'])
+ with self.tag("td"):
+ self.text(member['membership_role'])
@@ -450,65 +696,23 @@ def members(
if output_format == OutputFormat.json:
output_json(member_info, output)
+ return
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.html:
- doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()
- with tag('html'):
- create_html_head(doc, title)
- with tag("body"):
- with tag("h1"):
- text(title)
- with tag("table"):
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th", colspan=4, klass="column-group-header"):
- text("Member")
- doc.stag("th")
- with tag("th", colspan=2, klass="column-group-header"):
- text("Membership")
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("th"):
- text("Name")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Login")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Email")
- with tag("th"):
- text("Profile")
- doc.stag("th")
- with tag("th"):
- text("state")
- with tag("th"):
- text("role")
- for member in member_info:
- name = member.get("name") or ""
- login = member.get("login") or ""
- email = member.get("email") or ""
- url = member.get("url") or ""
- with tag("tr"):
- with tag("td"):
- text(name)
- with tag("td"):
- text(login)
- with tag("td"):
- doc.asis(create_html_email_href(email))
- with tag("td"):
- doc.asis(create_html_url_href(url))
- doc.stag("td")
- with tag("td"):
- text(member['membership_state'])
- with tag("td"):
- text(member['membership_role'])
- create_html_footer(doc, started)
- print(indent(doc.getvalue()), file=output)
- elif output_format == OutputFormat.text:
- table = Table("Member", "Membership state", "Membership role", box=box.SQUARE)
- for member in member_info:
- table.add_row(format_member(member), member['membership_state'], member['membership_role'])
- output_text_elements(title, table, started, output)
- else:
+ report_class = {
+ OutputFormat.html: MembersHtmlReport,
+ OutputFormat.text: MembersTextReport,
+ }.get(output_format)
+ if report_class is None:
+ return
+ report = report_class(started, output)
+ report.begin_report(title)
+ report.begin_table()
+ for member in member_info:
+ report.table_row(member)
+ report.end_table()
+ report.end_report()
if __name__ == "__main__":