The lab illustrates how to build a simple WebSphere Liberty app with Docker
1.1 Login into your terminal environment with the URL and credentials provided by your instructor
2.1 Run the following command to set an environment variable for a unique port based on your user identifier from the instructor (e.g. For example if your user id is user020 your port number should be 30020 ie 020 appended to 30)
3.1 Run the following command to set an environment variable for a unique image name based on your user identifier from the instructor (e.g. For example if your user id is user020 your image name should be liberty-user020)
export LIBERTYIMG=liberty-userNNN
4.1 From the client terminal window clone the following Git repo with the app used in this lab
git clone
cd liberty-hello-world-app
5.1 From the client terminal window build the Docker image.
docker build --no-cache -t $LIBERTYIMG .
6.1 From the client terminal window run the Docker image.
docker run --name $LIBERTYIMG -d -p $LIBERTYPORT:9080 $LIBERTYIMG
7.1 From the client terminal window test the Docker image. Verify that the curl command returns Hello World
8.1 From the client terminal window get a shell inside your running container.
docker exec -it $LIBERTYIMG bash
8.2 Verify that your command prompt changes to bash-4.2$
indicating that you are in a bash sheel in your running container
8.3 Look at the Liberty server logs
cat /logs/messages.log
Verify that the log ends with something like the following (indicating that the application's single servlet initialized correctly):
[12/4/19 12:54:40:566 UTC] 00000038 I SRVE0242I: [hw-web] [/] [HelloWorldServlet]: Initialization successful.
8.4 Look at your server.xml file
cat /config/server.xml
Verify that the line is loading your app:
<webApplication contextRoot="/" location="hw-web.war" />
8.5 Look at the folder that contains all the installed applications
ls -l /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps
Verify that the your app is the only one installed:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4952 Dec 3 13:42 hw-web.war
8.6 Look at the running processes in the container
ps -ef
Verify that Liberty, your bash shell and the ps command are the only processes that appear:
default 1 0 2 12:54 ? 00:00:28 /opt/ibm/java/jre/bin/java -java
default 141 0 0 12:55 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
default 1038 141 0 13:13 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef
8.7 Exit the container shell
Run the following commands to cleanup (note: you can copy all the commands at once and post them into your command window)
docker stop $LIBERTYIMG
docker rm $LIBERTYIMG