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Python SDK Migration Guide

Norman Bukingolts edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 8 revisions

Python SDK Migration Guide

A guide for developers migrating to the Fern-generated Python SDK (version 0.7.0 and above).

Hume’s newest Python SDK refactors the core client architecture, separating functionality into distinct modules for specific APIs (e.g., the Expression Measurement API and the Empathic Voice Interface API).

Version 0.7.0 introduces the following features:

  • Explicit types
  • Better support for asynchronous operations
  • More granular client configuration
  • Continued support for legacy SDK implementations

This guide will help you adapt your code to the new SDK structure with practical examples and explanations of the key differences.

Support for the legacy SDK

The legacy SDK is entirely contained within the new SDK’s src/hume/legacy folder in order to ensure smooth transition to the new features. To preserve your code’s current functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Run pip install “hume[legacy]" to install the legacy package extra.
    1. If you are using EVI’s microphone utilities, run pip install “hume[microphone]” to install the microphone extra.
  2. Change your import statements to from hume.legacy instead of from hume.


from hume.legacy import HumeVoiceClient, VoiceConfig

client = HumeVoiceClient("<YOUR_API_KEY>")  
config = client.empathic_voice.configs.get_config_version(  
    id = "id",  
    version = 1  

Primary change: synchronous and asynchronous base clients

Instead of using HumeBatchClient, HumeStreamClient, or HumeVoiceClient, now use AsyncHumeClient - the new asynchronous base client.

This client is authenticated with your Hume API key and provides access to the Expression Measurement API and Empathic Voice Interface API as namespaces. If you're not using async, the synchronous HumeClient is available, but we recommend defaulting to AsyncHumeClient for most use cases.

Each API is namespaced accordingly:

from hume.client import AsyncHumeClient

# base synchronous client  
client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key = <HUME_API_KEY>)

# Expression Measurement (Batch)   

# Expression Measurement (Streaming)  

# Empathic Voice Interface  

Importantly, invoking asynchronous functionality (e.g., instantiating an EVI WebSocket connection) when using a synchronous client (i.e., HumeClient) is disallowed behavior and causes an error. On the other hand, invoking synchronous behavior from an asynchronous client is supported, however each method must be awaited.

from hume.client import HumeClient, AsyncHumeClient

# INVALID: using a synchronous client for asynchronous behavior  
client = HumeClient(api_key = <HUME_API_KEY>)

# Using the asynchronous connect method with a sync client will cause an error  
async with as socket:  
	# ...

# VALID: using an asynchronous client for asynchronous behavior  
async_client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key = <HUME_API_KEY>)

# Using the async connect method with an async client will work properly  
async with as socket:  
	# ...

# VALID: using an asynchronous client for synchronous behavior  
async_client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key = <HUME_API_KEY>)  
# Using the configs.list_configs() method with an async client  
print(await client.empathic_voice.configs.list_configs())

Using the Empathic Voice Interface (EVI)

First, identify what operations you would like to perform.

  • For tasks such as creating a config, listing the tools you have available, and more, we recommend using the Hume Portal because of its comprehensive user interface.
  • For chatting with EVI (i.e., accessing the chat endpoint), it is required to use the asynchronous Hume client.
  • If you need to interact with configurations, tools, or other items programmatically, it is recommended to use the asynchronous Hume client - but possible to use the synchronous client if needed.

Then, authenticate the client and proceed with your desired functionality.

Types introduced for EVI

The EVI WebSocket connection is now configurable using an explicit type: ChatConnectOptions. This object must be passed into the method used to initialize the connection.

Examples: New SDK, Empathic Voice Interface

Using EVI from a synchronous context (e.g., listing your configs)

from hume.client import HumeClient  
# authenticate the synchronous client  
client = HumeClient(api_key=<HUME_API_KEY>)  
# list your configs  

Using EVI from an asynchronous context (e.g., starting a chat)

It is now possible to fully manage the WebSocket events with your EVI integration, meaning you can define custom behavior when the WebSocket is opened, closed, receives a message, or receives an error. Use the new asynchronous client’s connect_with_callbacks function to do so, and reference the SubscribeEvent message type within your on_message callback function.

from hume.client import AsyncHumeClient  
from import ChatConnectOptions

async def main() -> None:  
    # Initialize the asynchronous client, authenticating with your API key  
    client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key=<HUME_API_KEY>)

    # Define options for the WebSocket connection, such as an EVI config id and a secret key for token authentication  
    options = ChatConnectOptions(config_id=<HUME_CONFIG_ID>, secret_key=<HUME_SECRET_KEY>)

    # Open the WebSocket connection with the configuration options and the interface's handlers  
    async with  
        on_open=<custom on_open function>,  
        on_message=<custom on_message function>,  
        on_close=<custom on_close function>,  
        on_error=<custom on_error function>  
    ) as socket:  
        # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example on_message handler

    async def on_message(message: SubscribeEvent):  
        """Callback function to handle a WebSocket message event.

            data (SubscribeEvent): This represents any type of message that is received through the EVI WebSocket, formatted in JSON. See the full list of messages in the API Reference [here](  

        # Create an empty dictionary to store expression inference scores  
        scores = {}

        if message.type == "chat_metadata":  
            message_type = message.type.upper()  
            chat_id = message.chat_id  
            chat_group_id = message.chat_group_id  
            text = f"<{message_type}> Chat ID: {chat_id}, Chat Group ID: {chat_group_id}"  
        elif message.type in ["user_message", "assistant_message"]:  
            role = message.message.role.upper()  
            message_text = message.message.content  
            text = f"{role}: {message_text}"  
            if message.from_text is False:  
                scores = dict(message.models.prosody.scores)  
        elif message.type == "audio_output":  
            message_str: str =  
            message_bytes = base64.b64decode(message_str.encode("utf-8"))  
            await self.byte_strs.put(message_bytes)  
        elif message.type == "error":  
            error_message: str = message.message  
            error_code: str = message.code  
            raise ApiError(f"Error ({error_code}): {error_message}") # ApiError is also an imported type  
            message_type = message.type.upper()  
            text = f"<{message_type}>"


Example: Legacy SDK, Empathic Voice Interface

from hume import HumeVoiceClient, MicrophoneInterface  
import asyncio

async def main() -> None:  
  # Connect and authenticate with Hume  
  client = HumeVoiceClient(<HUME_API_KEY>)

  # Start streaming EVI over your device's microphone and speakers   
  async with client.connect() as socket:  
      await MicrophoneInterface.start(socket)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Using the Expression Measurement API (Batch)

Instantiate the asynchronous client, configure the job with a Models object, and submit your media URLs for processing. Once submitted and the job is awaited to completion, predictions may be retrieved based on the job ID.

  • The await_complete() method on a job has been removed; developers will need to implement a mechanism such as polling the job’s status to await the completion of the job.
  • The download_predictions() method on a job has also been removed; developers will need to implement an HTTP call to the API, parse the results, and export them to a file.

Prior to the update, when you started a job and passed in the job configuration, it would be the case that the start_inference_job would accept the model configs as an array. Now, this is all contained within a typed models object.

Types introduced for Batch

Starting an inference job now involves defining configuration options using explicit types for each model. For example, a Face object corresponds to the model’s configuration options. Configurations are passed into a Models object, which in turn is passed into the start_inference_job method. Similar strict typing exists with other batch methods.

Example: New SDK, Expression Measurement - Hosted File

from hume import AsyncHumeClient  
from hume.expression_measurement.batch import Face, Models

async def main():  
    # Initialize an authenticated client  
    client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>)

    # Define the URL(s) of the files you would like to analyze  
    job_urls = [""]

    # Create configurations for each model you would like to use (blank = default)  
    face_config = Face()

    # Create a Models object  
    models_chosen = Models(face=face_config)

    # Start an inference job and print the job_id  
    job_id = await client.expression_measurement.batch.start_inference_job(  
        urls=job_urls, models=models_chosen  

    # Await the completion of the inference job  
    await poll_for_completion(client, job_id, timeout=120)

    # After the job is over, access its predictions  
    job_predictions = await client.expression_measurement.batch.get_job_predictions(  

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example: New SDK, Expression Measurement - Local File

from hume import AsyncHumeClient  
from hume.expression_measurement.batch import Face, Models  
from hume.expression_measurement.batch.types import InferenceBaseRequest

async def main():  
    # Initialize an authenticated client  
    client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key=HUME_API_KEY)

    # Define the filepath(s) of the file(s) you would like to analyze  
    local_filepaths = [open("", mode="rb")]

    # Create configurations for each model you would like to use (blank = default)  
    face_config = Face()

    # Create a Models object  
    models_chosen = Models(face=face_config)  
    # Create a stringified object containing the configuration  
    stringified_configs = InferenceBaseRequest(models=models_chosen)

    # Start an inference job and print the job_id  
    job_id = await client.expression_measurement.batch.start_inference_job_from_local_file(  
        json=stringified_configs, file=local_filepaths)

    # Await the completion of the inference job  
    await poll_for_completion(client, job_id, timeout=120)

    # After the job is over, access its predictions  
    job_predictions = await client.expression_measurement.batch.get_job_predictions(  

if __name__ == "__main__":

Awaiting job completion

Below is an example implementation of helper methods which incorporate polling the job’s status for completion with exponential backoff.

async def poll_for_completion(client: AsyncHumeClient, job_id, timeout=120):  
    Polls for the completion of a job with a specified timeout (in seconds).

    Uses asyncio.wait_for to enforce a maximum waiting time.  
        # Wait for the job to complete or until the timeout is reached  
        await asyncio.wait_for(poll_until_complete(client, job_id), timeout=timeout)  
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:  
        # Notify if the polling operation has timed out  
        print(f"Polling timed out after {timeout} seconds.")

async def poll_until_complete(client: AsyncHumeClient, job_id):  
    Continuously polls the job status until it is completed, failed, or an unexpected status is encountered.

    Implements exponential backoff to reduce the frequency of requests over time.  
    delay = 1  # Start with a 1-second delay

    while True:  
        # Wait for the specified delay before making the next status check  
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)

        # Retrieve the current job details  
        job_details = await client.expression_measurement.batch.get_job_details(job_id)  
        status = job_details.state.status

        if status == "COMPLETED":  
            # Job has completed successfully  
            print("\nJob completed successfully:")  
        elif status == "FAILED":  
            # Job has failed  
            print("\nJob failed:")  

        # Increase the delay exponentially, maxing out at 16 seconds  
        delay = min(delay * 2, 16)

Downloading job artifacts

The SDK may be used to download the job’s artifacts.

Download the job's artifacts

with open("", "wb") as f:  
    async for new_bytes in client.expression_measurement.batch.get_job_artifacts(job_id):  

Downloading job predictions

The API must be called directly to download the job’s predictions.

If using the code below, ensure you replace <YOUR_JOB_ID> and <YOUR_API_KEY> below with the respective correct values.

import requests  
import json

# Define the URL and headers  
url = "<YOUR_JOB_ID>/predictions"  
headers = {  
    "X-Hume-Api-Key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>"  

# Make the GET request  
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

# Check if the request was successful  
if response.status_code == 200:  
    # Parse the JSON response  
    data = response.json()  
    # Write the JSON data to a file  
    with open("predictions.json", "w") as file:  
        json.dump(data, file, indent=2)  
    print("Response has been written to 'predictions.json'.")  
    print(f"Failed to fetch data. Status code: {response.status_code}")  

Example: Legacy SDK, Expression Measurement

from hume import HumeBatchClient  
from hume.models.config import FaceConfig  
from hume.models.config import ProsodyConfig

client = HumeBatchClient(<HUME_API_KEY>)  
urls = [""]

face_config = FaceConfig()  
prosody_config = ProsodyConfig()

job = client.submit_job(urls, [face_config, prosody_config])  

result = job.await_complete()  
job_predictions = client.get_job_predictions(job_id =

Using the Expression Measurement API (Streaming)

First, retrieve the samples you will use. Then, instantiate the asynchronous client and configure the WebSocket with a Config object containing the model(s) you would like to use. After you connect to the WebSocket, predictions may be retrieved.

Types introduced for Streaming

Connecting to the WebSocket now uses the explicit type StreamConnectOptions. These options accept the Config object, which contains the configurations for the expression measurement models you wish to use. These configurations are unique to each model and need importing as well, such as with StreamLanguage.

Example: New SDK, Expression Measurement

import asyncio  
from hume import AsyncHumeClient  
from import Config  
from import StreamConnectOptions  
from import StreamLanguage

samples = [  
    "Mary had a little lamb,",  
    "Its fleece was white as snow."  
    "Everywhere the child went,"  
    "The little lamb was sure to go."  

async def main():  
    client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")

    model_config = Config(language=StreamLanguage())

    stream_options = StreamConnectOptions(config=model_config)

    async with as socket:  
        for sample in samples:  
            result = await socket.send_text(sample)  

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example: Legacy SDK, Expression Measurement

import asyncio  
from hume import HumeStreamClient  
from hume.models.config import LanguageConfig

samples = [  
    "Mary had a little lamb,",  
    "Its fleece was white as snow."  
    "Everywhere the child went,"  
    "The little lamb was sure to go."  

async def main():  
    client = HumeStreamClient("<YOUR API KEY>")  
    config = LanguageConfig()  
    async with client.connect([config]) as socket:  
        for sample in samples:  
            result = await socket.send_text(sample)  
            emotions = result["language"]["predictions"][0]["emotions"]  

if __name__ == "__main__":
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