- JDK 1.8
- Maven 3.3 or later ( 3.6.2 is known to fail, see SUBMARINE-273 )
- Docker
- Checking releases for licenses
mvn clean org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check
- Create binary distribution with default hadoop version
mvn clean install package -DskipTests
- Create binary distribution with hadoop-2.9.x version
mvn clean install package -DskipTests -Phadoop-2.9
- Create binary distribution with hadoop-2.10.x version
mvn clean install package -DskipTests -Phadoop-2.10
- Create binary distribution with hadoop-3.1.x version
mvn clean install package -DskipTests -Phadoop-3.1
- Create binary distribution with hadoop-3.2.x version
mvn clean install package -DskipTests -Phadoop-3.2
- Create source code distribution
mvn clean install package -DskipTests -Psrc
If it is needed to make modifications to TonY project, please make a PR to Tony repository.