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File metadata and controls

227 lines (181 loc) · 8.8 KB

Todo List

Misc/Cross-cutting Things

  • Logging, how does Morgan work?
  • Better working environments for development

Portal API issues

  • Plausibility check at API startup? For kickstarter? Into portal-env? Important for BLUE/GREEN

    • Subscriptions for plans which do no longer exist?
    • Subscriptions for plans which are not assigned to an API
    • Missing env vars
  • Env variables in other things than globals.json:

    • apis.json
    • plans? groups?
    • config
  • Check for touch file in dynamic config; not present, set password of admin user

    • Document email address of admin user.
  • Get User by mail/password must be POST, not GET

    • remove GET, update Swagger
  • Protected API swagger files cannot be retrieved, even with forUser

  • Add user ID and utc date to all records; granularity?

  • Encryption of API Keys and Credentials before persisting?

    • For Subscriptions
    • For Users (Client ID and Secret for Portal access)
  • "Unhealthy" status for portal and kong in production?

    • Make health ping return last error message (if applicable); may help in error checking
      • portal-mailer
      • portal-kong-adapter
      • portal-chatbot
  • Separate end point for API, OAuth 2.0 for Portal API?

    • Implementation in kong-adapter
    • Changes to enable in API
    • Changes in portal to display/create these credentials
    • Kickstarter option to enable (currently undocumented feature)
  • Enable listening to X-Consumer-Custom-ID in addition to X-UserId (for OAuth 2.0 CC scenarios)

  • Serving PDF files, also with user group checking

  • Split API in "public" and "private" parts for /portal-api/v1 end point

    • In portal-api code
    • Create two Swagger files
    • Document that shit
  • Notation ${ENV_VAR} in env-reader

Portal issues

  • Mapping of Groups from ADFS group

  • Auto-map of validated users to specific group "dev"

  • User Delete

    • By himself
    • By Admin
  • OAuth2 Credentials on applications page

  • Sessions in local storage - in file

  • for APIs is not displayed, methinks

    • api.jade
    • and apis.jade?
  • Kong Swagger UI does not work

  • Swagger UI has to be adapted to color scheme (and logo)

  • Applications page looks bad

  • /applications should contain only the applications, /applications/:appId should contain subscriptions. It's crap right now.

  • /apis/:apiId page looks crap

  • Do we need a /plans/:planId page? --> No, solved with popover on APIs

  •  Input validation of User name and email? XSS?

  • Hide user IDs from normal users in normal cases? /users/me?

  • Check Referrer in portal? No

  • Anti-XSRF Tokens for Forms? ==> Would break the Portal's UI API, but could make sense?

  • Make validation check for Swagger optional (or switch it off by default)

  • Panels with collapsible header: Add glyphicon

  • Support for Tags

    • On APIs
    • On Content

Chatbot issues

  • Drag out configuration for mailer into globals/mailer? idem globals/chatbot?
  • Chatbot messaging when pinging goes bad.

Mailer issues

  • Refactor Mailer to look like Chatbot (interesting events) - really? Prio 3
  • Sending out mail for new subscription approvals
  • Switching off mail entirely? See globals.yml
  • Mail with unsecure SMTP (not smtps://), settings?
  • Send mails at failed webhooks/when the pinging goes bad?

Kong-Adapter issues

  • Optimize Kong Adapter, just a little at least, so that it doesn't react e.g. on user changes
    • Optimize listeners/we hooks, allow filtering of events (for entity probably?) - Prio 3 - needed?
  • Enable Kong Adapter to talk to a different Kong instance (in case you already have one)
    • Enable passing a header to the Kong backend (e.g. Basic Auth credentials)
    • Pass white lists of consumers and APIs which are not touched
  • Kong-Adapter Unit Testing
  •  /deploy API must be routed to /api/deploy (with rate limiting)


  • Static config not updated when deploying

  • Kickstarter must work with .env instead of .json --> and back again

  • jade in addition to markdown for content

  • Use Docker internal URL for mapping of /swagger-ui into Kong; local testing scenario?

  • Restrict plans by group --> enables visible APIs which cannot be subscribed to.

    • Implementation in API
    • Unit tests for API
    •  Implementation in Portal ("sorry, no plans available")
    • Implementation in kickstarter

Deployment and Build topics

  • Artifactory as npmjs mirror? How does that work?

  • Local setup with Docker, all in docker (portal development)

  • Local setup with Kong in Docker, node native; different compose file needed?

  • Let's Encrypt?

  • Howtos:

    • Completely new setup
    • Update kong
    • Update PGSQL
    • Update wicked portal
    • Development/contribute
  • How to run kickstarter? npm Module? Docker? With tooling script? --> Docker

  • github build engine? How to build images? --> AWS (Markus)

  • Optimization of Dockerfiles

    • everything in portal-env for node_modules?
    • Setting up correct packages.json? "prepare_release" node executable?
  • Restructuring the repo? Can we keep it as is? If Dockerfiles are optimized

    • can contain all the sources and docker files plus scripts for building the images
    • can contain tooling for
      • Starting the Kickstarter --> documentation (or? sh?)
      • [-] Deploying an entire APIm --> documentation
      • [-] Deploying a change of static config --> documentation
      • Backing up? Restoring?
      • [-] Updating wicked --> documentation
      • [-] Updating Kong and Postgres --> documentation
      • How granular does this need to be?
  • Backing up dynamic config regularly

    • backup/restore-Container? Azure? AWS? Plain file? scp of tgz?
    • export and import endpoints which can be used for this
  • Does all this actually work on Windows?

  • With, after a partial deploy (of static config), Kong seems to hiccup (only returns 503) (irrelevant)

  • Deployment Tools docker image? ==> No, wicked.portal-tools repository.

Integration Testing

  • Integration system; simple integration tests
    • For pure portal development (tool build pipeline)
    • Login
    • Create application
    • Create subscription for a sample API
    • Retrieve API key
    • Make an API call using the new key
    • Simpler variant: predefined user, key for a specific API, check that Gateway responds correctly after being deployed
  • Integration tests locally
    • For portal; document portal API?
    • See above for simple test cases/the most basic ones
    • Testing of Kong adapter?
    • Mailer/Chatbot?


  • Logging
    • Make all servers log JSON in a coherent way
    • Log file/logging container? Fluentd?
    • Can we surface logs in the UI? Do we want to? Probably not, other best practices with docker? Recipe for simple log viewing using docker?
    • Restarting containers with DEBUG set to something else?

Future work, things to not forget

  • Blue/green deployment? See

  • Forwarded for...

    • Implementation in kong-adapter (%%Forwarded)
    • Support in kickstarter
  •  Create SSL certificates for testing purposes in the kickstarter?

    • How to get certificates into the deployment process?


  • First draft to be finished
  • Plans configuration
  • Implementing API configuration
    • Which plugins?
  • Everything else
  • Title and footer on design page
  • Content pages (how much?)
  • Adding APIs, creating templates
  • Does deleting an API also delete Swagger and config?
  • Check marks when config is missing?
  • Admin password in globals.json
  • for /apis cannot be edited
  • Some explanatory text on the SSL page
  • Support for local/DNS-less configurations?
  • fluentd configuration?
  • Static Config versioning;
    • How does the kickstarter get the initial config?
    • Update Steps when loading Configuration
      • In Kickstarter
      • In Portal-api? Yes. Default fallbacks? ==> NO
  • Template Configuration
  • Add/remove Header configuration for Plugins
  • Add possibility to re-key the deployment secret
  • Add button to add default 'localhost' configuration (no, but doc on it)
  • Content Tag support

Social Components

  • Issue tracker?
    • Over adapter to JIRA, Github?
  • Feedback forms (for each page)