OTP Manager is a Laravel OTP library.
Verification user by One Time Password via SMS or email or anything else.
You can choose various type of authentication method like cookie or request-header.
You can create OTP link and sending through email or create OTP PIN code and sending through SMS or notification etc.
You can choose between cookie or request-header (localstorage or fix variable) in client-side.
Note: In this tools you can using verification even without user.
A one-time password (OTP), also known as one-time PIN or dynamic password, is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital device.
bearer, cookie, session or request
Install requirements:
Require with Composer
composer require hamidmp/otp-manager
Publishing files:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag otpmanager
It will copy the migration files (two files) and config file and middleware file.
Change the config values to your prefer configs:
you have to declare the password (PIN) sender class in config file which the password sender class must be implemented from
://config/otpmanage.php return [ //... 'message_provider'=>\App\Srvice\SMSProvider::class, //... ];
you have to declare the authenticable class for
://config/otpmanage.php return [ //... 'user_model'=>App\Models\User::class, //... ];
Config the database connection (you have done before)
Cache the configs:
php artisan config:cache
Migrate the migrations
php artisan migrate
It will create new taable 'otpassword' for storing OTP PINs and adding two fields in
table (step 3.2) for user contact value (like mobile) and OTP-token.
Taking user contact and generating new PIN and sending it
// App/Http/Controllers/SiteController OTPManager::generateAndSendNewOTP($request);
Checking user PIN code
// App/Http/Controllers/SiteController $result = OTPManager::checkUserOTPAndVerification($request, $request->code);
You can use the OTPManager without user and then after verification assign a user to that verified request (then you can using 'auth:otpmanager' middleware for identity the user)
// App/Http/Controllers/SiteController $result = OTPManager::checkUserOTPAndVerification($request, $request->code); //just after verification if($result!==false){ $user=User::find(1); OTPManager::assignUserTo($result,$user); }
Using auth middleware for ensuring that user authenticated
//routes/web.php Route::middleware('auth:otpmanager') ->group(function () { //... Route::get('/user',function (){ $user = \request()->user(); //or $user = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user(); }); });
Using OTPManagerMiddleware middleware for checking verification (first step or complete)
//routes/web.php Route::middleware([\App\Http\Middleware\OTPManagerMiddleware::class]) ->group(function () { //OTP verification has passed completely }); Route::middleware('\App\Http\Middleware\OTPManagerMiddleware:false') ->group(function () { //OTP verification has passed its fist step at least (sending PIN code and having Token) });
The otp-manager library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.