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CommonGrants core library

Code for the CommonGrants core specification library, written in TypeSpec. This library is designed to be imported and extended by individual implementations of the CommonGrants protocol.

🚀 Quickstart

Install the library

npm install @common-grants/core

Project setup

A basic project structure that uses the library might look like this:

├── models.tsp      # Extends @common-grants/core models with custom fields
├── routes.tsp      # Overrides @common-grants/core routes to use the custom models
├── main.tsp        # Defines an API service that uses the custom models and routes
├── tsp-output/     # Directory that stores the output of `tsp compile`, often .gitignored
├── package.json    # Manages dependencies, commands, and library metadata
└── tspconfig.yaml  # Manages TypeSpec configuration, including emitters

Define custom fields

The Opportunity model is templated to support custom fields. First define your custom fields by extending the CustomField model:

// models.tsp

import "@common-grants/core"; // Import the base specification library

// Allows us to use models defined in the specification library
// without prefixing each model with `CommonGrants.Models.`
using CommonGrants.Models;

namespace CustomAPI.CustomModels;

// Define a custom field
model Agency extends CustomField {
    name: "Agency";
    type: CustomFieldType.string;

    @example("Department of Transportation")
    value: string;
    description: "The agency responsible for this opportunity";

// Create a map of custom fields
model CustomFields extends CustomFieldMap {
    agency: Agency;

// Create a custom Opportunity type using the template
alias CustomOpportunity = Opportunity<CustomFields>;

Override default routes

The router interfaces are templated to support your custom models. Override them like this:

// routes.tsp

import "@common-grants/core";
import "./models.tsp"; // Import the custom field and model from above

using CommonGrants.Routes;
using TypeSpec.Http;

namespace CustomAPI.CustomRoutes {
    alias OpportunitiesRouter = Opportunities;

    // Use the default model for list but custom model for read
    op list is OpportunitiesRouter.list;
    op read is<CustomModels.CustomOpportunity>;

Define an API service

Next, use these updated routes to define an API service:

// main.tsp

import "@typespec/http";

import "./routes.tsp"; // Import the routes from above

using TypeSpec.Http;

    title: "Custom API",
namespace CustomAPI;

Generate the OpenAPI spec

Generate an OpenAPI specification from your main.tsp file using either the CLI:

npx tsp compile main.tsp --emit "@typespec/openapi3"

Or specify the emitter in tspconfig.yaml:

# tspconfig.yaml
  - "@typespec/openapi3"

Both strategies will generate an OpenAPI specification in the tsp-output/ directory.

Further reading

💻 Contributing to the library

Project structure

The specs/ sub-directory is organized like this:

├── lib/                # Defines reusable models and routes for the library
│   ├── models/         # Defines base models like Opportunity, CustomField, etc.
│   ├── routes/         # Defines base routes like GET /opportunities
│   └── main.tsp        # Exposes models and routes from the root of the library
├── src/
│   ├── index.ts        # Defines the entry point for the library
│   └── lib.ts          # Creates a new TypeSpec library definition
├── dist/               # .gitignored directory that stores the output of `npm build`
├── package.json        # Manages dependencies, commands, and library metadata
├── tsconfig.json       # Manages TypeScript configuration
└── tspconfig.yaml      # Manages TypeSpec configuration


Node version 20 or later. Check with node --version


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run build Build package locally
npm pack Create a tarball from the package
npm typespec Compile and emit the library with TypeSpec
npm run format Run automatic formatting and fix issues
npm run lint Run automatic linting and fix issues
npm run check:format Check formatting, fail if issues are found
npm run check:lint Check linting, fail if issues are found