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180 lines (121 loc) · 4.23 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (121 loc) · 4.23 KB


This project provides tools to create and deploy runtime monitors for your Robot Operating System applications.


This package can be installed with pip:

pip install hpl-rv-ros


You can use this project to generate code both as a library and as a standalone tool.

First, you will need a mapping of ROS topic types to message types. This can be specified in YAML or JSON formats, when provided as a file. For example:

%YAML 1.2
# file: topics.yaml
/a: std_msgs/Int64
/b: std_msgs/Int64
/p: std_msgs/Bool
/q: std_msgs/Bool

Then, you will also need to provide a HPL specification. This can be either a list of properties, or a .hpl file, depending on how you want to use this package.

As a Standalone Tool

This package provides the hpl-rv-ros CLI script.

Required Arguments

  1. a path to the topic type mapping file
  2. either a list of properties or a list of .hpl files, depending on flags

Optional Arguments

  • flag --rospy: generate ROS1 code instead of ROS2 code
  • flag -f or --files: treat positional arguments as a list of paths to .hpl files instead of a list of properties
  • argument -o or --output: pass a path to an output file for the generated code (default: print to screen)


To generate ROS2 code:

hpl-rv-ros -f -o topics.yaml properties.hpl

To generate ROS1 code:

hpl-rv-ros --rospy -f -o topics.yaml properties.hpl

As a Library

This repository provides the hplrv_ros Python package.


from typing import Dict, List
from pathlib import Path
from hpl.ast import HplProperty
from hpl.parser import property_parser
from hplrv_ros.rclpy import generate_node as generate_rclpy
from hplrv_ros.rospy import generate_node as generate_rospy

parser = property_parser()

topic_types: Dict[str, str] = { '/a': 'std_msgs/Int32' }
properties: List[HplProperty] = [parser.parse('globally: no /a {data > 0}')]

rclpy_code: str = generate_rclpy(properties, topic_types)
rospy_code: str = generate_rospy(properties, topic_types)

path: Path = Path('')
path.write_text(rclpy_code, encoding='utf-8')
path = Path('')
path.write_text(rospy_code, encoding='utf-8')

GitHub Features

The .github directory comes with a number of files to configure certain GitHub features.

  • Various Issue templates can be found under ISSUE_TEMPLATE.
  • A Pull Request template can be found at
  • Automatically mark issues as stale after a period of inactivity. The configuration file can be found at .stale.yml.
  • Keep package dependencies up to date with Dependabot. The configuration file can be found at dependabot.yml.
  • Keep Release Drafts automatically up to date with Pull Requests, using the Release Drafter GitHub Action. The configuration file can be found at release-drafter.yml and the workflow at workflows/release-drafter.yml.
  • Automatic package building and publishing when pushing a new version tag to main. The workflow can be found at workflows/publish-package.yml.


This package sets up various tox environments for static checks, testing, building and publishing. It is also configured with pre-commit hooks to perform static checks and automatic formatting.

If you do not use tox, you can build the package with build and install a development version with pip.

Assume cd into the repository's root.

To install the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

To run type checking:

tox -e typecheck

To run linting tools:

tox -e lint

To run automatic formatting:

tox -e format

To run tests:


To build the package:

tox -e build

To build the package (with build):

python -m build

To clean the previous build files:

tox -e clean

To test package publication (publish to Test PyPI):

tox -e publish

To publish the package to PyPI:

tox -e publish -- --repository pypi

To install an editable version:

pip install -e .