ROS (both ROS1 and ROS2) Driver for Fixposition Vision-RTK 2
tf ROS1 library
eigen_conversions ROS1 library
Catkin for ROS1
fixposition_gnss_tf: Fixposition GNSS Transformation Lib
This driver operates as a ROS node, connecting to either a TCP or serial stream of Fixposition Vision-RTK output data, see Fixposition ASCII messages and the Integration Manual.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake
sudo apt install -y libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install -y ros-{ROS_DISTRO}-tf ros-{ROS_DISTRO}-eigen-conversions
To install the node, extract / clone the code and fixposition_gnss_tf
to your catkin workspace's src
# The folder structure should look like this
├── src
│ ├── fixposition_driver
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_lib
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_ros1
│ │ ├── fixposition_driver_ros2 # will be ignore by catkin
│ ├── fixposition_gnss_tf
make sure you have sourced the setup.bash from ros:
, for example
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
and build it with:
catkin build fixposition_driver_ros1
This will build the ROS1 driver node and all its dependencies.
Then source your development environment:
source devel/setup.bash
To launch the node in serial mode, run:
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 serial.launch
In TCP mode (Wi-Fi):
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 tcp.launch
In TCP mode (Ethernet):
roslaunch fixposition_driver_ros1 tcp.launch
To change the settings of TCP (IP, Port) or Serial (Baudrate, Port) connections, check the launch/tcp.yaml
and launch/serial.yaml
Check rostopics:
rostopic list
there should be topics under the
namespace, for example:/fixposition/corrimu /fixposition/navsatfix /fixposition/odometry /fixposition/odometry_enu /fixposition/poiimu /fixposition/rawimu /fixposition/vrtk
Check published message in the topic, for example the VRTK message:
rostopic echo /fixposition/vrtk