GrayFrost is a C++ DLL delivery system for C# payloads. Once compiled, GrayFrost can be injected into .NET applications using any DLL injection technique you wish!
GrayFrost operates in two rounds, GrayFrostCpp and GrayFrostCSharp. The former is a C++ -> .NET Common Language Runtime bootstrapper. It:
- Creates or injects into the 4.0 runtime
- Pivot into the 2.0 runtime if needed
- Contains raw payload
Once the bootstrapping process finishes and GrayFrostCpp lands in the proper runtime version the C# payload will be executed through GrayFrostCSharp.
To build GrayFrost, AutoFrost is recommended. This tool will auto-bundle the two byte arrays (the raw C# payload and the GrayFrostCSharp round) into the C++ DLL. There is both a GUI tool and a python script for automation.
1.) Obtain a C# byte array for your C# payload (as an executable) and place it in GrayFrostCSharp\payload.cs with the following syntax:
namespace GrayFrostCSharp
class payload
public static byte[] g_bInjectCode = new byte[]
2.) Compile GrayFrostCSharp.
3.) Obtain a C++ byte array for the GrayFrostCSharp executable and place it in GrayFrost\slate.h with the following syntax
#define SIZE <SIZE HERE>
unsigned char data[<SIZE HERE>] = { <BYTE ARRAY HERE> };
4.) Compile GrayFrost
5.) Inject GrayFrost{32,64} into target application.
In order to achive maximum efficiency compile your C# payload in version 2.0 of the CLR. This will ensure your payload, if universal, can be delivered into any runtime. If you know ahead of time your targets CLR version you can use that instead (2.0/4.0). Also, if wanting to target both 32/64 bit programs use the "Any CPU" option for the platform as the CLR will determine it at runtime. Again, feel free to use your targets archietcture if known.
There is currently no support for arguments in your payloads main at this time so use a generic public static void Main().
GrayFrost was built by Topher Timzen with the help of DigitalBodyGuard.