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Releases: GramAddict/bot


01 Jul 21:07
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2.6.4 (2021-07-01)

telegram-reports when out of working hours crashed

Performance improvements

improve update checking


text improvement and typo corrections


26 Jun 07:40
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update changelog


26 Jun 07:27
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24 Jun 21:40
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24 Jun 17:43
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Added that feature request #153


17 Jun 18:30
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🐛 works with IG
🐈 save jobs name for unfollowing actions (if not already in json list)

Add blogger-following in config example.. ops
I commented some parameters so noobs won't use them by default and complain

🎁 watch-photo-time: 3-4 will let you stare at a picture for a while (3-4 seconds in this example and by default) before like it
🎁 likes-percentage: 100 you can specify how likely are you to like someone posts. by default is 100. For example if your like-count: 1 and your likes-percentage: 50 you have 50% chance to give 1 like when you're on a blogger profile
🐈 browse-carousel has been improved
🐈 telegram-reports will get the last activity for real this time :D
🐈 telegram-reports will show unfollows count
🐛 unfollow non-followers works with IG
🐛 fixed a bug when you try to navigate to someone who doesn't exist

🐈 bot watch-photo-time and watch-video-time will sleep for a float in the range you provide (so not 1, 2, or 3 seconds for example but something like 1.32, 2.45, 2.91)
🙄 the bot is a little bit more noob-friendly...
⬆️ with the new dependency atomicwrites, files should not get corrupted anymore (with git-> pip3 install atomicwrites==1.4.0)


14 Jun 18:37
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🎁 added two new filters in filters.yml where you can specify the range of likers (min_likers and max_likers) of a post you want to interact with. By default it's 1 to 1000000 post likers
For using this feature you should activate like counts in your IG app:
settings -> privacy -> posts -> Hide Like and View Counts -> OFF
It works with ..-likers-.. and ..-posts-.. jobs
If there isn't any number but "an_username and others" you will interact by default. (We can't know how many likers are there in this case)
🎁 from now you can specify how many sessions you want to perform before the bot stops. By default it's infinite sessions.
The parameter is total-sessions: a_number (it can also be a range. For example, total-sessions: 3-6). That needs the repeat argument for working, of course.
🐈 the refresh account happens before saving the following/ followers numbers in sessions.json (so it will be updated)
🐈 before printing telegram-reports you will refresh the account so you can see how many followers you get while bot activities
🐈 moving the reports activities before closing IG app
🐈 some useful typo
🐈 hugely improved the post scrolls (currently there is a bug in uiautomator2, I found a way to avoid it)

🐛 if somehow the day to milestone (in telegram-reports) is infinite the bot won't crash anymore
🐛 if you try to send a pm but you have the pm_list.txt blank the bot won't crash anymore
🐛 handle restricted accounts

🔥 removed matplotlib and pandas dependencies from the standard installation of gramaddict, if you want to use these plugins you can use pip3 install gramaddict[telegram-reports] and pip3 install gramaddict[analytics]. The reason is to have a light full functional installation if you use termux on mobile
💸 I replaced buymeacoffee with


09 Jun 09:59
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🎁 biography language check! Now you can specify a list of biography languages you want to interact with. That's more powerful than the character_set but may be inconsistent if the bio is not a real text (such as a list of words without verbs). In any case, the bot does a best of 5 (BO5) and takes the most likely language.
for example: 'italian and russian devops engineer ️guitarist nerd ' returns 'nl' instead of 'en' most of the time
Add your list in your filter.json according to the file example in config-examples folder. For example: "biography_language": ["it", "en"], -> the full list here
That new feature needs a new library: 'pip3 install langdetect' if you installed with git, if you're with pip you don't have to do anything
🐈 check if IG is opened before start to botting, if not wait until is loaded (that problem may occur if you have an old phone). If doesn't open, stop.
🐈 a little bit of restyling and typo corrections
🐈 replace deprecated logger.warn() for logger.warning()
🐈 wait until a profile is loaded before pressing on following container
⬆️ Bumps urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5

🎁 telegram reports! you can send report at the end of the session using telegram (needs pandas: pip3 install pandas if with git)
🐈 add posts and following to session records
🐈 save the session BEFORE performing the analytics / telegram-reports
🐈 some logging fix
🐈 if less than 3 posts, don't scroll down
🐈 lowered from 1 to 0.5 second the low bottom of random sleep
🐛 little "fix" if gap_view not found

🐈 I've replaced the unfriendly filter.json with filters.yml. You can still use the old way, but I'll remove the support very soon..
🐛 the parse of followers was wrong from day one but only people with more then 10k followers were affected. In the sessions.json that number may be stored wrongly in this case (x10). That could create problems with the new feature telegram-reports. If this is your case, you can edit your sessions.json and remove a zero at the end for the sessions afflicted :)
🐈 random sleep will not be less than 0.3s from now
🐕 ported the features markdown from docs in the
🐛 fix a problem if analytics was false instead of commented


30 May 22:33
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🐛 if get_text returns None when it checks what it wrote in the search bar (due to a rare problem with the keyboard in case of an unsuccessful update of uiatomator2) the bot crashed


28 May 08:07
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🐛 removed an unwanted crashreport while watching stories
🐈 add a 2sec sleep between turning on the device and unlock the screen. that should help if the device comes out from deep sleep (and/or is a slow device)
🐈 get rid of bare exception in code
🔥 removed the due to problems with matplotlib that some users have (which cause the bot not to start while loading plugins). You can keep using it by replacing the file with the one from v2.0.8 I will also remove dependencies when an alternative is ready

🐛 if the keyboard fails to write, we use the old mode. I noticed that the check didn't work so I fixed it
🐛 when doing tons of unfollow you may find a button for loading more users. Now you should be able to press it instead of stopping
🐈 setting FastInputIME could fail for someone (strange to believe). I added a check and a try again using adb.
🐈 unfollow sort will now look for key words instead of the whole phrase (from TextMatches to TextContains)
🐈 if "n likes" shown instead of "liked by blabla and others" you will not skip it anymore
🐈 unfollow-from-file will wait few seconds before confirm you unfollowed someone successfully
🐈 if the alphabet not recognized, skip
⬆️ upgrade uiautomator2 to 2.16.0 which "add support reconnect when device disconnect"