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1831 lines (1225 loc) · 78.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1831 lines (1225 loc) · 78.6 KB

GovReady-Q Release Notes

v0. (Feburary 1st, 2021)

Bug fix

  • Fix importing project to just update the project started.

UI changes

  • Remove "Upgrade Project" button from project page action buttons. Upgrade is now in settings page.
  • Improve styling of app store items.
  • Tweek general styling of project page question page:
    • Remove light gray background from project page, question page, task finished page.
    • Reduce corner radius in focus area blocks.
    • Widen question area.

Compliance app changes

  • Lightweight-ato compliance app (installed by default) now displays SSP button below action buttons.
  • Display "Unknown" when app vendor is set to "None" instead of "none".

Developer changes

  • Format clean up of style sheets in project, app-store templates.
  • added functools.lru_cache() decorator to speed a couple funcs.

v0. (January 26, 2021)

Adds support for OSCAL component and statement input for Compliance Apps. (Currently only supports OSCAL JSON inputs.) Adds statements to project upon project creation. Keeps track of app inputs by relating them to the app version.

Includes the following schema update to the app.yaml file of Compliance Apps. Inputs are supported in the app.yaml file with the following format:

- id: <input_id> (string)
  name: <Input Name> (string)
  type: oscal (Only oscal currently supported)
  path: <dir/filename.json> (relative file path)
  group: (optional string)

Add deployments to capture system deployments and the inventory items in each deployment. One system has multiple deployments (e.g., dev, stage, prod) and each deployment contains an inventory of the actual endpoints/items in a deployment of the system. Systems start with several common default (empty) deployments. The "design" deployment by convention is a special deployment to represent the system architecture. Deployments maintain a complete version history. Deployment inventory-items are represented as JSON data object following a scheme that is similar to OSCAL inventory-item section. Data for deployment inventory-items is assumed to be generated outside of GovReady. It is critical that the inventory items have UUIDs prior to import. Inventory item UUIDs for the life of the instantiated inventory item. Inventory items in an deployment can be associated with an inventory item in the "design" deployment by referencing the "design" inventory item's UUID. This enablea a virtual persistence of an inventory-item across different instances of the "same" assest, such as a virtual database server.

Feature changes

  • Add system deployments with inventory items to track instantiations of the system in real assets.
  • Add lightweight-ato to default apps so users can get started easier.
  • Add the Django admin documentation generator to provide useful documentation for developers.

UI changes

  • Add deployment index page for listing deployments associated with a system.
  • Add deployment form page for creating/editing deployments.
  • Add deployment history page.

Developer changes

  • Add .coveragerc configuration file to ensure we cover and run only tests in locally and in Circleci.
  • Add pyup.yml configuration file to have pull requests go against develop branch.
  • Add controls.Deployment object, related routes, views, templates, and admin to track system deployments and deployment inventory items.
  • Add DeploymentForm for Deployment model.
  • New '%dict' operator for JSON/YAML output templates
  • Pass OSCAL context to JSON/YAML output templates
  • New '%dict' operator for JSON/YAML output templates
  • Pass OSCAL context to JSON/YAML output templates
  • Created a recursive method wait_for_sleep_after that wraps around other functions allowing for drastically shorter wait times necessary compared to peppering var_sleeps.
  • Update install scripts.
  • Update default and recommended local/environment.json file from first_run and
  • By default, set organization name to "main".
  • Add optional PIPUSER parameter to to avoid error of running pip install with --user flag in virtual environments.
  • Comment out starting GovReady-Q server automatically because too many edge cases exist to execute that well.
  • Update install scripts.
  • Update default and recommended local/environment.json file from first_run and
  • By default, set organization name to "main".
  • Add optional PIPUSER parameter to to avoid error of running pip install with --user flag in virtual environments.
  • Comment out starting GovReady-Q server automatically because too many edge cases exist to execute that well.
  • Add method get_answer guidedmodules.models.Task to easily return answers from a project tasks answers.

Data changes

  • Add lightweight-ato to default apps so users can get started easier.
  • Populate every new system with default deployments design, dev, stage, prod.

v0. (January 20, 2021)

Fixes to after merge.

Bug fixes

  • Remove duplicate appearance of tabs in system selected components
  • Remove OSCAL download link from selected control pages because OSCAL for a single control would rarely be downloaded and would require different handling
  • Hide a discussion test that is failing to address later (not critical)
  • Add notes about testing download OSCAL that on Mac test must be run visible for custom download route to work.

v0.9.1.49 (January 12, 2021)


ADMIN NOTE: New users registering in your GovReady instance PRIOR TO THIS VERSION may not see any Compliance Apps when starting a project. This bug has been fixed, but ADMINS MUST ADD PERMISSION "guidedmodules | app source | can view app source" TO EACH USER TO FIX PERMISSIONS FOR EXISTING USERS. SEE DJANGO ADMIN CUSTOMER ACTION "add_viewappsource_permission" TO ADD SELECTIVELY ADD THIS PERMISSION TO USERS.

Feature changes

  • Add default Organizational Defined Parameter values.
  • Track batch imports of components (via OSCAL) into component library for tracking and management purposes; enable deletes of batch imports.
  • Support defining multiple allowed hosts via the local/environment.json file.
  • Allow administrators to change component name and description in Component Library.
  • Existing projects can be moved between existing portfolios.
  • Edit existing portfolio's title and description.
  • Delete existing portfolio.
  • Add default Organizational Defined Parameter values.
  • Add an autocomplete in component library to look up controls across multiple catalogs for writing a control implementation statement.

UI changes

  • New dialog in Component Library for importing components in OSCAL JSON format
  • New screens for tracking and deleting batch imports of components (via OSCAL) into component library.
  • Add "Edit" button in Component Library for Administrators to rename a component.
  • Add "Move Project" action button on project page to move project to a different portfolio.
  • Add "Edit Portofolio" links on portfolio page for editing portfolio details and deleting portfolio.
  • Conditionally show button to delete portfolio if portfolio is empty and user has permission to change portfolio.
  • Support a Select2 autocomplete dropdown selection box in the component library to assign a control when authoring a new component control implementation statement for a component in the library.
  • You can now click the history button in a given statement's panel in the controls selected implementation statement page or component library.
  • Added error messages for any files that fail validation for Comment Attachment uploads

Data changes

  • Add default Organizational Defined Parameter values.
  • Add validators argument to the file field in the Attachment model.
  • Add history field in the Statement model. This is the source for the new HistoricalStatement table that captures all Statement history.

Developer changes

  • New controls.models.ImportRecord model for tracking batch imports of components (via OSCAL) into component library.
  • New routes and views related for tracking batch imports of components (via OSCAL) into component library.
  • Fix OSCAL component import to use "statement" JSON property.
  • Support defining multiple allowed hosts via the local/environment.json file via new allowed_hosts environment parameter.
  • Added route controls/api/controlsselect/ and view api_controls_select to get list of controls.
  • Modified view save_smt to just save prototype statement when statement is being created in the component library.
  • Modified template templates/components/element_detail_tabs.html to use jQuery select2 for autocomplete and search of catalog of controls to add a control to a component.
  • Update hidden sid_class field with catalog human readable name. Add hidden field form_source to identufy to save smt view that we are receiving form submission from component library.
  • Add 'label' value to
  • Introducing model history tracking with django-simple-history.
  • Update various Python libraries.
  • Add file extension, size and type validation for Comment Attachment uploads.
  • Introducing request profiling with pyinstrument.
  • Add default controls.models.OrgParams class to support basic, default generation of orgizational defined parameters.

Bug fixes

  • Fix missing "part" field on Component's component statement form and incorrectly displaying the "remarks" field (#1232)
  • Fix display of OSCAL into correct tab on system's component's page
  • When generating OSCAL component files, emit statement elements with ids that correlate with the control catalog.
  • New non-admin users did not have the permission to view appsource. Added permission after the new user is created with the SignupForm from allauth.account.forms.

v. (December 17, 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Fix handling of static files. Create new static-root directory outside of siteapp into which to collect static files.
  • Remove bad path reference to select2 javascript libraries in component library page.

v0.9.1.48 (December 15, 2020)

Add Component Library feature pages and improve UI for managing reuse and "certified" component library.

Properly generate JSON, YAML questionnaire output documents from a JSON (or YAML) output template in the compliance app output section. The JSON, YAML output documents are first converted to Python data structures and then populated with information in a variant of Jinja2 substitutions.

Fix tests so they execute successfully in CircleCI.

Feature changes

  • Support Compliance As Code reuse of statements via "certified" control sets. This capability is enabled by adding having statements sub-typed to control_implementation_prototype to support local statements sub-typed to control_implementation and control_implementation_prototype with the latter representing the "certified" version of a component-control element. Every control_implementation statement type was given a Django foreign key called prototype to connect that statement to the "certified" version of the control (e.g., control_implementation_prototype). This model supports the features in the UI:
  1. Add a component to the system while on components page via autocomplete and create control_implementation statements from the control_implementation_prototype statements
  2. Add a component to the system while on control edit page via autocomplete and create control_implementation statements from the control_implementation_prototype statements
  3. Notify user that the local statement for a component-control (e.g., control_implementation) was different than the "certified" statement for the component-control (e.g., control_implementation_prototype).
  4. Enable viewer to view differences between a component-control (e.g., control_implementation) was different than the "certified" statement for the component-control (e.g., control_implementation_prototype).
  5. To update a "certified" statement, enable an administrator to update (e.g. push) the "certified" statement for the component-control (e.g., control_implementation_prototype) text from the a systems' component-control (e.g., control_implementation) text.
  6. After a "certified" statement was updated, enable user to copy (e.g. pull) the updated "certified" statement for the component-control (e.g., control_implementation_prototype) text into other systems' a component-control (e.g., control_implementation) text.
  • Support generation of JSON, YAML questionnaire output documents with Jinja2 style substitutions, loops, and conditionals. Re-do the 'json' template format to recognize a new %for control structure objects that execute loops.

  • Support generation of Word DOCX questionnaire output documents with page numbers, headers, footers, TOC (using pandoc custom reference doc feature).

  • Support creating a new component in the library.

UI changes

  • Add Component Library page listing all available components.
  • Add global navbar link to Component Library.
  • Remove Common Control tab from control editor.
  • Remove redundent listing of control statements from component description tab.
  • Display filler text when component does not have a description.
  • Move component implementation statement tab to left of combined statement tab in control editor.
  • Updating certified text also updates the HTML block showing the certified text with updated certified text on edit pages.
  • Add components (system elements) via an autocomplete to a system on system's selected components page.
  • Add label/alert above implementation statement edit box when notifying user if local system statement is synchronized with certified control implementation statement.
  • Make statement synchronization status lable/alert clickable to reveal certified statement and diff between local and certified.
  • Add buttons for copying certified statement into local statement and for admin to update certified statement from local statement.
  • Add autocompletes to make it easy to add a new component to a system and the component's respective certified controls.
  • Use Select2 box to add component to system's selected component.
  • Add route add_system_component and related view to add a component to a system's selected component.
  • Replace the url pattern routing in v0. for directing accounts login to home page with custom templates to override default aullauth templates.
  • Use Django messaging when adding a component to system's selected component to provide user with better feedback.

Data changes

  • Add copy method to Element data model to create a new element (e.g. component) as a copy of existing component.
  • Add statements method to Element data model to produce a list of statements of a particular statement_type.
  • Add default Organizational Defined Parameter values in controls/data/org_defined_parameters.

Bug fixes

  • Fix multiple loadings of updated smt.body into bootstrap's panel heading section by improved naming of div classes in panel and better targeted update.
  • Fix enable_experimental_oscal control. Model method was set incorrectly requiring both enable_experimental_oscal and enable_experimental_opencontrol had to be enabled for either to show up.
  • Fix testing issues. Fix tests so they execute successfully in CircleCI.

Developer changes

  • Default Selenium tests to headless mode. Add new test_visible parameter option for local/environment.json to force Selenium tests to run in visible or headless mode. Add custom-reference.docx MS Word DOCX document to /assets directory to be used by pandoc when generating MS Word output documents in order to provide page numbers, headers, footers, TOC.
  • Significantly refactored indentations in control edtor pages to make code folding and div analysis easier.
  • Add an ElementForm to create new components (AKA Elements).
  • Modified controls.Statement model to link control_implementation statements to control_implementation_prototype statements. See commit 5083af.
  • Add methods for diff'ing (e.g., comparing) a control_implementation statement against its prototype statement using Google diff-match-patch.
  • Avoid duplicative adding of a component to a system causing duplicate statements.
  • Avoiding adding a component with no control implementation statements to a system.
  • Add all available control implementation statements of a component to a system, even for controls that are not selected controls.
  • Avoid adding duplicate control implementation instance statements to a system by checking in the statement model that we are not creating an instance statement when such and statement from prototype already exists.
  • Use Django messaging when adding a component to system's selected component to provide user with better feedback.
  • Delete already commented-out contol id look up from system's selected components page.
  • The work for a component library and certified controls was performed across three branches that were eventually synchronized (approximately commit 18934669) and merged into the master branch:
    • autocomplete_statements_#1066
    • ge/reuse-0903
    • automated-tests-statements

Under development output document formats oscal_json, oscal_yaml, and oscal_xml are now replaced with json, yaml, and xml respectively.

Format xml still under development and not recommended for regular use.

Formats for json and yaml now support new Jinja2-like tags to enable parameter substituion and loops inside those formats while Django handles them as Python objects:



{{ param }}


{ "title" : "{{project.system_info.system_name}}",
"published" : "2020-07-01T00:00:00.00-04:00",
"last-modified" : "2020-07-01T00:00:00.00-04:00",
"version" : "0.0",
"oscal-version" : "1.0-Milestone3",
"new-control-stuff": {
  "%for": "control in system.root_element.selected_controls_oscal_ctl_ids",
  "%loop": {
    "%if": "control.lower() in control_catalog",
    "%then":  {
      "uuid": "{{ system.control_implementation_as_dict[control]['elementcontrol_uuid'] }}",
      "control-id": "{{ control.lower() }}",
      "by-component": {
        "%for": "smt in system.control_implementation_as_dict[control]['control_impl_smts']",
        "%loop": {
          "key": "{{ smt.producer_element.uuid }}",
          "value": { "uuid" : "{{ smt.uuid }}",
            "component-name": "{{|safe }}",
            "description" : "{{ smt.body|safe }}"
  • Update various libraries. See changes in requirements.txt.
  • Removed instance of using sys.stderr and replaced with logger for proper logging.
  • Fix tests so they execute successfully in CircleCI.
  • Add default controls.models.OrgParams class to support basic, default generation of orgizational defined parameters.


  • Updated link to jquery-ui.min.js library in fetch-vendor-resources.
  • Update version checking for v999 develop branch designation.

v. (December 02, 2020)

Developer changes

  • Minor further tweaks to CSS refactoring.

v. (December 01, 2020)

Developer changes

  • Significant refactoring of CSS to replace inline styles from as many pages as possible with classes defined in css/govready-q.css stylesheet.

Bug fix

  • Fix system_settings methods enable_experimental_oscal and enable_experimental_opencontrol to work properly.

v0. (November 25, 2020)

UI changes

  • Adding a url pattern for accounts login to ensure proper styling. Also added conditionals the views landing that constructs the signup and login forms.

v0. (November 20, 2020)

UI changes

  • Add OSCAL downlink link to system component page.

v0. (November 19, 2020)

UI changes

  • Omitting the group breadcrumb if it is None for a given question

v0. (November 19, 2020)

Developer changes

  • Replace the word 'password' with 'pwd' in comments to reduce false positives in code scanners.
  • Replace the word 'key' with 'entry' where possible to reduce false positives in code scanners.

v0.9.1.46 (November 17, 2020)

Add organizational parameter value substitution for Control guidance and OSCAL.

Data changes

  • Add OrganizationalSettings data model for tracking organizational defined parameters.

Test fixes

  • Fix siteapp.test to make sure a proper login is performed before testing /settings page.

v0. (November 5, 2020)

Developer changes

  • Update various Python libraries (#1052)
  • Update jquery to 3.5.1, quill to 1.3.7, bootstrap to 3.4.1 (#1052)

v0.9.1.45 (October 24, 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in v0.9.1.44 that failed to handle case of non-existent ElementControl

Developer changes

  • Update various Python libraries

v0.9.1.44 (October 16, 2020)

This release significantly decreases the time taking to rendering System Security Plans including OSCAL versions. Rendering time has been reduced by 97%.

UI changes

  • Remove display of output documents on task finished page due to performance; only display link to the document

Bug fixes

  • Significantly improve performance of generating System Security Plans

Developer changes

  • Remove inclusion of deprecated CommonControls section in controls.models.System
  • Adjust siteapp.tests to not look for generated output document
  • Add @cached_property to controls.models.System.control_implementation_as_dict and controls.models.Statement.producer_element_name to significantly improve SSP rendering performance

v0.9.1.43 (September 23, 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Enable all admins to upgrade apps versions.
  • Fix System.producer_elements property error by removing unneeded @property decorator added in Version to get_producer_elements.
  • Gracefully handle missing ElementControl in System.control_implementation_as_dict method to avoid failure to render SSP output templates
  • Improve compliance app (questionnaire) upgrade to see upgrades as compatible even if compliance app version changed or the id of modules changes (which is expected to happen in an upgrade).

UI changes

  • Changes to portfolio detail page to match style of similar pages.
  • Stop displaying content recommendations on project page and portfolio pages after a project is 1 or higher.

v0.9.1.42 (September 22, 2020)

UI changes

  • Add group field to POA&M page to collect related POA&Ms together. (#1010)
  • Improve the UI on the task-finish page to display option to download OSCAL versions of SSP (JSON, XML). (#1018, #1026)

Data changes

  • Add poam_group field to POA&M model and form.
  • Have System.control_implementation_as_dict populate information for all assigned (e.g. selected) controls even if no statement exists for assigned control.
  • Have System.control_implementation_as_dict generate a random uuid for combined statement. NOTE: This statement is random on each generation.

Developer changes

  • Support for generating OSCAL versions of SSPs as templates.

Bug fixes

  • Do not show link to question on imputed answers. Separate test for unanswered question and imputed question in rendering HTML navigation for question. (#1015)

v0.9.1.41 (September 20, 2020)

Enable upgrade of project root_task to more recent version.

UI changes

  • Convert project settings modal to a separate route, view, and page template.
  • Add section on project settings page to upgrade project root_task to more recent version.
  • Improve ordering of settings option on new project settings page.

Data changes

  • Add new methods to Project model to support managing and upgrading project's root_task app after the app has been loaded into the database.

Developer changes

  • Add management command upgrade_project to upgrade a project to a newer version of an app, after the app has been loaded into the database from the admin.
  • Add logger entries for successful and failed attempts to upgrade project's root_task app.

Test changes

  • Add tests for upgrading project root_task to more recent version.

Documentation changes

  • Document new logger entries for successful and failed attempts to upgrade project's root_task app.

v0. (September 20, 2020)

Developer changes

  • Remove no longer maintained code for deploying to Pivotal Web Services.

v0.9.1.38 (August 28, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Updated a library filename to match upstream change, fixed failing Docker build.

Miscellaneous change

  • Use a specific known good version of CentOS 7 (7.8.2003) rather than just generic 7.

v0.9.1.37 (August 23, 2020)

UI changes

Fixed multiple accessibility issues:

  • Improve contrast in /projects, /portfolios, and various control pages (replaced #888 with #666)
  • Fix redundant links in /projects.
  • Add label to select-portfolio-modal portfolio form element (and remove extra inclusion of modal from projects.html template).
  • Add value to hidden h4 global_modal_title to help with accessibility.
  • Properly generate "Start project" content to /controls, catalog, and other control pages.
  • Added accessible title parameter to control-lookup search box on control pages.
  • Properly hide notifications when user is anonymous.
  • Do not display start dropdown in navbar when user is anonymous.

Bug fixes

  • Fix missing form labels in start project portfolio selection modal effecting accessibility.
  • Do notget portfolio object in ProjectForm for AnonymousUser.

v0. (August 19, 2020)

UI changes

  • Allow customizable support page to render HTML tags.

v0.9.1.36 (August 13, 2020)

Feature changes

  • Create view only access for projects, system to support Auditor/Assessor role

v0.9.1.35 (August 08, 2020)

UI changes

  • Add customizable support page with content defined in the database via Django Admin.
  • Improve rendering of controls implementation statements to show control parts.
  • Improve rendering of control implemenentation status for better readability. Display as list of options.

Data changes

  • Add Support model to store customizable support page content.

Test changes

  • Add tests for support page.

v0.9.1.34 (August 02, 2020)

Create POA&M management as a "PAOM" Statement type inside the database instead as existing as questionnaires.

UI changes

  • Add pages for listing, creating and editing POA&Ms.
  • Add "POA&Ms" action button to project page.

Data changes

  • Add "Poam" model in 1 to 1 relationship with "Statement" model to create POA&M object type.
  • Add "uuid" field to "Statement" model to make POA&M id management easier.
  • Add "uuid" to "Element" model.
  • Adjust migration scripts to back-fill Element records during migration.

Test changes

  • Add tests for Poam object.

v0.9.1.33 (August 01, 2020)

Fix #986 crash on loading set-type module

Bug Fix

  • Remove an unneeded check for folder existance that was failing causing project system root_element to not be created.

v0.9.1.32 (July 26, 2020)

Data changes

  • Add "part" attribute to Statement model to support tracking control implementation statements by control parts.

UI changes

  • Add "Part" field into control implementation statement editor.

v0.9.1.31 (July 16, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Fixed no route error received when Admin following a link to imputed page from task finished page (link path was not correct).

v0.9.1.30 (July 16, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Case insensitive prevention of duplicate portfolio names.

v0.9.1.29 (July 10, 2020)

UI changes

  • Added OSCAL to control editor.

v0.9.1.27 (July 09, 2020)

UI changes

  • Added last updated information to display of selected controls.
  • Admin interface replaced parent field on Statement model admin page with producing_element
  • Admin interface added read-only view of dates to Statement and ElementControl model admin pages.

Data changes

  • Added smts_updated field to ElementControl.
  • Fixed updated field to automatically add update of record date to Statement, Element.
  • Updated help_text on Statement parent field. Note that parent field is not being used at this time.

v0.9.1.27 (July 06, 2020)

Bug changes

  • Fix invite showing as invalid on project in some cases because not checking guardian permissions.

v0.9.1.26 (June 29, 2020)

Bug changes

  • Fix error assigning edit perms to system.root_element from missing path reference to root_element.
  • Extend timeout on output template generation

Miscellanous changes

  • Update README to correct aging links.

v0.9.1.25 (June 24, 2020)

Feature changes

  • Include the ability to edit implementation statements and add new implementation statements for a system component on the system component view. This is nice because you manage the content associated with a component on the component page for a system.

Deployment changes

  • Remove Python packages mondrianish, fpdf2 - no longer generating a mondrianish icon for new apps.
  • Update various Python packages.

v0.9.1.24 (June 23, 2020)

New features

  • Track whether a component-control status is planned, partially-implemented, implemented, etc.

v0.9.1.23 (June 23, 2020)

Experimental features

The following experimental features around OSCAL and OpenControl can be enabled through system settings on the /admin/ page for system settings.

  • Display component control information in OSCAL and OpenControl on component detail page.
  • The OSCAL exports a single component in a partial OSCAL format.
  • OpenControl export from a system's controls-selected page supports an export of an entire OpenControl repository for the system controls. This is still underdevelopment.

Performance changes

  • Significantly improve speed of rendering of a system's controls-selected page by reducing time it takes to get component counts.

Configuration changes

  • Add new system settings for enabling experimental OSCAL and OpenControl features.

Data changes

  • Additional data added to controls/data to support 800-53 and 800-171 OpenControl export.

v0. (June 18, 2020)

(Version subsumed into

Miscellaneous fixes and corrections

Documentation changes

  • Start 'howtos' page in docs for misc

UI changes

  • Fixes to the control implementation statement editor:
    • Proper dynamic assignment of the control catalog key
    • Hyperlinking the component name to the component detail page for that system
    • Removing non-functioning "edit" button to change name of the component
    • Show correct catalog name in subtitle editor page
  • Add datetime to implimentation statement spreadsheet export

Developer changes

  • Remove commented out javascript function in control implementation statement editor
  • Remove server file save of control export

Data changes

  • Fix typos in NIST_SP-800-171_rev1

Model changes

  • Sort statements by producer_element__name

v0. (June 17, 2020)

  • Correctly create a default portfolio for a user accepting an invitation.

v0. (June 17, 2020)

UI changes

  • Display component implementation statements on the System's component detail page making it easy to see to which controls a system element participates.

Bug fixes

  • Correctly assign owner permissions to new system, new system root element when starting a new project and creating new system. Addresses #951.
  • Correctly assign edit permissions to a new system and root element when non-admin user invites non-admin user. Addresses #953.
  • Fix mislabeled JSON response preventing full remove deleted statement from editor.

Doc updates

  • Adds log entries to log documentation for assigning of ower permissions and edit permissions to new system and its root element when users are added to a project.

v0. (June 14, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Correctly assign owner permissions to new system, new system root element when starting a new project and creating new system. Addresses #951.
  • Correctly assign edit permissions to a new system and root element when non-admin user invites non-admin user. Addresses #953.
  • Fix mislabeled JSON response preventing full remove deleted statement from editor.

Doc updates

  • Adds log entries to log documentation for assigning of ower permissions and edit permissions to new system and its root element when users are added to a project.

v0. (June 14, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Dynamically determine control_catalog for SSP based on controls selected.

v0. (June 14, 2020)

UI changes

  • Display component statement counts on a system's selected controls page via a custom tag to provide access to a dictionary key of impl_smts_counts created in the view for the page
  • Add datetime to filename of a project's export JSON file

Django Admin changes

  • In ProjectAdmin screen, change the organization field to a select field

v0. (June 14, 2020)

Model changes

  • Add controls.Element.select_controls_oscal_ctl_ids property to generate list of selected controls oscal_ctl_ids. Enable list of selected controls in SSP.

UI changes

  • Simplify references to compliance app version; display compliance app version number from 'version' key
  • Simplify display of title of project in UI
  • Display additional information about the compliance app in the project settings modal
  • Stop showing project page's grid of options once number of projects exceeds 4

Compliance app changes

  • Improve data extraction in project page and store so only use the 'version' key to get version information.

v0. (June 13, 2020)

UI changes

Improve the UI of the app-store-item info page.

  • Improve visual continuity by making App info a larger version of the app info box in the store.
  • Remove legacy catalog data that is not well maintained.
  • Rearrange logo and add button.
  • Make sure portfolio information is being maintained.
  • Add a back to apps link under start button.

Also clean up presentation of footer in all pages.

v0. (June 12, 2020)

Deployment fix

  • Remove conflict leading to infinite redirects when terminating SSL at a reverse proxy caused by SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT being set to True in telling Django to also redirect insecure https connections on the same server. Introduces optional new secure_ssl_redirect parameter setting for local/enviornment.json file for deployments where Django redirect should be used. See: GovReady/govready-q#934.

Force Django to redirect non-secure SSL connections to secure ssl connections

NOTE: Setting to True while simultaneously using a http proxy like NGINX

that is also redirecting can lead to infinite redirects.

SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT is False by default.

Documentation fix

  • Update documentation on NGINX deployments to include $request_uri when redirecting from port 80 to port 443.
  • Update documentation to explain new secure_ssl_redirect parameter.

v0. (June 10, 2020)

UI changes

  • Temporary links on Selected Controls page to assign baselines controls to a system. Will replace in future with automatic assignment.

Developer changes

  • Make sure Baseline model is fully incorporated with
  • Add new route to assign baselines to system.root_element.
  • Because we are still working on better extraction of data from questionnaires, create links in the Selected Control page to assign a baseline when none exists.
  • Added new assign_baseline method to System object to assign controls that are part of baseline to the selected controls of a system root element.
  • Comment out polling on the task_finished page to lower noise in log.

Data changes

  • Correct an control_id typo in NIST 800-53 rev moderate baseline

v0. (June 09, 2020)

Bug fix

  • Fix bug causing the starting of apps as answers to modules to fail. Reset start app form to pass a GET instead of a post to correctly pass question parameter to store.

v0. (June 09, 2020)

UI changes

  • Added refresh icon to output documents to let user force refresh of output document. Useful for refreshing SSPs after implementation statements have changed.

v0. (June 07, 2020)

Feature changes

This version integrates the new implementation statements stored in GovReady-Q's database into the Output Docs.

The implementation statements are accessed via a new {{ system }} object. The system object provides access to the component-to-control implementation statements that we began storing as distinct database objects in version of GovReady-Q.

The system object is injected into the Output Document context as an item in guidedmodules.module_logic. NOTE: if the context from the view already has a system item, it will not be overwritten.

Exactly one Information System associated with the project (if one exists).

The key attribute of system object is control_implementation_as_dict containing a dictionary of all implementations statements and common controls for a system.

  "au-2": {
            "control_impl_smts": [smt_obj_1, smt_obj_2],
            "common_controls": [common_control_obj_1, common_control_obj_2],
            "combined_smt": "Very long text combining statements into a single string..."
  "au-3": {
            "control_impl_smts": [smt_obj_3, smt_obj_4, ...],
            "common_controls": [],
            "combined_smt": "Very long text combining statements into a single string..."

Documentation changes

  • Add initial documentation describing the {{ system }} object and the previously created {{ control_catalog }} object.

v0. (June 07, 2020)

Deployment changes

CRITICAL fix for deployment documentation and configuration files.

  • Remove all comments from supervisor-govready-q.conf because trailing "# comments" cause line to be ignored. This caused a problem in Ubuntu deployment documentation leading to a situation where gunicorn was starting in wrong context and python packages not found.
  • Improved handling of deprecated host and https parameters for setting SITE_ROOT_URL value.

v0.9.1.22 (June 05, 2020)

Feature changes

Improve application logging. Add structlog library. Log permission escalations. See documentation for a description of the event log formats. The following logged events have been added:

"update_permissions portfolio assign_owner_permissions" - assign portfolio owner permissions "update_permissions portfolio remove_owner_permissions" - remove portfolio owner permissions "portfolio_list" - view list of portfolios "new_portfolio" - create new portfolio "new_portfolio assign_owner_permissions" - assign portfolio owner permissions of newly created portfolio to creator "send_invitation portfolio assign_edit_permissions" - assign portfolio edit permissions of newly created portfolio to creator "send_invitation project assign_edit_permissions" - assign edit permissions to a project and send invitation "cancel_invitation" - cancel invitation to a project "accept_invitation" - accept invitation to a project "sso_logout" - Single Sign On logout "project_list" - vew list of projects "start_app" - start a questionnaire/compliance app "new_project" - create a new project (e.g., questionnaire/compliance app that is a project) "new_element new_system" - create a new element (e.g., system component) that represents a new system

Deployment changes

  • Update name of git 2 CentOS package to git222 in Dockerfile.

Documentation changes

  • Added documentation section on logging.

v0.9.1.20 (May 31, 2020)

Documentation changes

  • Re-wrote Ubuntu from Source instructions to explain deployment in much greater detail.
  • Extend Ubuntu from Source instructions to include Gunicorn, Supervisor, and NGINX
  • Created sets of exammple configuration files in local-examples to make deployment eaiser.

Deployment changes

  • Introduce the govready_url environment parameter as a replacement for multiple params of host, port, and https. During transition period govready-url parameter overrides any setting of host, port, and https parameters. Example below shows the local/environment.json file using the single govready-url parameter replacing legacy parameters:
    # Preferred local/environment.json file using govready-url parameter

      "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",
      "govready-url": "http://localhost:8000",
      "debug": false,
      "secret-key": "long_random_string_here",

    # Legacy version local/environment.json file using deprecated host, https parameter

       "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",
       "host": "localhost:8000",
       "https": false,
       "debug": false,
       "secret-key": "long_random_string_here",
  • Created sets of exammple configuration files in local-examples to make deployment eaiser.
  • The script now reads the govready-url parameter from local/environment.json and uses the values to start GovReady-Q on the indicated host and port.

v. (June 02, 2020)

UI Changes

  • Intially collapse component controls so it is easier see all components.
  • Add full text of implementation statement to accordian panel header to make it easier to read controls.
  • Create routes and templates for displaying components (e.g., elements) associated with a system.

v0.9.1.18 (May 30, 2020)

Documentation changes:

  • Ubuntu from source installation docs updated to include upgrading pip to solve problem of Ubuntu's defualt pip not installing Python packages under Linux user installs.

v0.9.1.17 (May 29, 2020)

UX changes:

Performance improvements to improve rendering questions faster.

A major change in this commit is to create a cache for Jinja expression_compile routine. This new cache is jinja2_expression_compile_cache and seems to have a noticable improvement on maintaining a regular amount of time to render questions.

Several page reloads were the result of page redirects being handled based on content of the next page inside the question save form. Calculating the next page to display while accounting for skipping computed pages is now handled server side as a function that can be called.

Removed links to imputed pages from the module finished page. It does not make sense to link to imputed questions when users cannot visit imputed question pages.

Improve caching of OSCAL control catalogs.

v. (May 18, 2020)

Development changes

  • Correct setup of tests in discussions app to avoid failing due to missing system modules.

v. (May 18, 2020)

Deployment changes

  • Set gunicorn worker number to 1. Multiple gunicorn workers without SECRET_KEY set causes issue where new session key is autogenerated, sent user, and user has to constantly re-login.

v. (May 17, 2020)

Deployment changes

  • Update deployment/docker/ script to accept and pass along --non-interactive flag.
  • Create script (based on to have an easy single script for installing GovReady-Q.
  • Update Dockerfile to copy over new script and script.
  • Use script in instructions for installing in the cloud.

Documentation changes

  • Improvements to docker install, installation guides.
  • Improve sequencing of install steps in Ubuntu. Apply improved improved squence to installing on CentOS guide.
  • Breakout installation guide for Docker guides into "local", "cloud" and "advanced configuration options".

v. (May 17, 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Correct control look up errors on the control catalog group page.
  • Remove control lookup from catalog listing page.

v. (May 16, 2020)

Deployment changes

Gracefully handle AttributeError in siteapp migration 0030 possibly related to dangling discussion objects.

v. (May 11, 2020)

Deployment changes

Add docker compose file for deploying GovReady and Wazuh together.

v0.9.1.10 (May 10, 2020)

Feature changes

Add in baselines listings for 800-53 Rev 4 (low, moderate, high) and 800-171 Rev 1.

Assigning baselines only available from Django commandline shell at momement (no UI).

Documentation changes

v0.9.1.9 (May 08, 2020)

v0. (May 10, 2020)

Update Documentation. Organization installation documentation inside of Installation Guide directory. Clean up singe pages for installation notes on each Operating System flavor. Rename 0.9.0 mentions to 0.9.x. Remove installation instructions from 0.9.x directory.

v0.9.1.9 (May 08, 2020)

Add export to Xacta Control Implementation Excel file format.

v0. (May 07, 2020)

Add export to Xacta Control Implementation Excel file format. Add full draft of 800-171_rev1_catalog.json in OSCAL.

v0.9.1.8 (May 06, 2020)

Create new projects and systems in pairs. When a Project is created by adding a questionnaire (e.g., compliance app) from the store, create the linked System, too.

Projects and systems are now also given a unique name via the appending of the project's unique ID to the name.

Developer changes

When a root Project App object is added from the store automatically create the Project's linked System object consisting of a Element object and a System object with the Element as the System's root_element.

When user updates the Project name, also update the name of the System's root_element to keep names synchronized.

In the future as the store expands, more tests might be needed to make sure only certain top level apps are creating systems. Right now we use the existing tests of adding a Project to the "Started Apps" folder as indication the Project is a top level app requiring a system.

v0.9.1.7 (May 02, 2020)

PDF generation and thumbnails are turned off by default for security reasons. Change PDF and custom thumbnail generation for uploaded files to optional. Require Admins to separately install the wkhtmltopdf library.

PDF generator library wkhtmltopdf has security issues wherein individuals could add HTML references such as links or file references inside the documents they are creating which the PDF Generator blindly interprets. This leads to SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) in which data is retrieved from server and added to PDF by the PDF Generator. An issue also exists with the sub-dependency of libxslt before CentOS 8.x raising CVE vulnerability with scanners. For these reasons, PDF Generation is now a configurable setting.

v0.9.1.6 (April 29, 2020)

Continue to improve control editor.

Enforce unique Name field on Element model. Match Component (Producer Element) by unique name to existing Producer Element in the database when creating a new Statement.

Improve the combining of component statements. Temporarily put result into a textarea to make easier to copy manually.

v0.9.1.5 (April 21, 2020)

Build on control catalog search to begin to represent controls in the database for each system.

Control Guidance using OSCAL (#833)

  • Small metadata changes to models

  • Add 800-53 control catalog to output templates

First effort to add control catalogs (e.g., control guidance) to the output templates using OSCAL and to create an editor for adding and editing control statements stored in the database.

Initial user story is as a user/developer wanting to import a spreadsheet of common controls to have a better interface for reading the common controls against the control statement and drafting the application layer controls for hybrid controls. The user wants an easier way to do this than a spreadsheet because spreadsheets are hard to read.

Begin a parser library to have code to input variously formatted source material into the database.

** Developer changes **

Replace SecControl library and parsing older XML version of 800-53 catalog with pure python parsing of modern OSCAL version of catalogs.

We also add a new item type to module_logic.TemplateContext called control_catalog. When includeing {{control_catalog}} in output template we now have access to a dictionary of controls where each control is listed as a dictionary.

Create a new script and a Catalog class and create look ups of controls.

Because OSCAL is hierarchical and recursive, we also generate a flattened, simplified version of our control catalog.

  • Add simple CommonControl model

Add simple CommonControl and CommonControlProvider models.

We are creating CommonControl model as first step to being able to manage control implementation statements in GovReady.

We also want a way to import CommonControls into GovReady database.

We create CliControlImporter as first cut tool for reading an excel spreadsheet with xlrd, converting the rows to simple control object and importing into the database. Code snippets included. Class and snippets only work for one spreadsheet format, but some abstraction exists to make customization easier for other formats.

Refactor implementation editor to use panels and have interactivity for adding additional implementation statements using Boostrap 3.3. panel model.

In models, sketch out the "statement" model for implementation attestations but leave commented out for present.

Add Ajax calls to save implementation statements

This commit puts in the Django and Javascript to save a statement to the server via Ajax.

Each implementation statement panel and form is given a unique id when added to the page to make sure the correct statment information is passed to the server.

When component name is updated, the panel title updates.

Add hidden fields to send the control id and the system name as part of the form.

[WIP] Add utility class to parse statements with tagged elements

Create utility StatementParser_TaggedTextWithElementsInBrackets class to parse collection of statements in a text file with serially listed controls where control ids and elements are enclosed in brackets.

The idea is that common controls or other controls can be extracted and put into a long text file separated by control ids. Brackets are put around proper entities (e.g., system "elements") that mentioned in the implementation statement. By identifying system elements, it is possible to build a basic entity identification tool and create a specific listing of elements involved in each implementation statement. This is an initial step to create component-to-control mappings.

  • Goal is to save statement of whatever length and list of system elements involved with process
  • Ignore multiple intervening lines
  • System name must be entered manually
  • Script makes one pass to build search dictionary with bracketed strings then uses dictionary to find all instances of strings in statements. This makes it unnecessary to place all instances of elements regardless of brackets.

Like other parse and import utility classes, this basic code may need modifications for specific situations.

  • Add Statement, Element models; Save implementation statements

This commits finishes work started in commit 4e77ba531069832d0a2507ebfd32a0e41f2bf8df

This commit adds Statement and Element models as the core feature to track component-to-control statements. The more general terms of "Statement" and "Element" are used instead of "Control"and "Component".

An "implementation statement" is a statement (and attestation).

A many to many relationship is supported for Statements and Elements.

This commit finishes in the Django and Javascript to save a statement to the server via Ajax.

To Do:

  • Delete statements
  • Tests written

v0.9.1.4 (April 08, 2020)

This release exposes control catalog to end users for search.

Previously versions embedded controls within output templates.

UI changes

  • Create new control pages for looking up control catalog guidance.

Developer changes

  • Add 800-53 control catalog via classes SecControlsAll and SecControl
  • Create a new directory controls into which we add a class for listing a security control catalog.
  • Add a new item type to module_logic.TemplateContext called control_catalog to enable iterable dictionary of control catalog.

v0. (April 07, 2020)

Deployment changes

  • Remove build gcc-c build lib from build
  • Remove uwsgi from requrirements
  • Refactor Dockerfile for clarity
  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.12 LTS to address issue noted by safety
  • Update various Python libraries

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where only users who could use the editing tool could see the datagrid questions render

v0. (March 31, 2020)

UI changes

  • Add render key to datagrid question type to force vertical rendering of tabular data

v0.9.1.3 (March 25, 2020)

Deployment changes

  • Upgrade requirements

Bug fixes

  • Gracefully handle empty datagrid question type in output templates

v0.9.1.1 (March 20, 2020)

UI changes

  • Conditionally add in route accounts/logout when SSO Proxy enabled.

v0.9.1 (March 12, 2020)

GovReady-Q now supports Datagrid question type for easy entry of tabular data.

UI changes

  • Use datagrid (jsGrid) to support questions best answered with tabular data.

v0. (February 23, 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Use Math.pow in main.js to fix IE11 failing to display invite modal

v0. (February 21, 2020)

Deployment changes

  • Support environmental param for GovReady Admins in SSO context
  • Create portfolio for user account added by SSO
  • Adding in views.debug route and view
  • Remove deprecated upgrade app view

UI changes

  • Fix IE11 not displaying assign and invite modals due to error parsing main.js

Other changes

  • Add templates for Django performance debug toolbar

v0.9.0.3 (November 21, 2019)

UX changes

  • Significantly improve performance of rendering questions and module review page (PR #774)
  • Fix failure to display list of questions in progress history in certain circumstances

Developer changes

  • Create migrations for shortening varchar field length to 255 on siteapp.models

Deployment changes

  • Adding in health paths to examine static files.

v0.9.0.2 (October 16, 2019)

Minor patches to v0.9.0.

UX changes

  • Permissions added to settings modal. Permissions removed from settings. (#761)
  • Correctly display database type SQLite on /settings (#764)

Documentation changes

  • Minor typo corrections. (#762)

v0.9.0 (October 9, 2019)

Our most exciting release of GovReady-Q!

  • Faster loading and launching of asssessments/questionnaires!
  • Simplified install with no subdomains to worry about!
  • Better permissions model using Django-Guardian!
  • Portfolios to organize projects and manage permissions and access!
  • Better authoring tools!
  • Streamlined new register,login page!
  • Beautiful and helpful new start page!
  • One-click deployment scripts for simple testing deployments into AWS.


Running the migrations to update the database will perform changes that will prevent rolling back the data migrations.

Migrating from 0.8.6 to 0.9.0

We recommend testing 0.9.0 with an empty database.

We recommend testing migrations from 0.8.6 to 0.9.0 against a copy of your database.

We have developed migration script and guide to support 0.8.6 to 0.9.0 upgrades.

New commands help populate 0.8.6 test data to test migration scripts.

Security enhancements

  • Upgrade to Django 2.2.x to address multiple security vulnerabilities in Django prior to 2.2.

Catalog changes

  • Compliance apps catalog (blank projects/assessments) read from the database rather than going to remote repositories App Source. Performance significantly improved.
  • Delete app catalog cache because the page loads fast.
  • New versions of the compliance apps are added to the catalog at the bottom of the Guidedmodules > AppSource page in the Django admin interface.

Multitenancy and subdomains removed

  • Remove multitenancy and subdomains.
  • Serve all pages on the same domain.
  • Remove organization-specific name and branding from nav bar.
  • Projects page now shows projects across all of a user's organizations, various functions that returned resources specific to an organization don't filter by organization.
  • Single apps catalog for all users. (In future we will use new permissions model to restrict access to compliance apps in catalog.)
  • [WIP] Remove link to legacy organization project in settings page.

Portfolios added

  • Portfolio feature to organize and manage related projects (assessments).
  • Projects exist in only one portfolio.
  • [WIP] When a new user joins GovReady they are automatically added and made owner of their own Portfolio.
  • Any user can create a portfolio and add projects to the portfolio.
  • Users can be invited to a Portfolio by Portfolio owners and granted ownership by Portfolio owners.

Permission changes

  • Added popular, mature Django-Guardian permission framework to enable better management of permissions on indivdidual instances of objects.
  • New Permissions object primarily applied to portfolios in this release, with some overlap into projects.
  • Preserved original lifecycle interface in template project_lifecycle_original.html.
  • On login errors make signin tab active on page reload to display the errors.
  • Remove listing in catalog of the fields related to the size of the organization.
  • Display username instead of email address for user string.
  • Use plane language for names of top-level questionnaire stage columns: To Do, In Progress, Submitted, Approved.

Authoring tool improvements

  • Superusers can create whole new questionnaire files.
  • Edit question modular dialog moved from large center screen popup to right-hand sidebar.
  • Increase readability of edit form.
  • Insert question into questionnaire.
  • Enable editing on questionnaires from all App Sources instead of just "local".
  • Button to view entire questionnaire source YAML.
  • TEMPORARY correction of admin access to get tests to run. MUST FIX.
  • Upgrade assessment no longer requires loading intermediary page; Upgrade routine begins directly with action button.

UX changes

  • Clean up reactive styling to operate across multi-size screens.
  • Register/login page simplified by putting register and sign in inside a tabs and replacing jumbotron look and feel with minimal sign up and join links.
  • User home /project page improved with four getting started actions recommend on what was previously a nearly blank page; replacing "compliance app" terminology with "project" terminology; sleeker table-like display of started projects.
  • Question progress list improved styling incorporates colors to more clearly see completed and skipped questions and displays module to module progress.
  • Question navigation to next question now linear to make skipping around easier and links to question in next module.
  • Nav bar provides "add" button to start new project or create portfolio from every appropriate page.
  • Nav bar improved with displayed links to "Projects" and "Portfolios".
  • Nav bar icons for "Analytics" and "Settings"; Remove of dropdown "MENU" item.
  • Django messages indicating successful logins/logouts now ignored in base template. Change will hide any Django message of level "Success". Hiding success messages removes the need to dismiss messages or fade them out.

Developer changes

Organization related

  • The OrganizationSubdomainMiddleware which checked the subdomain in the request host header, performed Organization-level authorization checks, and set the global request.organization attribute to the requested Organization, is deleted.
  • the Content Security Policy for the site is updated to remove the white-listed landing domain (we used it for cross-origin requests to get user profile photos, which were always served from the landing domain)
  • Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS setting no longer needs an entry for a wildcard subdomain under the landing domain since we are not using that anymore.
  • Update tests for organizational removal.
  • Remove description of multi-tenant mode and organization subdomains from documentation.
  • siteapp.views.new_folder isn't currently in use, so did not fully update related code to get the new folder's organization from somewhere.
  • Starting to switching language from apps to assessments/questionnaires.
  • Beware of legacy references to organization in source code. Still cleaning up removal of multitenancy and subdomains.
  • Absolute URLs to user-uploaded media now use SITE_ROOT_URL instead of organization subdomains.
  • The landing domain URLs are moved into the main urlconf (except the ones that were duplicated in both urlconfs because they appeared on both domains).
  • Revise API URLs to no longer have the organization in the path (we can put it back if it was nice, but it no longer serves a functional purpose).
  • Remove the Invitation.organization field.

Questionnaire related

  • AppVersion now has a boolean field for whether the instance should be included in the compliance apps catalog for users to start new projects with that app.

  • The AppSource admin now lists all of the apps provided by the source and has links to import new app versions into the database and to see the app versions already in the database by version number.

  • When starting a compliance app (i.e. creating a new project), we no longer have to import the app from the remote repository --- instead, we create a new Project and set its root_task to point to a Module in an AppVersion already in the database.

  • App loading is refactored in a few places. The routines for getting app catalog information from the remote app data are removed since now we only need it for apps already stored in the database.

  • The AppSource admin's approved app lists form is removed since adding apps into the database is now an administrative function and the database column for it is dropped.

  • Tests now load into the database the apps they need.

  • The app catalog cache is removed since the page loads much faster.

  • User profile information was previously pre-loaded by the OrganizationSubdomainMiddleware, now it's loaded on first use.

  • When users register, the email to site admins no longer includes the organization they were looking at when they signed up because there's no such thing anymore.

  • Fix tests to login with new forms in landing page tabs


  • Fix various SonarQube reported issues to use preferred HTML tags for stong and em
  • Testmocking scripts for populating test data into application.

Deployment changes

  • Remove multi-tenancy and serves all pages from the on the same domain. Previosuly, requests to Q came in on subdomains and the subdomain determined which Organization in the database the request would be associated with and individuals had to re-login across subdomains. Multitenancy increased install complexity and we were not seeing use of the multitenancy feature. Deployment is now simpler.
  • Add deployment scripts of multi-container GovReady-Q and NGINX via Docker-compose.
  • Prevent multiple notification emails in environments running multiple Q instances against single database by performing record lock on notification and checking if notification already sent.
  • first_run reports if Superuser previously created.
  • Added check to to prevent unintended 0.9.0 databse upgrades.


  • The AppInstance model/database table was renamed to AppVersion to better reflect the meaning of the model.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.6.2 (August 14, 2019)

Development/testing changes:

  • Added script for quick install and testing with mock data.
  • Added mock data generation for testing.

Documentation changes:

  • Tabbed docs.
  • Improvements in documentation.

v0.8.6.1 (May 08, 2019)

Deployment changes:

  • [Fix] Modified Dockerfile to build MySQL-related libraries into Docker deployment so container would support using MySQL databases out of the box.

v0.8.6 (April 29, 2019)

Application changes:

  • Removed "I'll Come Back" and "Unsure" skip buttons that were confusing users. (Data structures retained in database for backward compatability and for possible improved version of indicators.)
  • Organization Administrators can now be added within organization Settings by other Organization Administrators.
  • Project (e.g., Compliance App) administrators can now be added within Apps settings.
  • @ mention any user within discussion regardless of organization or project member instead of @ mentioning only users within the project.
  • The compliance apps catalog is now read from compliance apps cached in the database rather than querying local and remote AppSources each time the catalog is loaded or an app is started. A new field is added to the AppVersion (formerly AppInstance) model in the database for whether it should be included in the compliance apps catalog. The AppSource admin's approved apps list table is replaced with a new table showing which compliance apps from the source are already in the compliance apps catalog (or hidden from the catalog but in the database) and which which can be added.

Developer changes:

  • Expose rich question metadata within output document templates. Documents can now access if question was skipped by user and skip reason, if question was answered or not, if answer imputed and other goodies.
  • Compliance App authors can now remove the skip buttons from displaying on questions by indicating them hidden in the App's app.yaml file.

Documentation changes:

  • Clearer system requirements discussion.
  • Fixed a mis-matched heading in documentation that was causing generated hierarchial table of contents to be malformed.
  • Reflowed documentation sections to put deployment instructions earlier and improved structure of deployment instructions.
  • Test documentation now includes examples for running individual test Classes and methods.

Deployment changes:

  • Split off MySQL-related libraries into a separate pip requirements file so mysql-config library would only be required when installing Q with MySQL.
  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • The AppInstance model/database table was renamed to AppVersion to better reflect the meaning of the model.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.5 (February 9, 2019)

Application changes:

  • An undocumented feature called "unskippable questions" was removed. This feature inadvertently hid some questions, resulting in a module being indicated as finished but its progress bar showing questions are unfinished.

Deployment changes:

  • GovReady-Q can now be deployed behind an enterprise reverse proxy authentication server that sends login information in HTTP headers.
  • Python 3.6+ is now required.
  • Documentation was added for creating a custom Docker image that adds organization branding to the site.

Developer changes:

  • Add a new VERSION file to source code control that stores the current version of the software, plus a commit hash for public releases, so that nightly builds don't fail because of a missing VERSION file. Add build tests to ensure the VERSION file matches the top release in and ends with "+devel" if and only if this is a development release.
  • The application was not working on macOS in version v0.8.4 because of a bug in commonmark 0.8.0.
  • Some of the templates were split out into multiple files to make it easier to override them for custom branding.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.4 (October 23, 2018)

Application changes:

  • "Invite Colleague" on the home page now is always displayed instead of being hidden in some cases.
  • The "Related Controls" button on project pages is back now as "Documents."

App authoring changes:

  • Output document templates can now be stored in separate files rather than all output document templates being stored in the module YAML file.

Other changes:

  • A new command-line tool called "assemble" is available that instantiates an entire project from a YAML file of app selections and question answers and generates/saves output documents to files on disk.
  • Add system minimum and recommended software requirements to documentation.
  • Version 0.8.3 skipped.

Developer changes:

  • Non-cryptographic hash functions replace cryptographic hash functions in places where a cryptographic hash function is not necessary and might be excessively slow.
  • Other minor fixes.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.2 (July 20, 2018)

Application changes:

  • Javascript and CSS static assets of compliance apps may have had the wrong MIME type set.

App authoring changes:

  • The authoring tool is updated to show app catalog and other app-module YAML in two textareas instead of one, since they are now stored separately in the database (see below), but they are recombined when the authoring tool updates local files.
  • A new version-name field is added to app.yaml catalog information.

Deployment changes:

  • The HTTP Content-Security-Policy header is now set to prevent browsers from loading any third-party assets.
  • A CentOS 7-based Vagrantfile has been added to the source distribution for those looking to deploy using a VM.
  • Added some outputs to Docker launches to see the Q version and the container user during build and at the very start of container startup.
  • We're now publishing version tags to Docker Hub so that past versions of GovReady-Q remain available when we publish a new release.
  • With Docker, email environment variable settings were ignored since the last (-rc3) release.

Developer changes:

  • The AppInstance table now has created and updated datetime columns, version_number and version_name columns extracted from the catalog metadata, and a new catalog_metadata field that holds the original YAML 'catalog' information (but in JSON in the database; this information was previously in the 'app' Module's spec field).
  • The ModuleAssetPack table is dropped and its columns have been moved to the AppInstance table.
  • Code refactoring: split into two modules.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.2-rc3 (May 18, 2018)

Application changes:

  • Apps can now be upgraded by project administrators.
  • Project administrators can now delete tasks.
  • Emojis are now served using static assets and an emoji-related IE11 incompatibiltiy was fixed.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

App authoring changes:

  • Apps can now have a file which is displayed in the app's catalog page, replacing the catalog long description field.
  • Templates now allow multi-line Jinja2 directives.
  • Template errors now show line numbers.

API changes:

  • module-set questions can now be created through the API.

Administrative changes:

  • Minor bug fixes.

Deployment changes:

  • Documentation is now published at
  • Docker launch failed if HTTPS environment variable was not passed in and may have failed with a permission denied error and now gives a better error message when the database cannot be created on a read-only filesystem.
  • Docker deployments now support environment variables for all application settings. opened, such as if we're in a Docker container with a read-only filesystem, and documentation improved.
  • Added a new branding environment setting for sites to override templates and provide new assets using a custom Django app, and improved our Dockerfile to make it easier for downstream packagers to incorporate into their own images.
  • Added HTTP->HTTPS redirects in Docker deployments using HTTPS that also respond to HTTP requests.
  • Updated documentation for App Sources and RHEL deployments.
  • Added preliminary documentation for deplying to Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Service.

Developer changes:

  • Docker builds now run yum update, install a MySQL database driver, and run Django checks.
  • Improved the test_screenshots management command to help creating screencasts.
  • Dropped dependency licensing checking.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.2-rc2 (April 12, 2018)

Application changes:

  • Downloading output documents in 'markdown' format no longer round-trips through pandoc when the template was authored as Markdown.
  • Fix caching bug with output documents in multiple formats.
  • Small UI improvements.

App authoring changes:

  • Templates no longer die when an undefined variable is accessed but instead show inline error messages.

Deployment changes:

  • Docker launch failed if some environment variables were not passed in.

Developer changes:

  • Docker image build script now pulls the latest CentOS image before building and checks that a CHANGELOG entry has been added for the release version.
  • Changelog entries added for recent past releases.
  • Upgraded some dependencies.

v0.8.2-rc1 (April 9, 2018)

Administrative changes:

  • Send site admins an email whenever a user signs up or an organization is created.

Deployment changes:

  • Docker now uses uWSGI as the production-grade HTTP+application server instead of runserver.
  • Docker now uses supervisord to run the application server and the notification emails background process, which had not been running in Docker deployments.
  • Our Docker first_run script was broken by a recent release.

v0.8.1 (April 9, 2018)

Application changes:

  • Replace the "Skip" button with I don't know, It doesn't apply, I'll come back, and Not sure.
  • Minor UI improvements.

v0.8.0: v0.8.0-rc0 (Feb. 27, 2018) through v0.8.0-rc13 (April 6, 2018)

Application changes:

  • The homepage listing projects and folders has been revamped to lay out compliance projects in lifecycle stage columns.
  • Project pages now arrange tasks in columns as well according to the completion status of the task, tasks have progress bars showing completion, and module-set questions with multiple answers are now shown as separate entries.
  • On the review page, the reviewed state of questions can now be changed with one click.
  • Discussion comments are now entered using a plain text editor instead of a rich text editor, and @-mention autocompletes are working again.
  • Added a button to clear the compliance apps catalog cache to the bottom of the app catalog page that only users with the Django appsource_change permission can see.
  • Added various error handling for invalid app content and invalid AppSource configurations.
  • Tasks whose titles are automatically set by rendering the instance-name field now revert back to the module title string if the instance-name field refers to a question that has not yet been answered.
  • Project import now has a better UI for its results page.
  • Some performance improvements.
  • Minor UI fixes and improvements.
  • Fixed a bug in project import with invalid data.
  • Fixed crash related to discussion guests on dangling discussions.

Administrative changes:

  • Add a new settings page for administrative functions including setting up the help squad and reviewers and listing organization administrators.
  • Improved the AppSource admin page to clarify setting up public and private git repositories.
  • AppSources can now control which apps are shown in the catalog.
  • AppSources for git repositories now use the repository's default branch instead of "master," since it might not be "master," if a branch is not specified.

App authoring changes:

  • Improved the app authoring tools.
  • Add a new management command for taking screenshots of starting a compliance app and answering its questions to make documentation writing easier.
  • Added an 'examples' field to questions for showing example answers on question pages.
  • Added 'display: top' option to output documents to show the document at the top of the task finished page.
  • Apps can now be hidden by AppSource repositories using a catalog.yaml file.
  • The ephemeral encryption feature was removed.
  • The "required" field on questions was removed.
  • The "tab" field on questions was removed.
  • The "external-function" question type was removed.
  • Updated documentation screenshots.

Deployment changes:

  • Docker deployments now run the container's CMD process as a non-root user.
  • Docker deployments now support running with a read-only root filesystem.
  • Docker containers wouldn't start if FIRST_RUN wasn't set.
  • Docker image now uses CentOS 7 rather than Debian.
  • Docker deployments now have more logging.
  • MySQL databases are now supported.
  • Various other fixes for Docker.

Development changes:

  • Add static code analysis testing in CircleCI using bandit.
  • Added code coverage artifact to CircleCI builds.
  • Upgraded our CircleCI CI pipeline to CircleCI 2.0.
  • Added ability to run unit tests within the Docker deployment container.
  • Replaced hard-coded test passwords with randomly generated strings.
  • Small changes to avoid false positives in static code scanning.
  • Improvements to the Docker launch scripts.
  • Added some tests. Minor changes to tests.
  • Upgraded to the Django 2.0.3 framework.
  • Upgraded and pinned some dependencies.
  • Documentation improvemnts.
  • The installation of psycopg2 in the Dockerfile is now in requirements.txt so its hashes are checked when downloaded.

v0.7.0-rc2 (January 8, 2018)

First release.