Handle merge / merge-conflict (commit everything, pick newest, notify)
- Add the logs of operation to .git/logs/auto-sync
Daemon - proper logs
CLI auto-complete
Add a merge strategy where it doesn't take the YAML header changes into account
Add a way to only sync some-subfolder in a repo
Ensure that the 'daemon' process can be found
- It seems it wasn't being installed by the homebrew package
Check the state of the git repo before
- Make sure it isn't in the middle of a rebase / merge
- Make sure that head commit is pointing to a branch
- Make sure that branch has a proper remote tracking branch
Write about how to handle the case with an ssh-agent running
When stopping the daemon, do not do anything if it is not running
Avoid these thousands of commits each time one saves a file
- Try to batch them together?
- Or optionally, it should only be saved when the editor is closed
- For vim this means figuring out the backupfile directory
Empty files aren't being tracked? This behaviour needs to be documented
Add a config checker to make sure things are good
It doesn't seem to be tracking some deletes?
These constant small small commits by Obsidian are annoying me. Have a simple way to do an append commit, and push it every '10 minutes' or so. Do not discount the annoyance caused by this.