A dotnet core console application that uses the ByBit API to ladder orders.
For Testnet https://testnet.bybit.com/user/api-management
For Mainnet https://www.bybit.com/app/user/api-management
Edit the appsettings.json file and enter your details as appropriate:
"TestNet": true,
"ApiAuthorization": {
"ApiKey": "kxLuuAAVVcmdcbihm1",
"Sign": "Ko9bPRk9y4AVm1rVjpRoEAQeghsecirqL1rc"
Libraries for connecting to the Bybit API. https://github.com/bybit-exchange/bybit-official-api-docs
- Replaced NewtonSoft.Json for System.Text.Json
- Removed all un-necessary API and models
- Coverted over Client to apply authentication and signature at API run-time. See: https://github.com/bybit-exchange/bybit-official-api-docs/blob/master/en/rest_api_sign.md#authentication
- Added signature algorythm
- Changed API requests to return base model, which includes full response message. See: https://github.com/bybit-exchange/bybit-official-api-docs/blob/master/en/rest_api_sign.md#response-messages
- Ability to ladder orders based on a starting price, end price and the number of rungs.
- Ability to generate a linear order for each rung of the ladder.
- Ability to specify the total quantity to use in ladder.
- Ability to ladder any available currency.
By default the application logs information levels. The application also provides the ability to log to a file and the console. To adjust the logging level, edit the application appsettings.json
file, setting the "rules" minLevel as appropriate.
For example, the following rule will set the file logging level to "Debug":
"rules": [
"logger": "*",
"minLevel": "Debug",
"writeTo": "logToFile"
The log levels, in descending order, are as follows:
Level | Typical Use |
Fatal | Something bad happened; application may crash |
Error | Something failed; application may or may not continue |
Warn | Something unexpected; application will continue |
Info | Normal behavior like API key retrieved, order made, etc. |
Debug | For debugging; activities such as executed order, etc. |
Trace | For trace debugging; begin method X, end method X |
There is one more level, Off. Since it is the highest value and is not used for entries, it disables logging when used as the minimum log level.