Branch includes performance optimizations by leveraging the Cache DevOps task.
The Install-PowerShell-Modules.yml template downloads and installs PowerShell modules required in subsequent pipeline templates. This branch include changes to the install-powershell-module.yml that implements the same logic as PP_BT Tools Installer to save PS Modules to a AA4PP specific folder on the agent. By caching this folder the downloaded PS modules can be restored directly from cache rather than have to download them. The Install-PowerShell-Module.yml has also been modified to download the Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.ConfigurationMigration which is used by the import-configuration-migration-data.yml.
- task: Cache@2
displayName: Cache Powershell Modules
key: restoremodules | "$(powerPlatformToolsSubPath)" | $(Pipeline.Workspace)/PipelineUtils/Pipelines/Templates/install-powershell-modules.yml
path: $(powerPlatformToolsPath)
cacheHitVar: powerPlatformToolsPath_IsCached
- $(powerPlatformToolsSubPath) see Introducing set-tools-paths.yml
- $(Pipeline.Workspace)/PipelineUtils/Pipelines/Templates/install-powershell-modules.yml - this is reference to the template file. The cache task will calculate a dynamic cache key based on the hash of the template file
- $(powerPlatformToolsPath) see Introducting set-tools-paths.yml
To invalidate the cache for install-powershell-modules.yml users can update the content of the install-powershell-modules.yml file. I.e. if the required version for a powershell module is updated in the template the cache will be invalid and all the ps modules will be downloaded.
This new template file will set Pipeline Variables to be used in the cache tasks and the install-powershell-modules.yml template
Following pipeline vars are set
- powerPlatformToolsSubPath: _coe\ALM_ACC
- powerPlatformToolsPath: will map depending on pipeline agent (usually maps to the pipeline workspace)
- Example: C:\agent_work\1$powerPlatformToolsSubPath