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558 lines (513 loc) · 14.9 KB

File metadata and controls

558 lines (513 loc) · 14.9 KB

You are a distributed systems architect for a billion-scale real-time communication platform called General Bots or gb. The system combines bot capabilities, WebRTC communication, and massive-scale messaging with the following architecture:

  1. Core Domains and Models:

A. Customer Hierarchy:

  • Customer (top-level organization)
    • Multiple Instances
    • Subscription Management
    • Resource Quotas
    • Regional Distribution
    • Billing & Usage Tracking

B. Instance Management:

  • Per-customer instances
  • Resource isolation
  • Regional deployment
  • Feature toggles
  • Usage monitoring
  • Shard management
  1. Communication Infrastructure:

A. Real-time Rooms:

  • WebRTC-based communication
  • Track management (audio/video)
  • Participant handling
  • Room scaling
  • Media processing
  • Recording capabilities
  • Video based rooms like Zoom.
  • Tiktok lives - like

B. Messaging System:

  • Sharded message queues
  • Message persistence
  • Real-time delivery
  • Message routing
  • Delivery status tracking
  • Message search
  1. Database Schema:

A. Core Tables:

CREATE TABLE customers (
    name VARCHAR(255),
    subscription_tier VARCHAR(50),
    status VARCHAR(50),
    max_instances INTEGER,
    metadata JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ

CREATE TABLE instances (
    customer_id UUID,
    name VARCHAR(255),
    status VARCHAR(50),
    shard_id INTEGER,
    region VARCHAR(50),
    config JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ

    customer_id UUID,
    instance_id UUID,
    name VARCHAR(255),
    kind VARCHAR(50),
    status VARCHAR(50),
    config JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ

CREATE TABLE messages (
    customer_id UUID,
    instance_id UUID,
    conversation_id UUID,
    sender_id UUID,
    kind VARCHAR(50),
    content TEXT,
    metadata JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMPTZ,
    shard_key INTEGER

Also consider every table here even if you reorganize: BOnlineSubscription GuaribasAdmin GuaribasAnswer GuaribasApplications GuaribasChannel GuaribasConversation GuaribasConversationMessage GuaribasGroup GuaribasInstance GuaribasLog GuaribasPackage GuaribasQuestion GuaribasQuestionAlternate GuaribasSchedule GuaribasSubject GuaribasUser GuaribasUserGroup

  1. Scaling Architecture:

A. Storage Layer:

  • PostgreSQL (relational data)
    • Sharded by customer_id
    • Partitioned tables
    • Read replicas
  • TiKV (distributed KV)
    • Real-time data
    • Cache layer
    • Fast lookups
  • Redis (caching)
    • Session data
    • Rate limiting
    • Temporary storage

B. Message Queue:

  • Kafka clusters
    • Sharded topics
    • Message routing
    • Event streaming
  • Redis Pub/Sub
    • Real-time updates
    • Presence information
    • Status changes

C. Media Handling:

  • WebRTC media servers
  • Track multiplexing
  • Media processing
  • Recording storage
  1. API Structure:

A. System APIs:

pub trait SystemAPI {
    async fn call_vm(&self, pid: Uuid, text: String) -> Result<String>;
    async fn wait(&self, pid: Uuid, seconds: i32) -> Result<()>;
    async fn save_file(&self, pid: Uuid, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<FileInfo>;
    async fn execute_sql(&self, pid: Uuid, sql: String) -> Result<QueryResult>;

B. Room APIs:

pub trait RoomAPI {
    async fn create_room(&self, config: RoomConfig) -> Result<Room>;
    async fn join_room(&self, room_id: Uuid, user_id: Uuid) -> Result<Connection>;
    async fn publish_track(&self, track: TrackInfo) -> Result<Track>;
    async fn subscribe_track(&self, track_id: Uuid) -> Result<Subscription>;

C. Message APIs:

pub trait MessageAPI {
    async fn send_message(&self, message: Message) -> Result<MessageId>;
    async fn get_messages(&self, filter: MessageFilter) -> Result<Vec<Message>>;
    async fn update_status(&self, message_id: Uuid, status: Status) -> Result<()>;
  1. Monitoring & Operations:

A. Metrics:

  • System health
  • Resource usage
  • Message throughput
  • Media quality
  • Error rates
  • API latency

B. Scaling Operations:

  • Auto-scaling rules
  • Shard management
  • Load balancing
  • Failover handling
  • Data migration

C. Security:

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Rate limiting
  • Data encryption
  • Audit logging

Implementation Guidelines:

  1. Use Rust for:
  • Performance critical paths
  • Memory safety
  • Concurrent processing
  • System reliability
  1. Sharding Strategy:
  • Shard by customer_id
  • Instance isolation
  • Regional distribution
  • Data locality
  1. Performance Targets:
  • Billion concurrent connections
  • Sub-second message delivery
  • 4K video streaming
  • Petabyte-scale storage
  1. Reliability Requirements:
  • 99.99% uptime
  • No message loss
  • Automatic failover
  • Data redundancy

When implementing features, consider:

  1. Multi-tenant isolation
  2. Resource quotas
  3. Security boundaries
  4. Performance impact
  5. Scaling implications
  6. Monitoring requirements

The system should handle:

  1. Billions of active users
  2. Millions of concurrent rooms
  3. Petabytes of message history
  4. Global distribution
  5. Real-time communication
  6. Bot automation

API: System Keywords:

POST /systemKeywords/callVM POST /systemKeywords/append POST /systemKeywords/seeCaption POST /systemKeywords/seeText POST /systemKeywords/sortBy POST /systemKeywords/JSONAsGBTable POST /systemKeywords/renderTable POST /systemKeywords/closeHandles POST /systemKeywords/asPDF POST /systemKeywords/asImage POST /systemKeywords/executeSQL POST /systemKeywords/getFileContents POST /systemKeywords/getRandomId POST /systemKeywords/getStock POST /systemKeywords/wait POST /systemKeywords/talkTo POST /systemKeywords/getUser POST /systemKeywords/sendSmsTo POST /systemKeywords/set POST /systemKeywords/internalGetDocument POST /systemKeywords/saveFile POST /systemKeywords/uploadFile POST /systemKeywords/note POST /systemKeywords/saveToStorageBatch POST /systemKeywords/saveToStorage POST /systemKeywords/saveToStorageWithJSON POST /systemKeywords/save POST /systemKeywords/getHttp POST /systemKeywords/isValidDate POST /systemKeywords/isValidNumber POST /systemKeywords/isValidHour POST /systemKeywords/getFilter POST /systemKeywords/find POST /systemKeywords/getDateFromLocaleString POST /systemKeywords/createFolder POST /systemKeywords/shareFolder POST /systemKeywords/internalCreateDocument POST /systemKeywords/createDocument POST /systemKeywords/copyFile POST /systemKeywords/convert POST /systemKeywords/generatePassword POST /systemKeywords/flattenJSON POST /systemKeywords/getCustomToken POST /systemKeywords/getByHttp POST /systemKeywords/putByHttp POST /systemKeywords/postByHttp POST /systemKeywords/numberOnly POST /systemKeywords/createLead POST /systemKeywords/fill POST /systemKeywords/screenCapture POST /systemKeywords/numberToLetters POST /systemKeywords/getTableFromName POST /systemKeywords/merge POST /systemKeywords/tweet POST /systemKeywords/rewrite POST /systemKeywords/pay POST /systemKeywords/autoSave POST /systemKeywords/internalAutoSave POST /systemKeywords/deleteFromStorage POST /systemKeywords/deleteFile POST /systemKeywords/getExtensionInfo POST /systemKeywords/dirFolder POST /systemKeywords/log Dialog Keywords:

POST /dialogKeywords/chart POST /dialogKeywords/getOCR POST /dialogKeywords/getToday POST /dialogKeywords/exit POST /dialogKeywords/getActiveTasks POST /dialogKeywords/createDeal POST /dialogKeywords/findContact POST /dialogKeywords/getContentLocaleWithCulture POST /dialogKeywords/getCoded POST /dialogKeywords/getWeekFromDate POST /dialogKeywords/getDateDiff POST /dialogKeywords/format POST /dialogKeywords/dateAdd [...and many more dialog-related endpoints] Web Automation:

POST /webAutomation/isSelector POST /webAutomation/cyrb53 POST /webAutomation/closeHandles POST /webAutomation/openPage POST /webAutomation/getPageByHandle POST /webAutomation/getBySelector POST /webAutomation/getByFrame POST /webAutomation/hover POST /webAutomation/click [...and more web automation endpoints]

Image Processing:

POST /imageProcessing/sharpen POST /imageProcessing/mergeImage POST /imageProcessing/blur

Debugger Service:

There must have be a webassymbly that convert BASIC code using a compiler to webassymbly and support remotedebugging by API.

POST /debuggerService/setBreakpoint POST /debuggerService/refactor POST /debuggerService/resume POST /debuggerService/stop POST /debuggerService/step POST /debuggerService/getContext POST /debuggerService/start POST /debuggerService/sendMessage

Dependencies original, migrate everything to workspace.dependencies "@azure/arm-appservice": "15.0.0", "@azure/arm-cognitiveservices": "7.5.0", "@azure/arm-resources": "5.2.0", "@azure/arm-search": "3.2.0", "@azure/arm-sql": "10.0.0", "@azure/arm-subscriptions": "5.1.0", "@azure/cognitiveservices-computervision": "8.2.0", "@azure/keyvault-keys": "4.8.0", "@azure/ms-rest-js": "2.7.0", "@azure/msal-node": "2.13.1", "@azure/openai": "2.0.0-beta.1", "@azure/search-documents": "12.1.0", "@azure/storage-blob": "12.24.0", "@google-cloud/pubsub": "4.7.0", "@google-cloud/translate": "8.5.0", "@hubspot/api-client": "11.2.0", "@koa/cors": "5.0.0", "@langchain/anthropic": "^0.3.7", "@langchain/community": "0.2.31", "@langchain/core": "^0.3.17", "@langchain/openai": "0.2.8", "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client": "3.0.7", "@nlpjs/basic": "4.27.0", "@nosferatu500/textract": "3.1.3", "@push-rpc/core": "1.9.0", "@push-rpc/http": "1.9.0", "@push-rpc/openapi": "1.9.0", "@push-rpc/websocket": "1.9.0", "@semantic-release/changelog": "6.0.3", "@semantic-release/exec": "6.0.3", "@semantic-release/git": "10.0.1", "@sendgrid/mail": "8.1.3", "@sequelize/core": "7.0.0-alpha.37", "@types/node": "22.5.2", "@types/validator": "13.12.1", "adm-zip": "0.5.16", "ai2html": "^0.121.1", "alasql": "4.5.1", "any-shell-escape": "0.1.1", "arraybuffer-to-buffer": "0.0.7", "async-mutex": "0.5.0", "async-promises": "0.2.3", "async-retry": "1.3.3", "basic-auth": "2.0.1", "billboard.js": "3.13.0", "bluebird": "3.7.2", "body-parser": "1.20.2", "botbuilder": "4.23.0", "botbuilder-adapter-facebook": "1.0.12", "botbuilder-ai": "4.23.0", "botbuilder-dialogs": "4.23.0", "botframework-connector": "4.23.0", "botlib": "5.0.0", "c3-chart-maker": "0.2.8", "cd": "0.3.3", "chalk-animation": "2.0.3", "chatgpt": "5.2.5", "chrome-remote-interface": "0.33.2", "cli-progress": "3.12.0", "cli-spinner": "0.2.10", "core-js": "3.38.1", "cors": "2.8.5", "csv-database": "0.9.2", "data-forge": "1.10.2", "date-diff": "1.0.2", "docximager": "0.0.4", "docxtemplater": "3.50.0", "dotenv-extended": "2.9.0", "electron": "32.0.1", "exceljs": "4.4.0", "express": "4.19.2", "express-remove-route": "1.0.0", "facebook-nodejs-business-sdk": "^20.0.2", "ffmpeg-static": "5.2.0", "formidable": "^3.5.1", "get-image-colors": "4.0.1", "glob": "^11.0.0", "google-libphonenumber": "3.2.38", "googleapis": "143.0.0", "hnswlib-node": "3.0.0", "html-to-md": "0.8.6", "http-proxy": "1.18.1", "ibm-watson": "9.1.0", "icojs": "^0.19.4", "instagram-private-api": "1.46.1", "iso-639-1": "3.1.3", "isomorphic-fetch": "3.0.0", "jimp": "1.6.0", "js-md5": "0.8.3", "json-schema-to-zod": "2.4.0", "jsqr": "^1.4.0", "just-indent": "0.0.1", "keyv": "5.0.1", "koa": "2.15.3", "koa-body": "6.0.1", "koa-ratelimit": "5.1.0", "koa-router": "12.0.1", "langchain": "0.2.17", "language-tags": "1.0.9", "line-replace": "2.0.1", "lodash": "4.17.21", "luxon": "3.5.0", "mammoth": "1.8.0", "mariadb": "3.3.1", "mime-types": "2.1.35", "moment": "2.30.1", "ms-rest-azure": "3.0.2", "mysql": "^2.18.1", "nexmo": "2.9.1", "ngrok": "5.0.0-beta.2", "node-cron": "3.0.3", "node-html-parser": "6.1.13", "node-nlp": "4.27.0", "node-tesseract-ocr": "2.2.1", "nodemon": "^3.1.7", "npm": "10.8.3", "open": "10.1.0", "open-docxtemplater-image-module": "1.0.3", "openai": "4.57.0", "pdf-extraction": "1.0.2", "pdf-parse": "1.1.1", "pdf-to-png-converter": "3.3.0", "pdfjs-dist": "4.6.82", "pdfkit": "0.15.0", "phone": "3.1.50", "pizzip": "3.1.7", "pptxtemplater": "1.0.5", "pragmatismo-io-framework": "1.1.1", "prism-media": "1.3.5", "public-ip": "7.0.1", "punycode": "2.3.1", "puppeteer": "23.2.2", "puppeteer-extra": "3.3.6", "puppeteer-extra-plugin-minmax": "1.1.2", "puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth": "2.11.2", "qr-scanner": "1.4.2", "qrcode": "1.5.4", "qrcode-reader": "^1.0.4", "qrcode-terminal": "0.12.0", "readline": "1.3.0", "reflect-metadata": "0.2.2", "rimraf": "6.0.1", "safe-buffer": "5.2.1", "scanf": "1.2.0", "sequelize": "6.37.3", "sequelize-cli": "6.6.2", "sequelize-typescript": "2.1.6", "simple-git": "3.26.0", "speakingurl": "14.0.1", "sqlite3": "5.1.7", "ssr-for-bots": "1.0.1-c", "strict-password-generator": "1.1.2", "svg2img": "^1.0.0-beta.2", "swagger-client": "3.29.2", "swagger-ui-dist": "5.17.14", "tabulator-tables": "6.2.5", "tedious": "18.6.1", "textract": "2.5.0", "twilio": "5.2.3", "twitter-api-v2": "1.17.2", "typeorm": "0.3.20", "typescript": "5.5.4", "url-join": "5.0.0", "vhost": "3.0.2", "vm2": "3.9.19", "vm2-process": "2.1.5", "walk-promise": "0.2.0", "washyourmouthoutwithsoap": "1.0.2", "webdav-server": "2.6.2", "webp-converter": "^2.3.3", "whatsapp-cloud-api": "0.3.1", "whatsapp-web.js": "1.26.1-alpha.1", "winston": "3.14.2", "ws": "8.18.0", "yaml": "2.5.0", "yarn": "1.22.22", "zod-to-json-schema": "3.23.2" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/qrcode": "1.5.5", "@types/url-join": "4.0.3", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "8.4.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "8.4.0", "ban-sensitive-files": "1.10.5", "commitizen": "4.3.0", "cz-conventional-changelog": "3.3.0", "dependency-check": "4.1.0", "git-issues": "1.3.1", "license-checker": "25.0.1", "prettier-standard": "16.4.1", "semantic-release": "24.1.0", "simple-commit-message": "4.1.3", "super-strong-password-generator": "2.0.2", "super-strong-password-generator-es": "2.0.2", "travis-deploy-once": "5.0.11", "tslint": "6.1.3", "tsx": "^4.19.1", "vitest": "2.0.5"

migrate them to rust compatible,

  • do not skip items, migrate everything, in way better, in your interpretation.
  • use kubernetes and create environment configuration for everything and ingress to have several server nodes if eeed automatically
  • I NEED FULL CODE SOLUTION IN PROFESSIONAL TESTABLE RUST CODE: if you need split answer in several parts, but provide ENTIRE CODE. Complete working balenced aserver. IMPORTANTE: Generate the project in a .sh shell script output with cat, of entire code base to be restored, no placeholder neither TODOS.
  • VERY IMPORNTANT: DO NOT put things like // Add other system routes... you should WRITE ACUTAL CODE
  • Need tests for every line of code written.