+ +





The user can check whether a property holds using exhaustive and random testing, +where a _property_ is a Cryptol value of the form

{A1, ..., AL} (C1, ..., CM) => T1 -> ... -> TN -> Bit

where L, M, N >= 0.


To test a property prop, the user enters the following command into the +Cryptol REPL:


By default, this command performs the following:

  1. Check the type of prop. For each type variable of kind *, choose a +default type that satisfies all its constraints. For the type numeric type +variables (of kind #), use numeric literal sampling to gather a collection +of type assignment, each of which is tested seperately. If numeric literal +sampling fails, then try to use a default assignment provided by the SMT +solver instead (this is likely to be a trivial solution).

  2. +
  3. If prop is a valid property, compute the size of its input space, otherwise +fail. If the size is at most equal to the environment variable tests, then +use exhaustive checking, otherwise use random testing.

  4. +
  5. If using exhaustive checking, then evaluate prop on every input. If using +random testing, evaluate prop on randomly sampled inputs.

  6. +

The user can indicate that a declaration is meant to be checked by prefixing is +with the property keyword. When :check is run with no arguments, then all +property-prefixed declarations are checked.


Numeric Literal Sampling


Numeric literal sampling uses the following algorithm, defined in the submodules +of Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Sampling, to attempt to find a +well-distributed sampling of type assignments that satisfy a set of numeric type +constriants.

  1. Check that the user’s constraints fall into the domain of constraints handled +by this algorithm. Relations and operations handled by this algorithm are:

  2. +
  • TODO

  • +
  1. Convert the constraints into a system of linear equations and a set of +typeclass constraints (such as fin).

  2. +
  • e1 <= e2 converts to e1 + n = e2 where n is a fresh numeric type +variable.

  • +
  • … e % n … converts to (… m …, n*l + m = e) where l and n are +fresh numeric type variable.

  • +
  1. Solve the system using gaussian elimination.

  2. +
  3. Eliminate the denomenators of coefficients in the system.

  4. +
  • If the denomenators of the coefficients of variable n have least common +multiple d, then replace each appearance of a*n with a*d*n’ and +introduce a new variable n’ to the system, and replace the solution for +n in the system with the equation n = d*n. If n was not free but was +solved for by n = e, then add the equation n’ = e/d.

  • +
  • The denomenators of variables are eliminated in order of dependency, which +is guaranteed to be acyclic by gaussian elimination.

  • +
  1. Sample values of free variables in the system.

  2. +
  • First, collect the upper bounds on variables. +- If a variable is constrained by fin n, then the upper bound is the


    largest finite value to test.

    • For an equation such as n = 1*m + 2*l - 3*k - 4*j + 10, the following +upper bounds are inferred: m <= inf, l <= inf, k <= (1*m + 2*l)/3, j +<= (1*m + 2*l - 3*k + 10)/4.

    • +
  • +
  • Sample each variable: if a variale is upper-bounded by inf then sample +along an exponential distribution up to the maximum value to test and +additionally with some probability inf, if a variable is upper-bounded by +a finite value c then sample uniformly over the interval [0, c].

  • +



The following environment variables configure testing:

  • tests: the total number of tests to do for a single :check

  • +
  • literalSampling: whether to try to use literal sampling

  • +
  • literalSamplingBinSize: number of tests to run for each sampling

  • +



The user can try to prove that a property holds by querying an SMT solver with +the corresponding proposition. To try to prove a property prop, the user +enters the following command into the Cryptol REPL:

Cryptol> :prove prop



The following environment variables configure testing:

  • tests: the total number of tests to do for a single :check

  • +
  • literalSampling: whether to try to use literal sampling

  • +
  • literalSamplingBinSize: number of tests to run for each sampling

  • +
+ + +