You can add new icons in static/icons
. The folders are organized in license/category/author
Note that only svg files will be accepted, those files need to be stripped of uneccesary markup.
scg files should have doctype declared, no width/height set and viewBox set.
You can use svgo and svgo-viewbox to clean your vector files and adding viewBox attributes before adding them to the repo.
To add new icons then clone the repo, add your svg files to the static/icons// directory and follow instructions below.
If all this suceeds you can go ahead and submit your pull request.
# refresh icon index
cd static/icons
Add yourself to the authors file using the same alias as for the folder name. You can link e.g your personal website, your ORCID profile etc.
Do not use spaces but replace spaces with underscores.
cd ../../
# Build webapp
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
You should now see your icons in the browser when you go to localhost:3000
and search for the name of the icon.
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.