This project contains all the methods for size estimation and weight prediction. All methods with ending "_s" belongs to this project, and these are exported to another projects. The main development for size estimation and weight prediction is developed here.
Packages with "_s" belongs to ak_size_weight_sim, "_v" to ak_video_analyser.
- camera_management_s/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
- data_features_processor/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
- dataset_management/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
- depth_estimation/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
- size_estimation_s/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
- weight_prediction_s/ -> from ak_size_weight_sim
15/09/2023, Since 15/09/2023, the project changes name to ak_sw_benchmarker.