AVAILABLE NOW: Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
Image source: http://blog.naustud.io/2015/06/baseline-for-modern-front-end-developers.html
Basic to advanced HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTTP/URL, and browser skills are assumed for any type of front-end developer.
Beyond HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTTP/URL, and browser development, a front-end developer could be skilled in one or more of the following:
- Content Management Systems (aka CMS)
- Node.js
- Cross-Browser Testing
- Cross-Platform Testing
- Unit Testing
- Cross-Device Testing
- Accessibility / WAI-ARIA
- Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO)
- Interaction or User Interface Design
- User Experience
- Usability
- E-commerce Systems
- Portal Systems
- Wireframing
- CSS Layout / Grids
- DOM Manipulation (e.g., jQuery)
- Mobile Web Performance
- Load Testing
- Performance Testing
- Progressive Enhancement / Graceful Degradation
- Version Control (e.g., GIT)
- MVC / MVVM / MV*
- Functional Programming
- Data Formats (e.g., JSON, XML)
- Data APIs (e.g Restful API)
- Web Font Embedding
- Scalable Vector Graphics (aka SVG)
- Regular Expressions
- Content Strategy
- Microdata / Microformats
- Task Runners, Build Tools, Process Automation Tools
- Responsive Web Design
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Application Architecture
- Modules
- Dependency Managers
- Package Managers
- JavaScript Animation
- CSS Animation
- Charts / Graphs
- UI Widgets
- Code Quality Testing
- Code Coverage Testing
- Code Complexity Analysis
- Integration Testing
- Command Line / CLI
- Templating Strategies
- Templating Engines
- Single Page Applications
- XHR Requests (aka AJAX)
- Web/Browser Security
- HTML Semantics
- Browser Developer Tools