- Hurricane Electric Internet Services - Find out who owns an IP Address
- NetBlockTool - Find IP addresses owned by a company
- Hunter.io - Identify the email schema used by an organization
- Phonebook.cz - Lookup emails related to the organization
- EmailHippo - Validate emails identified are in use by the organization
- EmailHarvester - Find emails via search engines
- theHarvester - Well known OSINT tool that can be used to gather names, email addresses, and more
- GoPhish - An incredible open-source phishing framework
- Evilginx2 - Man-in-the-middle attack framework for phishing login credentials and bypassing 2fa
- Catphish - Generate similar looking domains for use in phishing attacks
- Boobsnail - Generate malicious XLM documents for phishing
- MacroPack - Automize obfuscation of Office documents
- Pretext-Project - Collection of pretexts to use when crafting campaigns
- YAWAST - Amazing for performing initial reconnaissance on a website. Also has a PoC for Sweet32 built into it
- Skipfish - Googles active web application security reconnaissance tool
- Nuclei - Vulnerability scanner that is actively maintained and updated frequently
- AutoDirBuster - Parse Nmap scans and run DirBuster against targets. Useful when covering a large scope$
- FeroxBuster - My replacement for Dirb and other fuzzing tooling
- Amass - In-depth attack surface mapping. Great for asset discovery and performing external reconnaissance
- Dorkbot - Scan Google search results for vulnerabilities with dorks
- PwnDB - Searches for leaked credentials
- DeHashed - Popular way to search for leaked credentials but requires payment
- Snusbase - Alternative to DeHashed
- Breach-Parse - TCM's script to parse databases and identify leaked credentials
- pwnedOrNot - OSINT tool to identify if an account has appeared in a database leak
- RustScan - Alternative to Nmap. Port scanning goes brrr
- Nmap-Elasticsearch-NSE - NSE script for scanning Elasticsearch. Useful when identified in a penetration test.
- Enum4Linux - Useful for gathering information from a host with anoymous access or authenticating to a DC to obtain a list of usernames
- Autorecon - Automated enumeration of services
- Aquatone - Visually inspect websites. Has the ability to parse Nmap scans
- EyeWitness - Visually inspect websites. My preferred tool of choice. Has the ability to parse Nessus scans
- Swagger-EZ - A tool geared towards pentesting APIs using OpenAPI definitions
- LeakedInt - LinkedIn reconnaissance tool that provides output with picture, name, email, title, and location
- WeakestLink - Reguarly updated LinkedIn recon tool (10/11/2021)
- LinkedIn2Username - My favorite LinkedIn reconnaissance tool. It should be noted that this tool will not reliably identify all of the emails for a company.
- BridgeKeeper - LinkedIn reconnaissance tool that works great in combination with LinkedIn2Username
- EmailGen - Email Generation from Bing using LinkedIn Dorks
- BruteShark - Analyze PCAPs. Can extract useful data and create a network diagram
- NetworkMiner - Analyze PCAPs. The free version is great but the professional is better (costs $$$)
- PCredz - My favorite way to analyze PCAPs or live captures. Free, fast, and great for PCI tests
- Responder - Abuse LLMNR and NBT-NS protocols (and more) to get a reliable foothold
- mitm6 - Abuse IPv6 to obtain a foothold
- Impacket - The options are endless with Impacket. Kerberoast until you drop!
- Flamingo - Capture credentials sprayed across the network
- SpoolSploit - Collection of Windows print spooler exploits. Great for obtaining a foothold or escalating privileges!
- RouterSploit - Router exploitation framework
- SIET - Smart Install Exploitation Tool
- SprayingToolkit - Spraying attacks against Lync/S4B, OWA, and O365
- CrackMapExec - Spraying attacks against.. Everything
- DomainPasswordSpray - Spraying attacks against a domain. Gathers account lockout windows which is nifty
- Spray - Spraying against Active Directory
- Patator - Multi-purpose brute-forcer. Takes a little reading of the manual but works incredibly
- BruteSpray - Brute-Forcing from an Nmap output. One of my favorites for automating the assessment of a network
- Crowbar - Brute-forcing tool that supports protocols not currently supported by Hydra
- nndefaccts - Updated Nmap default credential list
- ChangeMe - Default credential scanner. I've had mixed results with this. When it works it's great!
- DefaultCredsCheatsheet - List of common default credentials
- HAT - Hashcat Automation Tool
- OneRuleToRuleThemAll - My favorite rule list
- ProbableWordlists - Probable wordlists to use in password attacks
- Hashcat - This should go without saying.. But Hashcat is amazing
- PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit. There's a lot of password goodies and resources here
- Hate_Crack - TrustedSec's password cracking utility. Automates a lot
- Pipal - Perform password analysis
- DBeaver - One of the best tools I've used to interact with databases.
- NOSQLBooster - Interact with NoSQL (DBeaver removed this in the community version)
- Covenant - I used Covenant throughout the CRTO certification and fell in love. Free and easy to use
- Sliver - Bishop Fox's C2 framework
- Shad0w - Bats3c's C2. Used it a few times and it's a ton of fun!
- Mythic - Cross-platform C2. Previously used while on an OSX engagement
- Ruler - A tool to abuse Exchange services
- O365Spray - My goto when spraying Office 365
- Msspray - Conduct password attacks against Azure AD and Office 365 endpoints
- TeamsUserEnum - User enumeration with the Microsoft Teams API
- Carnivore - Exchange Attack Tool
- Darkarmour - Bats3c's obfuscation tool.
- PEzor - Shellcode and PE packer
- PowerShellArmoury - Store obfuscated pentesting tools in one place
- Invoke-Obfuscation - PowerShell script obfuscator
- Chameleon - PowerShell obfuscator. I've had a lot of success using this tool
- Powerglot - Powershell obfuscator using polyglots
- Phantom-Evasion - Python obfuscation tool
- Bashark - Post exploitation toolkit in a bash script
- Mimipenguin - Mimikatz for Unix
- Emp3r0r - A customizable post exploitation Linux framework
- Mystikal - Payload generator for MacOS
- MacOSRedTeaming - Mac red teaming resources
- WiFite2 - Automate attack against WiFi
- WifiPumpkin3 - Framework for rogue access point attacks
- TestSSL - One of the more comprehensive SSL/TLS testing tools I've used
- SSLScan - Useful when SSLyze doesn't work as intended
- SSLyze - Useful when SSLScan doesn't work as intended
- SSH-Audit - Comprehensive audit of SSH. Provides comprehensive information about the SSH server in use
- WeaponizeKali.sh - Automate the installation of additional tools
- My Dotfiles - Any dotfiles work, make sure you're comfortable in your environment and log log log
- Swaks - Swiss army knife for SMTP testing
- Nisahng - Collection of offensive PowerShell scripts for use in penetration testing and red teaming
- PowerSploit - Collection of offensive PowerShell scripts, useful in all phases of testing
- BetterSafetyKatz - Runs Mimikatz but better
- LdapDomainDump - Dump information about the domain. Incredibly useful for escalating privileges or gathering additional information for spraying attacks
- Conf-Thief - Exfiltrate sensitive data from Confluence
- BloodHound - Need I say more? Find attack paths and own the domain
- Snaffler - Find delicious candy on a domain
- Pwncat - Netcat on steroids. Post exploitation tool that has some neat tools built into it
- KeeFarce - Extract passwords from a KeePass 2.x database from memory
- PingCastle - Grab information about Active Directory (this tool does way more, check it out)
- ADRecon - Gathers information about Active Directory
- WinPwn - Collection of well known offensive scripts in one place
- PowerShellArmoury - Similar collection to WinPwn but can be encrypted
- RedRabbit - Same as the above, collection of red team PowerShell tools
- ACLight - Script for advanced discovery of Privileged Accounts
- Invoke-DNSDiscovery - Searches through DNS after compromising a machine to identify interesting assets
- PublicPentestingResources - Repository of public pentesting resources
- SecureKali - Tips to secure Kali Linux installation
- OffensivePipeline - Build tools within PowerShell
- Depix - Recover information from pixelized screenshots
- LDAPMonitor - Monitor changes throughout the environment during a penetration test
- Slingshot - Slingshot is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution with the MATE Desktop Environment built for use in the SANS penetration testing curriculum and beyond.
- Kali_Linux - Hopefully no explanation needed here
- Commando_VM - A fully customizable Windows-based pentesting virtual machine distribution
- Parrot_OS - GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian and designed with Security and Privacy in mind