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Installing Caller ID Superfecta v2.11.x Module for FreePBX

NonaSuomy edited this page May 11, 2014 · 1 revision

Overview, and Installation Instructions.


Caller ID Superfecta provides caller ID lookup from multiple sources, including SugarCRM, Astridex, and several online sources. This module installs the Caller ID Superfecta as a FreePBX Module. As a Module, the Configuration items can be easily changed from the Web ui.


If you have created your own data source, or performed custom modification to any of the Superfecta stock data sources – manually back them up to a safe location before upgrading the module – as these sources will be deleted without warning during upgrade and install.


Step 1: Download the most current version of the module to your desktop From Here

PBXOSSA Latest Release

or a build version from github releases 2.11.x Here

Note: release 3.0 is currently older than 2.11.x

GitHub Releases

Note: Don’t decompress the archive!

Step 2: Use a web browser to access FreePBX on your PBX. Choose Admin, Module Admin, Upload Module.

Now, browse to the superfecta-latest.tgz file or which ever 2.11.x tgz you downloaded on your Desktop and click the Upload button.

Superfecta Upload

When done upload, scroll down the Module Administration to the Admin header, look through the list and click on CID Superfecta and then the Install radio button. Now click Process on the top right, and complete the usual FreePBX install and reload process.

Superfecta Install

Step 3: Use a web browser to access FreePBX on your PBX. Choose Admin, CID Superfecta.

You will be presented with the configuration screen. Establish settings that make sense for your PBX, and click [Agree and Save] button to save your changes.

Superfecta Configuration

Note: The modules for Superfecta have their own [Submit] save button, If you need to setup modules for Superfecta. Click on the module names listed under Superfecta to change their options and then click on their own [Submit] save button first to save your options for that Superfecta module that you set for them. Then the Agree and Save button for Superfecta.

Superfecta Modules Submit

Step 4: Use a web browser to access FreePBX on your PBX. Choose Connectivity, Inbound Routes.

Select your route at the top right you want to add Superfecta abilities to, scroll down the list until you see (Superfecta CID Lookup) options, click Enable CID Superfecta check box, then select [ALL] or your profile you setup in Superfecta example: [Default], click Submit to save.

Inbound Routes

Asterisk Compatibility This Module is tested and known to work with Asterisk versions 1.4 - 1.8.

Credits: The CallerID Superfecta was written originally by Ward Mundy, as the Caller ID Trifecta and later converted to FreePBX Module format by Tony Shiffer & Jerry Swordsteel. It has continuously evolved to support more sources, and is now maintained by the PBX Open Source Software Alliance (POSSA):